Re: [Freedos-kernel] Re: FAT - FAT32 - SYS boot code testing???

2004-03-13 Thread Matthias Paul
On 2004-03-13, Eric Auer wrote:

> Default BPB for drive X: according to Bootfix 1.1 by Arkady:
> 512 by/sec, 4 sec/clust, 1 boot sector, 188 sec/fat, 2 FATs,
> 0 / 195016 sectors, 0x.f744 hidden sectors (this is the
> "partition position", looks completely wrong under the assumption
> that ZIP disks are not partitioned at all and even for a partitioned
> drive the position at about 2 TB offset looks very wrong), geometry
> C * 255 H * 63 S, Media ID 0xf8. No boot signature. FAT too short.

ZIP-100/250/750 and JAZ-1/2 media are *partitioned* media, that is,
they work as so called "removable drives." They have only a single
FAT16 partition (type 06h) on them, their BPB has a boot unit of 80h
and the media ID and FAT ID tags are both F8h. If you access them
through driver software, you won't see that they are organized like
harddisks, because you only see the logical drive through the driver.
However, if you boot from them, they get logged in as drive 80h and
you can use f.e. FDISK to create partitions on them (the latter is
not recommended, though).
For reference, my 3.5" Iomega ZIP-100 disks have a logical CHS geometry
of C/H/S/Z=96/64/32/512 on BIOS level, my 2.0" Iomega Clik! 40 disks
(also known as "PocketZIP 40") report with C/H/S/Z=37/64/32/512.
Does someone have a Clik! 25 drive (possibly the same as the rumoured
2.0" ZIP-25, but I'm not sure about this), a ZIP-250 or a ZIP-750 drive here?

This in contrast to so called "super-floppies", which are organized
like extra-large floppies, that is, they do not have a partition
table in the first sector. For example, LS-120/LS-240 3.5" UHD media
are super-floppies and get logged in as drive 00h if you boot from them.
Their media and FAT ID bytes are set to F0h and they use FAT16. For
reference, my LS-120 disks have a logical geometry of C/H/S/Z=963/8/32/512,
but I have also seen them reported as having 960/8/32/512. My LS-240 media
are organized as C/H/S/Z=262/32/56/512. If you put a FD32MB-formatted
2HD floppy into an LS-240 drive, it uses FAT16 and has a logical geometry
of C/H/S/Z=1024/2/32/512. If you erroneously put the same FD32MB formatted
floppy disk into a normal MF HD or ED floppy drive, it appears with
a dummy FAT12 filesystem and a geometry of C/H/S/Z=???/2/?/512 and is
write-protected (I will have to double-check the actual values for '?'
again, as the values I noted a while back seem to be wrong).

Please report, if you have seen ZIP disks working as super-floppies
or LS disks working as removable drives, I'm very interested in this
kind of stuff...




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Re: [Freedos-kernel] FAT - FAT32 - SYS boot code testing???

2004-03-13 Thread Jim Lilly

> If I remember correctly, FAT32 volumes must be at least 128 MB in size.
Where might I read up on that info?

 Jim Lilly - Team Z
 Using - Virtual Access(OLR), ZAP 4.5, & WinXP Pro w/SP1

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IBM Linux Tutorials
Free Linux tutorial presented by Daniel Robbins, President and CEO of
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[Freedos-kernel] reducing executable size

2004-03-13 Thread Arkady V.Belousov

 Bart, you know OW better, may be you help. Currently ATTRIB executable
size is 3986 bytes for BC and 3970 for OW. I suggest, that executable size
for OW may be reduced further (by stubing some RTL modules - like currently
stubed malloc/realloc/nmalloc). May you help me with this? If you wish, I
send you current sources (25k of sources and batch files to compile).

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IBM Linux Tutorials
Free Linux tutorial presented by Daniel Robbins, President and CEO of
GenToo technologies. Learn everything from fundamentals to system
Freedos-kernel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-kernel] Patch: TALLOC.C memory leakage malloc() bug fix

2004-03-13 Thread Arkady V.Belousov

13-Мар-2004 12:40 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Luchezar Georgiev) wrote to FreeDOS-kernel

LG> symptom for all memory managers, even Tom's tiny but great in value
LG> TALLOC.C! These days, another colleague of mine found a bug in it causing
LG> the dreaded memory leakage when repeatedly freeing and allocating a block.
LG> The bug was in malloc() and the second patch below fixes it. I've uploaded
LG> +++ src/kernel/sys/talloc.c2004-03-12 15:54:14.0 +0200

 For SYS (and any other program, where heap isn't [active] used) I
develop much more compact and simpler edition:

/* Replace: malloc() and free().
   Description: simplified memory management over static buffer without
releasing of allocated memory. MALLOC_BUF_SIZE defines
size of static buffer (default value is 8k).


# define MALLOC_BUF_SIZE (8u*1024u)

void *malloc (size_t sz) {
static char malloc_buffer [MALLOC_BUF_SIZE];
static size_t malloc_next = 0;

size_t old = malloc_next;
if (sizeof malloc_buffer - old < sz)
return NULL;

malloc_next += sz;
return malloc_buffer + old;

#ifdef __WATCOMC__
void *_nmalloc (size_t sz) { return malloc (sz); }
void *realloc (void *p, size_t sz) { (void)p; (void)sz; return NULL; }

#ifdef __cplusplus
void free (void*) {}
void free () {}
  O/~\ /~\O

Place this into MALLOC.INC, and then use at the program end:

#ifdef __WATCOMC__
# include ""
  O/~\ /~\O

This is excerpt from BOOTFIX - because it itself doesn't uses heap, and for
BC startup streams maked nonbuffered, so malloc() stub in BOOTFIX is need
only for OW.

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Freedos-kernel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-kernel] FAT - FAT32 - SYS boot code testing???

2004-03-13 Thread Arkady V.Belousov

13-Мар-2004 11:54 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Luchezar Georgiev) wrote to

>> I've found FreeDOS hangs in booting off a ZIP 100 IDE disk formatted
>> FAT32, but boots fine off another ZIP disk formatted as FAT.
LG> If I remember correctly, FAT32 volumes must be at least 128 MB in size.

 65526 clusters*1 sectors/cluster*512 bytes/sector=32 Mb. 128 Mb is only
recommended starting size - else FAT16 is more effective.

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IBM Linux Tutorials
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2004-03-13 Thread LUCKYDAY INTERNATIOL .


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 Iris Hans Kok (Mrs).
National Co-ordinator .  

Re: [Freedos-kernel] FAT - FAT32 - SYS boot code testing???

2004-03-13 Thread Jim Lilly

> FAT32 volumes must be at least 128 MB in size.
HWinXP doesn't seem to know that.

 Jim Lilly - Team Z
 Using - Virtual Access(OLR), ZAP 4.5, & WinXP Pro w/SP1

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IBM Linux Tutorials
Free Linux tutorial presented by Daniel Robbins, President and CEO of
GenToo technologies. Learn everything from fundamentals to system
Freedos-kernel mailing list

[Freedos-kernel] Patch: TALLOC.C memory leakage malloc() bug fix

2004-03-13 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
About 13 years ago, when the C language was rare in Bulgaria and everybody 
was writing in Turbo Pascal :) a colleague founded a "C club" and started 
to program enthusiastically in C. That was the time I, a "hard core" 
Assemblist, started learning C too ;-) He wrote some rather complex 
projects and of course, his own memory manager! I still remember how he 
sometimes was wondering "Someone eats my memory!". This was many months on 
end before he found the bug and fixed it. Memory leakage is a typical 
symptom for all memory managers, even Tom's tiny but great in value 
TALLOC.C! These days, another colleague of mine found a bug in it causing 
the dreaded memory leakage when repeatedly freeing and allocating a block. 
The bug was in malloc() and the second patch below fixes it. I've uploaded 
my CVSPATCH.TXT at its "duty" place 
( Since it's 
small yet, here it is, included in its entirety.


diff -ruN cvs/kernel/kernel/dosnames.c src/kernel/kernel/dosnames.c
--- cvs/kernel/kernel/dosnames.c2004-03-07 14:59:38.0 +0200
+++ src/kernel/kernel/dosnames.c2004-03-13 12:07:20.0 +0200
@@ -107,18 +107,7 @@
   if (nFileCnt == 0)
-  {
-/* Lixing Yuan Patch */
-if (bAllowWildcards)/* for find first */
-  if (*filename != '\0')
-  memset(fcbname, '?', FNAME_SIZE + FEXT_SIZE);
-  return nDirCnt;
-  return DE_FILENOTFND;
-  }
+return bAllowWildcards && *filename == '\0' ? DE_NFILES : 

   /* Now we have pointers set to the directory portion and the*/
   /* file portion.  Now determine the existance of an extension.  */
diff -ruN cvs/kernel/sys/talloc.c src/kernel/sys/talloc.c
--- cvs/kernel/sys/talloc.c2004-02-07 19:59:44.0 +0200
+++ src/kernel/sys/talloc.c2004-03-12 15:54:14.0 +0200
@@ -83,11 +83,11 @@
 dbprintf(("follow [%x] = %x\n",akt, akt->length));
 next = (block *)(&akt->data[akt->length & ~BUSY]);
-if (next == ltop || isbusy(akt))
+if (isbusy(akt))
   akt = next; /* next block */
-else if (isbusy(next))
+else if (next == ltop || isbusy(next))
   size_t size = akt->length;
   if (size >= length) /* try to split */
This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IBM Linux Tutorials
Free Linux tutorial presented by Daniel Robbins, President and CEO of
GenToo technologies. Learn everything from fundamentals to system
Freedos-kernel mailing list

Re: [Freedos-kernel] FAT - FAT32 - SYS boot code testing???

2004-03-13 Thread Luchezar Georgiev
On Fri, 12 Mar 2004 15:24:58 CST, Jim Lilly wrote:

I've found FreeDOS hangs in booting off a ZIP 100 IDE disk formatted
FAT32, but boots fine off another ZIP disk formatted as FAT.
If I remember correctly, FAT32 volumes must be at least 128 MB in size.


This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IBM Linux Tutorials
Free Linux tutorial presented by Daniel Robbins, President and CEO of
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