[Freeipa-devel] [freeipa PR#40] do not use trusted forest name to construct domain admin principal (comment)

2016-08-31 Thread mbasti-rh
mbasti-rh commented on a pull request

Fixed upstream

See the full comment at 
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[Freeipa-devel] [freeipa PR#40] do not use trusted forest name to construct domain admin principal (comment)

2016-08-31 Thread abbra
abbra commented on a pull request

Apologies. This is indeed a minor issue which is correctly fixed, so ACK for 
this one.
Note, though, this will not help with the actual query because regardless of 
what credentials were used, AD DC of a child domain behaves wrongly in Windows 
Server 2012R2 by not following MS-NRPC

See the full comment at 
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[Freeipa-devel] [freeipa PR#40] do not use trusted forest name to construct domain admin principal (comment)

2016-08-31 Thread abbra
abbra commented on a pull request

NACK. This is wrong.
In the case of external trust to a child domain we cannot run 
netr_DsRGetForestTrustInformation() against the child domain, regardless what 
credentials we have. Instead, we should run this request against the forest 
root domain using the credentials specified by the user.

See the full comment at 
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