ubsa speed limit

2008-05-02 Thread Dominic Fandrey
When I download a single file it seems that the download speed is limited to 
32k (raw data as shown by netstat). Under Windows I can reach values around 
60k. I can achieve more throughput (though not as much as under Windows), when 
downloading several files at once.

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Re: ubsa speed limit

2008-05-02 Thread Adam McDougall

Dominic Fandrey wrote:
When I download a single file it seems that the download speed is 
limited to 32k (raw data as shown by netstat). Under Windows I can 
reach values around 60k. I can achieve more throughput (though not as 
much as under Windows), when downloading several files at once.

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Try this hack, its using concepts I gathered from people patching the 
Linux driver, basically increasing the block size of transfers.

Edit ubsa.c and recompile/reload the ubsa driver.  Its located around 
line 362.  Basically replace UGETW(ed-wMaxPacketSize); or 
UGETW(ed-wMaxPacketSize); with 2048.  I think the default is 512 and 
you can play with different values to evaluate its effect on speed.  I 
realized a large performance boost from 2048, I think at least 80k/sec 
transfer rate.

   } else if (UE_GET_DIR(ed-bEndpointAddress) == UE_DIR_IN 
   UE_GET_XFERTYPE(ed-bmAttributes) == UE_BULK) {
   ucom-sc_bulkin_no = ed-bEndpointAddress;
-   ucom-sc_ibufsize = UGETW(ed-wMaxPacketSize);
+   ucom-sc_ibufsize = 2048;
+   // ucom-sc_ibufsize = UGETW(ed-wMaxPacketSize);
   } else if (UE_GET_DIR(ed-bEndpointAddress) == UE_DIR_OUT 
   UE_GET_XFERTYPE(ed-bmAttributes) == UE_BULK) {
   ucom-sc_bulkout_no = ed-bEndpointAddress;
-   ucom-sc_obufsize = UGETW(ed-wMaxPacketSize);
+   ucom-sc_obufsize = 2048;
+   // ucom-sc_obufsize = UGETW(ed-wMaxPacketSize);

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Re: ubsa speed limit

2008-05-02 Thread Dominic Fandrey

Adam McDougall wrote:

Dominic Fandrey wrote:
When I download a single file it seems that the download speed is 
limited to 32k (raw data as shown by netstat). Under Windows I can 
reach values around 60k. I can achieve more throughput (though not as 
much as under Windows), when downloading several files at once.

Try this hack, its using concepts I gathered from people patching the 
Linux driver, basically increasing the block size of transfers.

Edit ubsa.c and recompile/reload the ubsa driver.  Its located around 
line 362.  Basically replace UGETW(ed-wMaxPacketSize); or 
UGETW(ed-wMaxPacketSize); with 2048.  I think the default is 512 and 
you can play with different values to evaluate its effect on speed.  I 
realized a large performance boost from 2048, I think at least 80k/sec 
transfer rate.

   } else if (UE_GET_DIR(ed-bEndpointAddress) == UE_DIR_IN 
   UE_GET_XFERTYPE(ed-bmAttributes) == UE_BULK) {
   ucom-sc_bulkin_no = ed-bEndpointAddress;
-   ucom-sc_ibufsize = UGETW(ed-wMaxPacketSize);
+   ucom-sc_ibufsize = 2048;
+   // ucom-sc_ibufsize = UGETW(ed-wMaxPacketSize);
   } else if (UE_GET_DIR(ed-bEndpointAddress) == UE_DIR_OUT 
   UE_GET_XFERTYPE(ed-bmAttributes) == UE_BULK) {
   ucom-sc_bulkout_no = ed-bEndpointAddress;
-   ucom-sc_obufsize = UGETW(ed-wMaxPacketSize);
+   ucom-sc_obufsize = 2048;
+   // ucom-sc_obufsize = UGETW(ed-wMaxPacketSize);

Thanks a lot. This improves the situation a lot. However I found the 
improvement somewhat unsteady. I think that a 2k or 4k buffer is still not 
sufficient if the answering time is high. A 16k buffer leads to a much more 
steady data stream for me.

I think the best solution would be dynamic buffer allocation similar to what 
is done on layer 4.

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Re: reboot after panic

2008-05-02 Thread Stephen Clark

Clifton Royston wrote:

On Thu, May 01, 2008 at 03:15:51PM -0400, Stephen Clark wrote:

Matthew X. Economou wrote:


I recall having to set dumpdev in /etc/rc.conf before I could get
FreeBSD to reboot automatically after a panic.  I have dumpdev=AUTO
set on all of my headless servers.  If you are feeling especially
brave, you can also set fsck_y_enable=YES and background_fsck=NO.

Good luck!  ;)

Hmmm... I have that set. It only seems to not reboot on one
system I have.

  FWIW, I've had problems with 6.2 not rebooting reliably on several
SMP P4 Xeon systems; the problem seems to be that sometimes while
dumping it either freezes completely or double-faults and hangs at that
point until physically reset.

  This problem appeared simultaneously on several SMP servers when they
were upgraded to 6.2, after they had run reliably for years on FreeBSD
4.x.  Adding insult to injury, when it does dump successfully, I don't
reliably get an image saved in /var/crash.  (And if I did, it doesn't
appear that it would do me any good as nobody is interested any longer
in problems with 6.2.)

  Thankfully, via a combination of adding RAM and tuning kernel
parameters I eventually got them to where they'll reliably stay up for
reasonably long stretches, certainly more than the 20 days uptime I was
getting when I first upgraded them.
  -- Clifton

Thank Clifton,

Mine is a nvidia 6300 mb with a dual core amd processor. I am causing the panic
while trying to develope a DD for a EVDO usb modem - so it is not a great 
problem - I was just surprised it wasn't rebooting. This is a 6.1 system.

Yes it is sort of discouraging that it is hard to get answers when you aren't 
running the latest and greatest kernel. In our case we have over 500 units in
the field running a mix of 4.9 and 6.1 and it is not feasible to continually 
upgrade them, especially since there is no documented way to reliably upgrade

a remote installation.



They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary safety,
deserve neither liberty nor safety.  (Ben Franklin)

The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty
decreases.  (Thomas Jefferson)

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Re: restore issues Header with wrong dumpdate. and getfile: lost data

2008-05-02 Thread David Malone
On Thu, May 01, 2008 at 03:52:14PM -0500, Scott Lambert wrote:
 I've seen which
 seems to apply to the getfile: lost data lines.  There is also which seems to
 apply to Header with wrong dumpdate.

I believe these are basically harmless. I don't know if Kirk plans
to merge the fix, but I can do it if he wants.

 120881 seems not to have been applied to CVS just yet.

Ah - I'd missed 120881. This seems to relate to a more recent change
of Kirk's. Kirk - do you want to look at:

or would you prefer if I had a look at it?

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mpd5.1 and HUAWEI 3g card (ubsa)

2008-05-02 Thread Stefan Lambrev


I'm trying to get my 3g card working under FreeBSD7.
So far using usb4bsd the card is recognized and do not panic the kernel 
when removed.

Unfortunately I'm stuck with mpd configuration.

Here is my config:

   # configure mpd users
   set user user pass admin
   # configure the console
   set console self 5005
   set console open
   # configure the web server
   set web self 5006
   set web open
   set web disable auth

   load client1

   create bundle template B1

   create link static L1 modem
   set modem device /dev/cuaU0
   set modem speed 115200
   set modem script DialPeer
   set modem idle-script AnswerCall
   set modem var $DialPrefix DT
   set modem var $Telephone *99***1#
   set link no pap chap eap
   set link accept pap
   set auth authname MyLogin
   set auth password MyPassword
   set link max-redial 1
   set link action bundle B1

To be able to dial I first have to sent the PIN code, which I do 
manually by connection to /dev/cuaU0

and typing AT+CPIN=

I know this is successful because the blinking led changes it's color 
from green to blue :)

Next when I start mpd it seems to connect, but immediately drops the 

Here is the log:

May  2 20:04:10 laptop mpd: Multi-link PPP daemon for FreeBSD
May  2 20:04:10 laptop mpd:
May  2 20:04:10 laptop mpd: process 2285 started, version 5.1 
([EMAIL PROTECTED] 13:31  2-May-2008)

May  2 20:04:10 laptop mpd: CONSOLE: listening on 5005
May  2 20:04:10 laptop mpd: web: listening on 5006
May  2 20:04:10 laptop mpd: [L1] Link: OPEN event
May  2 20:04:10 laptop mpd: [L1] LCP: Open event
May  2 20:04:10 laptop mpd: [L1] LCP: state change Initial -- Starting
May  2 20:04:10 laptop mpd: [L1] LCP: LayerStart
May  2 20:04:10 laptop kernel: ubsa_cfg_request: device request failed, 
err=USBD_ERR_STALLED (ignored)

May  2 20:04:10 laptop last message repeated 7 times
May  2 20:04:10 laptop mpd: [L1] chat: Detected Hayes compatible modem.
May  2 20:04:10 laptop mpd: [L1] chat: Dialing server at *99***1#...
May  2 20:04:10 laptop mpd: [L1] chat: Connected at an unknown speed.
May  2 20:04:10 laptop mpd: [L1] chat: Initiating auto-login...
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1] chat: Auto-login timeout.
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1] MODEM: chat script succeeded
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1] Link: UP event
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1] Link: origination is local
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1] LCP: Up event
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1] LCP: state change Starting -- Req-Sent
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1] LCP: SendConfigReq #1
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1]   ACFCOMP
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1]   PROTOCOMP
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1]   ACCMAP 0x000a
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1]   MRU 1500
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1]   MAGICNUM 597dcb60
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1] LCP: rec'd Configure Request #0 (Req-Sent)
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1]   ACCMAP 0x
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1]   AUTHPROTO CHAP MD5
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1]   MAGICNUM 00b4d370
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1]   PROTOCOMP
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1]   ACFCOMP
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1] LCP: SendConfigNak #0
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1]   AUTHPROTO PAP
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1] LCP: rec'd Configure Ack #1 (Req-Sent)
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1]   ACFCOMP
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1]   PROTOCOMP
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1]   ACCMAP 0x000a
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1]   MRU 1500
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1]   MAGICNUM 597dcb60
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1] LCP: state change Req-Sent -- Ack-Rcvd
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1] LCP: rec'd Configure Request #1 (Ack-Rcvd)
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1]   ACCMAP 0x
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1]   AUTHPROTO PAP
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1]   MAGICNUM 00b4d370
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1]   PROTOCOMP
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1]   ACFCOMP
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1] LCP: SendConfigAck #1
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1]   ACCMAP 0x
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1]   AUTHPROTO PAP
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1]   MAGICNUM 00b4d370
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1]   PROTOCOMP
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1]   ACFCOMP
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1] LCP: state change Ack-Rcvd -- Opened
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1] LCP: auth: peer wants PAP, I want nothing
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1] PAP: using authname MyLogin
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1] PAP: sending REQUEST #1 len: 23
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1] LCP: LayerUp
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1] LCP: rec'd Discard Request #2 (Opened)
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1] PAP: rec'd ACK #1 len: 5
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1] LCP: authorization successful
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: [L1] Link: Matched action 'bundle B1 '
May  2 20:04:15 laptop mpd: 

[releng_7 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64

2008-05-02 Thread FreeBSD Tinderbox
TB --- 2008-05-03 01:52:12 - tinderbox 2.3 running on
TB --- 2008-05-03 01:52:12 - starting RELENG_7 tinderbox run for sparc64/sparc64
TB --- 2008-05-03 01:52:12 - cleaning the object tree
TB --- 2008-05-03 01:52:28 - cvsupping the source tree
TB --- 2008-05-03 01:52:28 - /usr/bin/csup -r 3 -g -L 1 -h localhost -s 
TB --- 2008-05-03 01:52:36 - building world (CFLAGS=-O2 -pipe)
TB --- 2008-05-03 01:52:36 - cd /src
TB --- 2008-05-03 01:52:36 - /usr/bin/make -B buildworld
 World build started on Sat May  3 01:52:38 UTC 2008
 Rebuilding the temporary build tree
 stage 1.1: legacy release compatibility shims
 stage 1.2: bootstrap tools
 stage 2.1: cleaning up the object tree
 stage 2.2: rebuilding the object tree
 stage 2.3: build tools
 stage 3: cross tools
 stage 4.1: building includes
 stage 4.2: building libraries
 stage 4.3: make dependencies
 stage 4.4: building everything
 World build completed on Sat May  3 02:51:59 UTC 2008
TB --- 2008-05-03 02:51:59 - generating LINT kernel config
TB --- 2008-05-03 02:51:59 - cd /src/sys/sparc64/conf
TB --- 2008-05-03 02:51:59 - /usr/bin/make -B LINT
TB --- 2008-05-03 02:52:00 - building LINT kernel (COPTFLAGS=-O2 -pipe)
TB --- 2008-05-03 02:52:00 - cd /src
TB --- 2008-05-03 02:52:00 - /usr/bin/make -B buildkernel KERNCONF=LINT
 Kernel build for LINT started on Sat May  3 02:52:00 UTC 2008
 stage 1: configuring the kernel
 stage 2.1: cleaning up the object tree
 stage 2.2: rebuilding the object tree
 stage 2.3: build tools
 stage 3.1: making dependencies
 stage 3.2: building everything
 Kernel build for LINT completed on Sat May  3 03:11:29 UTC 2008
TB --- 2008-05-03 03:11:29 - building GENERIC kernel (COPTFLAGS=-O2 -pipe)
TB --- 2008-05-03 03:11:29 - cd /src
TB --- 2008-05-03 03:11:29 - /usr/bin/make -B buildkernel KERNCONF=GENERIC
 Kernel build for GENERIC started on Sat May  3 03:11:29 UTC 2008
 stage 1: configuring the kernel
 stage 2.1: cleaning up the object tree
 stage 2.2: rebuilding the object tree
 stage 2.3: build tools
 stage 3.1: making dependencies
 stage 3.2: building everything
: hack.c
cc -shared -nostdlib hack.c -o hack.So
rm -f hack.c
MAKE=/usr/bin/make sh /src/sys/conf/ GENERIC
cc -c -O2 -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing  -std=c99 -g -Wall -Wredundant-decls 
-Wnested-externs -Wstrict-prototypes  -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith 
-Winline -Wcast-qual  -Wundef -Wno-pointer-sign -fformat-extensions -nostdinc  
-I. -I/src/sys -I/src/sys/contrib/altq -D_KERNEL -DHAVE_KERNEL_OPTION_HEADERS 
-include opt_global.h -fno-common -finline-limit=15000 --param 
inline-unit-growth=100 --param large-function-growth=1000  -mcmodel=medany 
-msoft-float -ffreestanding -Werror  vers.c
linking kernel.debug
e1000_api.o(.text+0x1288): In function `e1000_setup_init_funcs':
/src/sys/dev/em/e1000_api.c:352: undefined reference to 
*** Error code 1

Stop in /obj/sparc64/src/sys/GENERIC.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /src.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /src.
TB --- 2008-05-03 03:17:52 - WARNING: /usr/bin/make returned exit code  1 
TB --- 2008-05-03 03:17:52 - ERROR: failed to build GENERIC kernel
TB --- 2008-05-03 03:17:52 - tinderbox aborted
TB --- 4521.23 user 412.47 system 5140.14 real
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