On 07/02/2011 04:21 AM, Aitor Santamaría wrote:
> ...
>> I actually have several programs that simulate keystrokes (MOUSKEYS, 
>> JOYKEYS, SCANCODE, and USBKEYB).  However, in order to simulate keystrokes 
>> properly, the BIOS must be "compatible" with the keyboard simulation as 
>> provided by the programs.  Some hardware/firmware BIOS's are compatible, 
>> while others aren't.  If you don't ever use these programs, or if your BIOS 
>> is compatible, MS KEYB is not needed.  However, if you use any of these 
>> programs, and your BIOS is incompatible, you need to replace the keyboard 
>> BIOS with a new one that is compatible.  MS KEYB does this, and is the only 
>> program I'm aware of that does.
> I am also curious to know, because I was thinking that by 3.0, I would
> remove all the pre-AT stuff (for easier maintainance), and leave only
> INT 15h,  4Fh stuff, but why would you want to "simulate keystrokes
> properly"?
This may not be relevant, but I have had to use the trick of loading up 
the keyboard buffer with fake keystrokes to avoid starting multiple DOS 
command instances when running programs via batch files. It's an easy 
way to get the last program to exit in the current command shell and 
then start up again in the previous shell that initiated the batch file.


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