Re: root login with telnetd

2007-03-12 Thread Chris Kottaridis
On Sat, 2007-03-10 at 22:52 +0100, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
 can it be set to make possible to login root to machine through telnet and 
 without telneting to some user and then su -
 with sshd and rshd it can be set, with telnetd - no success.

My reasons for this being a bad idea isn't so much from concerns about
attack from outside, but it's more an issue of accountability.

When I ran a computing facility at a University we had some paid student
assistance, as well as faculty, that were reasonably entitled to have
the root password on various machines. Inevitably, the root password
would find it's way to some other student or some faculty member's
assistant and they'd get on the machine and do something as root. In all
cases they were trying to help, but in getting the features they were
interested in getting to work, they unknowingly mucked something else

We did not allow any frontline root logins so they had to sign in on
one of the user's accounts and then su to root. Of course su logs this
in the log files. So, we would take a look at the log files to see which
users had su'd about the time the problem started occurring to ask them
what they had done, or were trying to do. A couple of times that
particular user was out of town and these machines weren't on the
internet nor did they have a modem, so it was clear that user had given
his account and root passwords to another person to work on their
project when they were gone. By the way, faculty were the worst
offenders at this. Some of them consider SysAdmin below them and would
hand those tasks off to some student, but that's a whole different

Anyway, there was never anything nefarious going on, but having root
accesses logged in the log files was very helpful in allowing us to
build a history of what might have been done on the machine, and who did
it, to cause the failure. If you allow front line logins via telnet
and friends you won't have that accountability, because you'll have no
idea who it may have been that logged in so you can't ask them what they
might have been up to. By the way once everyone involved realized that
we weren't going to take them out back and have some thugs beat them up
for giving out the root passwords everyone was very helpful and we got
things fixed much faster then we would have if we had tried to blindly
figure things out on our own.

By the way, restricting su to wheel group is something I've always liked
about the BSD's. Again, it helps with the accountability factor on a
machine. I was flabbergasted when I first logged into a Linux box and
created a user and then su'ed to root from that user without ever adding
him to a wheel type group, I think Linux has a root group. This
doesn't really apply to this topic that much, but it irks me so much,
that Linux allows just any old user to su, I just wanted to vent a
little bit about it. Maybe they do it in a different way that I just
haven't needed to figure out yet.

So, I would argue that you really don't want to allow frontline logins
not so much for security reasons as for accountability reasons.

Chris Kottaridis([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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Re: root login with telnetd

2007-03-11 Thread Beech Rintoul
On Saturday 10 March 2007 22:14, Wojciech Puchar said:
  with sshd and rshd it can be set, with telnetd - no success.
  That is a REALLY BAD idea. Why don't you just publish your
  address and set the root password to nothing. It's only going to
  take a cracker a couple of minutes or less to own your server
  once they find you (and they will).

 another stupid one not answering the question.

 could you describe how you get my password in a couple of minutes
 if you are so intelligent?

There are and have been many known exploits through telnet. The most 
recent one a couple of weeks ago affects SunOS where you can, using 
telnet, get root privileges without even logging in as root. Telnet 
does everything in clear text including passwords. All that's needed 
is to get in and install some network sniffing and the first time 
root logs in they would have the password. For a valid normal user on 
the LAN, it would be even easier.

If you're looking for ease of login look into ssh and keys, that way 
you don't even need a password. Details are in the handbook. Even 
works from windows.

I don't know anyone that still uses telnet except for testing on a 
totally closed network. An ISP I worked for disabled it and 
firewalled the port more than five years ago.

Beech Rintoul - Port Maintainer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/\   ASCII Ribbon Campaign  | FreeBSD Since 4.x
\ / - NO HTML/RTF in e-mail   |
 X  - NO Word docs in e-mail | Latest Release:
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Re: root login with telnetd

2007-03-11 Thread Christian Walther

On 11/03/07, Wojciech Puchar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 with sshd and rshd it can be set, with telnetd - no success.

 That is a REALLY BAD idea. Why don't you just publish your address and
 set the root password to nothing. It's only going to take a cracker a
 couple of minutes or less to own your server once they find you (and
 they will).

another stupid one not answering the question.

could you describe how you get my password in a couple of minutes if you
are so intelligent?

Oh, it's really simple: *If* the machine you're trying to configure
root access via telnet is connected to the internet - in other terms
the telnet port on the machine is accessible from the internet - one
can actually brute force his/her way in.
And in days of broadband connection several hundred different
passwords can be guessed in a matter of seconds.
There are tools like john that can do a bruteforce or dictionary
attacks against password files, but there are similar tools that can
do this over the network.

To answer the question who should be able to snort you: Some script
kiddies who don't understand what's actually going on, but who want to
have some fun.
This is why you've been told that configuring root access via telnet
is a bad idea, just as any other here on this list is being told that
it is a bad to configure root login via ssh - for the very same

And people asked you for your IP so that they could take care of your
host. Since we can't know the IP adress of your host we had to ask. ;)
But people who want to crack other machines don't need specific IP
adress, they just scan entire networks. As most list members can tell
you there are constant attacks against open ssh ports are going on.

So this isn't stupidity really.
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Re: root login with telnetd

2007-03-11 Thread Wojciech Puchar

if you are so intelligent?

There are and have been many known exploits through telnet. The most
recent one a couple of weeks ago affects SunOS where you can, using
telnet, get root privileges without even logging in as root. Telnet

does it affect FreeBSD?

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Re: root login with telnetd

2007-03-11 Thread Wojciech Puchar

Oh, it's really simple: *If* the machine you're trying to configure
root access via telnet is connected to the internet - in other terms
the telnet port on the machine is accessible from the internet - one
can actually brute force his/her way in.

so please crack me or 2001:4070:101:1::2

through telnetd

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Re: [freebsd-questions] root login with telnetd

2007-03-11 Thread Howard Jones

Wojciech Puchar wrote:
can it be set to make possible to login root to machine through 
telnet and without telneting to some user and then su -


with sshd and rshd it can be set, with telnetd - no success.

once again - can someone answer my question instead of giving very 
intelligent comments?

If I remember correctly, you edit /etc/ttys and set some of your ttyp* 
(i.e. network ptys) to be 'SECURE'. It really isn't a good idea though. 
The reason I don't remember is that I haven't done it in about 10 years.

If it's a remote program that needs root access, you can probably do 
something with ssh - you can allow ssh RootLogin, but not with passwords 
only public key auth, and you can *also* limit the key to be allowed to 
only connect from certain addresses and only run specific commands (e.g. 
some backup software works this way). You can have multiple keys with 
different restrictions even - Host A can run rsync only, and host B can 
run rdiff-backup only.

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Re: [freebsd-questions] root login with telnetd

2007-03-11 Thread Wojciech Puchar
once again - can someone answer my question instead of giving very 
intelligent comments?

If I remember correctly, you edit /etc/ttys and set some of your ttyp* (i.e. 
network ptys) to be 'SECURE'. It really isn't a good idea though. The reason

it works. but it is strange solution, as rshd and sshd can be set up this 

why telnetd can't?

i tried allow_root in /etc/pam.d/telnetd every place (like with 
/etc/pam/rsh) and it doesn't work.

something with ssh - you can allow ssh RootLogin, but not with passwords only

yes i already use PermitRootLogin in sshd_config and ssh root login works. 
same with rshd by changing /etc/pam.d/rsh

but with telnet it does not.

very funny is reading other people's replies about security, showing that 
they simply don't understand how things works.

i don't ask if telnetd can be sniffed, because i know it can. as well as 
telnet when logging to non-root user, as well as rsh.

and if there were exploits for telnetd for SunOS or FreeBSD, they 
exploited bugs in telnetd, and not guessing root password. so allowing 
root login or not doesn't make any difference.

so generalizing that telnet and rsh is bad is as stupid as telling that 
oxygen is bad as it makes fires.

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Re: [freebsd-questions] [freebsd-questions] root login with telnetd

2007-03-11 Thread Howard Jones

Wojciech Puchar wrote:
so generalizing that telnet and rsh is bad is as stupid as telling 
that oxygen is bad as it makes fires.
Well, that's true, but if you have the choice, there are better choices. 
You *can* hammer in nails with the butt of a gun, but there's a chance 
you'll somehow shoot yourself in the arm. A hammer doesn't have that risk.

There have been *many* problems over the years with rsh and telnet. 
rsh's security model comes from a time when people thought computers 
would never lie to each other. SSH does allow you to give only enough 
access, with the side-benefits (in your case) of compression and 
encryption. Even if you used ssh without those, the key-based 
authentication is still safer, and the code more modern and securely 

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Re: [freebsd-questions] [freebsd-questions] root login with telnetd

2007-03-11 Thread Wojciech Puchar
There have been *many* problems over the years with rsh and telnet. rsh's 
security model comes from a time when people thought computers would never

exactly true. so i use rsh between MY machines and rsh and telnet when 
sniffing is not a problem.

wasn't easier just to answer the question?
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Re: root login with telnetd

2007-03-11 Thread Sergio Lenzi

I see you issues about telenet...

I use the inetd+telnet for more than 20 years and using BSD
with RSA, and obviiously with a good password.

I have never been cracked down...
and I have 10 of my /etc/ttys entries setted to secure

ttyp0   nonenetwork off secure
ttyp1   nonenetwork off secure
ttyp2   nonenetwork off secure
ttyp3   nonenetwork off secure
ttyp4   nonenetwork off secure
ttyp5   nonenetwork off secure
ttyp6   nonenetwork off secure
ttyp7   nonenetwork off secure
ttyp8   nonenetwork off secure
ttyp9   nonenetwork off secure
ttypa   nonenetwork off secure
ttypb   nonenetwork off secure
ttypc   nonenetwork off secure

in my /etc/master.passwd.
root:*:0:0::0:0:Charlie :/root:/bin/csh

a kill -1 1  would allow root do dial in

I block the root account in /etc/master.passwd by put a * as md5hash
and setted up an supper account.

pw adduser x -d /root -s /usr/local/bin/bash -u 0 -g 0 -h 0

Than is done...

All the cracking I have seen is from someone that is INSIDE the machine
(http using php,pop,imap, ssh,...) that is you have yet allowed him to
come in,
you gave them the password (in the case of ssh), or in http...

A normal  FreeBSD 6.2 or an OpenBSD, is incredible solid...

You must know the superuser login AND the password

choose a password with letters and numbers, or something in 
portuguese (only 7 countries speak that):  biruta22, pezinho12,
tovazioagora, batatinha744, 45canastra96.

I tested in an security system and it says is have good security...

Besides.. using brute force in a word like itacolomi  using a 1 second
would result  forever  
Besides, BSD have the ability to force a new password once it is too
a new password every 3 months is a good choice  and you must stilll
pass through   RSA .

Thanks for sharing the experience...  now I know I am not the one that
uses telenet


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Re: root login with telnetd The FINAL SOLUTION

2007-03-11 Thread Sergio Lenzi
So.  resuming:

1) change some lines in /etc/ttys to:

ttyp0   nonenetwork off secure
ttyp1   nonenetwork off secure
ttyp2   nonenetwork off secure
ttyp3   nonenetwork off secure
ttyp4   nonenetwork off secure
ttyp5   nonenetwork off secure
ttyp6   nonenetwork off secure
ttyp7   nonenetwork off secure
ttyp8   nonenetwork off secure
ttyp9   nonenetwork off secure
ttypa   nonenetwork off secure
ttypb   nonenetwork off secure
ttypc   nonenetwork off secure


2) signal init to read it :  
kill -1 1
3) make sure inetd is running
see the /etc/rc.conf
must have inetd_enable=YES
4)  remove the #  at the line telnet in inetd.conf
5) make inetd run
/etc/rc.d/inetd restart
6) change root password
echo mysecretpassword  | pw usermod root -h 0

7) telnet to your server
should now allow root login

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Re: root login with telnetd The FINAL SOLUTION

2007-03-11 Thread Wojciech Puchar

works fine. thank you very much (point 6 wasn't needed)
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Re: root login with telnetd

2007-03-11 Thread Hugo Silva

Wojciech Puchar wrote:

Err, sure; and for completeness, be sure and send the IP back to this 
list, and publish it on the front page of your website/blog/whatnot.

and what if i will? do you know my root password?

OK, cynicism aside, why on earth would you want to do this?  That's a 
fool's errand in today's world.  Or, are you on a 2-machine network 
via crossover

if you can't answer the question, just shut up.

I am.. amazed by your aggressive attitute towards everyone else and 
being ironic and calling everyone VIM's. What you fail to realize is the 
dumbness of what you're trying to do, there are no nice words I can use 
to explain it.

We were being ironic with you so that you could understand just how bad 
what you're trying to achieve is. You are being ironic with us because 
you think there's nothing wrong with logging in as root with telnet. 
There are a thousand ways I could go about explaining how bad it is and 
why it is bad, but in the end you'd just say I'm a VIM, so I won't even 

Oh well, your server, your password. Just don't say you were not warned.

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Re: root login with telnetd

2007-03-11 Thread Hugo Silva

Sergio Lenzi wrote:


I see you issues about telenet...

I use the inetd+telnet for more than 20 years and using BSD
with RSA, and obviiously with a good password.

I have never been cracked down...
and I have 10 of my /etc/ttys entries setted to secure

ttyp0   nonenetwork off secure
ttyp1   nonenetwork off secure
ttyp2   nonenetwork off secure
ttyp3   nonenetwork off secure
ttyp4   nonenetwork off secure
ttyp5   nonenetwork off secure
ttyp6   nonenetwork off secure
ttyp7   nonenetwork off secure
ttyp8   nonenetwork off secure
ttyp9   nonenetwork off secure
ttypa   nonenetwork off secure
ttypb   nonenetwork off secure
ttypc   nonenetwork off secure

in my /etc/master.passwd.
root:*:0:0::0:0:Charlie :/root:/bin/csh

a kill -1 1  would allow root do dial in

I block the root account in /etc/master.passwd by put a * as md5hash
and setted up an supper account.
You could have just changed it's name, and the end result is exactly the 
same. If you have other services running in this server, there are 
various ways to figure out who has uid 0. Changing root's account or 
adding another uid 0 won't make it any harder.

pw adduser x -d /root -s /usr/local/bin/bash -u 0 -g 0 -h 0

Than is done...

All the cracking I have seen is from someone that is INSIDE the machine
(http using php,pop,imap, ssh,...) that is you have yet allowed him to
come in,
you gave them the password (in the case of ssh), or in http...


A normal  FreeBSD 6.2 or an OpenBSD, is incredible solid...

Indeed, that's exactly why it comes with sshd instead of telnetd and 
they both DO NOT allow root logins by default.

You must know the superuser login AND the password
With sshd and root logins off, you need to know your username's 
password/passphrase for DSA/RSA, you need to be in the right group so 
you can even attempt to become root, and you need the root password too. 
Ontop of all that, everything's encrypted.

Please do not even TRY to compare.
choose a password with letters and numbers, or something in 
portuguese (only 7 countries speak that):  biruta22, pezinho12,

tovazioagora, batatinha744, 45canastra96.
Spoken in:Angola, Brazil, Mozambique, Portugal, and several other 
CPLP countries

Total speakers:Native: 210 million
Total: 230 million


I tested in an security system and it says is have good security...

I won't comment this.

Besides.. using brute force in a word like itacolomi  using a 1 second
would result  forever  
Besides, BSD have the ability to force a new password once it is too
a new password every 3 months is a good choice  and you must stilll

pass through   RSA .

Thanks for sharing the experience...  now I know I am not the one that
uses telenet

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Re: root login with telnetd The FINAL SOLUTION

2007-03-11 Thread Paul Schmehl
--On March 11, 2007 11:22:42 AM -0300 Sergio Lenzi [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

7) telnet to your server
should now allow root login

What do you gain by allowing telnet access to your hosts that you don't 
get with ssh?

Paul Schmehl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Senior Information Security Analyst
The University of Texas at Dallas

Re: [freebsd-questions] [freebsd-questions] root login with telnetd

2007-03-11 Thread Christian Walther

On 11/03/07, Wojciech Puchar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There have been *many* problems over the years with rsh and telnet. rsh's
 security model comes from a time when people thought computers would never

exactly true. so i use rsh between MY machines and rsh and telnet when
sniffing is not a problem.

wasn't easier just to answer the question?

Well, no offense ment, but there are many people posting questions to
this list, and some of them aren't aware of potential security
problems of actions they want to perform.
So generally if a question with a potential harmfull consequence is
asked people are told of these fact, because noone here on this list
can guess if it is known, or not.

Wouldn't it have been easier for you to tell people on this list that
you are aware of the problems? I mean, instead of getting rude?
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Re: root login with telnetd

2007-03-11 Thread Gerard Seibert
On Sun, 11 Mar 2007 16:20:03 +
Hugo Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Oh well, your server, your password. Just don't say you were not

I believe the following sums up my feeling on the matter.

It is not the OS's job to stop you from shooting yourself in the foot.
Rather, if you so choose to do so, then it is the OS's job to deliver
Mr. Bullet to Mr. Foot in the most efficient manner possible.


The only secure computer is one that's unplugged,
locked in a safe, and buried 20 feet under the ground
in a secret location ... and I'm not even too sure about
that one

Dennis Huges, F.B.I.

Description: PGP signature

Re: root login with telnetd

2007-03-11 Thread Wojciech Puchar

I believe the following sums up my feeling on the matter.

It is not the OS's job to stop you from shooting yourself in the foot.

boom... i'm dead..
at least for 4 years :)
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Re: root login with telnetd

2007-03-11 Thread Gerard Seibert
On Sun, 11 Mar 2007 21:46:50 +0100 (CET)
Wojciech Puchar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I believe the following sums up my feeling on the matter.
  It is not the OS's job to stop you from shooting yourself in the
 boom... i'm dead..
 at least for 4 years :)

Sorry to hear that!

   ;; :;
 ;:'   :;
;:; ;.
   ,:'   ;   OOO\
   ::;   ;  O\
   ;:;   ; 
  ,;::; ;' / OOO
;:`. ,,,;./  / DOO
  .';:;, /  / D
 ,::;::;,   /  /DOOO
;`::`'::;;;: ,#/  /  DOOO
:`:::`;::;;::: ;::#  /DOOO
::`:::`; ;# /  DOO
`:`:::`;:: ;::#/   DOO
 :::`:::`;; ;:##OO
  `:`;' /  / `:#
   ::`:;'  /  /   `#


Don't crush that dwarf, hand me the pliers!

Firesign Theatre

Description: PGP signature

Re: root login with telnetd

2007-03-11 Thread Wojciech Puchar

  ;; :;
;:'   :;
   ;:; ;.
  ,:'   ;   OOO\
  ::;   ;  O\
  ;:;   ; 
 ,;::; ;' / OOO
   ;:`. ,,,;./  / DOO
 .';:;, /  / D
,::;::;,   /  /DOOO
;`::`'::;;;: ,#/  /  DOOO
:`:::`;::;;::: ;::#  /DOOO
::`:::`; ;# /  DOO
`:`:::`;:: ;::#/   DOO
:::`:::`;; ;:##OO
 `:`;' /  / `:#
  ::`:;'  /  /   `#

nice to meet you :)
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root login with telnetd

2007-03-10 Thread Wojciech Puchar
can it be set to make possible to login root to machine through telnet and 
without telneting to some user and then su -


with sshd and rshd it can be set, with telnetd - no success.

thank you
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Re: root login with telnetd

2007-03-10 Thread Kevin Kinsey

Wojciech Puchar wrote:
can it be set to make possible to login root to machine through telnet 
and without telneting to some user and then su -


with sshd and rshd it can be set, with telnetd - no success.

Err, sure; and for completeness, be sure and send the IP back to this 
list, and publish it on the front page of your website/blog/whatnot.

OK, cynicism aside, why on earth would you want to do this?  That's a 
fool's errand in today's world.  Or, are you on a 2-machine network via 
crossover cable in a lockdown facility?

Kevin Kinsey
For those who like this sort of thing, this is the sort of thing they like.
-- Abraham Lincoln
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Re: root login with telnetd

2007-03-10 Thread Beech Rintoul
On Saturday 10 March 2007 12:52, Wojciech Puchar said:
 can it be set to make possible to login root to machine through
 telnet and without telneting to some user and then su -

 with sshd and rshd it can be set, with telnetd - no success.

That is a REALLY BAD idea. Why don't you just publish your address and 
set the root password to nothing. It's only going to take a cracker a 
couple of minutes or less to own your server once they find you (and 
they will).

Beech Rintoul - Port Maintainer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/\   ASCII Ribbon Campaign  | FreeBSD Since 4.x
\ / - NO HTML/RTF in e-mail   |
 X  - NO Word docs in e-mail | Latest Release:
/ \  -

Description: PGP signature

Re: root login with telnetd

2007-03-10 Thread alex

Quoting Beech Rintoul [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: inline

On Saturday 10 March 2007 12:52, Wojciech Puchar said:

can it be set to make possible to login root to machine through
telnet and without telneting to some user and then su -

with sshd and rshd it can be set, with telnetd - no success.

That is a REALLY BAD idea. Why don't you just publish your address and
set the root password to nothing. It's only going to take a cracker a
couple of minutes or less to own your server once they find you (and
they will).

In fact, it's such a bad idea that there's a Snort rule for it (and a 
really old one at that):

alert tcp $TELNET_SERVERS 23 - $EXTERNAL_NET any (msg:TELNET root 
login; flow
:from_server,established; content:login|3A| root; 

sid:719; rev:7;)

Of course, if you really want to do this, I agree with everyone else -- 
just put your IP on this list, and we'll help you right on out. :-)

Alex Kirk

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Re: root login with telnetd

2007-03-10 Thread Wojciech Puchar

Err, sure; and for completeness, be sure and send the IP back to this list, 
and publish it on the front page of your website/blog/whatnot.

and what if i will? do you know my root password?

OK, cynicism aside, why on earth would you want to do this?  That's a fool's 
errand in today's world.  Or, are you on a 2-machine network via crossover

if you can't answer the question, just shut up.
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Re: root login with telnetd

2007-03-10 Thread Wojciech Puchar
can it be set to make possible to login root to machine through telnet and 
without telneting to some user and then su -


with sshd and rshd it can be set, with telnetd - no success.

once again - can someone answer my question instead of giving very 
intelligent comments?

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Re: root login with telnetd

2007-03-10 Thread Garrett Cooper

On Mar 10, 2007, at 11:16 PM, Wojciech Puchar wrote:

can it be set to make possible to login root to machine through  
telnet and without telneting to some user and then su -


with sshd and rshd it can be set, with telnetd - no success.

once again - can someone answer my question instead of giving very  
intelligent comments?

Not sure. If I'm reading ttys(5) correctly though this is the section  
of interest:

``secure'' (if ``on'' is also specified) allows users with a uid of 0 to
 login on this line.  The flag ``dialin'' indicates that a tty  
 describes a dialin line, and ``network'' indicates that a tty  
entry pro-
 vides a network connection.  Either of these strings may also  
be speci-
 fied in the terminal type field.  The string ``window='' may be  
 by a quoted command string which init(8) will execute before  
starting the

 command specified by the second field.

So I think that the following would be valid (but possibly dangerous  
if you use other login daemons like rshd, sshd for logging in  
remotely); that may be fixable with a firewall though and specific  
rules to each daemon though.

In ttys (near bottom), instead of:

ttyp0 none network


ttyp0 none network on secure

and repeat for the rest of the ttys you wish to enable the option for.

Why not use root login with telnet or standard getty through serial  
though :\?

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Re: root login with telnetd

2007-03-10 Thread Wojciech Puchar
alert tcp $TELNET_SERVERS 23 - $EXTERNAL_NET any (msg:TELNET root login; 
:from_server,established; content:login|3A| root; 

sid:719; rev:7;)

could you please tell me who will be snorting it on MY network?

Of course, if you really want to do this, I agree with everyone else -- just 
put your IP on this list, and we'll help you right on out. :-)

just answer my question, you VIM (very intelligent man).
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Re: root login with telnetd

2007-03-10 Thread Wojciech Puchar

with sshd and rshd it can be set, with telnetd - no success.

That is a REALLY BAD idea. Why don't you just publish your address and
set the root password to nothing. It's only going to take a cracker a
couple of minutes or less to own your server once they find you (and
they will).

another stupid one not answering the question.

could you describe how you get my password in a couple of minutes if you 
are so intelligent?

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