I am using FreeBSD 4.9 the documentation has given me most of my answers to 
configuration, but I cant figure this one out;
I am getting hundreds of theese mssgs in my /var/log/message files per boot
( very small clip from)
Feb  3 00:28:15 LH1 /kernel: usb1: scheduling overrun
Feb  3 00:28:15 LH1 /kernel: usb0: scheduling overrun
Feb  3 00:28:15 LH1 /kernel: usb1: scheduling overrun
Feb  3 00:29:03 LH1 /kernel: usb1: scheduling overrun
Feb  3 00:29:05 LH1 /kernel: usb1: scheduling overrun
Feb  3 00:29:05 LH1 /kernel: usb0: scheduling overrun
Feb  3 00:29:05 LH1 /kernel: usb1: scheduling overrun
Feb  3 00:29:05 LH1 /kernel: usb0: scheduling overrun
Feb  3 00:29:05 LH1 /kernel: usb1: scheduling overrun

I have recompiled the kernel to use only ohci and not use uhci 
since that is what my board uses it didn't fix the problem
# USB support
#device         uhci            # UHCI PCI->USB interface ** I did this LH
device          ohci            # OHCI PCI->USB interface
device          usb             # USB Bus (required)
device          ugen            # Generic
device          uhid            # "Human Interface Devices"
device          ukbd            # Keyboard
device          ulpt            # Printer
device          umass           # Disks/Mass storage - Requires scbus and da
device          ums             # Mouse
device          uscanner        # Scanners
device          urio            # Diamond Rio MP3 Player
# USB Ethernet, requires mii
#device         aue             # ADMtek USB ethernet
#device         cue             # CATC USB ethernet
#device         kue             # Kawasaki LSI USB ethernet


/etc/defaults/rc.conf has a line I can transfer to /etc/rc.conf 
usbd_flags=""           # Flags to usbd (if enabled).

I am assuming that there is a way to flag this off 
I have no clue where to find information for theese flags, I looked thrue the 
man pages found just about everything but.

how do I fix this situation with the sceduling overrun errors on the usb ports 
I am using an ECS K7S5a mainboard with 128 ddr the usb ports are onboard


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