php4-* n00b queries...

2004-10-16 Thread Glenn Sieb
(oops--I sent this to ports@ should have been here...sorry 'bout that!)
Ok.. I'm getting used to the new modular php#-* packages.
I would like to streamline this even further by including the proper
entries in pkgtools.conf for portupgrade.
So, for instance.. when it's upgrading, say databases/php4-dba, I'd
like to have it just take the defaults of cdb, inifile and flatfile.
Do I put this in the MAKE_ARGS section of pkgtools.conf?
~  'databases/php4-dba' = 'CDB=1 INIFILE=1 FLATFILE=1',
I just want to check this against the ports-gurus on here. :)
Thanks, in advance, everyone!
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safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
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Re: php4-* n00b queries...

2004-10-16 Thread Matthew Seaman
On Sat, Oct 16, 2004 at 03:56:50PM -0400, Glenn Sieb wrote:
 (oops--I sent this to ports@ should have been here...sorry 'bout that!)
 Ok.. I'm getting used to the new modular php#-* packages.
 I would like to streamline this even further by including the proper
 entries in pkgtools.conf for portupgrade.
 So, for instance.. when it's upgrading, say databases/php4-dba, I'd
 like to have it just take the defaults of cdb, inifile and flatfile.
 Do I put this in the MAKE_ARGS section of pkgtools.conf?
 ~  'databases/php4-dba' = 'CDB=1 INIFILE=1 FLATFILE=1',
 I just want to check this against the ports-gurus on here. :)

Close.  What you need is actually something more like:

'databases/php4-dba' = [ 'WITH_CDB=true',
  'WITH_FLATFILE=true', ],

Although since those variables are defined for you via the OPTIONS
mechanism (ie. you get one of those pop-up menus) you can
alternatively just run 'make config' in the databases/php4-dba
directory, and the values you choose will be remembered for you
whenever you update that port.  However, that's just another option
and setting stuff in pkgtools.conf should do the trick equally well.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.   26 The Paddocks
  Savill Way
PGP: Marlow
Tel: +44 1628 476614  Bucks., SL7 1TH UK

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Re: php4-* n00b queries...

2004-10-16 Thread Glenn Sieb
Hash: SHA1
Matthew Seaman said the following on 10/16/2004 4:11 PM:
| Close.  What you need is actually something more like:
| 'databases/php4-dba' = [ 'WITH_CDB=true', 'WITHOUT_DB4=true',
| 'WITHOUT_GDBM=true', 'WITH_INIFILE=true', 'WITH_FLATFILE=true', ],
| Although since those variables are defined for you via the OPTIONS
| mechanism (ie. you get one of those pop-up menus) you can
| alternatively just run 'make config' in the databases/php4-dba
| directory, and the values you choose will be remembered for you
| whenever you update that port.  However, that's just another option
|  and setting stuff in pkgtools.conf should do the trick equally
| well.
Ahhah! So when I'm parsing through things like Makefiles that have
menus which say things like:
OPTIONS=CDB cdb database support on \
~DB4 Berkeley DB4 support off \
~GDBM GDBM database support off \
~INIFILE INI file support on \
~FLATFILE flatfile support on
I should parse that as:
(I'm learnin..I'm learnin! hehe)
Thanks, Matthew
- --
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
~  ~Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759
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