SNMP access to pf ALTQ data?

2006-07-08 Thread J. Buck Caldwell

Forgive the cross-posting, but I think I need a wider audience.

Is it possible to track pf ALTQ usage with MRTG? I notice that FreeBSD's 
built-in bsnmpd has a module and mibs to support pf, but I know too 
little about SNMP to figure out how to access the queue stats.

Specifically, I'm looking to make a series of MRTG graphs that show the 
total bytes that pass through each queue. I figure if worst comes to 
worst, I can work out a separate program that parses the output of 
'pfctl -vsq' and returns that as MRTG-readable input, but it would be 
much smoother to get it via SNMP, if it can be done.

Any help would be appreciated. I'm sure others would be interested in 
this as well.

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Re: Backups

2006-03-31 Thread J. Buck Caldwell
Unison is your answer. I've been using it to synchronize the data on 20 
branch servers with the big corporate server for backup onto one big 
tape drive every night for the last two years. Email me if you need help 
setting it up.


Brian Doherty wrote:

Firstly let me say that I'm not sure if this is the right list to post to,
so if I am incorrect I apologise. Also if there is a better list for me to
post to, please direct me to it.

I have built a redundant freeBSD box for my mail server, and for my
webserver, and am putting the redundant boxes in a different geographic
location. I am looking for a way to backup the relevant data on the current
mail and webservers to the new redundant boxes every night. I could use scp
and do a full backup every night but I remember hearing of a piece of bsd
software that can compare the two file systems and just copy the changes.
This would dramatically cut down on the traffic across the link between the

Is there a tried and trusted method of doing this?

BTW I perform backups at the current site onto tape and will continue to do
so, I may perform tape backup at the new site too. Is this over kill?


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Re: too much spam (Was: no subject)

2006-03-16 Thread J. Buck Caldwell

Andrew Pantyukhin wrote:

On 3/16/06, J. Buck Caldwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You know, I tried printing it out, but I still can't see the naked lady...


Beware, by answering spam messages like
that you get your address into spam filters all
over the world. Change the subject line next

You might notice my email address - it's only used on this listserv, and 
is a disposable alias. I start getting too much spam on it, I 
unsubscribe, resubscribe with a variant (say, freebsd1), and kill the 
old alias. I can't recommend this enough to anyone running their own MX 
server - I never give out the same email address to two different 
organizations. That way I know who's violating their own privacy 
policies when I start getting spam.

To give you a for-instance - at work, where I have only one address, and 
it's given out to all of our vendors, I get about 300 spam per day 
(that's AFTER the RBLs). At home, on my own domain, I have about 130 
different aliases pointing to one account, and get about 3 spam mails a 
day, but to only two aliases - the one in my domain registration (which 
is whois accessible), and this one (because it's web-archive 
spiderable).Any other spam I get (which is rare), I check the privacy 
policies of the sender (usually legitimate bulk-mail services) and their 
client (Target being the biggest offender) and rat the former out to the 
latter as violating published terms of service, and cc: it to the FTC.

Oh - wait - sorry, I misread. You meant that people might not get 
messages FROM that address anymore. Meh. I don't consider myself that 
important; if people don't get my random musings, they won't miss them.

Happy Thursday!
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.

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Re: (no subject)

2006-03-15 Thread J. Buck Caldwell

You know, I tried printing it out, but I still can't see the naked lady...

Site wrote:

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Re: calcru: negative time (Interrupt Storm on cpu0: timer)

2006-02-13 Thread J. Buck Caldwell
Only time I've ever seen this problem is running on a VMWARE virtual 
server. Is that the case here? If so, try:

sysctl kern.timecounter.hardware=TSC

That did the trick for me.

Frank Steinborn wrote:


After reboot yesterday, my system suddenly started to flood syslog with
following message:

calcru: runtime went backwards from 1966191374 usec to 1966189453 usec
for pid 29988 (screen)

It's not only screen, i saw sh and su also, but in the last hour only
screen. A vmstat -i and the same 5 seconds later:

interrupt  total   rate
irq1: atkbd0   1  0
irq13: npx01  0
irq14: ata0   410366  5
irq17: em0  20882069263
cpu0: timer158483081   2000
Total  179775518   2268

interrupt  total   rate
irq1: atkbd0   1  0
irq13: npx01  0
irq14: ata0   410430  5
irq17: em0  20885602263
cpu0: timer158505514   2000
Total  179801548   2268

Is this an interrupt storm? I know that there is a FAQ entry about the
negative time issue, but it seems this is more a bad workaround I 
guess. The system was running without problems for 3 months or so and

as I said the problem suddenly appeared yesterday.

Any hints on whats wrong here?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: BIG BIG problem with Xorg and... something else...

2006-02-07 Thread J. Buck Caldwell


Hi all,

   First don't blame me for cross-posting on stable and x11 lists but both seem
relevant for my problem.

   I'm tracking 6-STABLE. Since one week, I can't use my computer under FreeBSD.
The boot is OK, xdm screen is OK. But if I launch a KDE session, I've some color
problems during initializing session, then X freezes (before end of loading !!!)
and the only way is to poweroff the computer !!! No ssh, no way to CTRL-ALT F1
switching to a console screen, the box is down... 

I seem to recall something similar being posted recently, having more to 
do with the X.ORG 6.9 upgrade than anything else. You might try doing a 
'portupgrade -af' to rebuild everything against the new libraries.

Couldn't hurt, anyway.

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Re: dhclient in 6.0

2006-02-03 Thread J. Buck Caldwell

Chuck Swiger wrote:

It would also be good if dhcpd would reassign the same IP to the same machine
(if the IP is not otherwise being used) if there was a prior lease matching the
client asking for a new lease, and not just when a client is trying to renew an
existing lease.

I'm way outside the debate here, but I run a FreeBSD 6 server with 
isc-dhcpd3-server from ports, and it does exactly what you say you want. 
I've been using a single system to build a new system image to deploy to 
our 450 workstations, and every time I re-image, wipe & reinstall, etc, 
dhcpd gives the machine the same IP it had before. We're talking clean 
registry, here, so there's no existing lease for the machine to ask for. 
This is just the most recent example - since I run Windows on my home 
systems too, I often have to wipe & reinstall, and always get the same 
IP (provided I haven't changed network cards - ie, MAC addresses).

Just my observations...
-J. Buck Caldwell

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Re: ALTQ on GIF tunnels?

2006-01-18 Thread J. Buck Caldwell

Gleb Smirnoff wrote:

On Mon, Jan 16, 2006 at 11:48:34PM -0600, J. Buck Caldwell wrote:
J> Is there any work on adding support for ALTQ to the GIF tunnel 
J> interface? I'm having wonderful results getting ALTQ working on normal 
J> interfaces, but it would be heavenly to prioritize the traffic inside 
J> the tunnels.

You can (and probably should) enable ALTQ on the physical interface
that gif(4) runnels use for encapsulated packets.

Yes, but that doesn't do any good for the packets traveling inside the 
tunnel. Specifically, I have a corporate network hooked to a branch via 
VPN, and want to prioritize not just the tunnel over ordinary traffic, 
but prioritize different types of traffic inside the tunnel.

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ALTQ on GIF tunnels?

2006-01-16 Thread J. Buck Caldwell
Is there any work on adding support for ALTQ to the GIF tunnel 
interface? I'm having wonderful results getting ALTQ working on normal 
interfaces, but it would be heavenly to prioritize the traffic inside 
the tunnels.

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My ungodly PF config - am I sane and brilliant, or just deluded and dangerous?

2005-12-15 Thread J. Buck Caldwell
ly one 
or possibly two endpoints (branch->corporate and sometimes 
branch->sister branch) will be significantly simpler, but if the above 
works, it's easy to transpose to the smaller situation.

Something else I just noticed, since this is the "server end" - the 
point where most of the servers sit, as opposed to the clients - should 
I change those 'pass' lines from "from any to any port x" to "from any 
port x to any"? Is that valid?

My theory is that I want to first, prioritize the traffic going out on 
the gif tunnels, then promote the gif packet actually travelling out 
over the $ext_if above most other traffic. It LOOKS like this will 
happen, but I want to see if I'm missing anything obvious. In the past, 
I've used NetBSD and ipfilter, so I'm relitively new to PF and wanted a 
second opinion.

Thanks to anyone for answering, or for pointing to a more appropriate 
venue for the question!

-J. Buck Caldwell

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Re: Problem with IBM xSeries 226 with ServeRAID 6i+ using FreeBSD 5.3

2005-03-30 Thread J. Buck Caldwell
Scott Long wrote:
J. Buck Caldwell wrote:
Scott Long wrote:
J. Buck Caldwell wrote:
Any help would be appreciated. Requests for more detail will be 
answered promptly.

It sounds very much like an interrupt routing problem.  Have you 
tried the 5.4-BETA CD?

No help. Booting normally brings me to the same point - "ips0: 
resetting adapter, make take 5 minutes" - then nothing. System just 
hangs. Also, after that point, hitting the power button will not 
power-off the machine (of course, holding it in will). Anytime before 
that point, hitting the power button will turn the power off instantly.

One more test, would you mind trying the 6.0-CURRENT-SNAP002 snapshot? 
If that works then that gives us a target to shoot for with 5.4.

Well, some excellent news - 6.0-CURRENT-SNAP002 works perfectly. Or at 
least, it boots - I'm doing an install now, but I wanted to let you know 
right away.

Anything we could do to get this system running properly under 5.4, let 
me know - because we're paying lease payments two servers that we can't 
use at the moment, until we can boot FreeBSD on them. (damn IBM and 
thier end-of-life cycles)
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Re: Problem with IBM xSeries 226 with ServeRAID 6i+ using FreeBSD 5.3

2005-03-29 Thread J. Buck Caldwell
Scott Long wrote:
J. Buck Caldwell wrote:
Any help would be appreciated. Requests for more detail will be 
answered promptly.
It sounds very much like an interrupt routing problem.  Have you tried 
the 5.4-BETA CD?

No help. Booting normally brings me to the same point - "ips0: resetting 
adapter, make take 5 minutes" - then nothing. System just hangs. Also, 
after that point, hitting the power button will not power-off the 
machine (of course, holding it in will). Anytime before that point, 
hitting the power button will turn the power off instantly.
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Problem with IBM xSeries 226 with ServeRAID 6i+ using FreeBSD 5.3

2005-03-29 Thread J. Buck Caldwell
I'm having a serious problem with my IBM xSeries servers. I have several 
in the field working properly, using ServeRAID 6i controllers with 
firmware v7.00.14. However, I just recently ordered two new ones, and 
now I can't get them to work. The controller is a 6i+, with firmware 

Using stock 5.3 Boot CD or floppy, I get as far as the IPS driver 
resetting the controller, which appears to work (the drive lights flash 
as though the controller is resetting). Then nothing. The system hangs, 
the fans slow down, nothing ever happens.

If I boot in Non-ACPI mode, it's the same thing. However, if I boot in 
Safe Mode, it works perfectly. I've even managed to install the OS onto 
the system. However, in Safe Mode, I have no network adapters, so the 
server becomes instantly useless.

Any help would be appreciated. Requests for more detail will be answered 
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