ISDN4BSD removal (was: FreeBSD 6.4 and 8.0 EoLs coming soon)

2010-10-07 Thread Peter Much
 aka Vadim Goncharov schrieb
mit Datum Wed, 08 Sep 2010 04:31:46 +0700 in m2n.fbsd.stable:

|You do not understand the problem. It is not in notices & volunteers, but  
|rather in the Project's policy - delete something which could still work.  
|Personally, I don't use ISDN, so didn't said anything that time, but now,  

Hi all,

at this point I would like to speak up, because I am practically
using ISDN4BSD.

I just decided to upgrade to RELENG-8, and found out that I cannot.
So now I have 1 1/2 years (until 7.3 EOL) to figure out a solution.

I will not complain, because I think people here do an incredible
good work, and the only very small thing I can contribute is 
occasional bug reports and sometimes patches.

But what I want to say is:

It is *NOT TRUE* that the I4B feature has become of limited
usefulness today!

I am using I4B as an answering machine for my phone-line, with
the feature to monitor these calls and to download them as MP3
from anywhere in the world (could even be a web-interface, but 
I hadn't yet the time to write that). 
I don't want everybody to know my cellular nr;  I don't want to
(costly) forward calls to my cellular; but I want to be able to
monitor and react on calls nevertheless!

This is very easy and very comfortable - and currently I have no
idea which other equipment could provide me with such functionality
(if any would exist at all). And - my router is running anyway, 
it doesn't consume extra power when doing this - in fact, I think
this is one of the most useful things one can do with a computer
that is kept running all the time...

So, I am sure my demand for this functionality will continue to 
exist for an indefinite time into the future, and in fact I 
am sad.

To be honest, I am quite clueless now. Theoretically I do 
understand the problem with I4B. (Practically I do not understand 
it, because for me it has nothing to do with networking - I do
only use the phone call monitoring/handling.)
But staying with 7.3 will cut me off from other improvements/fixes,
which I would much enjoy.

Anyway, there is another open issue for me: my ISDN adapter card 
is ISA technology, so I will have to get a PCI type card as soon 
as I replace the mainboard of that system (which is imminent because
it's too slow and too power-consuming - the ISDN being the main 
reason why I didnt do that already).

But maybe, now I should look for some completely different approach?

Any clues, ideas, pointers, hints, ressources,... are greatly

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Re: zfs/panic: short after rollback

2009-08-11 Thread Peter Much
 aka Kip Macy  schrieb
mit Datum Fri, 12 Jun 2009 13:54:40 -0700 in m2n.fbsd.stable:

|show sleepchain
|show thread 100263
|On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 6:56 AM, Andriy Gapon wrote:
|> I did zfs rollback x...@yyy
|> And then did ls on a directory in the rolled-back fs.

|> panic: sleeping thread

This is quite likely the same problem as I experience. 
And it is maybe also the same problem as in kern/137037 and kern/129148.

It seems to show up in some different flavours, while the bottomline
is this: 
do a rollback, and soon after (usually at the next filesystem-related 
action) the kernel has gone fishing.

I experienced it first when doing a rollback of a mounted filesystem.
It crashed right after the first try, and it did so reproducible.
(Well, more or less reproducible - another day under similar
circumstances it did not crash.)

Then I started thinking, and came to the conclusion that a rollback
of a mounted filesystem (with possibly open files) could easily bring 
a lot of things into an undefined state, and should not be something 
one wants to do normally. So maybe it is not supposed to work at all.

Anyway, when trying this, I do either get the "sleeping thread"
message (as above), or a panic from _sx_xlock() (as shown in 
my addendum to kern/137037, and in the addendum to kern/129148).

So I started to do rollbacks on unmounted filesystems (quite an
excessive amount of them), and while this seemed to work at first, 
later on the system failures reappeared. 
These system failures took various shapes - I experienced immediate
resets without dump, and system hangs.
When deliberately trying to reproduce that (after installing a 
kernel with debugging info and watching the console), I also 
captured a panic coming from _sx_xlock() - so it seems to be the 
same problem as without unmounting, only that it takes a couple 
of rollbacks (a dozen or more) to hit.

Over all, there was never any data loss or persistent damage.
So, I consider rollback still functional and safe to use, but
I consider a system no longer production stable after doing
a rollback.

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Re: 7.2-STABLE ZFS: mv: set flags (was: 00000000): Invalid argument

2009-07-25 Thread Peter Much
 aka Peter Much schrieb
mit Datum Wed, 22 Jul 2009 09:51:52 GMT in m2n.fbsd.stable:

|After upgrading my system from 7.2-PRERELEASE to 7.2-STABLE (as
|of last week), and accordingly upgrading my Pools from Version
|6 to Version 13, I get this error when moving arbitrary files
|between different ZFS filesystems.

.. found my mistake: there are *two* tasks in the upgrade.
Not only zfs pools need upgrade from version 6 to 13 (with
command "zpool"), also the zfs filesystems need upgrade from
version 1 to 3 (with command "zfs"). After doing both, the
message is gone.

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7.2-STABLE ZFS: mv: set flags (was: 00000000): Invalid argument

2009-07-22 Thread Peter Much

Hi ZFS gurus!

After upgrading my system from 7.2-PRERELEASE to 7.2-STABLE (as
of last week), and accordingly upgrading my Pools from Version
6 to Version 13, I get this error when moving arbitrary files
between different ZFS filesystems.

While this seems not to do much harm (mv returns with 0), it is
Does anybody know an explanation or fix, or is there some work in

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Re: Can an app crash from a single TCP packet lost in transmission?

2009-07-17 Thread Peter Much
 aka Chuck Swiger  schrieb
mit Datum Fri, 17 Jul 2009 13:49:10 -0700 in m2n.fbsd.stable:

|On Jul 17, 2009, at 12:12 PM, Peter Much wrote:
|[ ... ]
|> One other thing did happen between 03:51 and 03:52 - the DSL
|> internet connection did disconnect/reconnect and obtained a new
|> IP adress. Afterwards, a script does flush and reload an ipfw table()
|> with the new local adresses - and during this process one(!) packet
|> of the database session was dropped.
|Well, there you go: having your IP change is certainly going to break  
|existing network connections; 

Uh, is that so? 
Maybe I wasnt clear enough: the failing database connection is a 
LOCALHOST-LOCALHOST connection - and it uses the (fixed) IP of one 
of the LAN interfaces, not the dynamic internet IP on the tun/PPP 

Changing the IP on one interface while using another interface is,
to all my knowledge, normal business.

And even IF there were problem with that, then I would expect the 
connection to timeout and fail, I would NOT expect a memory leak
to appear and drive the system out of swap within seconds.

!I don't believe there is anything which  
|is going to move the existing connection state in a NAT translation  
|layer or whatever over to the new IP. 

Nay, that doesnt work.

|Presumably you can obtain a  
|static IP and avoid such issues.

I have a static internet IP on the machine, also, for HTTPS. I have 
lots of interfaces there.

And I did run some tests in the meantime. The problem is in the 
PostgresQL library; it doesnt depend on a changed IP; - I only need
to steal one packet out of the transmission, then the database client
will grow to VSZ=1500GB and bigger. That's perfect reproduceable.

The postgresQL is 8.2, rather old by now - but I really wonder that
noone else did get into this during all the time.

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Can an app crash from a single TCP packet lost in transmission?

2009-07-17 Thread Peter Much

The first thing I noticed was that my nameserver had gone. 
I searched for the reason and found:

>Jul 15 04:04:52  edge kernel: swap_pager_getswapspace(3): failed
< ... hundreds more of these ... >
>Jul 15 04:05:07  edge kernel: pid 47113 (named), uid 53, was 
killed: out of swap space

That didn't make sense - the machine has enough swapspace.
But since this did repeat every other night, I started logging
ps output minutely.
And so I found a postgres database backup going weird:

03:23   70 78433 78432   0  96  0  8220  4196 -  R ??0:22.84 
pg_dump -b 
< ... >
03:49   70 78433 78432   0  96  0  8220  4024 -  R ??   17:06.61 
pg_dump -b 
03:50   70 78433 78432   0  96  0  8220  4024 -  R ??   17:46.15 
pg_dump -b 
03:51   70 78433 78432   0  96  0  8220  4024 -  R ??   18:26.69 
pg_dump -b 
03:52   70 78433 78432   0  47  0 139292 57888 select S ??   18:37.65 
pg_dump -b 
03:53   70 78433 78432   0  48  0 139292 57828 select S ??   18:40.36 
pg_dump -b 
03:54   70 78433 78432   0 -20  0 401436 69092 swread DL??   18:42.49 
pg_dump -b 
03:55   70 78433 78432   0 -20  0 401436 63232 swread DL??   18:43.99 
pg_dump -b 

That process starts with 8MB memory, and runs so for half an hour,
then suddenly between 03:51 and 03:52 memory usage explodes.
And in that night it did not run out of swap space - instead it gave an
error message:

>pg_dump: Error message from server: lost synchronization with server: 
> got message type "0", length 154143043
>pg_dump: The command was: COPY public.file (fileid, fileindex, jobid, 
> pathid, filenameid, markid, lstat, md5) TO stdout;

But that database backup is at that time quite in the middle of 
dumping a db table containing lots of small records - there is no 
reason why a 154 MB "message" should be transferred between server 
and client while copying records of ~60 Bytes each.

One other thing did happen between 03:51 and 03:52 - the DSL 
internet connection did disconnect/reconnect and obtained a new 
IP adress. Afterwards, a script does flush and reload an ipfw table()
with the new local adresses - and during this process one(!) packet
of the database session was dropped.

I could verify that relation: every night when there were memory
problems, few packets from the database backup were lost during the
firewall reconfigure - in nights when no packets were lost, there were
no memory problems.

I will now change the firewall handling to get rid of that packet loss, 
but also, I need some refresh on how TCP works:

I thought TCP would not be disturbed by a lost packet, but would 
automatically resend that packet until ACK received; and I thought
this would happen below the application, so practically the application
CANNOT go weird from a lost packet...

Is there any reason why this would not be true on a localhost connection?

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Re: 7.2-PRE: switch virtual console drops crazy characters into X

2009-04-19 Thread Peter Much

! I'm also seeing the same issue, but I'm running a custom kernel. I've
! attached a diff from GENERIC.

Okay, I send You my diff. Good luck with experimenting!

Aeh, FYI: my graphics card identifies itself as 
Matrox Graphics, Inc. MGA G400/G450 rev 4

and the "device mgadrm" has something to do with that, I have
forgotten what. That piece seems currently not to exist as a
loadable module.

rgds, PMc
- cpu   I486_CPU
- cpu   I586_CPU
  cpu   I686_CPU
- deviceaac
- deviceaacp
- deviceadw
- deviceage
- deviceaha
- deviceahb
- deviceahc
- deviceahd
- deviceaic
- deviceale
- deviceamd
- deviceamr
- devicean
- devicearcmsr
- deviceasr
- deviceatapifd
- deviceatapist
- deviceataraid
- deviceath
- deviceath_hal
- deviceath_rate_sample
- deviceaue
- deviceawi
- deviceaxe
- devicebce
- devicebfe
- devicebge
- devicebt
- devicecardbus
- devicecbb
- devicecdce
- deviceciss
- devicecs
- devicecue
- devicedc
- devicedcons
- devicedcons_crom
- devicedpt
+ devicedrm
- deviceeisa
- deviceem
- deviceep
- deviceet
- deviceex
- devicefe
- devicefirewire
- devicefwe
- devicefwip
- devicehptiop
- devicehptmv
- devicehptrr
- deviceida
- deviceie
- deviceigb
- deviceiir
- deviceips
- deviceixgb
- devicejme
- devicekbdmux
- devicekue
- devicele
- devicelge
- devicemfi
+ devicemgadrm
- devicemlx
- devicemly
- devicempt
- devicemsk
- devicencv
- devicenfe
- devicenge
+ devicenmdm
- devicensp
- devicepccard
- devicepcn
- deviceppp
- devicepsm
- devicepst
- deviceral
- devicere
- devicerue
- devicerum
- devicesbp
- devicesf
- devicesis
- devicesk
- devicesl
- devicesn
+ devicesnd_cmi
+ devicesnd_ess
+ devicesnd_sbc
+ devicesound
- devicesplash
- deviceste
- devicestg
- devicestge
- deviceti
- devicetl
- devicetrm
- devicetwa
- devicetwe
- devicetx
- devicetxp
- deviceuark
- deviceuart
- deviceubsa
- deviceubser
- deviceuftdi
- deviceuipaq
- deviceural
- deviceuslcom
- deviceuvisor
- deviceuvscom
- devicevge
- devicevr
- devicevx
- devicewb
- devicewi
- devicewlan
- devicewlan_amrr
- devicewlan_ccmp
- devicewlan_scan_ap
- devicewlan_scan_sta
- devicewlan_tkip
- devicewlan_wep
- devicexe
+ ident D1R72V1
- ident GENERIC
+ machine   i386
- makeoptions   DEBUG=-g
- options   ADAPTIVE_GIANT
- options   AH_SUPPORT_AR5416
- options   ATA_STATIC_ID
- options   AUDIT
+ options   AUTO_EOI_1
  options   CD9660
  options   COMPAT_43TTY
+ options   COMPAT_AOUT
- options   COMPAT_FREEBSD4
  options   COMPAT_FREEBSD5
  options   COMPAT_FREEBSD6
+ options   COMPAT_LINUX
+ options   DDB
+ options   DUMMYNET
  options   FFS
- options   GEOM_LABEL
- options   GEOM_PART_GPT
+ options   HZ=200
+ options  

7.2-PRE: switch virtual console drops crazy characters into X

2009-04-16 Thread Peter Much

Hi all,

to make a long story short, I got trapped in the Xorg upgrade
problems (concerning HAL etc.) that were widely reported during 

After reading thru the material I figured out that there are
not much chances that somebody would take effort and fix these
things for a 6.3 Release.
So I decided to give it a try with the 7.2-PRERELASE. And, well,
after recompiling all the stuff, the problems seem gone so far.

Only one strange thing has appeared:

Every time I switch from X to a virtual console and back, I get
some characters dropped into my command-line in the X window,
and have to delete them with the backspace key.
These characters read: ^[[20~

Now this is exactly the escape sequence on the F9 key (where the X
runs), if it were pressed without Ctrl-Alt. That shouldn't happen.

Now the funny thing is: this does only happen when booting the
GENERIC kernel. When I boot my normal custom made kernel, it
does not happen.
Now this is strange. Usually the GENERIC kernel should show the
least unexpected behaviour. 

Alright, there are lots and lots of devices left out of my custom
kernel, but I do not see anything that could have to do with 
VT switching. I do not quite understand it. But I am also not
so much bored that I would start trying out options and building
kernels so to find what makes this happen.

So, if anyone experiences the similar thing, and is enough annoyed
to do something about it, I will happily send a diff from my
kernel configs.

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Rel 7 works better (was: "s/stable/broken/g")

2009-04-16 Thread Peter Much
Hi folks, hi Freddy,

sorry, missed Your note last year this time.

 aka Freddie Cash  schrieb
mit Datum Wed, 26 Mar 2008 14:04:00 -0700 in m2n.fbsd.stable:

|On March 22, 2008 01:01 pm Peter Much wrote:
|> Both of them were running Release 5.5, and they were doing all that
|> is needed, and I was perfectly happy with this.
|> [...]
|> So I upgraded the first computer to Release 6.3. The outcome was
|A safer (recommended?) upgrade process when crossing major versions (ie 
|5.x to 6.x) is to upgrade to the latest release of the "old" version, 
|then to the .0 release of the "new" version, then to the latest release 
|of the "new" version.
|So from 5.x to 5.5, then from 5.5 to 6.0, then from 6.0 to 6.3.
|The devs take great pains to make the transition from "latest X.x to Y.0" 
|simple and mostly fool-proof, and the transition from "Y.x to Y.z" simple 
|and mostly fool-proof.  But there are no guarantees when going from X.x 
|to Y.z.

Maybe its good idea to replay Your message just now, as it seems
good advice.

I'm just strolling by to tell that I went from 6.3 to 7.2 just now
with my testmachine, and this time it was a really good experience
so far.

I have now only one strangeness, which I think not worth a bug report,
but I would invite You to think about what that can be. I post a
separate note with better subject for that.

And yes, I did ignore the good advice again, but 7.2 isn't officially
out for release yet, so there are no safety belts anyway.

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Re: "s/stable/broken/g"

2008-03-27 Thread Peter Much
! Try the rev. 1.24 of the devfs_rule.c. In fact, it is fixed by somewhat
! bigger patch that I inlined below. It is already in CURRENT and RELENG_7.

Thanks, this is cool: it seems to work on Rel. 6.3. :)

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Re: "s/stable/broken/g"

2008-03-27 Thread Peter Much
On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 10:06:04PM +0100, Kris Kennaway wrote:
! Software always has bugs, and it is a mistake to think that the "stable" 
! designation does not mean "has no bugs".  It's unfortunate that you have 
! hit a couple of them, but please continue to work through the process of 
! documenting them.

Oh, don't worry, sure I do!
I was just wondering where we are heading. I did not perceive this kind
of problems the earlier upgrades (since Release 2) - sure there were 
problems with the new stuff, but not with the established things.

And I do not worry if support for something is not happening or is
dropped (due to lack of interest or ressources or whatever), but if
already existing functionality just silently goes away with
apparently nobody noticing, then I perceive it as a loss of one of
the core values of a *nix-on-pc: that you do not need to buy new
and fast hardware to get things done (you only need *reliable*
hardware - and the newer one often is reliable only if built for
servers; the consumer stuff is just getting WORSE.)

! With regards to your ethernet problems, old cards like ed do not get 
! much testing thesedays because few people use them.  Combined with the 
! fact that ethernet problems are often specific to certain hardware 
! models or revisions, you may be the only person to have tried this 
! particular case in many years.  

Well, there are two reasons why I am using them: 1) if you place
twisted-pair under the carpet, it will break after some months. On
BNC cables i can walk for years, it does no harm. :)
2) It's true, i get a lovely dual if_fxp 10/100 64bit card on ebay
for 1 euro, and it actually runs on a pentium2 - but i need a router
then; and there what i get -at the consumer end- is so incredibly 
full of bugs, I will not rely on these! And I cannot fix them. :(

! By the same token, these problems are 
! difficult to fix without a developer having access to the same problem 
! hardware.  You might consider offering to ship it to an interested 
! developer if one can be found.

I definitely will! 
The question is if a problem comes from an extravagance in one
specific model of hardware (then it is not worth to put work into 
ancient hardware), or if there was a logical coding mistake during
development within an existing codepiece that is now seldom used.
The latter I would like to have fixed.

And the other point is: I do not currently know how well people
in less developed countries are supplied with suitable hardware -
but I see them picking up on *nix - and I like that. :)

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Re: "s/stable/broken/g"

2008-03-26 Thread Peter Much
On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 05:00:12PM -0400, John Baldwin wrote:

! Try this patch for de(4).

Thanks fpr the reply. I'll try this patch at next reboot.

! You need to supply the panic details for the devfs 
! one (I've used devfs rules w/o issue on lots of machines 
! via /etc/devfs.conf).

I have found, eh, not the solution but the problem. ;)
This one: kern/89784 describes the same symptom and nearly
the same backtrace. And it is still open, so this, well, just
seems to exist. And, things being this way, I don't think 
there is need for me to do any more about it for now, as
this does not really hurt and workaround is easy.

Actually, the horror is not that something does not work - the 
horror is when, in an ambitiously complex setup which isn't fun
to upgrade anyway, the next pagefault derisively grins at you,
at the point when you would like to finish and go for a sleep,
or a beer - and you know there are some good friends who have 
placed some web-stuff onto the machine, and you don't want to 
disappoint them...
It's a situation where one enjoys reaching a good availability,
but far from worth setting up an identical test environment
(which would be the appropriate strategy to really avoid such

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2008-03-26 Thread Peter Much

Dear all,

  I have two computers.

Both of them were running Release 5.5, and they were doing all that
is needed, and I was perfectly happy with this. 

Now, as we know, security support for Release 5.5 will terminate
during this spring, and as my computers are exposed to the Internet,
this means that I MUST upgrade, even while I do not need or want 
anything from a higher release.

So I upgraded the first computer to Release 6.3. The outcome was
that on this computer, where Release 5 was running just fine for
years, a Generic 6.3 kernel would just pagefault during boot. Nogo 
at all.

I searched for the problem, and found it to be the network card -
which is just a common standard de0 PCI card. 
Now, without network I cannot access the Internet, and if I do
not access the Internet, then I do not need to upgrade! This is 
some kind of catch22.

So I searched for the bug, I found something, I fixed it, and it
I published a description of the problem and the fix via sendbug 
(kern/120915) - but apparently nobody seems to be interested in a
nonfunctional network on a so-called "production" release.

Actually, I do not know what else I would have to do besides finding
the bug, isolating the bug, creating a fix, using the fix and
publishing the fix?

So now I started to upgrade my second computer to Release 6.3.
And when booting the Generic kernel, it does just pagefault
quickly after booting is completed.

I isolated the problem - it is the network card. This one is a 
well-known standard ed0 ISA card that has worked fine for 15
years now, and it pagefaults as soon as the first data is 
transferred. I replaced the card with one of a different brand
(but also ed0), and the problem went away.

So, the mere statistical evidence is this: when upgrading from 
release 5.5 to 6.3, 100% of the computers that did work fine with 
5.5 do no longer run.

I suppose the next thing I should do is some kind of reality check, 
to adjust my understanding of the words "stable", "production" and 
"upgrade". :-/

But the more severe aspect of the matter is, if this is a trend that
will intensify with further upgrades, and if so, then what to do about

"never change a running system" would be a good approach, if there 
were not the security issues. 
The other approach is to always buy new hardware. That is the Windows
approach, and I do not like it. When a Pentium-II/350 is only 10% 
loaded, then why should one get a new computer for the job?? It just
eats more power and creates ecohazard waste. :-(

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Re: "s/stable/broken/g"

2008-03-26 Thread Peter Much

And the party continues... 
When starting my usual environment, there is already the next pagefault 
kernel panic!

Tracking it down... it's the "type" keyword in devfs rules. According
to the manpage, support for this was _not_ withdrawn. 
But actually, entering something like
devfs rule apply type tape WHATEVER
crashes the system.
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