A quick question:

This weekend, I have decided to reinstall my Soekris net4801 since the 80GB disk in it, after running continuously for almost 3 years now, has reported a few read errors last week. So I promptly decided to replace the disk.

I didn't have another FreeBSD machine to build a new nanobsd configuration, so I used the nanobsd package at http://people.freebsd.org/~phk/nanobsd/soekris_4x26 to put on a 64MB flash card that I had handy, and I added sysinstall to it.

This boots fine, and allows me to run the installation properly.

However, the resulting system will not boot from the disk, since I cannot figure the right geometry for the Fujitsu MVH2060AT 60GB drive. The documentation says the drive reports 16383/16/63, the Soekris boot screen reports "Xlt 1024-255-63", fdisk recommends "7296/255/63" because it claims not to like the "116280-16-63" that it finds on the disk... Sigh. Bottom line is that the installation appears to work, but I am unable to then boot from the harddisk (the boot loader complains it cannot find /boot/loader).

Any suggestions?


Denis F.
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