Re: [Freedos-devel] segment override prefix for XLAT instruction

2024-07-01 Thread E. C. Masloch via Freedos-devel
(I copied this mail to the pushbx blog in which the links can be written 
as proper hyperlinks. You may want to read it there [0].)

On at 2024-06-30 23:04 +0200, Bernd Böckmann via Freedos-devel wrote:


I have a question our assembly people: I stumbled upon an unusual instruction 
in the EDR-DOS source [1]. In RASM86 this is expressed as


which gets encoded as 2E D7.

So this is a CS segment override prefix for an otherwise usual XLAT 
instruction. I found no way to reproduce this instruction in JWasm other than 
doing the following:

DB 2eh

The Intel documentation for XLAT explains that the value to be added to AL is 
fetched from DS:BX, so probably the DS gets replaced by the CS override. But is 
the override prefix valid at this point, and does this work on all common CPUs? 
Intel documentation is silent about this.



Hello Bernd,

A simple web search for "segment override xlatb" without the quote marks 
[1] does find some relevant results, in particular this retrocomputing 
stackexchange thread [2]. Quoting part of the question:

> XLAT with a segment override prefix: Manuals for 8086 and 80286 only 
mention that it uses the DS register. It was first mentioned in the 
80386 manual that it accepts segment prefixes.

One of the answers [3] has this to say:

> XLAT with segment override - works the same as 8088, segment override 
for base address can be CS:[BX] or ES:[BX]. ... segment overrides for 
XLAT on a V20 do seem to work consistent with the 808x.

I just fired up my HP 95LX which runs a NEC V20 as well. I can confirm 
that cs xlatb, es xlatb, and ss xlatb all work as expected.

Another answer [4] claims that MAME does not support XLATB with a 
segment override:

> MAME's 8086/88/186/188/286 emulator here [5], V20/V30/V33/V33A 
emulator here [6], and V30MZ emulator here [7] all support 83/1, 83/4, 
and 83/6, and they all don't support a segment override for XLAT (the 
prefix is allowed but ignored). Search for 0x83 and 0xd7 to find the 

> The fact that they all agree doesn't necessarily mean they're 
correct, since they all seem to have been forked from common code at 
some point. But I suppose that whoever implemented 83/x with no 
CPU-version test and put an explicit DS in the XLAT implementation 
probably knew what they were doing.

Consequently, I added a remark on this to my NASM v2.05 based 
instruction reference [8]:

> On 386 or higher level machines, the segment register used to load 
from [BX+AL] or [EBX+AL] can be overridden by using a segment register 
name as a prefix (for example, ES XLATB). It is reported that a segment 
override may be ignored by CPUs of a lower level than a 386.

I added this remark on 2022-03-18 [9]. On 2021-06-06 I replaced a use of 
cs xlatb in inicomp's lzd.asm [10], most directly by a sequence that 
costs 3 bytes more than cs xlatb, like so:

push ds
 push cs
 pop ds
pop ds

Later [11] I replaced the use of xlatb by code that branches to get the 
next state number.


However, looking at the current source of MAME 
(mame/src/devices/cpu/i86/i86.cpp [12] and .../cpu/nec/necinstr.hxx 
[13]) it appears as if XLATB was changed to use a segment override 
prefix since this answer [4] was written (2021-06-04).

i86.cpp has [12]:

case 0xd7: // i_trans
m_regs.b[AL] = GetMemB( DS, m_regs.w[BX] + m_regs.b[AL] );

This calls GetMemB in i86inline.h [14]:

inline uint8_t i8086_common_cpu_device::GetMemB(int seg, uint16_t offset)
return read_byte(calc_addr(seg, offset, 1, I8086_READ));

This calls calc_addr [15]:

uint32_t i8086_common_cpu_device::calc_addr(int seg, uint16_t offset, 
int size, int op, bool override)

if ( m_seg_prefix && (seg==DS || seg==SS) && override )
m_easeg = m_seg_prefix;
return (m_sregs[m_prefix_seg] << 4) + offset;

calc_addr with only 4 parameters [16] uses the default for the override 
parameter, which is equal to true:

virtual uint32_t calc_addr(int seg, uint16_t offset, int size, int op, 
bool override = true);

So the 8086 sources for current MAME actually do support segment 
overrides for XLATB.

necinstr.hxx [13] uses this line to implement XLATB:

OP( 0xd7, i_trans  ) { uint32_t dest = (Wreg(BW)+Breg(AL))&0x; 
Breg(AL) = GetMemB(DS0, dest); CLKS(9,9,5); }

I'm unsure which GetMemB definition is used here, but it uses "DS0" 
which looking at eg the A0h to A3h opcodes [17] is what is known as DS 
on the 8086 and in a way that allows a segment override:

OP( 0xa0, i_mov_aldisp ) { uint32_t addr; addr = fetchword(); Breg(AL) = 
GetMemB(DS0, addr); CLKS(10,10,5); }
OP( 0xa1, i_mov_axdisp ) { uint32_t addr; addr = fetchword(); Wreg(AW) = 
GetMemW(DS0, addr); CLKW(14,14,7,14,10,5,addr); }

Re: [Freedos-devel] FreeDOS on Pocket386

2024-06-02 Thread E. C. Masloch via Freedos-devel

On at 2024-06-02 13:31 +0200, Bernd Böckmann via Freedos-devel wrote:

If the 10MB partition can be booted from, we have to take into account that 
this is a FAT16 partition, and accordingly the FAT12/16 volume boot code is 
installed. This supports both LBA and non-LBA access.

Jim, can you upload the non-working image and the working 10MB test image, so I 
can have a look at the relevant data structures (MBR etc.)?

What BIOS is this machine using?

As Jerome said, the FreeDOS installer will re-use an existing partition layout. 
So what you can try (not 100% sure you already did that): start with an empty 
1.9G image and install FreeDOS onto it via QEMU. The installer will create and 
format a partition. Then, try to boot it with your 386.

Thinking of this LBA, non-LBA thing we might investigate if it is possible to 
merge the LBA and non-LBA FAT32 VBR code into one. But that is for another 
topic. We also might replace the loaders with some other one. If I remember 
correctly ECMs lDOS loaders have the capability...

As we say, speak the devil's name and here she is!

I prepared an overview of the lDOS FAT32 + FSIBOOT4 loaders on my blog:

Comments and additional questions are welcome both in this thread or in 
the comment thread of the blog.

Not listed in the article is the lDOS boot.asm (FAT12/FAT16) loader. 
This one also supports the _COMPAT_FREEDOS set but it requires disabling 
some of the loader's features to make the relocation code fit in the 
allowed space. That is why I mention in the article that none of the 
loader's features need to be disabled to use _COMPAT_FREEDOS for my 
boot32.asm as a consequence of the two-stage approach.

As usual, my code is FLOSS and in the case of lDOS boot + instsect + 
lmacros it builds with only NASM (a recent-ish version of the assembler 
may be required).


Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FreeDOS on Pocket386

2024-06-02 Thread E. C. Masloch via Freedos-devel

On at 2024-06-02 18:19 +0200, Bernd Böckmann via Freedos-devel wrote:


And that boots without problem on the Pocket386!

Also: you asked about FDISK /XO output. It reports "W95B INT LBA
FAT32" in the upper left corner. This is running FDISK 1.3.15.

To Jim: Are you sure you ran FDISK /XO on the Pocket386 system? If FDISK 
says it detects LBA there but the LBA loader from FreeDOS doesn't work 
that'd be quite the bug.

Well, this is good on the one hand, but bad on the other. It means that the 
system (supposedly) supports LBA access, but the FAT32 LBA loader for a reason 
yet unknown to me fails to boot the thing. LBA in general seems to be working. 
Otherwise FDISK would also fail in one way or another.

Have to think about what might be the cause. Looking at the source of FAT32 LBA 
loader, it passes the disk access packet to the BIOS by pushing it onto the 
stack and setting SI=SP, instead of reserving some space for it in its data 
area. Not exactly sure that this is a good idea, as it makes this susceptible 
to stack corruption, depending on how the BIOS mishandles the packet.

The packet on the stack trick is used by some lDOS MBR/boot loaders as 
well, and it generally works.

The BIOS may also trash some registers...

Anyone a suggestion?

If it really turns out that FDISK /XO detected LBA support *on the 
Pocket386* but the LBA loader fails, I could cough up some debugging 
hints as to how to install bootable lDebug on the system then debug the 
failing loader. For instance:

1. Rename kernel.sys to fdkernel.sys (exact name doesn't matter)
2. Copy to working drive (using CHS loader) as kernel.sys
3. Boot lDebug
4. Boot FreeDOS using "BOOT PROTOCOL FREEDOS fdkernel.sys" then "Q"
5. Write loader to file: "SYS C: /BOOTONLY /FORCE:LBA BOOTSECT.DOS"
6. Reboot into lDebug
7. Try "BOOT PROTOCOL CHAIN" and then trace the loader

You could install the FAT32+FSIBOOT loader for lDebug as well but when 
you already have a working boot loader then this would just be the 
possible cause of more headaches. Not impossible, but not worth it 
probably. As I have oft repeated lDebug can be loaded as a number of 
kernel formats, most recently including the FreeDOS and the original 
Enhanced DR-DOS (v7.01.07) kernel load formats.

I will advertise the lDOS FAT32 loader more in another subsequent email.


Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] FreeDOS on Pocket386

2024-06-02 Thread E. C. Masloch via Freedos-devel

On at 2024-06-02 19:16 +0200, Eric Auer via Freedos-devel wrote:


It would be possible to add an additional screen to the installer
(probably only advanced mode) to use the /FORCE:CHS option.

That would be a good option to have, but I'd like to fix sys bootcode  so
lba code works and maybe make a multi sector fat32 version that supports
both chs & lba...

If you SYS on the same system where you work later, SYS will
detect whether or not there is FAT32 support.

I think you meant "LBA support" in this line. And indeed it does, but 
this doesn't work as intended if the target system doesn't support LBA 
but the installer system does.

I think it would
be overkill to have a multi-sector boot loader which supports
all options on FAT32. Today, LBA support is widespread enough
and our FAT12 / FAT16 boot sector already supports CHS and LBA
in one combined (also somewhat over-engineered) boot sector :-)

I will write more on this in a subsequent mail.


Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] zoo

2024-05-23 Thread E. C. Masloch via Freedos-devel

On at 2024-05-23 11:42 +0100, Liam Proven via Freedos-devel wrote:

On Tue, 21 May 2024 at 19:22, E. C. Masloch via Freedos-devel

64 Ki * 16 KiB = 1024 MiB. (The actual maximum amount of clusters is of
course slightly less than 64 Ki, to be exacting.) So you're off-by-one,
a "2 GB" file system cannot possibly be fully utilised with FAT16 at a
16 KiB per cluster size.

Ah, OK. My apologies.

Off-by-one errors are of course one of the two hardest problems in
computer science, along with cache invalidation and naming things.


Hence tom's suggestion of FAT17.

Clearly there's a joke here but I don't see it or get it. Ah well.
Perhaps mine above will meet a similar reception.

It's simple. FAT16 has 16 (significant) bits per FAT entry, so it can 
address a FAT of nearly 64 Ki entries. If there was a FAT variant with 
17 (significant) bits per FAT entry, the available space for FAT entries 
would double to nearly 128 Ki, so your initial numbers (2 GiB FS at 16 
KiB / cluster) would be correct.

(Because FAT32 actually has only 28 significant bits in its FAT entries 
some have called it "FAT28".)

So, 1GB-2GB FAT16 partitions used 32kB clusters, and it was the
orginally-NT-only 64kB clusters that were for 2-4GB drives.

Precisely. (Except for how you're using SI base 1000 prefixes in the 
JEDEC base 1024 meaning. I think that "KB" should be all-caps in the 
JEDEC use.)


Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] zoo

2024-05-21 Thread E. C. Masloch via Freedos-devel

On at 2024-05-19 00:37 +0100, Liam Proven via Freedos-devel wrote:

On Fri, 17 May 2024 at 17:14, tom ehlert via Freedos-devel

Below 1GB FAT16 uses 8kB clusters. From 1GB-2GB it uses 16kB ones.
(Below ½GB it uses 4kB.)

That would require FAT17.


Not at all.

64 Ki * 16 KiB = 1024 MiB. (The actual maximum amount of clusters is of 
course slightly less than 64 Ki, to be exacting.) So you're off-by-one, 
a "2 GB" file system cannot possibly be fully utilised with FAT16 at a 
16 KiB per cluster size. Hence tom's suggestion of FAT17.

Here is the full list:


Drive size Secs/cluster   Cluster size
  <  16 MB   8 4 KiB


Drive size Secs/cluster   Cluster size
< 128 MB   4 2 KiB
  < 256 MB   8 4 KiB
  < 512 MB  16 8 KiB
  <   1 GB  3216 KiB
  <   2 GB  6432 KiB

This supports what tom and I wrote: up to (nearly) "2 GB" you need 32 
KiB per cluster.

  <   4 GB 12864 KiB   (Windows NT only)

I agree with this. Enhanced DR-DOS, FreeDOS, and my MS-DOS v4 fork also 
support 64 KiB per cluster now.

  <   8 GB 256   128 KiB   (Windows NT 4.0 only)
  <  16 GB 512   256 KiB   (Windows NT 4.0 only)

EDR-DOS, FreeDOS, and lMS-DOS also support 128 KiB clusters, using 256 
Sectors per Cluster. For further comment see below.


Drive size Secs/cluster   Cluster size
  < 260 MB   1   512 bytes
  <   8 GB   8 4 KiB
  <  16 GB  16 8 KiB
  <  32 GB  3216 KiB
  <   2 TB  6432 KiB

It seems that a 2 TiB file system could actually use 8 KiB per cluster 
if you were willing to tolerate a FAT size of 1 GiB each. (1 GiB is the 
maximum size of a FAT's usable data in FAT32.)

2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 / (2 ** 28) = 8192.

Not claiming any formatting tool does this, but the numbers check out.

(If anyone is confused about 2 to the power 28, this is because FAT32 
actually reserves the top 4 bits of every 32-bit FAT entry. They're 
masked off by drivers and never set by anyone AFAIK. So the usable 
amount of entries is 2 ** 28, not 2 ** 32.)



To get to the "Windows NT 4.0 only" entries: I'd never heard of any MSW 
supporting 256 Sectors per Cluster. Let alone 512. I didn't find any 
other source that confirms this or even explains how such large SpC 
values are to be encoded in the file system in order for a driver to use 
them. I was also under the impression that EDR-DOS was the first 
implementation of FAT FS with 256 SpC.

The only other source I found that supports the possibility of 256 KiB 
clusters is in the English Wikipedia page for FAT, in the FAT16B info box:

> Max volume size
>2 GB (with 32 KB clusters)
>4 GB (with 64 KB clusters) (NT 4, PTS-DOS, EDR-DOS)
>8 GB (with 128 KB clusters and 1 or 2 KB sectors) (NT 4 and 
EDR-DOS only)

>8 GB (with 128 KB clusters and 512 byte sectors) (EDR-DOS only)
>16 GB (with 256 KB clusters and 2 or 4 KB sectors) (NT 4 only)

You will note that the "8 GB" limits listed use 512 BpS only for the 
EDR-DOS 256 SpC extension, only. The other "8 GB" and the "16 GB" 
specify larger sector sizes. That would explain how to get to a 256 KiB 
cluster, without even the 256 SpC extension.


Freedos-devel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-devel] [Semi-OT] Thoughts: Actually doing stuff with MS-DOS 4.01

2024-05-04 Thread E. C. Masloch via Freedos-devel

On at 2024-05-03 23:54 -0400, Steve Nickolas via Freedos-devel wrote:
So I've had some thoughts regarding the MS-DOS 4 source drop, regarding 
things I'd like to do with the code.  I'm not really that good of a 
coder and probably would only be able to do some of them myself.  (I'd 
kill for a 3.3 drop - would obviate a lot of these things!  And 5 and 
6.2 even more.)

First big issue, and one I can only partially resolve.  I'm taking a 
strict approach to the contents of the TOOLS folder - want to get rid of 
it and replace it with open-source equivalents.  That means, most 
practically, OpenWatcom 1.9 (there's prolly other options but the more 
like MSC it is the less torturous porting is going to be).  And the 
code's going to need to be dinked as far as possible to roll in Watcom 
instead of MSC - that's going to be a major pain in the neck.

As mentioned before, JWasm is probably going to be useful to replace the 
MASM v5.10 for this. Me, I'm working with the original toolchain for now 
even though it is (free but) closed source.

Some of the code's pretty braindead, too.  Especially what looks to have 
come from IBM.  I styles vary, but Algolization is still 
just hideous-looking.  But it goes beyond that - think some of the 
utilities are going to need major rewrites.  I'm thinking of writing a 
new front-end around the FDISK code, but I haven't really been able to 
take the code and sort through everything to figure out what parts I'll 
need in order for FDISK to...fdisk (and don't know enough about int13, 
MBR or FAT to do it my damnself).  I was looking into D-Flat, but my 
brain melted - might have to write bespoke UI code.

Additionally, the whole "Message Server" thing.  (I think the broken 
TYPE command when COMMAND.COM is run under FreeDOS is related to this.)  
I'd like to have the feature reduced to compatibility only and use good 
old-fashioned AH=9 like older DOS versions.  It'll probably also iron 
out some of the compile issues I've had trying to port the C stuff to 

The broken TYPE (and COPY) command in the shell is actually due to the 
Extended Attributes functions that the MS-DOS v4.01 kernel "supports". 
In fact, these functions are just placeholders that return an empty list 
and ignore all writes. I wrote about this to dosemu2 [1], as the TYPE 
and COPY commands were broken on dosemu2 redirector drives (even when 
running both and the kernel from the MS-DOS release). The 
error is the command will (on FreeDOS) display "Extended Error 1" when 
trying to display a file using TYPE, or (on MS-DOS on a redirector 
drive) "Invalid function - ". I patched in my fork 
to not require these functions [2].

Writing of which, I also identicalised the binaries to both MS-DOS v4.00 
(matching the original release minus build fixes and encoding problems) 
[3] as well as the MS-DOS v4.01 release [4]. I compared the files to the 
content of disks found at the Internet Archive [5]. The v4.01 patch 
comes from hharte's fork on github [6], but I verified that it matches 
the v4.01 release. I also wrote about the process (regarding the v4.00 
work) on our forum [7]. The most difficult part involved creating a 
small unpacker utility for the select.dat files [8], to allow comparing 
the binary differences in the uncompressed data rather than being stuck 
with the compressed files.

An error that remains is that on the FreeDOS kernel, commands like "ver 
/r" and "mem /p" (using unsupported switches) will not display "Invalid 
switch" or "Invalid switch -  /p" but rather "Parse Error 3".

After these things are ironed out, I guess the next phase would be, 
unless another code drop obviates the effort, to recreate features of 
later versions.  I've actually done this with some apps.  (The obvious 
question: Why not use what FreeDOS already has?  A: Because I'd like to 
have the entirety of the project under a single license - that being the 
X license Microsoft and IBM are already using.)  High memory support - 
big feature of 5.0 - that's a big part of why 5 was considered a _good_ 
version of DOS and 4 wasn't.

I already added one MS-DOS v5 feature: Device drivers are passed the 
maximum valid address that they may allocate [9]. This allows loading 
lDebug as a device driver, albeit an lDebug bugfix is also needed [10].




Re: [Freedos-devel] MS-DOS 4.0 source released as open source under MIT license

2024-04-26 Thread E. C. Masloch via Freedos-devel

On at 2024-04-26 14:28 -0500, Jim Hall via Freedos-devel wrote:

On Fri, 26 Apr 2024, Bernd Böckmann via Freedos-devel wrote:

Microsoft and IBM released the source code of MS-DOS 4.0 under MIT
license [1]. To me, it looks fairly complete.

On Fri, Apr 26, 2024 at 2:25 AM Steve Nickolas via Freedos-devel

Everything but himem, dosshell, gwbasic, and parts of xmaem/xma2ems,
apparently.  I got most of it compiled using the tools in the archive.

How did you compile it? I'm having trouble getting the compile to work.

Here's what I'm doing: I've booted my system using FreeDOS but using
their tools. My C: drive is FreeDOS, and my D: drive is empty except
for the SRC directory from the MS-DOS 4.0 release on GitHub. I set up
my environment by editing the SETENV.BAT and running it:

@echo off
echo setting up system to build the MS-DOS 4.01 SOURCE BAK...
set COUNTRY=usa-ms
rem BAKROOT points to the home drive/directory of the sources.
set LIB=%BAKROOT%\src\lib
set INIT=%BAKROOT%\src\tools
set INCLUDE=%BAKROOT%\src\inc
set PATH=%BAKROOT%\src\tools;C:\freedos\bin

This is my PATH:


Yes, I'm really running the Microsoft NMAKE from their tree:


Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility   Version 1.00.05
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp 1987, 1988. All rights reserved.

NMAKE : fatal error U1051: usage : 'NMAKE' [-bcdeinpqrst -f makefile -x stderrfi
le] [macrodefs] [targets]

But when I try to build it, it fails in the MAPPER directory with
"line too long":

D:\>cd src

I had similar errors, in mapper/getmsg.asm, select/select2.asm, and 

For me these turned out to be errors involving a single-byte character 
being expanded to a three-byte UTF-8 encoded value. When nearly a whole 
line (of 80 columns) is filled with these EF BF BD strings then MASM 
(the version shipped with the repo) doesn't like the total line length 
in bytes. I eventually fixed this by running: (After manually deleting a 
few lines to work around the problem.)

> sed -i -re 's/\xEF\xBF\xBD|\xC4\xBF|\xC4\xB4/#/g' FILENAMES...

I had many more errors, starting with nosrvbld.exe running on eg 
boot/boot.skl complaining it couldn't find something. The something was 
named as a bunch of gibberish text however. This, and some other 
problems, turned out to be because git and/or Microsoft spat out text 
files with LF line endings whereas many of the DOS tools expect CR LF 
line endings. The following command worked for me:

> find -iname '*.bat' -o -iname '*.asm' -o -iname '*.skl' -o -iname 
'zero.dat' -o -iname 'locscr' | xargs unix2dos -f

(The zero.dat and locscr files are used to redirect numbers into 
exe2bin's relocation number prompt. Failure to unix2dos those ended up 
hanging dosemu2 and/or ConnectBot, and spamming notifications to 
ConnectBot. Likely related to the old problem of int 21h service 0Ah not 
properly detecting and handling an EOF.)

To successfully compile the C program parts, I had to fix the setenv.bat 
script (apart from using another drive) to point to the headers and 
libraries that actually ship with the repo:

$ cat src/e.bat
@echo off
echo setting up system to build the MS-DOS 4.01 SOURCE BAK...
set CL=
set LINK=
set MASM=
set COUNTRY=usa-ms
set BAKROOT=e:
rem BAKROOT points to the home drive/directory of the sources.
set LIB=%BAKROOT%\src\tools\bld\lib
set INIT=%BAKROOT%\src\tools
set INCLUDE=%BAKROOT%\src\tools\bld\inc
set PATH=%BAKROOT%\src\tools;%PATH%

To boot the kernel, I used lDebug's command BOOT PROTOCOL MSDOS6 hda1/ 
to boot off a file system that I created using my bootimg.asm script. I 
had to set -D_OEM_NAME="'IBM  3.1'" to make the kernel accept my file 
system; with my default it calculated a wrong (at least) Sectors per 
Cluster value of 4 and failed to load the DOS module. This is my command 
line to create the image:

> nasm -I ../../lmacros/ -I ../../bootimg/ ../../bootimg/bootimg.asm 
-o disk.img -D_MEDIAID=0F8h -D_BPE=16 -D_ERROR_SMALL32=0 -D_SPF=256 
-D_SPI=128000 -D_SPC=2 -D_MBR -D_MBR_PART_TYPE=fat16_chs 


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