Re: [Freedos-user] FreeDos on 86Duino

2014-05-17 Thread Rugxulo

On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 8:05 PM, Dinosaur wrote:
 Hi All

 Long time user of FreeDos on CFC in Industrial environment.
 Long time user of FreeBasic in the same environment.
 Retired and experimenting with a new device.

Yes, I recognize your nickname from FreeBASIC's forum.

 Have recently purchased an 86Duino in the form of EduCake.
 Basically an x86 with breadboard on top.
 Fairly new product using a Vortex86Ex processor.

Okay, but sadly I don't have one (and wouldn't really know what to do
with it if I did). I'm not sure I'm much help for you here.

 I am having difficulty running programs in this environment.
 if I load CWSDPMI and run say Edlin32.exe it works (or appears to)
 If I dont load CWSDPMI and run Edlin16.exe it works (or appears to)

Was Edlin32 compiled with DJGPP (etc)? If it's OpenWatcom (like I
vaguely recall), then I wouldn't try that. CWSDPMI is not meant to be
OpenWatcom-compatible (no extended int 21h stuff, only pure 32-bit
DPMI). But that's not really your main issue here, so 

 Loading CWSDPMI and running a FreeBasic (Dos) compiled two line program it
 generates an exception.
 Division by Zero.
 Print Hello World

Try running as clean a setup as possible. Disable as much stuff as you
can. You don't even necessarily need XMS. And make sure you run
CPULEVEL (or similar) to show us what it says. In fact, try running a
similarly simple program made via FPC (GO32v2) or GCC (DJGPP), just
for comparison. (I'm assuming kernel 2040 from FD 1.1 here. Oh, and
latest stable FBC 0.90.1.)

 Compiling this program with PB7 (16 bit Dos) and running it,
 doesn't create any exceptions but no message printed.

Presumably that doesn't try to use the FPU at all.

 Now I have dealt with this processor before on Industrial CPU boards, and
 have not had this problem.

It has an integrated FPU, right? As far as I can tell, it does (though
I know some semi-related Vortex processors did not).

 Autoexec.bat (the relevant bits)
 @echo off
 SET dosdir=C:\FDOS
 set PATH=%dosdir%\bin
 set NLSPATH=%dosdir%\NLS
 set HELPPATH=%dosdir%\HELP
 set temp=%dosdir%\temp
 set tmp=%dosdir%\temp

 SET autofile=C:\autoexec.bat
 alias reboot=fdapm warmboot
 alias halt=fdapm poweroff

 MODE com4:9600,N,8,1,P
 ctty com4

I wouldn't always load DOSLFN by default, some programs conflict. BTW,
your message (below) indicates a very slightly older version. Doubt
that makes a difference, but you never know.


The app itself should run this automatically every time you start it.
It's in the stub, you don't need to run it manually. It could run
into obscure problems later. Besides, here it isn't loaded permanently
(-p), so it's only temporarily for one run anyways, hence redundant.


Below, you seem to only be using 2 MB cache anyways. Not even worth
enabling, almost.

 Bootup detail.
 DOSLFN 0.41 (haftmann#software  jmh 12/2011): loaded consuming 11776 bytes.
 LBAcache disk read cache for XMS + 386, E. Auer
 XMS allocated:  2.00  MB, driver size with tables and stack: 7427 bytes.

 The exception in 32bit protected mode.
 Exiting due to signal SIGFPE
 Division by Zero at eip=401d, x87 status=

Floating point stuff ... yuck. Your best bet may be trying to run it
under GDB, and see where it's stopping.

 Can sks give me some direction here please.

All I know is that FBC isn't very concerned with compatibility for
obscure machines. In particular, I'm sure you've noticed their
unwillingness to care about older machines without FPUs, much less
newer clones that (apparently) don't work the same as official Intel
cpus. In other words, their RTL always assumes an FPU is present. This
was a minor gripe to some of us a few years ago, but they weren't
interested in fixing it. I ended up manually patching DOS386's FBMD5
(locally only) to not need it, but even that was only possible due to
him avoiding certain language features (double-precision floats). Even
that wasn't crucial since emulation worked okay (in limited testing).

If none of the other attempts seem to work, you could try set 387=n
and then set EMU387=c:\djgpp\emu387.dxe (or whatever the setting is,
it's been a while since I tried), and see if the emulation works
better. You may have to grab this from DJGPP proper as FBC (AFAIR)
only included libemu.a. Okay, well, if you're compiling the test
program from the actual machine, you could just link with that lib and
hope it works. (WMEMU is another option if that doesn't work, but my
hopes would be getting dimmer and dimmer at that point.)

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Re: [Freedos-user] (no subject)

2014-05-17 Thread dmccunney
On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 12:44 PM, TJ Edmister wrote:
 On Fri, 16 May 2014 11:29:09 -0400, dmccunney 
 On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 12:31 AM, TJ Edmister 
 On Thu, 15 May 2014 11:30:22 -0400, dmccunney 
 On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 11:17 AM, Dale E Sterner 

 Oh by the way if you want to install XP on FAT32, it will work without
 being activated.

 XP on FAT32?  shudder

 I have always run XP on FAT32 without problems. The only downside in my
 book is the 4GB file limit. NTFS is overly complicated.

 What's complicated about it?  If you don't use optional capabilities
 like compression or encryption, you mostly don't have to do anything
 to use it.

 The aforementioned lack of support among different OS (owing to the
 complexity of the low-level implementation), as well as incompatibilities
 between versions of Windows and the filesystem itself (eg. the Win7
 installer would crash without explanation when attempting to install on an
 existing NTFS partition created with an earlier version of Windows)

That never bit me because I don't try to install over an existing
Windows installation,  I've always preferred to do a clean install on
a fresh partition, multi-boot between old and new versions, and
migrate stuff from old to new after installation.

I don't think that was an NTFS problem per se, however.  It sounds
like an issue with the Windows installer.

 Links are problematic. I have seen links to a directory inside its own
 directory tree. This results in  a situation where eg. a DIR /S command
 runs indefinitely. And the only way I know to remove such a link is with a
 sector editor.

Links are problematic if you don't know what you are doing.  I had a
Unix machine at home before I got my first MS-DOS PC.  I was delighted
when a facility I made extensive use of under Unix finally became
available under Windows because Windows moved to NTFS and NTFS
supported the concept.  While you *can* do links in NTFS, the
capability isn't exposed by default.  You need to install a Microsoft
or third party utility to do it.  I use a freeware utility called Link
Shell Extension that provides a right-click context menu entry to
create and remove hard and symbolic links.

I don't recommend links for most users because you *do* have to know
what you're doing,  But I do, and make use of the capabilities they

 I never liked the idea of file metadata (or alternate data streams, which
 are possible but not commonly used AFAIK) as they tend to not be preserved
 when copied to another filesystem, archived, or uploaded.

I largely don't care.  To the extent I do stuff like that, to copies
are between Windows and Linux.  Linux doesn't support that stuff, so I
don't care that the metadata doesn't travel with the file.

 Making a change to file permissions on an NTFS volume involves a
 minutes-long process of updating the attributes for every individual file
 affected (just a base Windows install is tens of thousands of files these

Depends on the change you make and the number of files affected.  I've
occasionally had to boot into safe mode to do permissions changes when
files imported from elsewhere came in with the wrong permissions
settings, but it was a once in a while occurrence, and not something
happening frequently enough to become a real annoyance.

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