27/12/2001 22:48:36, Josh Tolbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>        I have a working X 4.1.0/DRI setup for my voodoo3/3000 at home
>(documentation of how I managed to get it working is at
>http://halcyon.scoundrelz.net/~hemi/dri.txt). I found a PC at work and
>decided I'd try to replicate my X 4.1.0/DRI setup at work.
>        X installed fine from ports and /usr/ports/graphics/glide3
>downloaded fine. I applied anholt's patch from ports/31767. On build (make
>-DWITH_VOODOO3=1 install), I get errors such as the following, with stop
>errors afterwards:
>automake: configure.in: required file `./depcomp' not found
>automake: cvg/glide3/src/makefile.autoconf.am: Assembler source seen but
>`ASFLAGS' not defined in `configure.in'
>automake: h3/glide3/src/makefile.autoconf.am: object `cpudtect.lo' created
>by `cpudtect.c' and `cpudtect.S'
>automake: h3/glide3/src/makefile.autoconf.am: object `cpudtect.lo' created
>by `cpudtect.c' and `cpudtect.S'
>automake: h3/glide3/src/makefile.autoconf.am: object `cpudtect.lo' created
>by `cpudtect.c' and `cpudtect.S'
>automake: h3/glide3/src/makefile.autoconf.am: object `cpudtect.lo' created
>by `cpudtect.c' and `cpudtect.S'
>automake: h3/glide3/src/makefile.autoconf.am: Assembler source seen but
>`ASFLAGS' not defined in `configure.in'

Could this be related to the issue described in this message from Boxing day?


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