Re: GCC withdraw

2013-09-11 Thread David O'Brien
On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 06:02:06PM +0100, David Chisnall wrote:
 rather busy organising the DevSummit.  The notes for the sessions will
 be posted to various mailing lists soon (and summarised for a special
 status report), but since the ports and toolchain build sessions are
 already largely up you can check these on the wiki.  You'll notice that
 in both sessions the topic of removing gcc / libstdc++ was raised and
 there was no objection (not sure if it's in the notes, but there was a
 lot of support during the ports session from people who didn't want the
 pain of maintaining compatibility with gcc-in-base, and especially with
 g++/libstdc++ in base).

And committers need to learn that Devsummit discussions (and optional
wiki's) are just like IRC ones -- we're all not there.  But we're on the
mailing lists.  That's how we communicate far-and-wide.

John and others bring up really good points.  Until GCC is no longer
used to build FreeBSD on any platform it should remain in all platforms.

If part of your reasoning is to free up gcc and g++ commands for
ports -- fine, but change the names /usr/bin/gcc and /usr/bin/g++ on
all platforms for something else.
/usr/bin/fbsd-gcc  /usr/bin/fbsd-g++ or what not.

-- David  (
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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-09-01 Thread Mark Linimon
On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 10:41:18AM -0400, John Baldwin wrote:
 So my take away from this is that you have no plans to support any platform
 that doesn't support clang as you just expect ia64 and sparc64 to die and
 not be present in 11.0.  That may be the best path, but I've certainly not
 seen that goal discussed publically.

If this is the case, IMHO:

 - it's a decision to be made by the project as a whole, not just one

 - if the decision is made, there should be one major release cycle
   before it's done;

 - our userbase (admittedly small) should have a heads-up that they
   will have to migrate after that timeframe.

fwiw, unlike alpha, which was withdrawn because it had ceased to function,
sparc64 and ia64 work and have active developer(s), so I don't think it
would be entirely fair to cite its removal as a precedent.

tl;dr: just because you don't use these boxes doesn't mean others don't.

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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-09-01 Thread David Chisnall
On 1 Sep 2013, at 19:03, Mark Linimon wrote:

 If this is the case, IMHO:

I was going to quote the whole mail, but actually this is enough.  As I have 
already said in this thread, there is no such plan.  I repeat, for those who 
missed it the first time:

On 30 Aug 2013, at 16:11, David Chisnall wrote:

 I am not proposing:
 - To deprecate any architectures
 - To break any architectures

If a platform ends up without a working toolchain in a few years and there is 
no way (LLVM, recent GCC, heavily patched old GCC, vendor-supplied toolchain) 
of building it, then we will have to make the decision about its future.  
Whether that means getting the Foundation and / or some other interested body 
to pay for someone to work on a toolchain or dropping support is an issue for 
stakeholders in the platform.  

We will probably have to make this call about at least IA64 in a couple of 
years, and possibly some PowerPC and SPARC variants, but it's not a decision 
that needs to be made any time soon.  I know SemiHalf does a lot of embedded 
FreeBSD work with PowerPC and a few people do with SPARC, so there are 
definitely people with vested interests in maintaining those two platforms.  
I'd honestly be surprised if IA64 is around in two years (mind you, I've been 
expecting it to die for the last five, so I'm willing to be surprised again), 
but maybe there will be a lot of cheap second-hand IA64 hardware on the market 
as all of the big customers switch to something else reviving interest in the 


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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-31 Thread John-Mark Gurney
John Baldwin wrote this message on Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 10:41 -0400:
 So I think the crux of the issue might be this:
 I have no doubt that this has been discussed extensively on toolchain@ and in
 toolchain-specific devsummit sessions.  The proposal to disable GCC by default
 does not appear to have been discussed in a wider audience from what I can
 tell.  (I can't find any relevant threads on arch@ or current@ prior to this
 one.)  While this is a toolchain-specific decision, it is a very broad
 decision.  Also, we aren't here because of a new thread started intentionally
 to say Hey, we as the toolchain folks think we should disable GCC by default
 on 10 for x86.  Instead, we started off in a thread about adding AES
 instructions to our binutils and out of left field there is an e-mail of
 Oh, don't bother cause I'm disabling GCC next week (paraphrase).  Can you
 appreciate at all that this is a total surprise to people who aren't
 subscribed to toolchain@ and haven't been to a toolchain session at a 
 devsummit and that this looks like a drive-by change?

Why didn't this come up when John added XSAVE (a year ago) or Pedro
Giffuni added amdfam10 support (3 months ago)?

Plus, I've sent other patches earlier this year to -toolchain and made
clear why I was adding them...  Had I known that the policy was gcc was
dead for HEAD (which btw, I was told multiple times that we were keeping
gcc for 10 for i386/amd64), I would have just committed my kernel changes
by now, but didn't want to break a (what I thought was) supported

We need to communicate better on issues like these, since this isn't the
first time one group of people made a decision w/o telling the rest
of the community...  For major items like this, we need to make sure
the road map is published, either on or on the wiki and
gets kept up to date...

For example, the release schedule for 10 wasn't posted till over a week
after the code slush was announced (which caught people, like myself, by
surprise)...  That's kinda the wrong order to do it in, the schedule
should be posted well in advance so people know what to expect...

  John-Mark Gurney  Voice: +1 415 225 5579

 All that I will do, has been done, All that I have, has not.
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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-31 Thread David Chisnall
On 31 Aug 2013, at 08:33, John-Mark Gurney wrote:

 Why didn't this come up when John added XSAVE (a year ago) or Pedro
 Giffuni added amdfam10 support (3 months ago)?
 Plus, I've sent other patches earlier this year to -toolchain and made
 clear why I was adding them...  Had I known that the policy was gcc was
 dead for HEAD (which btw, I was told multiple times that we were keeping
 gcc for 10 for i386/amd64), I would have just committed my kernel changes
 by now, but didn't want to break a (what I thought was) supported

gcc is not dead for 10.0, we're simply wanting to not ship it in binary form by 
default.  There is a BIG difference between saying 'if you want gcc then you 
must explicitly opt in and build it yourself and it may not be there for the 
entire 10.x series' and saying 'gcc is gone now, don't expect any of FreeBSD to 
build with it'.  We are absolutely not proposing the latter for 10.0.  

We still expect the 10.0 kernel and most of the userland (libc++ excepted) to 
build with gcc.  We expect this to be true for 10.1, and probably 10.2, 
possibly even 10.3.  I'd probably expect that at least the kernel will build 
with gcc 4.2.1 for the entire timeframe.  Some modules may not, although for 
ease of debugging compiler bugs I'd recommend that if they don't build with gcc 
4.2.1 then at least they build with upstream gcc.

However, we want to be able to make it unsupported at some point in the 10.x 
series when there is a polished alternative for every supported architecture 
(either when they've moved to clang or when the XCC stuff is fully documented 
in the handbook and tested in a large variety of configurations and once our 
forked binutils and is available as a package and we have cross-gcc that uses 
it).  If this doesn't happen by the time 10.x is EOL'd then I'll be sad, but we 
still have the fall-back position of gcc in base for the entire 10.x.  If it 
does happen, then we can start more aggressively phasing out gcc in the base 

 We need to communicate better on issues like these, since this isn't the
 first time one group of people made a decision w/o telling the rest
 of the community...  For major items like this, we need to make sure
 the road map is published, either on or on the wiki and
 gets kept up to date...

I agree.  This is why I made sure that at the BSDCam DevSummit all of the 
sessions had someone who was taking notes for their sessions on the wiki:

(Well, except, somewhat ironically, the docs team, who still haven't put their 
notes on the wiki)
It's also why I've taken charge of putting out special status reports for each 
DevSummit for wider public consumption, like this one:

I'd be interested in hearing any more suggestions about how we can improve this.

 For example, the release schedule for 10 wasn't posted till over a week
 after the code slush was announced (which caught people, like myself, by
 surprise)...  That's kinda the wrong order to do it in, the schedule
 should be posted well in advance so people know what to expect...

This one you'll have to discuss with re@.  I think that after 10.0 there will 
be some more discussion about our release policy.  


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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-31 Thread Benjamin Kaduk

Sorry for adding to the long thread.

On Sat, 31 Aug 2013, David Chisnall wrote:

However, we want to be able to make it unsupported at some point in the 
10.x series when there is a polished alternative for every supported 
architecture (either when they've moved to clang or when the XCC stuff

I am worried about the definition of polished.  I held my tongue in 
Ottawa in 2011 when Kirk wanted to turn SU+J on by default, since I 
figured he knew what was going on much better than I did.  Then, we 
discovered the bad interactions between SU+J and snapshots.  If memory 
serves, things like sparc64 and mips64 support for clang/llvm and XCC 
suppor are being described as only a few man-months work away.  But that 
seems to be just to get something which is working ... I fear that to get 
it truly polished will be another 2-3 years on top of those man-months. 
If we are in agreement about what polished means, then by all means 
announce with 10.0 that gcc's days are numbered and drop it at the 
appropriate 10.x.  I just don't want us to discover terrible bugs a few 
months after we make a switch, due to being wrong about polished.


is fully documented in the handbook and tested in a large variety of 
configurations and once our forked binutils and is available as a 
package and we have cross-gcc that uses it).  If this doesn't happen by 
the time 10.x is EOL'd then I'll be sad, but we still have the fall-back 
position of gcc in base for the entire 10.x.  If it does happen, then we 
can start more aggressively phasing out gcc in the base system.

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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread David Chisnall
On 30 Aug 2013, at 08:18, Julian Elischer wrote:

 As far as I'm concerned we can even slate it for
 possible removal in 10.2-- if clang has proven up to the task

I would be happy to ship gcc, as long as:

- It's explicitly marked as deprecated and due for removal at some point in the 
10.x timeframe.
- libstdc++ is gone (the amount of pain it's causing ports is phenomenal).


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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread David Chisnall
On 30 Aug 2013, at 08:56, Jonathan Anderson wrote:

 Wouldn't this mean that we can't build base using the shipped-in-base g++? If 
 we have C++ in base, we don't ship libstdc++ and g++ can't work with libc++, 
 then people wanting to compile the base system with gcc/g++ will have to 
 install a libstdc++ package.

People wanting to build base with g++ will still have to explicitly enable the 
build of libstdc++, yes.  That's only really an issue for 10.0 though, because 
in 10.1 we won't be able to build clang (or lldb) with either g++ from base or 
our libstdc++ from base, as both use C++11 features.


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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread Tim Kientzle
I've been reading this thread and must confess that I'm a little confused
about what exactly is being discussed.

* I presume we've all agreed that clang is installed by default in FreeBSD-10.

* I presume everyone agrees that cc is clang in FreeBSD-10.

* There obviously needs to be a gcc command in FreeBSD-10, since cc and 
gcc are synonyms in so many people's finger-memory.

Is the debate here just a question of whether gcc is clang or the *real* 

Would it be feasible to install GCC as gcc42 or something
similar so people could still reach it regardless of what the gcc
alias pointed to?

On 30 Aug 2013, at 08:56, Jonathan Anderson wrote:

 ... then people wanting to compile the base system with gcc/g++ ...

I'm still curious *why* some people want this?

Personally, I would rather compile the base system with the
*supported* compiler.  Today, on FreeBSD-CURRENT/x86
and FreeBSD-CURRENT/amd64, that is clang.

On Aug 30, 2013, at 12:18 AM, Julian Elischer wrote:

 Clang is new. clang WILL HAVE BUGS.

Based on my own experience, I would put this rather differently:

  GCC and Clang are COMPILERS.
  Therefore, they have DIFFERENT BUGS.

This is why I worry about having cc and gcc be different


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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread Warner Losh
I had a long, rambling reply to this that corrected many of the factual errors 
made in it. But why bother. You have your world view, it doesn't match what 
people are doing today and this mismatch is going to cause people pain and 
suffering in the embedded world far beyond what you think. And you've shown an 
extreme reluctance to accept that your world view isn't quite right, and listen 
to people. This makes me sad, but I recognize a lost cause when I see it.

Do whatever the fuck you want, but it won't make your arguments right. And it 
won't keep me from saying I told you so when your optimistic timelines don't 
come to fruition, or the people processors you dismiss as being too weak to run 
a full FreeBSD (despite the fact they are doing it today) complain about the 
needless pain they are going through.


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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread Ian Lepore
On Fri, 2013-08-30 at 07:39 -0600, Warner Losh wrote:
 I had a long, rambling reply to this that corrected many of the factual 
 errors made in it. But why bother. You have your world view, it doesn't match 
 what people are doing today and this mismatch is going to cause people pain 
 and suffering in the embedded world far beyond what you think. And you've 
 shown an extreme reluctance to accept that your world view isn't quite right, 
 and listen to people. This makes me sad, but I recognize a lost cause when I 
 see it.
 Do whatever the fuck you want, but it won't make your arguments right. And it 
 won't keep me from saying I told you so when your optimistic timelines don't 
 come to fruition, or the people processors you dismiss as being too weak to 
 run a full FreeBSD (despite the fact they are doing it today) complain about 
 the needless pain they are going through.

Actually, I have to put a +1 on this.  I also had a long reply full of
reality-based refutations of various facts from this thread, and I
also just deleted it because clearly the discussion has become

-- Ian

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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread David Chisnall
On 30 Aug 2013, at 15:41, John Baldwin wrote:

 So my take away from this is that you have no plans to support any platform 
 doesn't support clang as you just expect ia64 and sparc64 to die and not be
 present in 11.0.  That may be the best path, but I've certainly not seen that
 goal discussed publically.

I expect that platforms that don't have support from clang or some external 
toolchain will die.  If people care about IA64, then getting Intel's compiler 
working as an external toolchain would probably be a good idea (it generates 
vastly better code than gcc).  If people care about SPARC64, then either gcc 
from ports as an external toolchain, or finishing up the SPARC64 back end in 
LLVM are options.  Finishing the SPARC64 back end is not that much effort (it's 
probably a couple of person-months of work - getting the calling conventions 
right does require some small tweaks to LLVM IR that I think someone's working 
on), but it hasn't been done because no one appears to care quite enough to 
make it a priority.

 Don't get me wrong, I don't love GCC per se, and on my laptop I've hacked
 the relevant ports so that everything is built with clang.  I would also
 love to be able to build the base system with GCC 47 instead of 42, it just
 doesn't seem that we are there yet.
 The time to raise objections for this was when the plan was originally 
 raised over a year ago, or at any of the points when it's been discussed in 
 between.  It is not after we're ready to flip the switch.
 So I think the crux of the issue might be this:
 I have no doubt that this has been discussed extensively on toolchain@ and in
 toolchain-specific devsummit sessions.  The proposal to disable GCC by default
 does not appear to have been discussed in a wider audience from what I can
 tell.  (I can't find any relevant threads on arch@ or current@ prior to this
 one.)  While this is a toolchain-specific decision, it is a very broad
 decision.  Also, we aren't here because of a new thread started intentionally
 to say Hey, we as the toolchain folks think we should disable GCC by default
 on 10 for x86.  Instead, we started off in a thread about adding AES
 instructions to our binutils and out of left field there is an e-mail of
 Oh, don't bother cause I'm disabling GCC next week (paraphrase).  Can you
 appreciate at all that this is a total surprise to people who aren't
 subscribed to toolchain@ and haven't been to a toolchain session at a 
 devsummit and that this looks like a drive-by change?

Yes, we certainly could have communicated this better.  I was under the 
impression that this was widespread common knowledge and something I've 
personally discussed with various people including ports people on several 
occasions.  I would have made the commit a couple of months ago, but getting 
the ports infrastructure back up to a state where it's easy to test has been a 
blocker there.  

If removing gcc from the standard install is going to cause major pain for 
people, then we can leave it in for 10.0.  I'm currently doing a make tinderbox 
on the removal patch, modified to leave gcc in, and only remove libstdc++, 
which is something that we definitely need to do because it's causing an amount 
of pain that is only going to increase.  I have no plans to make anything in 
the base system (other than clang itself, when 3.4 is imported) depend on 
libc++-only features (I'd love to do it for dtc, but it has to run on embedded 
platforms that are going to be stuck with libstdc++ in base for a while - at 
least a year, and that's if we're lucky).  

Anyway, Ian has reminded me that I'm getting stuck in sidetracks, so here's an 
executive summary of what I'm ACTUALLY proposing:

- On platforms where clang is cc, don't build libstdc++, make libc++ the 
default.  Provide libstdc++ from base as a 9-compat package.

- On platforms where clang is cc, don't build gcc by default (I've already 
agreed not to commit this part, since it seems very controversial, although I'd 
like to better understand why it is so)

- On platforms where clang is cc, allow building libstdc++ by setting the 

- On platforms where clang is cc, allow building gcc by setting the WITH_GCCflag

- On platforms where clang is not cc, leave gcc as the default system compiler

- On platforms where clang is not cc, leave libstdc++ as the default system 
STL, but encourage ports to start depending explicitly on ports-libstdc++ so 
that they don't suffer from ABI mismatch issues.

If your workflow depends on gcc on a clang-is-cc platform, then you are free to 
install it.
If your workflow depends on libstdc++ on a clang-is-cc platform, then you are 
free to install it, clang will still use it if you specify -stdlib=libstdc++.
If your workflow depends on gcc or libstdc++ on any other platform, you will 
see no difference.
If you need to test whether building the base system or kernel with gcc fixes 
things that are broken, then you 

Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread David Chisnall
On 30 Aug 2013, at 15:53, Nathan Whitehorn wrote:

 So the real driver here is switching to libc++. Is there really no way
 at all to use it with gcc? If, even with hacking, we could arrange that
 to work then it seems that all of our problems would go away.

If we can make our g++ compile C++11 code, then we can compile libc++ with g++. 
 This support requires significant modifications to the parser (it adds a 
second Turing-complete compile-time language, for one...) and so retrofitting 
C++11 support to g++ 4.2.1 is not going to happen.  It's taken upstream gcc a 
couple of years to get to the required level of support.  We don't have the 
manpower to replicate this.


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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread Nathan Whitehorn
On 08/30/13 00:35, David Chisnall wrote:
 On 30 Aug 2013, at 08:18, Julian Elischer wrote:

 As far as I'm concerned we can even slate it for
 possible removal in 10.2-- if clang has proven up to the task
 I would be happy to ship gcc, as long as:

 - It's explicitly marked as deprecated and due for removal at some point in 
 the 10.x timeframe.
 - libstdc++ is gone (the amount of pain it's causing ports is phenomenal).

So the real driver here is switching to libc++. Is there really no way
at all to use it with gcc? If, even with hacking, we could arrange that
to work then it seems that all of our problems would go away.
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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread John Baldwin
Only a few comments in reply to avoid banging my head against a brick wall and 
then I'm done:

On Friday, August 30, 2013 3:33:21 am David Chisnall wrote:
 On 29 Aug 2013, at 18:44, John Baldwin wrote:
  Also, unless you plan on desupporting all non-x86 platforms, you _still_
  have to do all this work while those platforms require GCC anyway.  Just
  turning off GCC on x86 doesn't change this problem one iota.  And that point
  is actually relevant to many of the other concerns you raised.  It's not at
  all clear what disabling GCC on x86 will buy you unless you are intending on
  short-changing support for GCC on non-x86.
 It gives us a much cleaner deprecation strategy.  Ports on tier-2 are best 
 effort.  We don't need to be quite as careful to ensure that they build 
with the base system compiler on tier-2 architectures.  We don't make as strong 
guarantees about compatibility on tier-2 architectures, so removing 
gcc from their build at some point over the next five years is fine, but this 
is not the case for tier 1 architectures, where we can be reasonably 
expected to support anything that is in the base system for the next five 


So my take away from this is that you have no plans to support any platform that
doesn't support clang as you just expect ia64 and sparc64 to die and not be
present in 11.0.  That may be the best path, but I've certainly not seen that
goal discussed publically.

  Don't get me wrong, I don't love GCC per se, and on my laptop I've hacked
  the relevant ports so that everything is built with clang.  I would also
  love to be able to build the base system with GCC 47 instead of 42, it just
  doesn't seem that we are there yet.
 The time to raise objections for this was when the plan was originally raised 
 over a year ago, or at any of the points when it's been discussed in 
between.  It is not after we're ready to flip the switch.

So I think the crux of the issue might be this:

I have no doubt that this has been discussed extensively on toolchain@ and in
toolchain-specific devsummit sessions.  The proposal to disable GCC by default
does not appear to have been discussed in a wider audience from what I can
tell.  (I can't find any relevant threads on arch@ or current@ prior to this
one.)  While this is a toolchain-specific decision, it is a very broad
decision.  Also, we aren't here because of a new thread started intentionally
to say Hey, we as the toolchain folks think we should disable GCC by default
on 10 for x86.  Instead, we started off in a thread about adding AES
instructions to our binutils and out of left field there is an e-mail of
Oh, don't bother cause I'm disabling GCC next week (paraphrase).  Can you
appreciate at all that this is a total surprise to people who aren't
subscribed to toolchain@ and haven't been to a toolchain session at a 
devsummit and that this looks like a drive-by change?

John Baldwin
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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread Matthew Fleming
On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 6:47 AM, Ian Lepore wrote:

 On Fri, 2013-08-30 at 07:39 -0600, Warner Losh wrote:
  I had a long, rambling reply to this that corrected many of the factual
 errors made in it. But why bother. You have your world view, it doesn't
 match what people are doing today and this mismatch is going to cause
 people pain and suffering in the embedded world far beyond what you think.
 And you've shown an extreme reluctance to accept that your world view isn't
 quite right, and listen to people. This makes me sad, but I recognize a
 lost cause when I see it.
  Do whatever the fuck you want, but it won't make your arguments right.
 And it won't keep me from saying I told you so when your optimistic
 timelines don't come to fruition, or the people processors you dismiss as
 being too weak to run a full FreeBSD (despite the fact they are doing it
 today) complain about the needless pain they are going through.

 Actually, I have to put a +1 on this.  I also had a long reply full of
 reality-based refutations of various facts from this thread, and I
 also just deleted it because clearly the discussion has become

I don't really have any skin in this game; the vendor I work for uses x86
hardware, and we're not ready to be running on FreeBSD 10 yet.  But as an
old guy I really don't see why we'd change the plan of record so late.
 Nor do I think prioritizing ports over the base system on alternate
architectures is the right play -- there's a lot of vendors who use FreeBSD
on !x86.  And there's a lot of vendors who don't use very many ports.

And there's a lot of vendors putting money into the FreeBSD foundation, and
into the hands of FreeBSD committers, to make it better.  Vendors who,
while it would be painful to switch, do have a choice of which OS to build
their product around.

Just my 2c.  Actual value may differ.

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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 11:11 AM, David Chisnall thera...@freebsd.orgwrote:

 On 30 Aug 2013, at 15:41, John Baldwin wrote:

  So my take away from this is that you have no plans to support any
 platform that
  doesn't support clang as you just expect ia64 and sparc64 to die and not
  present in 11.0.  That may be the best path, but I've certainly not seen
  goal discussed publically.

 I expect that platforms that don't have support from clang or some
 external toolchain will die.  If people care about IA64, then getting
 Intel's compiler working as an external toolchain would probably be a good
 idea (it generates vastly better code than gcc).  If people care about
 SPARC64, then either gcc from ports as an external toolchain, or finishing
 up the SPARC64 back end in LLVM are options.  Finishing the SPARC64 back
 end is not that much effort (it's probably a couple of person-months of
 work - getting the calling conventions right does require some small tweaks
 to LLVM IR that I think someone's working on), but it hasn't been done
 because no one appears to care quite enough to make it a priority.

  Don't get me wrong, I don't love GCC per se, and on my laptop I've
  the relevant ports so that everything is built with clang.  I would
  love to be able to build the base system with GCC 47 instead of 42, it
  doesn't seem that we are there yet.
  The time to raise objections for this was when the plan was originally
 raised over a year ago, or at any of the points when it's been discussed in
  between.  It is not after we're ready to flip the switch.
  So I think the crux of the issue might be this:
  I have no doubt that this has been discussed extensively on toolchain@and in
  toolchain-specific devsummit sessions.  The proposal to disable GCC by
  does not appear to have been discussed in a wider audience from what I
  tell.  (I can't find any relevant threads on arch@ or current@ prior to
  one.)  While this is a toolchain-specific decision, it is a very broad
  decision.  Also, we aren't here because of a new thread started
  to say Hey, we as the toolchain folks think we should disable GCC by
  on 10 for x86.  Instead, we started off in a thread about adding AES
  instructions to our binutils and out of left field there is an e-mail of
  Oh, don't bother cause I'm disabling GCC next week (paraphrase).  Can
  appreciate at all that this is a total surprise to people who aren't
  subscribed to toolchain@ and haven't been to a toolchain session at a
  devsummit and that this looks like a drive-by change?

 Yes, we certainly could have communicated this better.  I was under the
 impression that this was widespread common knowledge and something I've
 personally discussed with various people including ports people on several
 occasions.  I would have made the commit a couple of months ago, but
 getting the ports infrastructure back up to a state where it's easy to test
 has been a blocker there.

 If removing gcc from the standard install is going to cause major pain for
 people, then we can leave it in for 10.0.  I'm currently doing a make
 tinderbox on the removal patch, modified to leave gcc in, and only remove
 libstdc++, which is something that we definitely need to do because it's
 causing an amount of pain that is only going to increase.  I have no plans
 to make anything in the base system (other than clang itself, when 3.4 is
 imported) depend on libc++-only features (I'd love to do it for dtc, but it
 has to run on embedded platforms that are going to be stuck with libstdc++
 in base for a while - at least a year, and that's if we're lucky).

 Anyway, Ian has reminded me that I'm getting stuck in sidetracks, so
 here's an executive summary of what I'm ACTUALLY proposing:

 - On platforms where clang is cc, don't build libstdc++, make libc++ the
 default.  Provide libstdc++ from base as a 9-compat package.

 - On platforms where clang is cc, don't build gcc by default (I've already
 agreed not to commit this part, since it seems very controversial, although
 I'd like to better understand why it is so)

 - On platforms where clang is cc, allow building libstdc++ by setting the

 - On platforms where clang is cc, allow building gcc by setting the

 - On platforms where clang is not cc, leave gcc as the default system

 - On platforms where clang is not cc, leave libstdc++ as the default
 system STL, but encourage ports to start depending explicitly on
 ports-libstdc++ so that they don't suffer from ABI mismatch issues.

 If your workflow depends on gcc on a clang-is-cc platform, then you are
 free to install it.
 If your workflow depends on libstdc++ on a clang-is-cc platform, then you
 are free to install it, clang will still use it if you specify
 If your workflow depends on gcc or libstdc++ on any other platform, you
 will see no 

Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread Steve Kargl
On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 08:33:21AM +0100, David Chisnall wrote:
 On 29 Aug 2013, at 18:44, John Baldwin wrote:
  default every time, that we're telling people not to use, won't help with 
  This is your worst argument as clang is known to take far longer than GCC
  to build. :)
 Not really.  Clang + gcc takes longer to build than just clang.

Building gcc is in the noise.  I've sent you number on this.
John is correct.  It takes much much longer to buildworld 
with clang.

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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-30 Thread Slawa Olhovchenkov
On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 04:11:08PM +0100, David Chisnall wrote:

 Anyway, Ian has reminded me that I'm getting stuck in sidetracks, so here's 
 an executive summary of what I'm ACTUALLY proposing:
 - On platforms where clang is cc, don't build libstdc++, make libc++ the 
 default.  Provide libstdc++ from base as a 9-compat package.
 - On platforms where clang is cc, don't build gcc by default (I've already 
 agreed not to commit this part, since it seems very controversial, although 
 I'd like to better understand why it is so)

And remember about breaking firewire+clang
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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-29 Thread John Baldwin
On Saturday, August 24, 2013 7:19:22 am David Chisnall wrote:
 On 24 Aug 2013, at 11:30, Sam Fourman Jr. wrote:
  So I vote, let's not give ourselves the burden of lugging dead weight in
  for another 5 years. (in 2017 do we still want to be worrying about gcc in
 Perhaps more to the point, in 2017 do we want to be responsible for
 maintaining a fork of a 2007 release of gcc and libstdc++?

This is a red herring and I'd wish you'd stop bringing it up constantly.
GCC has not needed constant care and feeding in the 7.x/8.x/9.x branches
and it won't need it in 10.x either.  I have not seen any convincing
argument as to why leaving GCC in the base for 10.x impedes anything.
Because clang isn't sufficient for so many non-x86 platforms we can't
really start using clang-specific features yet anyway.

John Baldwin
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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-29 Thread Warner Losh

On Aug 29, 2013, at 8:57 AM, John Baldwin wrote:

 On Saturday, August 24, 2013 7:19:22 am David Chisnall wrote:
 On 24 Aug 2013, at 11:30, Sam Fourman Jr. wrote:
 So I vote, let's not give ourselves the burden of lugging dead weight in
 for another 5 years. (in 2017 do we still want to be worrying about gcc in
 Perhaps more to the point, in 2017 do we want to be responsible for
 maintaining a fork of a 2007 release of gcc and libstdc++?
 This is a red herring and I'd wish you'd stop bringing it up constantly.
 GCC has not needed constant care and feeding in the 7.x/8.x/9.x branches
 and it won't need it in 10.x either.  I have not seen any convincing
 argument as to why leaving GCC in the base for 10.x impedes anything.
 Because clang isn't sufficient for so many non-x86 platforms we can't
 really start using clang-specific features yet anyway.

Agreed. Gcc is still an absolute requirement on all non-x86 platforms 
(including arm) due to the issues with clang. Some of these issues are bugs in 
specific things (arm) that keep coming up (and keep getting fixed), while 
others are more severe (sparc64 has no clang support, and no way to generate a 
self-hosting system in the absence of a bootstrap gcc in the base, even with 
the external toolchain support).

gcc will absolutely be in the base for 10. That's the long-standing agreement 
that we've had, and breaking it now at the 11th hour is going to totally screw 
up !x86 platforms and really piss off a lot of developers for no good reason. 
The time is long since past to change this plan.

This is the plan of record, and we need to stick to it:

10: clang default, where possible, gcc in base otherwise
11: clang default, full external toolchain support, including 

So the time for voting and carping has long since past.

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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-29 Thread David Chisnall
On 29 Aug 2013, at 15:57, John Baldwin wrote:

   I have not seen any convincing
 argument as to why leaving GCC in the base for 10.x impedes anything.
 Because clang isn't sufficient for so many non-x86 platforms we can't
 really start using clang-specific features yet anyway.

Apparently I haven't been good at communicating, so I'll try to here.  I 
apologise for ignoring this thread for the last week: I've been rather busy 
organising the DevSummit.  The notes for the sessions will be posted to various 
mailing lists soon (and summarised for a special status report), but since the 
ports and toolchain build sessions are already largely up you can check these 
on the wiki.  You'll notice that in both sessions the topic of removing gcc / 
libstdc++ was raised and there was no objection (not sure if it's in the notes, 
but there was a lot of support during the ports session from people who didn't 
want the pain of maintaining compatibility with gcc-in-base, and especially 
with g++/libstdc++ in base).  

This is not a new plan, it is the plan that has been on the wiki and discussed 
at at least two DevSummits that I have attended before this week and probably 
others that I missed, as well as on various mailing lists and in IRC.  

To summarise the current issues:

Our libstdc++ is ancient.  It supports C++98 well, it kind-of supports C++03.  
It doesn't support C++11 at all and never will, nor does it support C++14.  An 
increasing number of ports are depending on C++11, because it provides much 
cleaner syntax than C++98 and so these are being forced to depend on gcc46 or 
gcc47 to build.  Unfortunately, libstdc++ in ports is not ABI compatible with 
the libstdc++ that we ship, which causes library ABI versions.  This problem 
will only get worse over the coming years.  An increasing number of these ports 
do build with libc++ (since it's the only option on OS X / iOS - most do 
already and most of the fixes needed are just adding some inclusions since 
libc++ doesn't leak C headers as much as libstdc++), so defaulting to libc++ 
will reduce these problems over time.  

Maintaining our libstdc++ is not a zero-effort operation.  We have to modify it 
whenever libc gains new features (e.g. POSIX2008 locales, new libm functions) 
and this requires developer time tracking down the new bugs (because the static 
configuration files no longer match the included headers) and fixing them.

Maintaining out gcc is also not a zero-effort operation.  Even though it is not 
the default compiler for amd64 or i386, we still have to add support for new 
instructions to them, even if we only want to use them in machine-dependent 
code on these architecture.  

Our g++ in base can only work with libstdc++, not libc++.  This means that 
shipping gcc in 10.0 in base means that we'd be shipping two C++ compilers, 
which preferred different standard libraries, with incompatible ABIs.  This is 
setting us up for a world of pain.

When we enable LLDB during the 10.x timeframe (emaste has been working hard, 
but it's probably not quite ready for 10.0), it will have to link against both 
LLVM libraries and libc++ (as it uses C++11 and doesn't work with our libc++).  
This is a minor issue, as the only requirement here is that we switch to 
linking LLVM against libc++ instead of libstdc++, but it is an example of one 
more piece of code that won't build with our gcc that is in the base system 
(not yet enabled by default).  Clang 3.4 will not build with our gcc either 
(which will cause some bootstrapping problems that we'll have to address for 
people going from 9.x to 10.1, but the clang 3.3 in 9.2 should be useable as 
long as we tweak the build system to use clang and not cc for the bootstrap 

Lots of configure scripts will use gcc in preference to cc (or g++ in 
preference to c++) if they find them in the same place.  Many of these no 
longer work with our old gcc, but do work with clang, adding more effort to 
ports.  According to the test runs that bapt did at the DevSummit this week, we 
have more ports failing on 10 with gcc than on 10 with gcc removed.

Our gcc does not support the ARM EABI hard float variant.  I misspoke earlier 
when I thought it didn't support EABI at all, but it turns out that it's only 
the case for hard-float.  This is the ABI that we want to be using on pretty 
much all ARMv6 and newer systems, because a lot of ARM cores (such as the 
Cortex A8 in the Efika MX that the Foundation has paid for FreeBSD to be ported 
on to use as a demo ARM device) require a complete pipeline flush when moving 
between integer and floating point registers and the soft-float variant of the 
ABI puts all arguments in integer registers.  This means that a simple function 
that takes a rectangle (4 floating point values) as an argument will require 8 
pipeline flushes to call, which various Linux distributions have found is 
crippling for graphical applications.  

We want to start shipping 

Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-29 Thread Warner Losh

On Aug 29, 2013, at 11:02 AM, David Chisnall wrote:

 On 29 Aug 2013, at 15:57, John Baldwin wrote:
  I have not seen any convincing
 argument as to why leaving GCC in the base for 10.x impedes anything.
 Because clang isn't sufficient for so many non-x86 platforms we can't
 really start using clang-specific features yet anyway.
 Apparently I haven't been good at communicating, so I'll try to here.  I 
 apologise for ignoring this thread for the last week: I've been rather busy 
 organising the DevSummit.  The notes for the sessions will be posted to 
 various mailing lists soon (and summarised for a special status report), but 
 since the ports and toolchain build sessions are already largely up you can 
 check these on the wiki.  You'll notice that in both sessions the topic of 
 removing gcc / libstdc++ was raised and there was no objection (not sure if 
 it's in the notes, but there was a lot of support during the ports session 
 from people who didn't want the pain of maintaining compatibility with 
 gcc-in-base, and especially with g++/libstdc++ in base).  
 This is not a new plan, it is the plan that has been on the wiki and 
 discussed at at least two DevSummits that I have attended before this week 
 and probably others that I missed, as well as on various mailing lists and in 
 To summarise the current issues:
 Our libstdc++ is ancient.  It supports C++98 well, it kind-of supports C++03. 
  It doesn't support C++11 at all and never will, nor does it support C++14.  
 An increasing number of ports are depending on C++11, because it provides 
 much cleaner syntax than C++98 and so these are being forced to depend on 
 gcc46 or gcc47 to build.  Unfortunately, libstdc++ in ports is not ABI 
 compatible with the libstdc++ that we ship, which causes library ABI 
 versions.  This problem will only get worse over the coming years.  An 
 increasing number of these ports do build with libc++ (since it's the only 
 option on OS X / iOS - most do already and most of the fixes needed are just 
 adding some inclusions since libc++ doesn't leak C headers as much as 
 libstdc++), so defaulting to libc++ will reduce these problems over time.  

True, but this doesn't cause any problems for gcc, just g++.

 Maintaining our libstdc++ is not a zero-effort operation.  We have to modify 
 it whenever libc gains new features (e.g. POSIX2008 locales, new libm 
 functions) and this requires developer time tracking down the new bugs 
 (because the static configuration files no longer match the included headers) 
 and fixing them.

Fair enough, but the number of these has been, to date, quite small.

 Maintaining out gcc is also not a zero-effort operation.  Even though it is 
 not the default compiler for amd64 or i386, we still have to add support for 
 new instructions to them, even if we only want to use them in 
 machine-dependent code on these architecture.  

It actually is close to zero effort. The effort level is quite small, as 
evidence by the small number of commits to gcc over time. Not zero, but not as 
huge a deal as you make it out to be.

However, we still need to make the efforts so long as it is part of the base.

 Our g++ in base can only work with libstdc++, not libc++.  This means that 
 shipping gcc in 10.0 in base means that we'd be shipping two C++ compilers, 
 which preferred different standard libraries, with incompatible ABIs.  This 
 is setting us up for a world of pain.

This is a legitimate issue, for g++, not for gcc. But on !x86 targets we'll 
need to continue to do this.

 When we enable LLDB during the 10.x timeframe (emaste has been working hard, 
 but it's probably not quite ready for 10.0), it will have to link against 
 both LLVM libraries and libc++ (as it uses C++11 and doesn't work with our 
 libc++).  This is a minor issue, as the only requirement here is that we 
 switch to linking LLVM against libc++ instead of libstdc++, but it is an 
 example of one more piece of code that won't build with our gcc that is in 
 the base system (not yet enabled by default).  Clang 3.4 will not build with 
 our gcc either (which will cause some bootstrapping problems that we'll have 
 to address for people going from 9.x to 10.1, but the clang 3.3 in 9.2 should 
 be useable as long as we tweak the build system to use clang and not cc for 
 the bootstrap build).

Seems more like an issue for 11 not 10.

Also, we need to be able to bootstrap the base tools with gcc, since that's 
been the fallback bootstrap method for some time for people upgrading from 
really old systems: build the system with clang disabled the first time, and 
then use that to bootstrap clang since the gcc there can build it. I'd hate to 
loose this fallback plan, but do recognize at some point we must.

 Lots of configure scripts will use gcc in preference to cc (or g++ in 
 preference to c++) if they find them in the same place.  Many of these no 
 longer work with our old gcc, but do work 

Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-29 Thread John Baldwin
On Thursday, August 29, 2013 1:02:06 pm David Chisnall wrote:
 On 29 Aug 2013, at 15:57, John Baldwin wrote:
 To summarise the current issues:
 Our libstdc++ is ancient.  It supports C++98 well, it kind-of supports 
C++03.  It doesn't support C++11 at all and never will, nor does it support 
C++14.  An increasing number of ports are depending on C++11, because it 
provides much cleaner syntax than C++98 and so these are being forced to 
depend on gcc46 or gcc47 to build.  Unfortunately, libstdc++ in ports is not 
ABI compatible with the libstdc++ that we ship, which causes library ABI 
versions.  This problem will only get worse over the coming years.  An 
increasing number of these ports do build with libc++ (since it's the only 
option on OS X / iOS - most do already and most of the fixes needed are just 
adding some inclusions since libc++ doesn't leak C headers as much as 
libstdc++), so defaulting to libc++ will reduce these problems over time.  

How does removing GCC from base change this?  I already deal with having
3 different GCC versions at work by building them from ports and building
things with the right rpath, etc. so I am familiar with this, and having
GCC in the base doesn't make that problem any worse.  In fact, I'd argue
that this is an argument for not shipping an STL in the base system at all
(though I'd be loathe to do that) if it is an argument for disabling GCC.

 Maintaining our libstdc++ is not a zero-effort operation.  We have to modify 
it whenever libc gains new features (e.g. POSIX2008 locales, new libm 
functions) and this requires developer time tracking down the new bugs 
(because the static configuration files no longer match the included headers) 
and fixing them.

Strictly speaking you do not have to modify it in all cases.  The recent 
change to make it work with log10 does not appear to have been a requirement 
to fix anything (at least judging from the log message).  There does seem to 
have been about 10 changes to libstdc++ in the past year, though a few were 
2-3 line changes in config.h which isn't but so earth-shattering.

Also, unless you plan on desupporting all non-x86 platforms, you _still_
have to do all this work while those platforms require GCC anyway.  Just
turning off GCC on x86 doesn't change this problem one iota.  And that point
is actually relevant to many of the other concerns you raised.  It's not at
all clear what disabling GCC on x86 will buy you unless you are intending on
short-changing support for GCC on non-x86.

 Maintaining out gcc is also not a zero-effort operation.  Even though it is 
not the default compiler for amd64 or i386, we still have to add support for 
new instructions to them, even if we only want to use them in machine-
dependent code on these architecture.  

The new instructions (and I've added some) go into binutils, not gcc per se.
Even the ARM ABI changes only touched Makefiles and one config header in
contrib/gcc, not actual code changes.  The code changes in contrib/gcc to
add more AMD instrinics were done because someone felt like doing it, not
because it was a requirement or blocking issue for someone.

 When we enable LLDB during the 10.x timeframe (emaste has been working hard, 
but it's probably not quite ready for 10.0), it will have to link against both 
LLVM libraries and libc++ (as it uses C++11 and doesn't work with our libc++).  
This is a minor issue, as the only requirement here is that we switch to 
linking LLVM against libc++ instead of libstdc++, but it is an example of one 
more piece of code that won't build with our gcc that is in the base system 
(not yet enabled by default).  Clang 3.4 will not build with our gcc either 
(which will cause some bootstrapping problems that we'll have to address for 
people going from 9.x to 10.1, but the clang 3.3 in 9.2 should be useable as 
long as we tweak the build system to use clang and not cc for the bootstrap 

Eh, it sounds like if you have to force them to use clang for 9.x 
bootstrapping that also solves your problem in 10, so it's the same amount of 
work either way.

 Last but not quite least, people keep complaining about ever-increasing 
build times and the size of the base system.  Building a gcc and libstdc++ by 
default every time, that we're telling people not to use, won't help with 

This is your worst argument as clang is known to take far longer than GCC
to build. :)
 I have not heard any compelling arguments for keeping gcc and libstdc++ as 
part of the default install on x86, and I have listed a number of reasons why 
doing so creates extra work for people who maintain the toolchain and who work 
on ports.  I intend to commit the change to remove both from the default build 
and make libc++ the default STL for clang++ as soon as I get an okay from 

I posit that it only saves you work if you short-change non-x86 platforms,
and that this will be harder to detect without gcc built on x86.  I do 

Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-25 Thread Slawa Olhovchenkov
On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 12:13:15AM -0700, Rui Paulo wrote:

 On 24 Aug 2013, at 16:06, Steve Kargl 
  On Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 11:44:38PM +0100, David Chisnall wrote:
  On 24 Aug 2013, at 23:42, Slawa Olhovchenkov wrote:
  And i found PR about clang and mplayer: ports/176272
  This PR contains log with build error log.
  Please file clang bugs at
  As if this is going to help.
  2 years, 9 month and counting.
 Irrelevant to the discussion since the base system GCC has the same problem.

How about ports/180564?
And llvm community known about this issue:
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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-25 Thread Scot Hetzel
On Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 5:42 PM, Slawa Olhovchenkov wrote:
 On Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 07:42:17PM +0400, Slawa Olhovchenkov wrote:

 On Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 01:10:46PM +0100, David Chisnall wrote:

  On 24 Aug 2013, at 12:51, Slawa Olhovchenkov wrote:
   Oh, I remember. mplayer on i386 can't be builded witch clang -- clang
   don't understand inlined asm.
  Clang supports inline asm.  If there is some specific inline asm
  syntax that clang does not recognise, then please will you point me
  to the relevant LLVM bug report and I will investigate it.

 Sorry, I don't know about clang/llvm bug reports, I just try to build
 mplayer with Win32 codecs support on FreeBSD-10/i386.

 And currenly (in rev r315041) building by clang disabled in ports tree.

 And i found PR about clang and mplayer: ports/176272
 This PR contains log with build error log.

PR176272 is form mplayer-1.1.r20120721_2, and was closed due to the
issue was fixed by updating the port to a more recent version.

Mplayer is currently mplayer-1.1.r20130308, do you still see the same
issues with clang?


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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-25 Thread Slawa Olhovchenkov
On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 02:23:54AM -0500, Scot Hetzel wrote:

 On Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 5:42 PM, Slawa Olhovchenkov wrote:
  On Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 07:42:17PM +0400, Slawa Olhovchenkov wrote:
  On Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 01:10:46PM +0100, David Chisnall wrote:
   On 24 Aug 2013, at 12:51, Slawa Olhovchenkov wrote:
Oh, I remember. mplayer on i386 can't be builded witch clang -- clang
don't understand inlined asm.
   Clang supports inline asm.  If there is some specific inline asm
   syntax that clang does not recognise, then please will you point me
   to the relevant LLVM bug report and I will investigate it.
  Sorry, I don't know about clang/llvm bug reports, I just try to build
  mplayer with Win32 codecs support on FreeBSD-10/i386.
  And currenly (in rev r315041) building by clang disabled in ports tree.
  And i found PR about clang and mplayer: ports/176272
  This PR contains log with build error log.
 PR176272 is form mplayer-1.1.r20120721_2, and was closed due to the
 issue was fixed by updating the port to a more recent version.
 Mplayer is currently mplayer-1.1.r20130308, do you still see the same
 issues with clang?

Now issues as in ports/180564. Not same, but very close ('ran out of
registers during register allocation' in other place).

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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-25 Thread Slawa Olhovchenkov
On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 12:23:45AM -0700, Rui Paulo wrote:

 On 25 Aug 2013, at 00:24, Slawa Olhovchenkov wrote:
  On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 12:13:15AM -0700, Rui Paulo wrote:
  On 24 Aug 2013, at 16:06, Steve Kargl 
  On Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 11:44:38PM +0100, David Chisnall wrote:
  On 24 Aug 2013, at 23:42, Slawa Olhovchenkov wrote:
  And i found PR about clang and mplayer: ports/176272
  This PR contains log with build error log.
  Please file clang bugs at
  As if this is going to help.
  2 years, 9 month and counting.
  Irrelevant to the discussion since the base system GCC has the same 
  How about ports/180564?
  And llvm community known about this issue:
 Have you tried submitting that directly to mplayer?

No, I don't know about mplayer bug database and mplayer's support
FreeBSD-current as target.
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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-25 Thread David Chisnall
On 25 Aug 2013, at 00:06, Steve Kargl wrote:

 On Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 11:44:38PM +0100, David Chisnall wrote:
 On 24 Aug 2013, at 23:42, Slawa Olhovchenkov wrote:
 And i found PR about clang and mplayer: ports/176272
 This PR contains log with build error log.
 Please file clang bugs at
 As if this is going to help.
 2 years, 9 month and counting.

This bug relates to a corner case in complex floating point support, which GCC 
in base doesn't get right either, and which affects a tiny proportion of users 
and which comes with a hypothetical test case but no evidence that any 
real-world code is affected by it.  If you have some real-world code that is 
compiled correctly by GCC but incorrectly by clang as a result of this, then 
please update the bug.

Oh, and it's worth noting that clang, as an extension, supports using 
initialiser lists to create complex values and so this particular case is 
trivial to avoid if you use this feature, which you will if you create complex 
numbers using the macro that the C specification introduced specifically to 
avoid this case.  


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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-25 Thread Ian Lepore
On Sat, 2013-08-24 at 23:44 +0100, David Chisnall wrote:
 On 24 Aug 2013, at 23:42, Slawa Olhovchenkov wrote:
  And i found PR about clang and mplayer: ports/176272
  This PR contains log with build error log.
 Please file clang bugs at

And THIS is a major reason why FreeBSD needs a compiler in base instead
of all tools being ports.  The last thing we need is to start responding
to every problem with this is not my problem, go file a report
upstream.  If we're already doing it for the compiler that's supposed
to be the new supported tool, how much worse will peoples' experience be
when we assert no ownership or responsibility for a toolchain at all?

-- Ian

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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-25 Thread Slawa Olhovchenkov
On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 05:24:23PM +0200, Erik Cederstrand wrote:

 Expecting FreeBSD Clang maintainers to respond to compilation issues
 in FreeBSD base seems perfectly reasonable. Expecting them to
 respond to random issues in the ~24.000 ports is not.

OK, how  FreeBSD Clang maintainers can respond to issue with firewire?
I don't imagine how to do this.

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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-25 Thread Steve Kargl
On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 11:08:57AM +0100, David Chisnall wrote:
 On 25 Aug 2013, at 00:06, Steve Kargl 
  On Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 11:44:38PM +0100, David Chisnall wrote:
  On 24 Aug 2013, at 23:42, Slawa Olhovchenkov wrote:
  And i found PR about clang and mplayer: ports/176272
  This PR contains log with build error log.
  Please file clang bugs at
  As if this is going to help.
  2 years, 9 month and counting.
 This bug relates to a corner case in complex floating point support,
 which GCC in base doesn't get right either,

GCC addressed issue in 4.5.0.  I don't necessarily agree with
the fix, but gcc did not ignore it.  I understand why FreeBSD has 
not updated to a newer gcc base.

 and which affects a tiny proportion of users

yep, anyone using complex arithmetic.

 and which comes with a hypothetical test case

Of course, it is a trivial testcase.  It was meant to be trivial to
demonstrate the bug and aid the compiler writer in fixing it.

 but no evidence that any real-world code is affected by it.

 If you have some real-world code that is compiled correctly
 by GCC but incorrectly by clang as a result of this, then
 please update the bug.

Go read FreeBSD libm's code where I (and now others) had/have
to jump through hoops with cpack[f|l] functions to avoid the 

 Oh, and it's worth noting that clang, as an extension, supports
 using initialiser lists to create complex values and so this
 particular case is trivial to avoid if you use this feature,
 which you will if you create complex numbers using the macro that
 the C specification introduced specifically to avoid this case.  

See msun/src/math_private.h.  

But, the above is irrelevant.  You missed my point, so to
be blunt.  Reporting the bug to llvm does not mean that it
will be fixed.  More importantly the problem with mplayer
and clang should be reported/recorded in FreeBSD's bug
database where others can find the issue when clang fails
to build mplayer.  The mplayer maintainer can either 
fix the problem or escaluate the issue upstream.

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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-25 Thread Ed Schouten
2013/8/25 David Chisnall
 Oh, and it's worth noting that clang, as an extension, supports using 
 initialiser lists to create complex values and so this particular case is 
 trivial to avoid if you use this feature, which you will if you create 
 complex numbers using the macro that the C specification introduced 
 specifically to avoid this case.

Or even better, use the C11 CMPLX()/CMPLXF()/CMPLXL() macros, which
are properly supported by FreeBSD -HEAD.

Ed Schouten
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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-24 Thread Sam Fourman Jr.
 If the 150 ports that only work with gcc, all work with a ports

  gcc and do not need the gcc from base, would the following be OK ?
  - 9.x gcc default and clang in base;
  - 10.x clang default and gcc in ports;

 Well, we write rules and we brake them. ;-)

 Just say that we know we brake them but it's inevitable because...
 And go futher.

I am not a developer, just a user, so I am not versed in all of the
issues but I
would REALLY like to see gcc moved to ports for 10.x

In my opinion this just needs to happen, if ports break, we deal with that
on  a case by case basis.

FreeBSD as a community made the decision to move to clang as a compiler, and
moving gcc to ports enforces that decision, I prefer the rip the band aid
off approach
because it brings issues to light faster, and now people have real reasons
to fix things.

Now, I am aware that other architectures like ARM etc. need gcc in base for
basic things
like building kernel/world, because clang cant do this yet.

Maybe this is over simplifying it a bit but can't we just modify scripts in
some way
to pull gcc from ports into base, for these platforms at build time? SVN
*is* in base now (svnlite)

From an outside look at this, it seems to me that we're holding  back the
amd64 platform
just because the developer activity is a little more sparse than we would
prefer on other platforms.

Other platforms are important and they are needed, but those platforms are
the ones that
need patched up, they are the  ones that need the band-aids implemented so
that gcc still works
for them.

So I vote, let's not give ourselves the burden of lugging dead weight in
for another 5 years. (in 2017 do we still want to be worrying about gcc in
So in the name of progress, let's make a comfortable final resting place
for gcc in our ports tree
and look to clang for our future.


Sam Fourman Jr.
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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-24 Thread David Chisnall
On 24 Aug 2013, at 11:30, Sam Fourman Jr. wrote:

 So I vote, let's not give ourselves the burden of lugging dead weight in
 for another 5 years. (in 2017 do we still want to be worrying about gcc in

Perhaps more to the point, in 2017 do we want to be responsible for maintaining 
a fork of a 2007 release of gcc and libstdc++?


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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-24 Thread David Chisnall
On 24 Aug 2013, at 12:51, Slawa Olhovchenkov wrote:

 Oh, I remember. mplayer on i386 can't be builded witch clang -- clang
 don't understand inlined asm.

Clang supports inline asm.  If there is some specific inline asm syntax that 
clang does not recognise, then please will you point me to the relevant LLVM 
bug report and I will investigate it.


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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-24 Thread Sam Fourman Jr.
 In my opinion this just needs to happen, if ports break, we deal with that

  on  a case by case basis.

 Oh, I remember. mplayer on i386 can't be builded witch clang -- clang
 don't understand inlined asm.

Well, in this case, you would just have the mplayer maintainer configure the
port to use gcc for the i386 build of mplayer... problem solved


Sam Fourman Jr.
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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-24 Thread Slawa Olhovchenkov
On Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 12:11:16PM +, Sam Fourman Jr. wrote:

  In my opinion this just needs to happen, if ports break, we deal with that
   on  a case by case basis.
  Oh, I remember. mplayer on i386 can't be builded witch clang -- clang
  don't understand inlined asm.
 Well, in this case, you would just have the mplayer maintainer configure the
 port to use gcc for the i386 build of mplayer... problem solved

Yes, I just edit Makefile. But this is point about ports builded by clang.
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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-24 Thread Julian Elischer

On 8/24/13 7:19 PM, David Chisnall wrote:

On 24 Aug 2013, at 11:30, Sam Fourman Jr. wrote:

So I vote, let's not give ourselves the burden of lugging dead weight in
for another 5 years. (in 2017 do we still want to be worrying about gcc in

Perhaps more to the point, in 2017 do we want to be responsible for maintaining 
a fork of a 2007 release of gcc and libstdc++?

The same work needs to be done no matter where it is..  there is no 
saving in moving it,
and a lot of hassle.. leave the damned thing alone and be thankful 
that we have switched to clang by default!  don't over-reach your 


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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-24 Thread Slawa Olhovchenkov
On Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 01:10:46PM +0100, David Chisnall wrote:

 On 24 Aug 2013, at 12:51, Slawa Olhovchenkov wrote:
  Oh, I remember. mplayer on i386 can't be builded witch clang -- clang
  don't understand inlined asm.
 Clang supports inline asm.  If there is some specific inline asm
 syntax that clang does not recognise, then please will you point me
 to the relevant LLVM bug report and I will investigate it.

Sorry, I don't know about clang/llvm bug reports, I just try to build
mplayer with Win32 codecs support on FreeBSD-10/i386.

And currenly (in rev r315041) building by clang disabled in ports tree.

PS: Also, if FreeBSD ship clang why ship not full set of clang?
For example, when I try to build llvm-lua not found sets of files:

LLVMCompiler.cpp:25:30: error: llvm/LLVMContext.h: No such file or directory
LLVMCompiler.cpp:26:31: error: llvm/DerivedTypes.h: No such file or directory
LLVMCompiler.cpp:27:50: error: llvm/ExecutionEngine/ExecutionEngine.h: No such 
file or directory
LLVMCompiler.cpp:28:25: error: llvm/Module.h: No such file or directory
LLVMCompiler.cpp:29:30: error: llvm/PassManager.h: No such file or directory
LLVMCompiler.cpp:30:36: error: llvm/Analysis/Verifier.h: No such file or 
LLVMCompiler.cpp:31:36: error: llvm/Target/TargetData.h: No such file or 
LLVMCompiler.cpp:32:39: error: llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h: No such file or 
LLVMCompiler.cpp:33:40: error: llvm/Target/TargetOptions.h: No such file or 
LLVMCompiler.cpp:34:36: error: llvm/Transforms/Scalar.h: No such file or 
LLVMCompiler.cpp:35:33: error: llvm/Transforms/IPO.h: No such file or directory
LLVMCompiler.cpp:36:43: error: llvm/Transforms/Utils/Cloning.h: No such file or 
LLVMCompiler.cpp:37:36: error: llvm/Support/IRBuilder.h: No such file or 
LLVMCompiler.cpp:38:32: error: llvm/Support/Timer.h: No such file or directory
LLVMCompiler.cpp:39:38: error: llvm/Support/CommandLine.h: No such file or 
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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-24 Thread Warner Losh

On Aug 24, 2013, at 6:11 AM, Sam Fourman Jr. wrote:

 In my opinion this just needs to happen, if ports break, we deal with that
 on  a case by case basis.
 Oh, I remember. mplayer on i386 can't be builded witch clang -- clang
 don't understand inlined asm.
 Well, in this case, you would just have the mplayer maintainer configure the
 port to use gcc for the i386 build of mplayer... problem solved

The problem is that there's a lot of cases in ports where this work needs to be 
done. That work is ongoing, but isn't done yet. The ports people have indicated 
that in the 10 time frame may be a bit optimistic...


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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-24 Thread David Chisnall
On 24 Aug 2013, at 23:42, Slawa Olhovchenkov wrote:

 And i found PR about clang and mplayer: ports/176272
 This PR contains log with build error log.

Please file clang bugs at


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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-24 Thread Steve Kargl
On Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 11:44:38PM +0100, David Chisnall wrote:
 On 24 Aug 2013, at 23:42, Slawa Olhovchenkov wrote:
  And i found PR about clang and mplayer: ports/176272
  This PR contains log with build error log.
 Please file clang bugs at

As if this is going to help.

2 years, 9 month and counting.

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GCC withdraw (was: Re: patch to add AES intrinsics to gcc)

2013-08-23 Thread Boris Samorodov
23.08.2013 13:16, David Chisnall пишет:

 I have a patch that I intend to commit before the 10.0 code slush that 
 removes GCC and libstdc++ from the default build on platforms where clang is 
 the system compiler.  We definitely don't want to be supporting our 
 6-year-old versions of these for the lifetime of the 10.x branch.  

Isn't it a POLA violation?

As for me I expect something like this:
. 9.x gcc default and clang in base;
. 10.x clang default and gcc in base;
. 11.x gcc withdraw.

WBR, Boris Samorodov (bsam)
FreeBSD Committer, The Power To Serve
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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-23 Thread Boris Samorodov
23.08.2013 15:16, Kurt Jaeger пишет:
 I have a patch that I intend to commit before the 10.0 code
 slush that removes GCC and libstdc++ from the default build on
 platforms where clang is the system compiler.  We definitely don't
 want to be supporting our 6-year-old versions of these for the
 lifetime of the 10.x branch.

 Isn't it a POLA violation?

 As for me I expect something like this:
 . 9.x gcc default and clang in base;
 . 10.x clang default and gcc in base;
 . 11.x gcc withdraw.
 If the 150 ports that only work with gcc, all work with a ports
 gcc and do not need the gcc from base, would the following be OK ?
 - 9.x gcc default and clang in base;
 - 10.x clang default and gcc in ports;

Well, we write rules and we brake them. ;-)

Just say that we know we brake them but it's inevitable because...
And go futher.

WBR, Boris Samorodov (bsam)
FreeBSD Committer, The Power To Serve
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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-23 Thread Daniel Kalchev

On 23.08.13 14:16, Kurt Jaeger wrote:


I have a patch that I intend to commit before the 10.0 code
slush that removes GCC and libstdc++ from the default build on
platforms where clang is the system compiler.  We definitely don't
want to be supporting our 6-year-old versions of these for the
lifetime of the 10.x branch.

Isn't it a POLA violation?

As for me I expect something like this:
. 9.x gcc default and clang in base;
. 10.x clang default and gcc in base;
. 11.x gcc withdraw.

If the 150 ports that only work with gcc, all work with a ports
gcc and do not need the gcc from base, would the following be OK ?

- 9.x gcc default and clang in base;
- 10.x clang default and gcc in ports;

I believe this is the best idea so far. As long as these ports work with 
gcc in ports, that is.

For many of the important ports, they do get used together with other 
ports that already require newer gcc from ports anyway. So no additional 
pollution will be created.

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Re: GCC withdraw (was: Re: patch to add AES intrinsics to gcc)

2013-08-23 Thread Warner Losh

On Aug 23, 2013, at 5:16 AM, Kurt Jaeger wrote:

 I have a patch that I intend to commit before the 10.0 code
 slush that removes GCC and libstdc++ from the default build on
 platforms where clang is the system compiler.  We definitely don't
 want to be supporting our 6-year-old versions of these for the
 lifetime of the 10.x branch.
 Isn't it a POLA violation?
 As for me I expect something like this:
 . 9.x gcc default and clang in base;
 . 10.x clang default and gcc in base;
 . 11.x gcc withdraw.
 If the 150 ports that only work with gcc, all work with a ports
 gcc and do not need the gcc from base, would the following be OK ?
 - 9.x gcc default and clang in base;
 - 10.x clang default and gcc in ports;

No. That breaks non x86 architecutres. gcc must remain in base for now, or 
there's no bootstrap ability. Nobody has done the lifting to cleanly integrate 
gcc as a port into buildworld, althogh Brooks' work gets us most of the way 


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Re: GCC withdraw (was: Re: patch to add AES intrinsics to gcc)

2013-08-23 Thread David Chisnall
On 23 Aug 2013, at 14:52, Warner Losh wrote:

 No. That breaks non x86 architecutres. gcc must remain in base for now, or 
 there's no bootstrap ability. Nobody has done the lifting to cleanly 
 integrate gcc as a port into buildworld, althogh Brooks' work gets us most of 
 the way there.

We've been using brooks' work to build the base system with an out-of-tree 
toolchain for some time now...


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Re: GCC withdraw (was: Re: patch to add AES intrinsics to gcc)

2013-08-23 Thread Warner Losh

On Aug 23, 2013, at 7:54 AM, David Chisnall wrote:
 On 23 Aug 2013, at 14:52, Warner Losh wrote:
 No. That breaks non x86 architecutres. gcc must remain in base for now, or 
 there's no bootstrap ability. Nobody has done the lifting to cleanly 
 integrate gcc as a port into buildworld, althogh Brooks' work gets us most 
 of the way there.
 We've been using brooks' work to build the base system with an out-of-tree 
 toolchain for some time now...

I'll have to try the native build part of the cycle then...  Early versions of 
the patch failed when you cross built the target, installed the target, but 
wound up with no compilers to bootstrap the external toolchains with to do 
native builds on the target.


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Re: GCC withdraw (was: Re: patch to add AES intrinsics to gcc)

2013-08-23 Thread Thomas Mueller
 As for me I expect something like this:
 . 9.x gcc default and clang in base;
 . 10.x clang default and gcc in base;
 . 11.x gcc withdraw.

There is also the concern whether clang in base will reliably build gcc 
required for some ports, and then there are those CPU architectures for which 
clang is nonexistent or not ready.

Regarding those ports that build with the ancient gcc 4.2.1 but not with newer 
versions, that has to be considered a bug.

Consider that Linux and the other BSDs use newer versions of gcc to build their 
base system and ports or pkgsrc.

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Re: GCC withdraw

2013-08-23 Thread Julian Elischer

On 8/23/13 7:55 PM, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:

In message, Daniel Kalchev writes:

- 9.x gcc default and clang in base;
- 10.x clang default and gcc in ports;

I believe this is the best idea so far. As long as these ports work with
gcc in ports, that is.


well as I was forced to go back to gcc to get a compiling  running 
kernel on my VPS (xen)
I'm not convinced that clang is there yet. I'd be really grumpy if I 
had to go through al the ports hoopla to recompile my kernel.

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