Urgent! Can't boot up FreeBSD 6

2006-03-21 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

First, my thanks to all of you who responded to my problem with booting 
up to FreeBSD 6. And thank you for explaining to me that the proper 
forum for that is freebsd-questions. And that is what I will do from now 
on. Thank you again.

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Urgent FreeBSD Boot question! -- Note 3

2006-03-20 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear Kevin:

Here is another line from the FreeBSD boot sequence:

Loader: not a directory
No /boot/loader.

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Urgent FreeBSD Boot question! -- Note on FreeBSD Boot

2006-03-20 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear Kevin:

By the way, when I booted up, I did see and use the F1 for Windows 
option and the F5 for FreeBSD (F1) along with Other (F5). So, it's 
working. But its' not getting me into FreeBSD. Would appreciate your 

Thank you.

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Urgent FreeBSD Boot question! -- Question

2006-03-20 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear Kevin:

By the way, for future reference, what boot manager should I choose next 
time I install FreeBSD? Lilo? Grub? If so, where is the option for 
installing it?

Thank you.

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Urgent FreeBSD Boot question! -- Note on CD

2006-03-20 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear Kevin:

By the way, I have a CD Rom drive and a DVD drive. The FreeBSD CD is in 
the first CD Rom drive.

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Urgent FreeBSD Boot question! -- Almost there!

2006-03-20 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear Kevin:

You sure know your stuff, Kevin. No question about it. I am almost 
there. The only problem is that when I boot up to the new FreeBSD system 
(CD unselected and hardrive selected in boot sequence), I get a kind of 
login that says:

FreeBS/i386 boot
Default: 1: ad (1,a) default
No /boot/kernel/kernel


Default: 1: ad(1,a)/ boot/kernel/kernel
boot: default No default

There are no root hash marks or whatever. It's just as it appears above.

What does this mean, please?

By the way, I checked my Windows. Everything is fine.

Thank you.

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Re: Urgent FreeBSD Boot question!

2006-03-20 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear Kevin:

Sounds great! Just what I need. One question before I proceed: what is
the holographic shell. Please be specific and provide step-by-step
instructions. I am a bit nervous about this kind of brain surgery.

Thank you again.


To write the MBR on the first disk, just boot the CD and select the
holographic shell. At that point, enter the command:
boot0cfg -B ad0

That should do the trick. There are several other ways to do this, but
this is the first one I thought of for your situation.

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Re: Urgent FreeBSD Boot question! -- Addendum

2006-03-20 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

I have an old but very reliable Dell Dimension 8200 that's 6 years old.
It does not have a boot option for both of my separate hard disks. The
only BOOT options are: floppy, CD or hard drive. That's why I need the
boot manager solution.

Thank you again.


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Re: Urgent FreeBSD Boot question! -- Addendum

2006-03-20 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

I have an old but very reliable Dell Dimension 8200 that's 6 years old. 
It does not have a boot option for both of my separate hard disks. The 
only BOOT options are: floppy, CD or hard drive. That's why I need the 
boot manager solution.

Thank you again.

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Urgent FreeBSD Boot question!

2006-03-20 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

I decided to go out and buy the latest issue of Linux Format with the
FreeBSD 6 CD. I am very glad I did. FreeBSD is tough to install, but
after spending several hours I finally succeeded in doing a perfect
installation. ONE BIG PROBLEM: When I removed the CD and rebooted, I got
into my Windows XP (I have two separate disks, one for Windows, one of
FreeBSD). There was no way to get into FreeBSD. Naturally, I went into
my BIOS and changed the boot sequence from CD to Hard Drive. That only
caused my system to boot into Windows XP.

I read the instructions about the FreeBSD Boot Manager. It said clearly
that it should allow switching from one OS to another. But I did not see
any configuration for that. How, may I ask, do I do this while
installing FreeBSD? How do I change this configuration to guarantee that
all my work won't go down the toilet and that when I reboot, I will see
Lilo or whatever as a boot manager that will allow me to select either
FreeBSD or Windows?

I am looking forward to solving this and then to actually seeing FreeBSD
for the first time.

Thank you so much in advance.


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Setup and Boot Sequence Issues Revisited

2006-03-07 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

Sorry to report that the issue may be more complicated.

1) I played around with the $15 Micro keyboard that successfully allowed 
access to my Setup. I set the boot sequence for the CD Rom and inserted 
my Win XP Pro OS CD. I then saved the settings and let it boot. It 
brought up the line about booting from the CD. So, I clicked hoping that 
this would allow me to bring up the WinXP CD. Instead, I got the same 
"Click on F1 to retry Setup or Click on F12 for boot menu." When I 
clicked on these options, I ended up in a loop.

2) I have a DVD player drive (for movies, etc) that is listed as one of 
the drives (listed as "OFF", volume=Unknown). Options when clicking on 
it: OFF or n/a. Unfortunately, the boot sequence lists only three 
options: Floppy, Hard Disk, IDE CD ROM. But NOT the DVD drive.

I was considering buying the latest Linux Format magazine with the 
FreeBSD DVD, but now it seems that, due to the restrictions of my BIOS, 
I will not be able to install anything from this DVD into my second hard 
drive. Is that true?

Thank you all so much.


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Can't boot up into Setup -- SOLVED!

2006-03-07 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear Miguel and friends:

A million thanks for your suggestion to try another keyboard. You were 
right on the money! I tried a cheap Micro Ergonomic keyboard ($15) and 
instantly my Dell 8200 responded when I hit F2 and opened up the Setup. 
And, imagine, I spent $56 on the Microsoft Ergonomic keyboard at Office 
Depot. Who would have guessed?

So, that problem has been solved.


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Problem writing FreeBSD 6 ISO files using Nero 5.5

2006-03-07 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

Now that my BIOS problem has been resolved (I'm going out momentarily to 
buy a new keyboard), my last major hurdle before I can install FreeBSD 
is burning the two FreeBSD ISO images on my CD-RW CD using my CDWriter 
and Nero 5.5. When I insert my brand new CD-RW (700 MB) into my CD-RW 
drive and click on "Burn Image" in Nero, then go to my FreeBSD folder, 
then select the first FreeBSD ISO disk and then hit Write, the writing 
starts with "Checking disks" in the status bar. But soon it stops and 
the CD is expelled from the CD drive with the error message: "Medium 
empty. Please put new CD (or whatever) into drive." This happens every 
time even though each time I put a brand new Memorex CD.

Your help would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

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Re: Can't boot into setup to install FreeBSD 6

2006-03-07 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear Miguel:

Thank you so very much for trying to help. My answers below:

Miguel Lopes Santos Ramos wrote:

From: Benjamin Sher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Can't boot into setup to install FreeBSD 6

Dear friends:

Just downloaded the two FreeBSD CD's from the web and I would like to 
install them on my second hard drive. But I've discovered that I cannot 
boot up into my Setup (F2, as clearly indicated on my Dell 8200 
Dimension during bootup). I have never had this kind of problem before. 
I have two 40GB hard drives and wanted to install Linux into my second 
hard drive, but to do this I have to be able to go into my Bios and 
change the boot sequence. I have done this several times before with the 
same computer and the same Win XP OS. But now there is something wrong. 
In fact, I even tried to insert my Windows XP CD and tried to click on 
F2. But, once again, all that happened is that I was taken immediately 
to Windows XP. How do I regain entry to my Setup?

One last thing: I searched for the boot.ini file (making sure that the 
search included all hidden and system files). It's under C:\boot.ini

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP 
Professional" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn

I called Dell and asked for their help. Unfortunately, they are now 
charging $99 per incident, which is way beyond what I and my family 
(being Katrina refugees) can afford. But they did let me explain the 
problem, and the lady said that in her opinion this is a software issue. 
I tend to agree since I have never had a single hardware problem with my 
Dell computer in the six years I have had it. If so, may I ask if 
someone on the FreeBSD list would be kind enough to help me resolve 
this. We would very much appreciate it.

Thank you so much.

Benjamin Sher

I think this is a bit off-topic on this list, but of course I'd like to help.
I don't think this can be a 'software issue', this must be the BIOS (firmware).

1- Did you change your keyboard, or is your keyboard not well connected?
   I once had a keyboard which had a long reset time and sometimes was not
   detected. Try different keyboards, check the plugs.
First, my thanks for explaining that this is a BIOS issue. Does this 
mean that it is a HARDWARE issue?

I did change my keyboard some months ago. I changed my keyboard from a 
Belkin ergonomic keyboard to a Microsoft ergonomic keyboard when I 
arrived in Knoxville. But I had this problem before in New Orleans with 
my old keyboard. The Setup got jammed sometimes last fall for some 
inexplicable reason and has never worked right since.

2- Are you pressing F2 at the right time? Try keeping F2 pressed as soon as
   you power on, keep it pressed.

Believe me, I press F2 the moment boot starts and keep hitting it 
throughout the boot process. On the other hand, I can stop the boot 
process with F12.

3- Did you update your BIOS?

I don't think removing the CMOS battery can help in this case. Your problem
seems surreal.

No, I have not updated my BIOS since I purchased the Dell.

Thank you again.




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Can't boot into setup to install FreeBSD 6 -- Rev

2006-03-07 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

Two more important pieces of information:

1) While I am unable to get into Setup (F2) during bootup, I am able to 
stop the booting with F12 (boot menu), which offers me four choices: 
Normal, Diskette, Hard drive and CD. But when I select any of them, I 
get "Try reboot with F2 or hit F1". When I try the CD, I am told "boot 
medium missing" (I think).

2)  I  have downloaded the FreeBSD 6 files (551 MB and 650 MB), but I 
have been unable sofar to burn the ISO image correctly using my Nero 
5.5. But I'll deal with that later.

Thank you.


Just downloaded the two FreeBSD CD's from the web and I would like to 
install them on my second hard drive. But I've discovered that I cannot 
boot up into my Setup (F2, as clearly indicated on my Dell 8200 
Dimension during bootup). I have never had this kind of problem before. 
I have two 40GB hard drives and wanted to install Linux into my second 
hard drive, but to do this I have to be able to go into my Bios and 
change the boot sequence. I have done this several times before with the 
same computer and the same Win XP OS. But now there is something wrong. 
In fact, I even tried to insert my Windows XP CD and tried to click on 
F2. But, once again, all that happened is that I was taken immediately 
to Windows XP. How do I regain entry to my Setup?

One last thing: I searched for the boot.ini file (making sure that the 
search included all hidden and system files). It's under C:\boot.ini

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP 
Professional" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn

I called Dell and asked for their help. Unfortunately, they are now 
charging $99 per incident, which is way beyond what I and my family 
(being Katrina refugees) can afford. But they did let me explain the 
problem, and the lady said that in her opinion this is a software issue. 
I tend to agree since I have never had a single hardware problem with my 
Dell computer in the six years I have had it. If so, may I ask if 
someone on the FreeBSD list would be kind enough to help me resolve 
this. We would very much appreciate it.

Thank you so much.

Benjamin Sher

Thank you so very much.

freebsd-stable@freebsd.org mailing list
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Can't boot into setup to install FreeBSD 6

2006-03-07 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

Just downloaded the two FreeBSD CD's from the web and I would like to 
install them on my second hard drive. But I've discovered that I cannot 
boot up into my Setup (F2, as clearly indicated on my Dell 8200 
Dimension during bootup). I have never had this kind of problem before. 
I have two 40GB hard drives and wanted to install Linux into my second 
hard drive, but to do this I have to be able to go into my Bios and 
change the boot sequence. I have done this several times before with the 
same computer and the same Win XP OS. But now there is something wrong. 
In fact, I even tried to insert my Windows XP CD and tried to click on 
F2. But, once again, all that happened is that I was taken immediately 
to Windows XP. How do I regain entry to my Setup?

One last thing: I searched for the boot.ini file (making sure that the 
search included all hidden and system files). It's under C:\boot.ini

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP 
Professional" /fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn

I called Dell and asked for their help. Unfortunately, they are now 
charging $99 per incident, which is way beyond what I and my family 
(being Katrina refugees) can afford. But they did let me explain the 
problem, and the lady said that in her opinion this is a software issue. 
I tend to agree since I have never had a single hardware problem with my 
Dell computer in the six years I have had it. If so, may I ask if 
someone on the FreeBSD list would be kind enough to help me resolve 
this. We would very much appreciate it.

Thank you so much.

Benjamin Sher

Thank you so very much.

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Re: After Install -- Where is FreeBSD?

2005-06-20 Thread Benjamin Sher
Dear Alex and friends:

Thanks a million. And what a relief!

- Original Message - 
From: "Alex Zbyslaw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Benjamin Sher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "FreeBSD-Questions Questions" 
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 12:41 PM
Subject: Re: After Install -- Where is FreeBSD?

> Benjamin Sher wrote:
> >> Dear friends:
> >> All that's missing now is FreeBSD. After completing my install, I
> >> exited. FreeBSD exited normally, then rebooted. But no sign of
> >> FreeBSD. Instead, Windows came up. I do recall choosing to have a
> >> boot manager but never actually saw the screen and boot-up options.
> >> So, I went back into Free BSD by switching back to the CD in my Bios,
> >> but that's as far as I dare go on my own. What should I do? Am I
> >> missing something?
> >
> I don't know why the boot manager isn't installed, but it's very easy to
> install it again.  Boot from the CD, select Post Installation Config,
> then select the disk Label editor.  Pick the first slice and make it
> bootable (S) then W to write you changes and you are asked if you want
> to install the boot manager.  Say yes.
> Quit out and reboot, taking out the CD.  While I'm getting things to
> work I usually leave the floppy and CD as BIOS boot options before the
> hard disk.  Once I know it all works, I fix the BIOS to look for the
> disk first.  If you don't have a bootable CD or floppy in the drive,
> then the system boots from disk.
> This is from memory, but I'm pretty sure it's correct.  As long as you
> do nothing other than making a slice bootable, then you should do no
> --Alex
> -- 
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
> Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.7.8/22 - Release Date: 6/17/2005

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After Install -- Where is FreeBSD?

2005-06-20 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

I just installed FreeBSD 5.4. I have two primary HD: the first disk holds
WinXP, the second disk now has FreeBSD.

Well, the good news is that my first install of FreeBSD went perfectly. I
selected ALL for installation of ports and packages so it took a good hour
to install everything from my two CD's. And some of the packages encountered
an error and could not be installed (they told me to look in the debugger
for details).

Windows XP came through completely unscathed and in perfect working order on
my first primary HD.

All that's missing now is FreeBSD. After completing my install, I exited.
FreeBSD exited normally, then rebooted. But no sign of FreeBSD. Instead,
Windows came up. I do recall choosing to have a boot manager but never
actually saw the screen and boot-up options. So, I went back into Free BSD
by switching back to the CD in my Bios, but that's as far as I dare go on my
own. What should I do? Am I missing something?

Thank you all so much.


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