<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40588 >

Will do. I'll look again for the font tab. If not I should easily find  
that file. I tried searching the bug tracker first but couldn't figure  
it out. I think I was just tired. Sorry to waste your time.

Samuel Dillow

On Dec 4, 2008, at 14:17, "Madeline Book" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> <URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40588 >
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Thu Dec 04 02:29:24 2008]:
>> The font inside of the freeciv Help Browser is unreadable.
>> Since this might be hard to fix on just one OS, could you
>> add a plus/minus font size button(s)?
> There is a font changing interface in the font tab of local
> options, but this is only in freeciv 2.2. To change the font
> sizes in prior versions, you need to edit a file called
> ".freeciv.rc-2.0" (yes with a . in front). For example to
> change the size of the help text font you would find the
> style block called "help_text" and change the font_name
> field to "Monospace 14".
> Unfortunately I do not know where the .freeciv.rc-2.0 is
> installed to on OSX, though you can probably easily find
> it by searching using its name.
> Maybe the default font sizes should be increased, since I
> too find the small fonts very annoying.
> --- 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> それとも目医者に行く時間だ。

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