[Freedos-devel] Next kernel release

2020-05-17 Thread perditionc
I am going to go through bug reports on SF, my email archive and anything
posted to GitHub in next few weeks.  I am going to try to make a new

If there is anything specific you want me to focus on, feel free to send
me/the list an email or post on GitHub.

Please let me if there are any objections or comments about this.  If there
are any particular tests anyone thinks should be run, let me know as well.

Freedos-devel mailing list

[Freedos-devel] Next FreeCom release

2020-05-17 Thread perditionc
I am going to go through bug reports on SF, my email archive and anything
posted to GitHub in next few weeks.  I am going to try to make a release
build of FreeCom, no pre#.  I may post some test builds in the process

Please let me if there are any objections or comments about this.  If there
are any particular tests anyone thinks should be run, let me know as well.

As far as recent issues, I will check on the error code return issue and
beep.  And at least ensure translated versions show something probably
valid other than English.

Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] stuck / forked freedos core component development!

2020-05-17 Thread Jim Hall
Also: I'm also planning to do some general cleanup on the website. I'm
not happy with some changes I made when I made the last update to the
website earlier this year. I don't think these changes will be very
big, but you'll notice some changes. The biggest changes will be on
the "Download" page and the "Forums" page.

When I made the last update, I tried to make the "Download" page
easier to find the things you needed to download. That's why I broke
it up into those separate tables, and used the obvious "Download"
--> I'm not sure that works very well, so I want to make it even
simpler. I might move some stuff to the front page ("Download FreeDOS!
Here are the options") and make separate pages that have more
information and specific download links for what you need to get. As
an example: to download the Fedora Linux distribution, the
https://getfedora.org/ website has two big info-boxes for
"Workstation" and "Server," each with a "learn more" link and a
"Download" button. I'm thinking about something like that.

For the "Forums" page, I plan to greatly simplify and focus this page.
See my other email that I just sent about that. Maybe I'll also use a
similar "info-box" approach to highlight the freedos-devel and
freedos-user email lists, and the *few* other forums that we want to
highlight ("DOS Ain't Dead", and the few others)

I might also move the social media links from the bottom (footer) of
the page to the top (header).

I'll set up the test site and try some things there before I push big
changes to the main website. But smaller, more obvious stuff (link
cleanup on the "Forums" page, etc) I can do now. "Big changes" means
things like the "info-box" idea, since that requires building out new


Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] stuck / forked freedos core component development!

2020-05-17 Thread Jim Hall
Based on feedback here, I'll plan to do a few things to focus the
communication to fewer, more actively-used channels:

* I'll retire the freedos-kernel email list. (I'll make it read-only,
and not mention it on the "Forums" page.) All kernel development
discussion should go to freedos-devel.

* I'll retire the FreeDOS blog on Blogger, and migrate that content to
the FreeDOS website, probably under  or maybe
. I'm not sure which is better. I have some items
queued up for future publication (I try to "get ahead" when I can) so
I'll let those play out over the next few weeks while I figure out how
to best export the blog to the main website. I have blog posts
scheduled through the end of May, so I'll probably move the blog right
after those end (wait for the last item to go live, then export &
republish). Expect a news item about this in a few weeks when it

* I'll clean up the "Forums" page. I'll try to keep the forums we want
people to use marked with an obvious "Join" button. Others will be
just links, probably listed under an "other" category or something
like that. (For example, I'll probably have a line in there that says
"USENET was the original way we would communicate, before we moved to
email lists." And then just plain links to the USENET groups.)

* I'll start sharing more items from our Twitter feed as news items on
the website. Same for things that get announced on the Facebook group.
Not sure how to best do this. I'll try to balance between sharing
things and not overloading the news feed. There's no "rule" that sums
up perfectly how to do this, so I'll go with what seems to work well.
Let me know if I'm putting too much on the front page.
--> In general, that means I'll start sharing more items about "X has
started a new program/project that runs on FreeDOS." In the past, I've
tweeted the first announcement, then made news items on the website if
that person keeps making new releases (i.e. it's not a "one-off" that
then dies). Instead, I'll share more of those, and maybe the extra
attention will help the developer to get traction with other
--> For smaller items, I'll try to group them together into a sort of
"news of the week" item. Might not be weekly, but I'll try to keep it

* I'll also start posting occasional news items about the FreeDOS
channel on YouTube. For example: A few weeks after I started the
channel, I posted a news item about it, and shared links to the videos
I'd made by that point. I'll do something similar for new videos: I'll
spread out these news items by a few weeks, and post a news item to
remind (new?) website visitors about videos that have been posted over
the last few weeks.
--> I'll also make a similar news item about the "Writing FreeDOS
programs in C" video series. This is the "teach yourself to code"
video series that I mentioned earlier in this thread.

I'll start making these news items this week. I want to avoid posting
a whole ton of news items at once, so I'll spread out these news items
over this week.


Freedos-devel mailing list