Try using Microsoft's RoboCopy from the Windows 2003 resource kit:

This is an amazing tool for copying files from a DOS box in Windows:

Robust File Copy Utility
Version XP010

Robocopy is a 32-bit command-line tool used for file replication. This
tool helps maintain identical copies of a directory structure on a
single computer or in separate network locations. Robocopy is included
in the Microsoft(r) Windows(r) Resource Kit.

Robocopy version XP010 requires Microsoft(r) Windows(r) Server 2003,
Microsoft(r) Windows(r) XP, Microsoft(r) Windows(r) 2000, or
Microsoft(r) Windows NT(r) version 4.0.

New Features in Robocopy Version XP010
Robocopy version XP010 includes a number of enhancements. For example,
you can now do the following:

*       Copy Junctions - Volume Mount Points and Directory Links. By
default these are copied as normal directories, as it may not be
possible to create an equivalent Junction in the destination, especially
if the source and destination reside on different machines. Copying a
tree that contains a Volume Mount Point can result in unexpectedly large
volumes of data being copied.
Use /XJ if you would prefer Robocopy to skip Junctions.

*       Act on and modify more file attributes.
In addition to support for the R, A, S, and H attributes:
/XA and /IA now also accept and select on the following addition file
C - Compressed files
N - files Not content indexed
E - Encrypted files
T - Temporary files
O - Offline files
/A+ and /A- now also accept and modify the following additional
attribute type:
N - files Not content indexed
T - Temporary files

*       Select files based on their Last Accessed Dates.
/MAXLAD:n excludes files with a Last Access Date older than n.
/MINLAD:n excludes files with a Last Access Date newer than n.
If n < 1900, n is taken to be a time span in days.
If n >= 1900, n must be a date in the form YYYYMMDD

*       Copy a new class of file : "Tweaked" files.
Use /IT to include and process Tweaked files.
A Tweaked file is defined to be one that exists in both the source and
with identical size and timestamp, but different attribute settings. 
Form more information see "Robocopy File Classes" later in this

*       Copy very long path names (longer that 256 characters).
Previous versions of Robocopy would fail to copy any pathname longer
than 256 characters. The program has now been enhanced to handle
pathnames of any length, up to the internal Windows limit of nearlt
32,000 characters.

Bob Dyster
Regional Toxicology
City Hospital
Birmingham UK

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of LimeyDi
Sent: 29 October 2007 20:38
Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] XCOPY still acting up in Windows XP
!!??(copyingto external hard drive)

Many thanks, I will give this a try. 

A reply from Di

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2007 4:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] XCOPY still acting up in Windows XP
!!??(copying to external hard drive)

Hi LimeyDi,

> Notice that in an attempt to figure this out I inserted underscores 
> between folder name words, but with or without these, I get either 
> "too many parameters" or "invalid path".  A colleague suggested 
> inserting ~ after the 7th letter of a folder name (Backup\My_Docu~\ 
> for
example) but that doesn't
> work either.  Any bright ideas???   and thank you!

Parameters that contain long file names with spaces, should be indicated
with quotation marks:
XCOPY "C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\*.*"
"I:\Backup\My Documents\*.*" /s /h /d /r /y

That should work.


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