
Not sure if this list is correct, or if I should post to freebsd-usb?

Anyway, I have a USB connected UPS device that shows as /dev/ugen1.2 and is 
identified by usbconfig:

ugen1.2: <CP425HG CPS> at usbus1, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=LOW (1.5Mbps) pwr=ON

The device continuously disconnects an re-enumerates, as shown in 

May  1 14:36:57 epicenter root: Unknown USB device: vendor 0x0764 product 
0x0501 bus uhub1
May  1 14:36:57 epicenter kernel: ugen1.2: <CPS> at usbus1
May  1 14:37:19 epicenter kernel: ugen1.2: <CPS> at usbus1 (disconnected)
May  1 14:37:22 epicenter root: Unknown USB device: vendor 0x0764 product 
0x0501 bus uhub1
May  1 14:37:22 epicenter kernel: ugen1.2: <CPS> at usbus1

I had this problem before in 7.1, but it was corrected in upgrading to 7.3.

Now that I've upgraded to 8.1 the problem is back.

The device is listed in the device quirks:

epicenter# usbconfig -d ugen1.2 dump_device_quirks | grep 0x0764
VID=0x0764 PID=0x0501 REVLO=0x0000 REVHI=0xffff QUIRK=UQ_HID_IGNORE

Lack of the UQ_HID_IGNORE is what messed up 7.1, not sure what is keeping 8.1 
from identifying this device.

Anyone have any ideas what is wrong?

Thank You!


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