Re: [Freeipa-devel] Paging in Web UI

2012-09-01 Thread Endi Sukma Dewata

On 8/31/2012 9:54 AM, Petr Vobornik wrote:

How about this, when you open the search page for the first time it will
do a regular search, no paging. Instead of showing the paging controls
(Prev  Next buttons) we show See more results... If you click that it
will rerun the search with paging (which will give us the total number
of entries) and show the paging control.

I think we are in an agreement. It's basically what I wrote in different
words. I just mentioned current size limit.

Let me try to summarize. We are dealing with 3 different aspects:

In the UI we will use 2 levels of search pages. In the initial page we 
will do a quick search to get a partial result. If you want to see the 
full result you have to click 'more'. The full result can displayed 
using multiple pages (like the current implementation) or single 
continuous page (the one I'm suggesting as an alternative solution). The 
multi-page solution will have paging controls (prev  next buttons, page 
links), the single-page won't.

Between the UI and the server the we can use 2-step operation (UI does 
the paging, it gets the pkey list first then gets the visible entries, 
this is the current implementation) or 1-step operation (server does the 
paging, UI gets the entries one page at a time). Any of these options 
can be used to implement either multi-page or single-page solution above.

In the server we can retrieve the LDAP data with a simple search 
(default size limit is 100, can be increased up to 2000), with SPR 
(unlimited size, see below), or with VLV (unlimited size, but requires 
predefined filter). Any of these options can be used with either 1-step 
or 2-step operations to get the pkey list or the entries.

User workflow when searching for record (the same thing reworded):
1) open search page: VLV or normal search with empty filter
   1a) when VLV: user would see paging ui
   1b) when normal search: not sure if to show 'see more results' link
for switching to paging. For smaller setups (2000) it might be there,
for larger rather not - pkey list would be truncated.

For the initial page if we use the simple search (1b) the UI will look 
like this:

Here the UI will get up to 100 entries (default size limit), then it 
displays them in a single page. There will be a scroll bar to scroll 
through these 100 entries, but it will not pull more entries. To see 
other entries you click 'more', it will go to full result (3) below. The 
simple search doesn't return the total number of entries, so we can't 
show the paging controls.

If we use SPR or VLV in the initial page we will know the total number 
of entries, so we don't really need an initial page, we can use the same 
page as the full result (3) below. Not sure about pros  cons of using 
SPR/VLV in the initial page, probably they will consume more server 
resources compared to simple search.

2) search for record: enter filter to textbox, normal search would be used

This is the same as (1b) except that in (1b) the filter is empty. 
Similarly, if the entry you're looking for is not there, you can click 
the 'more' button to see the full result (3).

Here we can also use SPR, but not VLV because VLV filter is fixed in the 
VLV configuration. I'm not sure if we can apply LDAP filter on top of 
VLV filter.

3) record not listed: switch to paging by clicking on 'see more results'
Paging should be OK because most likely we would get less than 2000
records. Otherwise filter should be improved. I guess we can't go around
this unless we increase the limit or use other mean of paging.

According to this page we can use the nsslapd-pagedsizelimit to remove 
the global size limit on SPR:

So with SPR the server we can get the full result, one page at a time, 
no more 2000 entry limitation.

If we use the multi-page solution it will look like this:

Currently we use 20 entries per page. We can change that to 100, same as 
the default search limit, so the transition from the initial page to the 
full result will be seamless.

Both SPR and VLV will return the total number of entries, so we can show 
the paging controls. We can use simple search too (like the current 
implementation) but it will be limited to 2000 entries.

4) record still not listed: page to find the record using current paging
UI or some improved

There's no need for (4) because we can get all entries with SPR or VLV.

Regarding the continuous paging: I would extend the page by clicking at
a bar at the end of the list and/or by mouse-scrolling at the end of the

Ideally the scroll bar size should correspond to the visible part of 

Re: [Freeipa-devel] Paging in Web UI

2012-08-31 Thread Petr Vobornik

On 08/29/2012 06:50 PM, Endi Sukma Dewata wrote:

On 8/29/2012 8:49 AM, Petr Vobornik wrote:

Another possibility is to use VLV, but it seems to require open
connection too and only works with a predefined filter.

Apart from the possible connection problem I think it is very usable for
default views of search pages. User can freely page. I don't understand
from the wiki page if it can reasonably obtain total record count.

Correction, VLV doesn't seem to require a continuous connection.

The server will return a 'contentCount' in the VLV response:

IMO a modification of a hybrid solution may be best:

When user opens page a VLV result would be shown. User can page and see
all the data. Currently we don't support custom sorting so disability of
custom sorting isn't an issue. With predefined sorts we can even
improved these possibilities.

If there is many records and user don't want to go through pages he will
use search. If the search string is good he should fit to search limit
so I wouldn't use paging at this moment. If not the case and he really
don't know how to improve the filter he should have option to enable
paging (current implementation) and go through the records by hand. Such
record set should fit to limit of 2000 records. If not the filter is
really bad.

The thing is the filter is only used on certain attributes only. For
example I have a user with full name Test User. Searching the Test
User in the filter doesn't return anything because the server doesn't
search the cn or displayName attributes. In that case I'd have to search
with first name or last name only, which may return too many results.

If we don't want to implement VLV or until that time I would set
not-paging as default setting.

How about this, when you open the search page for the first time it will
do a regular search, no paging. Instead of showing the paging controls
(Prev  Next buttons) we show See more results... If you click that it
will rerun the search with paging (which will give us the total number
of entries) and show the paging control.

I think we are in an agreement. It's basically what I wrote in different 
words. I just mentioned current size limit.

User workflow when searching for record (the same thing reworded):
1) open search page: VLV or normal search with empty filter
  1a) when VLV: user would see paging ui
  1b) when normal search: not sure if to show 'see more results' link 
for switching to paging. For smaller setups (2000) it might be there, 
for larger rather not - pkey list would be truncated.

2) search for record: enter filter to textbox, normal search would be used
3) record not listed: switch to paging by clicking on 'see more results' 
Paging should be OK because most likely we would get less than 2000 
records. Otherwise filter should be improved. I guess we can't go around 
this unless we increase the limit or use other mean of paging.
4) record still not listed: page to find the record using current paging 
UI or some improved

Agreed, but if we implement the single continuous page I described in
the earlier email the page size won't be much of an issue anymore.

It may matter. For example when testing Web UI permissions. It often
requires to navigate to the last page. I can enter the number directly
and press enter or extend it for times (hypothetically) but I would
rather see those 90 permissions right away because I can be at the list
end in 0.5s.

If we use a continuous page we can use a bigger default page size, say
100 entries. We probably could optimize it such that if you scroll
directly to the bottom it will load just the last page.

Comments below.

We probably could also combine it with initial non-paging search like above, so
you'll need to click See more results..., then the page will extend
and you can scroll to the last entry.

Yes as I wrote above.

We can also improve pager to offer some subset of pages. For example:

First Prev 22 23 *24* 25 26 Next Last Page [   ]
where 24 is current page.

Yes, that will work too.

Regarding the continuous paging: I would extend the page by clicking at
a bar at the end of the list and/or by mouse-scrolling at the end of the

Ideally the scroll bar size should correspond to the visible part of the
entire page. So you should be able to go anywhere in the entire page by
moving the scroll bar around (either by keyboard, mouse click, mouse
drag, or mouse scroll). In this case no need to extend the page.
The thing is that we might have to create a table with many empty rows,
which could be big, and populate them if they become visible. Maybe
there's a way to avoid creating empty rows, we'll need to investigate.

Did you meant by 'continuous paging' this solution or the one when you 
click on 'see more results' (or scroll to last 10% of a scrollbar) and 
it would show you next page? I originally understood it as the latter 
but now I'm 

Re: [Freeipa-devel] Paging in Web UI

2012-08-29 Thread Petr Vobornik

On 08/28/2012 08:31 PM, Endi Sukma Dewata wrote:

On 8/28/2012 11:23 AM, Petr Vobornik wrote:

Your possible solution does not address how many results are fetched
(unless I misunderstood).


If paging is enabled it doesn't, but it expects, that admin will disable
it for larger setups.For smaller setups it isn't of much an issue. If
paging is disabled, the limit is server 'search size limit' or
--sizelimit option supplied by Web UI.

I'm not sure how per-user preferences are handled in browsers, but don't
forget we now have session support in the server. Server session data is
available for use.

I was thinking about using browser local storage (basically key-value
DB). It has a benefit over session, that it survives a browser restart
but it should contain only non-sensitive data (other users may see it).

You mean browser cookie?


Petr Spacek also suggested to have an attribute in user object to store 
IPA specific data as JSON. Therefore changing browser wouldn't be an issue.

If you don't want to fetch every record to implement paging smartly in
conjunction with it's performance issues why not do the query on the
server, cache the results in the session, and have the RPC return the
total number of results plus a subset of the result. Another RPC could
retrieve the next/previous subset of results from the cached result in
the session.

I think most software do paging like this. I don't know the reasons for
not doing it that way first time. My solution was counting with that we
still don't want to do it. Endi do you know the reasons? Earlier
sessions didn't exists, but it is doable without them too.

Yes, at the time the sessions didn't exist and we needed a
quick/temporary solution. I agree ideally this should be done on the
server side, but how would the server maintain the paging information?

The server can keep the search result (either just the pkey list or the
entire entries) in memcached, but the result might be large and there
might be multiple users accessing multiple search pages, so the total
memory requirement could be large.

I can imagine that if used only by admins it may be OK but if such 
functionality would be used by other applications it may become problem.

If we don't want the server to keep the search result, the server could
rerun the search and return only the requested page and discard most of
the results each time the user change page. This may affect server

We can also use Simple Paged Results, but if I understood correctly it
requires the httpd to maintain an open connection to the LDAP server for
each user and for each page. I'm not sure memcached can be used to move
the connection object among forked httpd processes. Also Simple Paged
Results can only go forward, so no Prev button unless somebody keeps the

Seems unusable.

Another possibility is to use VLV, but it seems to require open
connection too and only works with a predefined filter.

Apart from the possible connection problem I think it is very usable for 
default views of search pages. User can freely page. I don't understand 
from the wiki page if it can reasonably obtain total record count.

Here's the page I wrote about this:

Currently we're using Option #2 but I'm not sure if we use SPR between
httpd and the LDAP server. But even with SPR the result is still bound
by some limits. It looks you have to connect as Directory Manager to get
the complete list of pkey list/entries. See the table in this page:

This is one of the main reasons why I say it is broken.

The current implementation (keeping the pkey list in the UI) is
conceptually similar to the front-end approach described in the above page.

IMO a modification of a hybrid solution may be best:

When user opens page a VLV result would be shown. User can page and see 
all the data. Currently we don't support custom sorting so disability of 
custom sorting isn't an issue. With predefined sorts we can even 
improved these possibilities.

If there is many records and user don't want to go through pages he will 
use search. If the search string is good he should fit to search limit 
so I wouldn't use paging at this moment. If not the case and he really 
don't know how to improve the filter he should have option to enable 
paging (current implementation) and go through the records by hand. Such 
record set should fit to limit of 2000 records. If not the filter is 
really bad.

If we don't want to implement VLV or until that time I would set 
not-paging as default setting.

I don't think there any need in JSON formatted data for pretty printing
with indentation. Is it an accident or oversight we're pretty printing
the JSON data in an RPC. For large data sets compression would be a win,
but most of our RPC communication is not large. 

Re: [Freeipa-devel] Paging in Web UI

2012-08-29 Thread Rich Megginson

On 08/29/2012 07:34 AM, John Dennis wrote:

On 08/28/2012 02:31 PM, Endi Sukma Dewata wrote:

The server can keep the search result (either just the pkey list or the
entire entries) in memcached, but the result might be large and there
might be multiple users accessing multiple search pages, so the total
memory requirement could be large.

The default max size of an entry in memcached is 1MB. It can be 
increased to an upper limit of 128MB (but the memcached implementors 
do not recommend this due to degraded performance and the impact on 
the system).

The session data is stored in a dict. You would be sharing the session 
data with other parts of the system. Currently that only includes the 
authentication data which is relatively small. I believe there is also 
some minor bookkeeping overhead that detracts from the per item total.

If we need to exceed the upper bound for paged data I suppose we could 
implement caching within the cache. Almost 1MB of data is a lot of 
paging (and that limit can be increased), it would take a fair amount 
of paging to consume all that data. But the cached query could be 
broken up into cached chunks to limit the impact on memcached and to 
accommodate truly unlimited paging. In most instance you would fetch 
the next/prev page from the cache but if you walked off either end of 
the cached query you could query again and cache that result. In fact 
two levels of caching might be an actual implementation requirement to 
handle all cases.

We can also use Simple Paged Results, but if I understood correctly it
requires the httpd to maintain an open connection to the LDAP server for
each user and for each page.

Not for each user.  In 389-ds-base-1.2.11 you can have multiple simple 
paged result searches on a single connection - see

This is the problem that VLV and Simple Paged Results are trying to 
solve - how to allow users to scroll/page through very large result sets.

I'm not sure memcached can be used to move
the connection object among forked httpd processes. Also Simple Paged
Results can only go forward, so no Prev button unless somebody keeps the

No, the connection object cannot be moved between processes via 
memcached because sockets are a property of the process that created it.

Freeipa-devel mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-devel] Paging in Web UI

2012-08-29 Thread John Dennis

On 08/29/2012 10:35 AM, Rich Megginson wrote:

On 08/29/2012 07:34 AM, John Dennis wrote:

On 08/28/2012 02:31 PM, Endi Sukma Dewata wrote:

We can also use Simple Paged Results, but if I understood correctly it
requires the httpd to maintain an open connection to the LDAP server for
each user and for each page.

Not for each user.  In 389-ds-base-1.2.11 you can have multiple simple
paged result searches on a single connection - see

Well this is the crux of the problem. We do not maintain a connection 
per user. LDAP connections exist for the duration of a single IPA RPC 
call. Those RPC calls may be multiplexed across multiple IPA server 
instances, each of which is it's own process.

Our LDAP connections are very short lived and are scattered across 

This is the problem that VLV and Simple Paged Results are trying to
solve - how to allow users to scroll/page through very large result sets.

John Dennis

Looking to carve out IT costs?

Freeipa-devel mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-devel] Paging in Web UI

2012-08-29 Thread Endi Sukma Dewata

On 8/29/2012 9:49 AM, Rich Megginson wrote:

We can also use Simple Paged Results, but if I understood correctly it
requires the httpd to maintain an open connection to the LDAP
server foreach user and for each page.

Not for each user.  In 389-ds-base-1.2.11 you can have multiple simple
paged result searches on a single connection - see

Well this is the crux of the problem. We do not maintain a connection
per user. LDAP connections exist for the duration of a single IPA RPC
call. Those RPC calls may be multiplexed across multiple IPA server
instances, each of which is it's own process.

Our LDAP connections are very short lived and are scattered across

So it sounds like, in order to be useful to IPA, we need to extend
simple paged results:
1) ability to have the cookie (i.e. the results list and current
position in that list) live outside of a connection
2) ability to go backwards in a list

Is this correct?  If so, please file 389 RFE's for these.

For (1) how does the httpd send the information that it wants to use the 
result list from a previous connection? Is it going to use a new LDAP 
control? Or would there be a session ID?

If we implement (2) does it mean the pages still need to be accessed 
sequentially, or can we jump to any random page?

Also if I understood correctly the LDAP connections are made using user 
credentials, not Directory Manager, so things like nsslapd-sizelimit 
will apply. Does it mean a non-admin cannot browse the entire directory?

Endi S. Dewata

Freeipa-devel mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-devel] Paging in Web UI

2012-08-29 Thread Rich Megginson

On 08/29/2012 09:16 AM, Endi Sukma Dewata wrote:

On 8/29/2012 9:49 AM, Rich Megginson wrote:
We can also use Simple Paged Results, but if I understood 
correctly it

requires the httpd to maintain an open connection to the LDAP
server foreach user and for each page.

Not for each user.  In 389-ds-base-1.2.11 you can have multiple simple
paged result searches on a single connection - see

Well this is the crux of the problem. We do not maintain a connection
per user. LDAP connections exist for the duration of a single IPA RPC
call. Those RPC calls may be multiplexed across multiple IPA server
instances, each of which is it's own process.

Our LDAP connections are very short lived and are scattered across

So it sounds like, in order to be useful to IPA, we need to extend
simple paged results:
1) ability to have the cookie (i.e. the results list and current
position in that list) live outside of a connection
2) ability to go backwards in a list

Is this correct?  If so, please file 389 RFE's for these.

For (1) how does the httpd send the information that it wants to use 
the result list from a previous connection? Is it going to use a new 
LDAP control?

Not sure.  Might be able to use the existing simple paged result control.

Or would there be a session ID?

If we implement (2) does it mean the pages still need to be accessed 
sequentially, or can we jump to any random page?

We should be able support random page access.  But I think we could 
support the ability to go backwards from the current page without random 
access support.

Also if I understood correctly the LDAP connections are made using 
user credentials, not Directory Manager, so things like 
nsslapd-sizelimit will apply. Does it mean a non-admin cannot browse 
the entire directory?

in 1.2.10 we have different limits for paged result searches:

Freeipa-devel mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-devel] Paging in Web UI

2012-08-29 Thread Endi Sukma Dewata

On 8/29/2012 8:49 AM, Petr Vobornik wrote:

Another possibility is to use VLV, but it seems to require open
connection too and only works with a predefined filter.

Apart from the possible connection problem I think it is very usable for
default views of search pages. User can freely page. I don't understand
from the wiki page if it can reasonably obtain total record count.

Correction, VLV doesn't seem to require a continuous connection.

The server will return a 'contentCount' in the VLV response:

IMO a modification of a hybrid solution may be best:

When user opens page a VLV result would be shown. User can page and see
all the data. Currently we don't support custom sorting so disability of
custom sorting isn't an issue. With predefined sorts we can even
improved these possibilities.

If there is many records and user don't want to go through pages he will
use search. If the search string is good he should fit to search limit
so I wouldn't use paging at this moment. If not the case and he really
don't know how to improve the filter he should have option to enable
paging (current implementation) and go through the records by hand. Such
record set should fit to limit of 2000 records. If not the filter is
really bad.

The thing is the filter is only used on certain attributes only. For 
example I have a user with full name Test User. Searching the Test 
User in the filter doesn't return anything because the server doesn't 
search the cn or displayName attributes. In that case I'd have to search 
with first name or last name only, which may return too many results.

If we don't want to implement VLV or until that time I would set
not-paging as default setting.

How about this, when you open the search page for the first time it will 
do a regular search, no paging. Instead of showing the paging controls 
(Prev  Next buttons) we show See more results... If you click that it 
will rerun the search with paging (which will give us the total number 
of entries) and show the paging control.

Agreed, but if we implement the single continuous page I described in
the earlier email the page size won't be much of an issue anymore.

It may matter. For example when testing Web UI permissions. It often
requires to navigate to the last page. I can enter the number directly
and press enter or extend it for times (hypothetically) but I would
rather see those 90 permissions right away because I can be at the list
end in 0.5s.

If we use a continuous page we can use a bigger default page size, say 
100 entries. We probably could optimize it such that if you scroll 
directly to the bottom it will load just the last page. We probably 
could also combine it with initial non-paging search like above, so 
you'll need to click See more results..., then the page will extend 
and you can scroll to the last entry.

We can also improve pager to offer some subset of pages. For example:

First Prev 22 23 *24* 25 26 Next Last Page [   ]
where 24 is current page.

Yes, that will work too.

Regarding the continuous paging: I would extend the page by clicking at
a bar at the end of the list and/or by mouse-scrolling at the end of the

Ideally the scroll bar size should correspond to the visible part of the 
entire page. So you should be able to go anywhere in the entire page by 
moving the scroll bar around (either by keyboard, mouse click, mouse 
drag, or mouse scroll). In this case no need to extend the page.
The thing is that we might have to create a table with many empty rows, 
which could be big, and populate them if they become visible. Maybe 
there's a way to avoid creating empty rows, we'll need to investigate.

Alternatively we could do like image search on If you bring 
the scroll bar say within 10% from the bottom it will load the next 
page. The thing is it will load the page sequentially, and if you 
continue to the bottom you'll end up with a very big table.

Another possibility, we can use the top 10% of the scroll bar as a Prev 
button, and the bottom %10 as the Next button, and we remove the pages 
that aren't visible anymore. But this is not much different than the 
current implementation, only different presentation.

Endi S. Dewata

Freeipa-devel mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-devel] Paging in Web UI

2012-08-28 Thread John Dennis

On 08/28/2012 09:30 AM, Petr Vobornik wrote:

I would like to point out a problem in Web UI related to paging and
suggest a possible solution:

Current implementation of paging in Web UI is not serving it purpose
which should be to do operations faster and be able to find all users.

How current implementation should work:
   1) get all primary keys (pkeys) of certain object type (users, ...)
   2) load first 20 of them
   3) from 1) we know record count so we can choose other page (different
subset of 20)

How it actually works:
   * get up to 2000 keys, with more items a LDAP limit is reached and
result is truncated
   * we don't know how many are there, paging doesn't work as it should

Let's say that paging is working (no LDAP limit) and consider this: Our
page size is 20 records. With 400 users it is 20 pages. With 2000 users
(current search limit) it is 200 pages and so on. Personally I wouldn't
like to go through 20 pages. 200 or more pages sounds like a punishment.
There is also a question if we even need to do it. I don't see a benefit
of paging here. For smaller setup an increase of page size may help
admin to see more users on a page more quickly (rolling mouse wheel is
faster than click on next page button).

For large setups, size of the pkey list must also be taken on mind. For
each record there is a pkey and dn (dn is not required but it would need
some hacking in python code to remove it). At the moment the list size
raises drastically because JSON response includes indenting by spaces
and is not compressed (easy to fix, but still there). With 10 000 or
more users this pkey and dn list is pretty big (slow load on slower
networks -vpns). This list is also loaded on each page change
(record-wise, can be improved - cached).

IMO with hundreds or thousands of users the most common use case is
search by login or name or something. Paging is not required this case.
It may be required if the result count is greater than size limit. In
such case an option to temporary increase size limit or enable paging
would be beneficial. Apart from this case, paging should be off. It will
speed up page load because it executes only one request.

Possible solution:
1) I suggest to introduce configuration options for paging. They can be
global (default for all search pages) or individual for pages or Web
UI's users. Per-user configuration can be stored in browser (to not
pollute LDAP with application stuff). Global configuration on server in
config plugin (minor polluting).

Those options should be (per page and global):
   * enable paging
   * page size

Note: when paging is disabled page size is basically --sizelimit option.

2) On search pages we should have controls to enable/disable paging and
to change sizelimit for this particular moment.
3) Compress JSON responses (on httpd level)

This way admin can configure default's for his deployment and user's can
adjust for certain situations.

Btw always including member_xx attributes in find or show commands is
not good for search pages either but that's another topic.

Comments are welcome.

Your possible solution does not address how many results are fetched 
(unless I misunderstood).

I'm not sure how per-user preferences are handled in browsers, but don't 
forget we now have session support in the server. Server session data is 
available for use.

If you don't want to fetch every record to implement paging smartly in 
conjunction with it's performance issues why not do the query on the 
server, cache the results in the session, and have the RPC return the 
total number of results plus a subset of the result. Another RPC could 
retrieve the next/previous subset of results from the cached result in 
the session.

I don't think there any need in JSON formatted data for pretty printing 
with indentation. Is it an accident or oversight we're pretty printing 
the JSON data in an RPC. For large data sets compression would be a win, 
but most of our RPC communication is not large. Compression has an 
overhead. With small data you'll use more cycles compressing and 
uncompressing than you would sending verbose but small data blobs. 
Compression should be an RPC option specified by either side of the 
connection and the receiver should be prepared to conditionally 
uncompress based on a flag value in the RPC. If you use server session 
data to support paging you may not need to introduce compression since 
you would only be passing one page of data at a time.

User specified page size (without limitation) is an absolute necessity. 
I am frequently annoyed by web sites which either do not allow me to 
specify page size or constrain it to ridiculous hard coded limits such 
as 10, 20 or 30.

John Dennis

Looking to carve out IT costs?

Freeipa-devel mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-devel] Paging in Web UI

2012-08-28 Thread Petr Vobornik

On 08/28/2012 04:17 PM, John Dennis wrote:

On 08/28/2012 09:30 AM, Petr Vobornik wrote:

I would like to point out a problem in Web UI related to paging and
suggest a possible solution:

Current implementation of paging in Web UI is not serving it purpose
which should be to do operations faster and be able to find all users.

How current implementation should work:
   1) get all primary keys (pkeys) of certain object type (users, ...)
   2) load first 20 of them
   3) from 1) we know record count so we can choose other page (different
subset of 20)

How it actually works:
   * get up to 2000 keys, with more items a LDAP limit is reached and
result is truncated
   * we don't know how many are there, paging doesn't work as it should

Let's say that paging is working (no LDAP limit) and consider this: Our
page size is 20 records. With 400 users it is 20 pages. With 2000 users
(current search limit) it is 200 pages and so on. Personally I wouldn't
like to go through 20 pages. 200 or more pages sounds like a punishment.
There is also a question if we even need to do it. I don't see a benefit
of paging here. For smaller setup an increase of page size may help
admin to see more users on a page more quickly (rolling mouse wheel is
faster than click on next page button).

For large setups, size of the pkey list must also be taken on mind. For
each record there is a pkey and dn (dn is not required but it would need
some hacking in python code to remove it). At the moment the list size
raises drastically because JSON response includes indenting by spaces
and is not compressed (easy to fix, but still there). With 10 000 or
more users this pkey and dn list is pretty big (slow load on slower
networks -vpns). This list is also loaded on each page change
(record-wise, can be improved - cached).

IMO with hundreds or thousands of users the most common use case is
search by login or name or something. Paging is not required this case.
It may be required if the result count is greater than size limit. In
such case an option to temporary increase size limit or enable paging
would be beneficial. Apart from this case, paging should be off. It will
speed up page load because it executes only one request.

Possible solution:
1) I suggest to introduce configuration options for paging. They can be
global (default for all search pages) or individual for pages or Web
UI's users. Per-user configuration can be stored in browser (to not
pollute LDAP with application stuff). Global configuration on server in
config plugin (minor polluting).

Those options should be (per page and global):
   * enable paging
   * page size

Note: when paging is disabled page size is basically --sizelimit option.

2) On search pages we should have controls to enable/disable paging and
to change sizelimit for this particular moment.
3) Compress JSON responses (on httpd level)

This way admin can configure default's for his deployment and user's can
adjust for certain situations.

Btw always including member_xx attributes in find or show commands is
not good for search pages either but that's another topic.

Comments are welcome.

Your possible solution does not address how many results are fetched
(unless I misunderstood).
If paging is enabled it doesn't, but it expects, that admin will disable 
it for larger setups. For smaller setups it isn't of much an issue. If 
paging is disabled, the limit is server 'search size limit' or 
--sizelimit option supplied by Web UI.

I'm not sure how per-user preferences are handled in browsers, but don't
forget we now have session support in the server. Server session data is
available for use.

I was thinking about using browser local storage (basically key-value 
DB). It has a benefit over session, that it survives a browser restart 
but it should contain only non-sensitive data (other users may see it).

If you don't want to fetch every record to implement paging smartly in
conjunction with it's performance issues why not do the query on the
server, cache the results in the session, and have the RPC return the
total number of results plus a subset of the result. Another RPC could
retrieve the next/previous subset of results from the cached result in
the session.

I think most software do paging like this. I don't know the reasons for 
not doing it that way first time. My solution was counting with that we 
still don't want to do it. Endi do you know the reasons? Earlier 
sessions didn't exists, but it is doable without them too.

I don't think there any need in JSON formatted data for pretty printing
with indentation. Is it an accident or oversight we're pretty printing
the JSON data in an RPC. For large data sets compression would be a win,
but most of our RPC communication is not large. Compression has an
overhead. With small data you'll use more cycles compressing and
uncompressing than you would sending verbose but small data blobs.
Compression should be an RPC option specified by either side of 

Re: [Freeipa-devel] Paging in Web UI

2012-08-28 Thread Endi Sukma Dewata

On 8/28/2012 8:30 AM, Petr Vobornik wrote:

I would like to point out a problem in Web UI related to paging and
suggest a possible solution:

Current implementation of paging in Web UI is not serving it purpose
which should be to do operations faster and be able to find all users.

How current implementation should work:
  1) get all primary keys (pkeys) of certain object type (users, ...)
  2) load first 20 of them
  3) from 1) we know record count so we can choose other page (different
subset of 20)

How it actually works:
  * get up to 2000 keys, with more items a LDAP limit is reached and
result is truncated
  * we don't know how many are there, paging doesn't work as it should

We have a 'search limit' which can be specified by the user as a search 
parameter. It has a default value of 100 which can configured in IPA 
Server - Configuration. There's also something like 'max result size' 
(I don't remember the actual name) of 2000 entries which is a global 
limit imposed by the LDAP backend. I'm not sure if the 'max result size' 
is configurable, but if I remember correctly if we want to get the 
entire entries in LDAP we'd need to use Simple Paged Results or VLV.

Let's say that paging is working (no LDAP limit) and consider this: Our
page size is 20 records. With 400 users it is 20 pages. With 2000 users
(current search limit) it is 200 pages and so on. Personally I wouldn't
like to go through 20 pages. 200 or more pages sounds like a punishment.

In the current UI we could jump to a particular page directly, so it's 
not necessary to go through all pages.

There is also a question if we even need to do it. I don't see a benefit
of paging here. For smaller setup an increase of page size may help
admin to see more users on a page more quickly (rolling mouse wheel is
faster than click on next page button).

We probably can make it look like a single continuous page, but we would 
still use paging to retrieve the entries. So initially it will show the 
entries of the first page, when you scroll down it will get the next 
page, but it will show the entries one-by-one by scrolling up the page. 
If none of the entries in the previous page are visible anymore the page 
can be removed from cache, but we might want to keep several pages in 
the cache.

If we implement this, the interface will look the same regardless of the 
page size or whether we enable/disable paging.

For large setups, size of the pkey list must also be taken on mind. For
each record there is a pkey and dn (dn is not required but it would need
some hacking in python code to remove it). At the moment the list size
raises drastically because JSON response includes indenting by spaces
and is not compressed (easy to fix, but still there). With 10 000 or
more users this pkey and dn list is pretty big (slow load on slower
networks -vpns). This list is also loaded on each page change
(record-wise, can be improved - cached).

Yes, ideally the pkey list should be cached and reloaded on new search 
or cache expiration. Or the server can do the query as John described, 
so the UI/CLI will just need to specify the page number.

IMO with hundreds or thousands of users the most common use case is
search by login or name or something. Paging is not required this case.
It may be required if the result count is greater than size limit. In
such case an option to temporary increase size limit or enable paging
would be beneficial.

For large setup we might need to use simple paged results or VLV, but 
they have limitations and require server support. Here's a page I wrote 
sometime ago:

Apart from this case, paging should be off. It will
speed up page load because it executes only one request.

Possible solution:
1) I suggest to introduce configuration options for paging. They can be
global (default for all search pages) or individual for pages or Web
UI's users. Per-user configuration can be stored in browser (to not
pollute LDAP with application stuff). Global configuration on server in
config plugin (minor polluting).

Those options should be (per page and global):
  * enable paging
  * page size

Note: when paging is disabled page size is basically --sizelimit option.

Agreed. The actual number of entries would be different for each 
deployment and for each entity too, so it makes sense to use different 
settings to optimize the performance.

If we implement the single continuous page above this setting will not 
affect the visual, but it will affect the performance.

2) On search pages we should have controls to enable/disable paging and
to change sizelimit for this particular moment.

If we keep the current UI users might want to save the setting (either 
on the server or on the client as you described) so they don't have to 
reconfigure it every time they log in. But if we implement the single 
continuous page above this might not be necessary anymore because users 

Re: [Freeipa-devel] Paging in Web UI

2012-08-28 Thread Endi Sukma Dewata

On 8/28/2012 11:23 AM, Petr Vobornik wrote:

Your possible solution does not address how many results are fetched
(unless I misunderstood).

If paging is enabled it doesn't, but it expects, that admin will disable
it for larger setups.For smaller setups it isn't of much an issue. If
paging is disabled, the limit is server 'search size limit' or
--sizelimit option supplied by Web UI.

I'm not sure how per-user preferences are handled in browsers, but don't
forget we now have session support in the server. Server session data is
available for use.

I was thinking about using browser local storage (basically key-value
DB). It has a benefit over session, that it survives a browser restart
but it should contain only non-sensitive data (other users may see it).

You mean browser cookie?

If you don't want to fetch every record to implement paging smartly in
conjunction with it's performance issues why not do the query on the
server, cache the results in the session, and have the RPC return the
total number of results plus a subset of the result. Another RPC could
retrieve the next/previous subset of results from the cached result in
the session.

I think most software do paging like this. I don't know the reasons for
not doing it that way first time. My solution was counting with that we
still don't want to do it. Endi do you know the reasons? Earlier
sessions didn't exists, but it is doable without them too.

Yes, at the time the sessions didn't exist and we needed a 
quick/temporary solution. I agree ideally this should be done on the 
server side, but how would the server maintain the paging information?

The server can keep the search result (either just the pkey list or the 
entire entries) in memcached, but the result might be large and there 
might be multiple users accessing multiple search pages, so the total 
memory requirement could be large.

If we don't want the server to keep the search result, the server could 
rerun the search and return only the requested page and discard most of 
the results each time the user change page. This may affect server 

We can also use Simple Paged Results, but if I understood correctly it 
requires the httpd to maintain an open connection to the LDAP server for 
each user and for each page. I'm not sure memcached can be used to move 
the connection object among forked httpd processes. Also Simple Paged 
Results can only go forward, so no Prev button unless somebody keeps the 

Another possibility is to use VLV, but it seems to require open 
connection too and only works with a predefined filter.

Here's the page I wrote about this:

Currently we're using Option #2 but I'm not sure if we use SPR between 
httpd and the LDAP server. But even with SPR the result is still bound 
by some limits. It looks you have to connect as Directory Manager to get 
the complete list of pkey list/entries. See the table in this page:

The current implementation (keeping the pkey list in the UI) is 
conceptually similar to the front-end approach described in the above page.

I don't think there any need in JSON formatted data for pretty printing
with indentation. Is it an accident or oversight we're pretty printing
the JSON data in an RPC. For large data sets compression would be a win,
but most of our RPC communication is not large. Compression has an
overhead. With small data you'll use more cycles compressing and
uncompressing than you would sending verbose but small data blobs.
Compression should be an RPC option specified by either side of the
connection and the receiver should be prepared to conditionally
uncompress based on a flag value in the RPC. If you use server session
data to support paging you may not need to introduce compression since
you would only be passing one page of data at a time.

User specified page size (without limitation) is an absolute necessity.
I am frequently annoyed by web sites which either do not allow me to
specify page size or constrain it to ridiculous hard coded limits such
as 10, 20 or 30.


Agreed, but if we implement the single continuous page I described in 
the earlier email the page size won't be much of an issue anymore.

Endi S. Dewata

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