<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40613 >


Already behaviour of map view is the same. Player can modify it uses
modifier key. But who remember all keys? There's one other reason to do
it. Some players like Civ 3 map report state, where all information are
displaying on main map. I touch on myself that better intuitional are
dialogs gui. We can rather show more information on main map if player
select some event from messagewin or switch to other view.

What is a view? It's a set of display option. Player can select show
unit, cities, borders but don't display output and terrain and save it
as view. That's(creating new view and restoring them from client option
file) not implement yet. There also predefined views(controller).

What is a map controller? It's a connected pair of view settings and
mouse behaviour. It must be fixed, but client would change some
settings(view options). We don't remember it between session. Do what we
can use it? Simple way is show additional information in infobar and
change selection type(can select unit, can select cities, selection
rectangle turned on/off, etc. ). Map controller will be changed
automatically when map was centred on some objects(for example city).
Player can also manually switch them by clicking on object that class
match to some map controller.

Already my code defines three map controller. Generic(normal view), City
management, Unit management(tactical).

City management state supports rearrange of workers by drag output
title. We shouldn't give units orders on this state(there are some bug,
but i will remove it since it will be added to stable version). It also
automatically update infobar showing information about a city bellowing

Unit controller already don't making anything extra. It only show/hide
some information.

I have planed to add working controller. It will be usable if we had to
making future plan to improves our territory. 

It will be great if we had title layer and title controller. Somebody
suggest on forum possibility to leave some messages on map in
multiplayer game.

Some views will allow user to add bookmarks or favourite places. It will
be displaying under infobar. On generic view we display unit list on it.

Why use it? We can group some information into larger, more complex
view. We can show more graphics, but only on specific view/controller.
It will display city bar on city controller/manager if city are
starving. Maybe better icon near city center? It will also displaying
information about which cities try built unavinable object(example
wonder) under infobar. It can display some additional information on
minimap(It can be very good idea).
On strategic controller we can display some information on
minimap(battle groups position).

To far think I described. I only will show you first tech demo. It only
display how it can work together. At now there some bugs which i
discovered some hour ago. It also contains bugs what I know, but I
unlike removed it(it's very hard).

I send you patch and wait to hear what you think about it. Maybe uses
some action bar(like in editor) in some controller? Maybe infobar should
allow us to change production of selected city or change cma? Which
information should be displayed in minimap and main map in which
controller? I have some plans hows to done it, but I'm confusing.

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