Re: [Freeipa-users] Minimum Disk Size

2015-02-03 Thread Steven Jones
I would suggest,

1 x 3ghz CPU, 2gb of ram and around 80gb disk space. 

To give you an idea of a small IPA server to see what is used,

Though note the recommendation is for root and /usr to now be one partition and 
/boot should probably be a bit bigger, say 400mb.

-bash-4.1$ df -h
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
  8.7G  945M  7.3G  12% /
/dev/sda1 194M   95M   90M  52% /boot
   16G   44M   15G   1% /data01
   22G  118M   21G   1% /home
  2.0G  3.0M  1.9G   1% /opt
  7.6G  131M  7.1G   2% /tmp
  9.6G  2.9G  6.2G  32% /usr
  9.6G  1.3G  7.8G  14% /var
   17G  1.7G   15G  11% /var/lib
  9.6G  2.4G  6.7G  27% /var/log
  7.6G   18M  7.2G   1% /var/log/audit



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Re: [Freeipa-users] Minimum Disk Size

2015-02-03 Thread Petr Spacek
On 4.2.2015 02:03, Dan Mossor wrote:
 What would be the minimum recommended disk size for a virtual FreeIPA server
 on a network consisting of less than 30 users and 100 hosts?

This is effectively few megabytes of data in the database.

We are often testing FreeIPA on machine with 10 GB of storage and it works
fine as long as logs are rotated properly (and you do not fill disk with
something else :-).

Petr^2 Spacek

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Re: [Freeipa-users] basic question on DNS configuration

2015-02-03 Thread Craig White
[] On Behalf Of Roberto Cornacchia
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2015 5:20 AM
Subject: [Freeipa-users] basic question on DNS configuration

Hi guys,

I can't wait to get freeIPA installed in our small enterprise, but I'd first 
like to get a couple of basic things straight.

My first doubt is about the DNS configuration. Currently, we use a setting that 
I guess is rather common for small enterprises:

We own an example.com domain which is managed by the DNS of 
an external provider.

A couple of subdomains point to public IP addresses outside our local network 
(e.g. www.example.com is hosted at our internet 
provider, server1.example.com points at a server 
hosted in a datacenter, etc).

All the remaining subdomain (*.example.com point at one IP 
which corresponds to our local router.
Then we use some simple forwarding rules to forward on to machines that are 
behind the router (service1.example.com, 
desktop2.example.com, etc).

Internally, because the enterprise is rather small, we are not using a DNS, but 
simply /etc/hosts files on each machine. When they can't resolve 
whatever.example.com, then the request goes to the 
external DNS.

(sorry about the long-ish background information, probably this configuration 
is commonly named somehow, but I don't know how)

Now, a first simple question for you guys would be:
When installing freeIPA, with DNS, is the network configuration above still 
advisable? Can there be any problem? Or should I rather use a different domain 
for the internal network (I would really NOT like this option, but I'm very 
interested to know why I should, if that is the case).

A second basic question is:
Would you see any potential problem in installing freeIPA on a FC21 Server 
which currently hosts Atlassian Jira + Atlassian Stash (therefore git 
repositories) + the required mysql databases?
My guess would be that they would not interfere, as:
- httpd (and related ports) is currently unused)
- Both Jira and Stash use thier own tomcat installation on custom ports
- mysql shouldn't be a problem?
- The machine isn't overloaded at all (4-5 developers use those services)

Am I overlooking something? Obviously I'd rather have a dedicated freeIPA 
server, but if the above mentioned coexistence isn't a problem, then this would 
be more cost-effective.

Thank you very much for your help, I'm looking forward to this upgrade.
I would recommend that you create a ‘local’ domain for your internal LAN though 
you certainly can use your domain name for both the internal LAN and the 
external world. Obviously you would have to create ‘manual’ entries in DNS for 
the external servers (like www.example.com so your 
internal LAN systems can resolve it. If you have a ‘local’ domain for your 
internal LAN, there aren’t name collisions, no need to manually maintain DNS 
entries for off-LAN servers and no confusion of essentially faking your LAN 
systems into believing that the IPA server is authoritative for 
domain when the rest of the world thinks otherwise. The choice is yours.

As for using F21 – you get the latest version of FreeIPA which is something I 
wish I had here.

Git / Stash / Jira represent a fairly hefty memory footprint even if there 
isn’t that much CPU load. If you have the RAM and cpu cores to handle tossing 
FreeIPA onto the stack, go for it. You probably will want a replica too as the 
replica keeps your LAN running if the primary server is unavailable for 
whatever reason and it minimizes backup needs substantially.


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[Freeipa-users] autofs - nfsnobody

2015-02-03 Thread Gerardo Cuppari
Hello there again! I'm bothering you again because I am having some
problems with autofs/NFS and IPA. All files created from a regular user
(enrolled client) gets the nfsnobody user and group. Folder gets auto

Thanks in advance!

Here is what I did to configure it at server (server.estudio) and client


ipa service-add nfs/server.estudio
ipa-getkeytab -s server.estudio -p nfs/server.estudio -k /etc/krb5.keytab

mkdir /export
chmod 777 /export
echo /export *(rw,sync,sec=sys:krb5:krb5i:krb5p)  /etc/exports




ipa-getkeytab -s server.estudio -p host/server.estudio@ESTUDIO -k


echo aaa  /export/aaa

[user@pc01 /]$ ls -la /export
total 12
drwxrwxrwx.  2 root  root  4096 feb  3 13:36 .
dr-xr-xr-x. 21 root  root  4096 feb  3 13:36 ..
-rw-rw-r--.  1 nfsnobody nfsnobody4 feb  3 13:36 aaa
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Re: [Freeipa-users] JSON error enrolling host (Fedora 21 / IPA 4.1.2)

2015-02-03 Thread Gerardo Cuppari
Well, that explains why I had a lot of mDNS traffic flowing...

Finally I just removed the .local from the domain and everything works as
intended. Now I am fighting with autofs and kerberized NFS...

Is there any up-to-date guide that you can point me to?

2015-02-02 16:33 GMT-03:00 Alexander Bokovoy

 On Mon, 02 Feb 2015, Gerardo Cuppari wrote:

 Well, I just reinstalled everything without the .local in the domain and
 everything worked at first. Sorry for the troubles...

 Odd is that with ipa 3 on Centos 7 everything worked with domain

 Do you have avahi activated and 'hosts: files mdns4_minimal
 [notfound=RETURN] ...'
 in your /etc/nsswitch.conf?

 Avahi overtakes .local domain because RFC 6762 reserves .local for
 multicast DNS name resolution protocol.

 Any DNS query for a name ending with .local MUST be sent to the mDNS
 IPv4 link-local multicast address (or its IPv6 equivalent

 Fedora chose to follow this policy and force use of mDNS resolver
 through [notfound=RETURN] option (i.e., get .local names resolved via
 /etc/hosts and mDNS only).

 / Alexander Bokovoy

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[Freeipa-users] basic question on DNS configuration

2015-02-03 Thread Roberto Cornacchia
Hi guys,

I can't wait to get freeIPA installed in our small enterprise, but I'd
first like to get a couple of basic things straight.

My first doubt is about the DNS configuration. Currently, we use a setting
that I guess is rather common for small enterprises:

We own an domain which is managed by the DNS of an external

A couple of subdomains point to public IP addresses outside our local
network (e.g. is hosted at our internet provider, points at a server hosted in a datacenter, etc).

All the remaining subdomain (* point at one IP which
corresponds to our local router.
Then we use some simple forwarding rules to forward on to machines that are
behind the router (,,, etc).

Internally, because the enterprise is rather small, we are not using a DNS,
but simply /etc/hosts files on each machine. When they can't resolve, then the request goes to the external DNS.

(sorry about the long-ish background information, probably this
configuration is commonly named somehow, but I don't know how)

Now, a first simple question for you guys would be:
When installing freeIPA, with DNS, is the network configuration above still
advisable? Can there be any problem? Or should I rather use a different
domain for the internal network (I would really NOT like this option, but
I'm very interested to know why I should, if that is the case).

A second basic question is:
Would you see any potential problem in installing freeIPA on a FC21 Server
which currently hosts Atlassian Jira + Atlassian Stash (therefore git
repositories) + the required mysql databases?
My guess would be that they would not interfere, as:
- httpd (and related ports) is currently unused)
- Both Jira and Stash use thier own tomcat installation on custom ports
- mysql shouldn't be a problem?
- The machine isn't overloaded at all (4-5 developers use those services)

Am I overlooking something? Obviously I'd rather have a dedicated freeIPA
server, but if the above mentioned coexistence isn't a problem, then this
would be more cost-effective.

Thank you very much for your help, I'm looking forward to this upgrade.
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Re: [Freeipa-users] JSON error enrolling host (Fedora 21 / IPA 4.1.2)

2015-02-03 Thread Gerardo Cuppari
Hi Martin, thanks for your replies!

Please, don't tell me I am getting all these errors because of the .local
domain! If so, I will surelly kill someone haha

I checked /etc/named.conf and changed to no dnssec-validation and here is
what you requested:

[root@pc01 ~]# dig server.estudio.local

;  DiG 9.9.6-P1-RedHat-9.9.6-6.P1.fc21  server.estudio.local
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 31554
;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
;server.estudio.local.  IN  A

server.estudio.local.   1200IN  A

estudio.local.  86400   IN  NS  server.estudio.local.

;; Query time: 0 msec
;; WHEN: lun feb 02 12:29:17 ART 2015
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 79


[root@pc01 ~]# dig -t ptr

;  DiG 9.9.6-P1-RedHat-9.9.6-6.P1.fc21  -t ptr
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 36167
;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 2

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096

;; ANSWER SECTION: 86400 IN PTR server.estudio.local.

;; AUTHORITY SECTION: 86400  IN  NS  server.estudio.local.

server.estudio.local.   1200IN  A

;; Query time: 0 msec
;; WHEN: lun feb 02 12:34:27 ART 2015
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 118

2015-02-02 12:17 GMT-03:00 Martin Basti

  On 02/02/15 16:07, Martin Basti wrote:

 On 02/02/15 14:13, Gerardo Cuppari wrote:

  Hello! I am trying to enroll one host to my IPA server (4.1.2) and I am
 having one problem: the ipa-client-install script keeps giving me errors at
 the forwarding ping to json server step.

  My configuration is:
  - server.estudio.local Fedora Server 21 ipa 4.1.2
  - pc01.estudio.local Fedora Works. 21

  Both have firewalld down (just to test) and can reach each other. I've
 been trying to get this working without success (solved other minor issues)
 and so I'm asking for your help.
 The only way I can make it work is by adding the --force switch to
 ipa-client-install script but, that way, it just disregards errors.

  Thanks in advance!!!

  Here are my tests:

 [root@server ~]# ipa ping
 IPA server version 4.1.2. API version 2.109

  [root@pc01 ~]# dig server

  ;  DiG 9.9.6-P1-RedHat-9.9.6-6.P1.fc21  server
 ;; global options: +cmd
 ;; Got answer:
 ;; -HEADER- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 29286
 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

 ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
 ;server.IN  A

  ;; Query time: 10 msec
 ;; WHEN: lun feb 02 09:51:07 ART 2015
 ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 35


  [root@pc01 ~]# nslookup server

  Name:   server.estudio.local


  Here I disable chronyd so I can run the script without NTP sync errors:

  [root@pc01 ~]# systemctl disable chronyd
 Removed symlink
 [root@pc01 ~]# service chronyd stop
 Redirecting to /bin/systemctl stop  chronyd.service


  Without having server.estudio.local on /etc/hosts file:

  [root@pc01 ~]# ipa-client-install --enable-dns-updates --mkhomedir
 Skip server.estudio.local: cannot verify if this is an IPA server
 Provide your IPA server name (ex:
  Skip server.estudio.local: cannot verify if this is an IPA server
 Failed to verify that server.estudio.local is an IPA Server.
 This may mean that the remote server is not up or is not reachable due to
 network or firewall settings.
 Please make sure the following ports are opened in the firewall settings:
  TCP: 80, 88, 389
  UDP: 88 (at least one of TCP/UDP ports 88 has to be open)
 Also note that following ports are necessary for ipa-client working
 properly after enrollment:
  TCP: 464
  UDP: 464, 123 (if NTP enabled)
 Installation failed. Rolling back changes.
 IPA client is not configured on this system.


  Here I added hostname and IP address to /etc/hosts file (don't know why
 it doesn't 

Re: [Freeipa-users] sssd compatibility with older RHEL 6 minor releases.

2015-02-03 Thread Martin Kosek
Also, when upgrading, please make sure to upgrade to the 6.6.z version of SSSD
- there were couple important fixes. AFAIK, the version should be


On 02/02/2015 10:35 PM, Genadi Postrilko wrote:
 Thank you for your reply.
 I think ill go with the first option, it about time to upgrade :).
 2015-02-01 2:09 GMT+02:00 Dmitri Pal
  On 01/31/2015 01:37 PM, Genadi Postrilko wrote:

  Hello all.

  The environment i'm currently working to migrate under IPA identity
 management contains mostly RHEL 6.2 servers.
 I'm planing to use Active Directory Cross Forest Trust for Identities, IPA
 as sudo provider, and all the other goodies that IPA provides.

  If i want to enjoy all the new features (at least most of them), i know
 that clients have to be sssd version  1.9. And if i want IPA to be auto
 configured as sudo provider  it has to be sssd  1.11.

  When reading the mailing list i noticed that sssd 1.11 is mentioned as
 feature of rhel 6.6.
 What i would like and understand is what could go wrong if i will install
 sssd 1.11 on rhel 6.2 servers.And what is is your general recommendations
 for older RHEL 6 (minor) releases?

 It will pull a lot of dependencies and most of your system will look like
 6.6 system
 Also the upgrade like this might reveal some issues as the upgrades are
 expected to be gradual. 1-2 versions is ok but 4 is quit a big leap.

 Overall it is a bit risky to do it.
 You have three options:
 - upgrade properly but probably in two steps 6.2 - 6.4 - 6.6
 - use SSSD from 6.2 as is for now. It will have limited functionality but
 can leverage AD users from the trust. You would need to configure SSSD to
 use LDAP for authentication and point to compat tree of IPA to take
 advantage of the trust. See details here:
 - take your chances and try a hybrid you propose but it is not a formally
 supported configuration.

  Thanks in advance,

 Thank you,
 Dmitri Pal

 Sr. Engineering Manager IdM portfolio
 Red Hat, Inc.

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Re: [Freeipa-users] JSON error enrolling host (Fedora 21 / IPA 4.1.2)

2015-02-03 Thread Dmitri Pal

On 02/03/2015 07:48 AM, Gerardo Cuppari wrote:

Well, that explains why I had a lot of mDNS traffic flowing...

Finally I just removed the .local from the domain and everything 
works as intended. Now I am fighting with autofs and kerberized NFS...

Is there any up-to-date guide that you can point me to?

2015-02-02 16:33 GMT-03:00 Alexander Bokovoy

On Mon, 02 Feb 2015, Gerardo Cuppari wrote:

Well, I just reinstalled everything without the .local in
the domain and
everything worked at first. Sorry for the troubles...

Odd is that with ipa 3 on Centos 7 everything worked with domain

Do you have avahi activated and 'hosts: files mdns4_minimal
[notfound=RETURN] ...'
in your /etc/nsswitch.conf?

Avahi overtakes .local domain because RFC 6762 reserves .local for
multicast DNS name resolution protocol.

Any DNS query for a name ending with .local MUST be sent to the mDNS
IPv4 link-local multicast address (or its IPv6 equivalent

Fedora chose to follow this policy and force use of mDNS resolver
through [notfound=RETURN] option (i.e., get .local names resolved via
/etc/hosts and mDNS only).

/ Alexander Bokovoy

Thank you,
Dmitri Pal

Sr. Engineering Manager IdM portfolio
Red Hat, Inc.

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Re: [Freeipa-users] CA Replication Installation Failing

2015-02-03 Thread Les Stott
Has anyone got any ideas on this?

I am stuck with not being able to deploy a CA Replica and this is halting 
rollout of the project. 

Help please...



 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:freeipa-users-] On Behalf Of Les Stott
 Sent: Friday, 30 January 2015 4:48 PM
 Subject: Re: [Freeipa-users] CA Replication Installation Failing
  -Original Message-
  From: [mailto:freeipa-users-] On Behalf Of Les Stott
  Sent: Wednesday, 10 December 2014 6:22 PM
  Subject: Re: [Freeipa-users] CA Replication Installation Failing
   -Original Message-
   From: Ade Lee []
   Sent: Wednesday, 10 December 2014 5:05 AM
   To: Les Stott
   Subject: Re: [Freeipa-users] CA Replication Installation Failing
   On Tue, 2014-12-09 at 07:48 +, Les Stott wrote:
[] on behalf of Dmitri Pal
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2014 3:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Freeipa-users] CA Replication Installation Failing
On 12/08/2014 11:04 PM, Les Stott wrote:
 Does anyone have any ideas on the below errors when trying to
 add CA replication to an existing replica?

 People who might be able to help are or PTO right now.

 Is your installation older than 2 years?
No, December 2013 was when it was originally built.
 Did you generate a new replica package or use the original one?
I used the original replica file for serverb, based on
instructions i came across. I can try regenerating the replica file.
Interestingly, now that you mention it, servera had to be restored
a couple of months back. Perhaps this is an issue and regenerating
the replica file for serverb will be required.
I will try this.
   I think that this is a safe bet to be the problem.
   The error in the log snippet you posted says:
errorStringThe pkcs12 file is not correct./errorString
   This indicates that the clone CA was unable to decode the pkcs12
   file in the replica.  Perhaps the certs changed -- or the DM password
  I regenerated the replica file and retired the CA replica setup, but
  it failed at the same point with the same error.
  I am thinking that the next step is to uninstall the ipa replica to
  cleanup, remove all traces and re-add as a replica on serverb.
  I wonder if the cert that its having an issue with is the one on
  serverB under /etc/ipa/ca.crt which is from Dec 2013.
  I will try that in a couple of days as I have to schedule this work in
  as its in production.
 May be the problem is that the cert that is in that package
original replica file was created on Dec 16 2013. Cert is not set
to expire until 2015-12-17.
 Just a thought...

 The simplest workaround IMO would be to prepare Server C,
 install it
with CA and then decommission replica B.
 Do not forget to clean replication agreements on master.

 But that would be work around, would not solve this specific
problem, it will kill it.
I actually do have serverc and serverd. I planned to have CA
replication on at least 2 other servers, but held off on trying on
serverc due to issues with serverb.
I'll report back what i find after regenerating the replica file
and re-trying to setup CA replication.
 After a bit of a hiatus I have revisited this issue and I still have it.
 Just to re-iterate the problem...
 Trying to setup a ca replica on an already installed replica fails in rhel 
 ipa-, pki 9.0.3-38.
 /usr/sbin/ipa-ca-install -p xx -w xx -U /var/lib/ipa/replica-info-
 It fails showing CRITICAL failed to configure ca instance
 Configuring certificate server (pki-cad): Estimated time 3 minutes 30
   [1/16]: creating certificate server user
   [2/16]: creating pki-ca instance
   [3/16]: configuring certificate server instance
 Your system may be partly configured.
 Run /usr/sbin/ipa-server-install --uninstall to clean up.
 It doesn't matter if I run it interactively or unattended.
 I have done this on similar servers that were rhel 6.5, pki-9.0.3-32, ipa 
 37 without any issue.
 The /var/log/ipareplica-ca-install.log shows the following error about White
 Attempting to connect to: Connected.
 Posting Query = https://

[Freeipa-users] Minimum Disk Size

2015-02-03 Thread Dan Mossor
What would be the minimum recommended disk size for a virtual FreeIPA 
server on a network consisting of less than 30 users and 100 hosts?

Dan Mossor
Systems Engineer at Large
Fedora KDE WG | Fedora QA Team | Fedora Server SIG
Fedora Infrastructure Apprentice
FAS: dmossor IRC: danofsatx
San Antonio, Texas, USA

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