Following up on previous correspondance, I can confirm that both models of
the FujiFilm USB SmartMedia readers (the obsolete SM-R1 and the
current SM-R2) work OK with FreeBSD 4.3.  In fact, they seem almost
identical, apart from the fact that the case is now painted gloss purple
rather than matt grey.  On the inside, the PCB has had a re-layout but
appears to have much the same chipset.  They've forgotten to private-label
the firmware in the new version:

SM-R1 (empty):

umass0: Fuji Photo Film  SmartMedia R/W, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 4
umass0: Get Max Lun not supported (STALLED)
da1 at umass-sim0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
da1: <GENERIC SmartMedia R/W 1.00> Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device
da1: 650KB/s transfers
da1: Attempt to query device size failed: NOT READY, Medium not present

SM-R2 (with card loaded):

umass0: Hagiwara Sys-Com SmartMedia R/W, rev 1.10/2.00, addr 5
umass0: Get Max Lun not supported (STALLED)
da1 at umass-sim0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
da1: <HAGIWARA SmartMedia R/W 2.00> Removable Direct Access SCSI-2 device
da1: 650KB/s transfers
da1: 62MB (128000 512 byte sectors: 64H 32S/T 62C)

Performance is good: reading through the filesystem gives a shade over
700Kbyte/sec; reading the raw device depends on the block size - with
a 32K block size you get the same 700Kbyte/sec, down to about 80Kbyte/sec
with 512byte block.  Writing is slower - about 150 to 200Kbyte/sec.

Software notes:

1) Hot-plugging the USB doesn't work: the device has to be connected at
  boot time for it to get properly associated with the CAM subsystem
  (doesn't matter if there is a card in the drive or not).  After attempts
  to hot-plug, "camcontrol devlist" reports that the USB device is
  associated with pass1 but not da1, and "camcontrol rescan 1" hangs
  forever, sometimes leading to a panic if you then unplug.

2) The USB controller gets scanned before the SCSI controllers (at least
  in my system), so you need a kernel with the SCSI devices wired down if
  your root is on a SCSI drive (to avoid trying to mount root from the

3) The standard SmartMedia formatting has a full FDISK table and a DOS
   filesystem on it, so "mount -t msdos /dev/da1s1 /mnt" is required
   to mount a card written from a camera.

4) "camcontrol eject da1" turns off the drive active LED allowing the
   card to be removed (Fuji seem to be paranoid about this: there is
   a sticker on the top warning you not to try removing the card
   while the LED is on; there's a sensor attached to the eject lever
   that (presumably) allows the firmware to power down the card if
   you press the lever intemperately, and in any case the contacts
   on the card are designed so that GND disconnects last and so
   you'd be unlucky to blow it up anyhow).

5) "camcontrol format da1" will re-write the low-level format.  This
   is useful if you have cards that have been used in a Rio MP3 player:
   the Rio uses a proprietary low-level format, and my (olympus) camera
   refuses to touch cards that have been used in the Rio, even with the
   menu option to format the card.  After a low-level format in the
   reader, the camera is then happy to high-level format the card and
   you are back in business.

As an aside, I also tried a very cheap smartmedia reader:

 ugen0: SCM Microsystems Inc.   SCM eUSB SmartMedia , rev 1.00/1.00, addr 5

This is sold here as the "Cardport Swift" and claims to be made in the UK,
(though I have my doubts, given the above ident string and I am fairly
sure I've seen this OR-gate shaped housing elsewhere - see for a picture).

This unit does NOT work with FreeBSD.

Compared to Fuji's concern over ejecting, this unit has no LEDs or eject
levers at all - you just yank the card out when you feel like it.
Surprisingly, their supplied Windows drivers don't crash when you do this.

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