Re: good/best practices for gmirror and gjournal on a pair of disks?

2008-05-13 Thread mcdouga9

George Hartzell wrote:

Adam McDougall writes:
 > George Hartzell wrote:
 > >[...]
 > >   - I've read in the gjournal man page that when it is "... configured
 > > on top of gmirror(8) or graid3(8) providers, it also keeps them in
 > > a consistent state..."  I've been trying to figure out if this
 > > simply falls out of how gjournal works or if there's explicity
 > > collusion with gmirror/graid3 but can't come up with a
 > > satisfactory explanation.  Can someone walk me through it?
 > >
 > > Since I'm only gjournal'ing a portion of the underlying gmirror
 > > device I assume that I don't get this benefit?
 > >[...]
 > [...]
 > I decided to journal /usr /var /tmp and leave / as a standard UFS 
 > partition because it is so small, fsck doesn't take long anyway and 
 > hopefully doesn't get written to enough to cause damage by an abrupt 
 > reboot.  Because I'm not journaling the root partition, I chose to 
 > ignore the possibility of gjournal marking the mirror clean.  Sudden 
 > reboots don't happen enough on servers for me to care.  And all my 
 > servers got abruptly rebooted this sunday and they all came up fine :)

 > [...]

So you're confirming my belief that setting up gjournal on a
bsdlabel'ed partition of a gmirror does *not* provide the consistency
guarantee and that I should leave autosynchronization enabled.  Right?


I forgot to address that.  I think to gain that, you have to (re)label 
the mirror using -F (see man gmirror).  I believe without using -F, the 
mirrors will still be synced (but probably don't need to).  Otherwise, 
look for initial mail list announcements (freebsd-current?) of gjournal 
which may explain.

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Re: good/best practices for gmirror and gjournal on a pair of disks?

2008-05-13 Thread George Hartzell
Adam McDougall writes:
 > George Hartzell wrote:
 > >[...]
 > >   - I've read in the gjournal man page that when it is "... configured
 > > on top of gmirror(8) or graid3(8) providers, it also keeps them in
 > > a consistent state..."  I've been trying to figure out if this
 > > simply falls out of how gjournal works or if there's explicity
 > > collusion with gmirror/graid3 but can't come up with a
 > > satisfactory explanation.  Can someone walk me through it?
 > >
 > > Since I'm only gjournal'ing a portion of the underlying gmirror
 > > device I assume that I don't get this benefit?
 > >[...]
 > [...]
 > I decided to journal /usr /var /tmp and leave / as a standard UFS 
 > partition because it is so small, fsck doesn't take long anyway and 
 > hopefully doesn't get written to enough to cause damage by an abrupt 
 > reboot.  Because I'm not journaling the root partition, I chose to 
 > ignore the possibility of gjournal marking the mirror clean.  Sudden 
 > reboots don't happen enough on servers for me to care.  And all my 
 > servers got abruptly rebooted this sunday and they all came up fine :)
 > [...]

So you're confirming my belief that setting up gjournal on a
bsdlabel'ed partition of a gmirror does *not* provide the consistency
guarantee and that I should leave autosynchronization enabled.  Right?

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Re: good/best practices for gmirror and gjournal on a pair of disks?

2008-05-13 Thread George Hartzell
Adam McDougall writes:
 > [...]
 > I believe gjournal uses 1G for journal (2x512) which seemed to be 
 > sufficient on all of the systems where I have used the default, but I 
 > quickly found that using a smaller journal is a bad idea and leads to 
 > panics that I was unable to avoid with tuning.  Considering 1G was such 
 > a close value, I chose to go several times above the default journal 
 > size (disk is cheap and I want to be sure) but I ran into problems using 
 > gjournal label -s (size) rejecting my sizes or wrapping the value around 
 > to something too low. [...]

I also stumbled on this and was unable to find any mention of it in
the pr database.  One of my todo items is to make sure I'm not messing
up somehow, dig further into the PR db for an existing report, and
file one if I can't find one?

I tried -s 2147483648 and it was found to be "too small".  A quick
read of the source led me to find that jsize is an intmax_t and that
gctl_get_intmax()  should be returning an intmax_t and that intmax_
ought to be an __int64_t (I'm on amd64), which left me confused.

Has anyone else seen/reported a problem with gjournal -s and values >

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Re: good/best practices for gmirror and gjournal on a pair of disks?

2008-05-13 Thread Adam McDougall

George Hartzell wrote:

I've been running many of my systems for some time now using gmirror
on a pair of identical disks, as described by Ralf at:

Each disk has single slice that covers almost all of the disk.  These
slices are combined into the gmirror device (gm0), which is then
carved up by bsdlabel into gm0a (/), gm0b (swap), gm0d (/var), gm0e
(/tmp), and gm0f (/usr).

My latest machine is using Seagate 1TB disks so I thought I should add
gjournal to the mix to avoid ugly fsck's if/when the machine doesn't
shut down cleanly.  I ended up just creating a gm0f.journal and using
it for /usr, which basically seems to be working.

I'm left with a couple of questions though:

  - I've read in the gjournal man page that when it is "... configured
on top of gmirror(8) or graid3(8) providers, it also keeps them in
a consistent state..."  I've been trying to figure out if this
simply falls out of how gjournal works or if there's explicity
collusion with gmirror/graid3 but can't come up with a
satisfactory explanation.  Can someone walk me through it?

Since I'm only gjournal'ing a portion of the underlying gmirror
device I assume that I don't get this benefit?

  - I've also read in the gjournal man page "... that sync(2) and
fsync(2) system calls do not work as expected anymore."  Does this
invalidate any of the assumptions made by various database
packages such as postgresql, sqlite, berkeley db, etc about
if/when/whether their data is safely on the disk?

  - What's the cleanest gjournal adaptation of rse's
two-disk-mirror-everything setup that would be able to avoid
tedious gmirror sync's.  The best I've come up with is to do two
slices per disk, combine the slices into a pair of gmirror
devices, bsdlabel the first into gm0a (/), gm0b (swap), gm0d
(/var) and gm0e (/tmp) and bsdlabel the second into a gm1f which
gets a gjournal device.

Alternatively, would it work and/or make sense to give each disk a
single slice, combine them into a gmirror, put a gjournal on top
of that, then use bsdlabel to slice it up into partitions?

Is anyone using gjournal and gmirror for all of the system on a pair
of disks in some other configuration?


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I am pasting below the instructions I would use to convert a recently 
installed system with only / (root) and swap to be using 
gmirror+gjournal.  It is in mediawiki markup format so it could be 
pasted into one if desired.  I based my gmirror steps on the 
instructions from so thats why 
some of the words sound familiar.  I also have similar instructions for 
setting up a gmirrored da0s1a and da0s1b alongside a zfs mirror 
containing the rest.

I decided to journal /usr /var /tmp and leave / as a standard UFS 
partition because it is so small, fsck doesn't take long anyway and 
hopefully doesn't get written to enough to cause damage by an abrupt 
reboot.  Because I'm not journaling the root partition, I chose to 
ignore the possibility of gjournal marking the mirror clean.  Sudden 
reboots don't happen enough on servers for me to care.  And all my 
servers got abruptly rebooted this sunday and they all came up fine :)

I believe gjournal uses 1G for journal (2x512) which seemed to be 
sufficient on all of the systems where I have used the default, but I 
quickly found that using a smaller journal is a bad idea and leads to 
panics that I was unable to avoid with tuning.  Considering 1G was such 
a close value, I chose to go several times above the default journal 
size (disk is cheap and I want to be sure) but I ran into problems using 
gjournal label -s (size) rejecting my sizes or wrapping the value around 
to something too low.  As a workaround I chose to use a separate 
partition for each journal.  I quickly ran out of partitions in a bsd 
disklabel so I decided to partition each disk into two slices; the first 
for data and the second for journals.  This also made it easier to line 
up disk devices so they made more sense as a pair, for example:  
gm0s1d(data) + gm0s2d(journal) = /usr.

I will note that if you accidentally put a gjournal label in the 'wrong' 
spot on your disk, you might make a tough situation for yourself getting 
rid of it.  I have had plenty of times where I applied a gjournal label, 
discovered something unideal with it, but every time I did 'gjournal 
stop foo' the label would automatically get detected as a child of a 
different part of the disk because it could be seen and I could not 
unload it.  That is part of why I use -h for gjournal label, and use 
slices+partitions, and the first partition is at offset 16, some of 
which may have been for gmirror's sake too.


good/best practices for gmirror and gjournal on a pair of disks?

2008-05-13 Thread George Hartzell

I've been running many of my systems for some time now using gmirror
on a pair of identical disks, as described by Ralf at:

Each disk has single slice that covers almost all of the disk.  These
slices are combined into the gmirror device (gm0), which is then
carved up by bsdlabel into gm0a (/), gm0b (swap), gm0d (/var), gm0e
(/tmp), and gm0f (/usr).

My latest machine is using Seagate 1TB disks so I thought I should add
gjournal to the mix to avoid ugly fsck's if/when the machine doesn't
shut down cleanly.  I ended up just creating a gm0f.journal and using
it for /usr, which basically seems to be working.

I'm left with a couple of questions though:

  - I've read in the gjournal man page that when it is "... configured
on top of gmirror(8) or graid3(8) providers, it also keeps them in
a consistent state..."  I've been trying to figure out if this
simply falls out of how gjournal works or if there's explicity
collusion with gmirror/graid3 but can't come up with a
satisfactory explanation.  Can someone walk me through it?

Since I'm only gjournal'ing a portion of the underlying gmirror
device I assume that I don't get this benefit?

  - I've also read in the gjournal man page "... that sync(2) and
fsync(2) system calls do not work as expected anymore."  Does this
invalidate any of the assumptions made by various database
packages such as postgresql, sqlite, berkeley db, etc about
if/when/whether their data is safely on the disk?

  - What's the cleanest gjournal adaptation of rse's
two-disk-mirror-everything setup that would be able to avoid
tedious gmirror sync's.  The best I've come up with is to do two
slices per disk, combine the slices into a pair of gmirror
devices, bsdlabel the first into gm0a (/), gm0b (swap), gm0d
(/var) and gm0e (/tmp) and bsdlabel the second into a gm1f which
gets a gjournal device.

Alternatively, would it work and/or make sense to give each disk a
single slice, combine them into a gmirror, put a gjournal on top
of that, then use bsdlabel to slice it up into partitions?

Is anyone using gjournal and gmirror for all of the system on a pair
of disks in some other configuration?


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