[Freeipa-users] External CA: Peer's certificate issuer has been marked as not trusted by the user

2016-10-01 Thread Matt .
Hi guys,

I have installed successfully an external CA Certificate for
https/LDAP but now I get this on my ipa-commands:

ipa domainlevel-get

ipa: ERROR: cert validation failed for
"CN=*.mysubdomain.ipa.mydomain.tld,OU=PositiveSSL Wildcard,OU=Domain
Control Validated" ((SEC_ERROR_UNTRUSTED_ISSUER) Peer's certificate
issuer has been marked as not trusted by the user.)

What can cause this ?

I'm on FreeIPA, version: 4.4.1

I hope we can sort this out.



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Re: [Freeipa-users] Replica created with expired certs

2016-10-01 Thread Jim Richard
Hi Rob:

First I wanted to thank you for all of your valuable input/tips. As you well 
know, everything about certs, certmonger, dogtag and FreeIPA can get very 
complicated - there’s no easy answer, so many things can go wrong :) 

But, your answers to my questions got me thinking, gave me some clues, pointed 
me in the right direction.

I wanted to take the time to specifically thank you because these concepts have 
mystified me for quite a while, our FreeIPA system has been running for more 
than a year with everything regarding certs kinda wacky and with me just 
praying that that fact didn’t crash everything and make the most important 
function for us (ssh, sssd, authentication, sso) stop working.

With your help I have certainly not become an expert but have gone from pretty 
much clueless to having somewhat of a clue :) That’s progress !!

My issue with the CA certs themselves is solved thanks to you pointing out the 
issue with creating replicas in 3.0 which has been fixed in 3.3 - the issue 
that can be solved by manually exporting a new cacert.p12 file and boom, new 
replicas created with expired certs issue solved.

And then there was the issue of “sec error legacy database” which would 
manifest itself in various forms and can be caused by many things - it is 
temporarily solved by restarting httpd but then just comes right back. 

Based on your input I started looking at the certs/certmonger/getcert list - on 
all my nodes/hosts and noticed that many of them had bogus certs with principal 
names pointed at hosts that no longer existed. No other way to describe them 
other than WTF !!.

My theory now is that all the nodes calling in to the CA with all those bogus 
certs were just overloading the CA and so after restarting httpd, it would 
temporarily clear up until all the nodes starting calling in to the CA again - 
or something like that.

Anyways, Ansible to the rescue….

I exported a list of hosts from my IPA system, that became my Ansible inventory 

Now, throw together a quick playbook to look at every host, identify the bogus 
cert or certs and tell certmonger to stop tracking them.

The simple Ansible playbook follows here.

Run that against all hosts and bingo !!!  - my httpd logs on the CA are no 
longer getting spammed with bogus cert requests, “sec error legacy database” 
errors are not happening, etc , etc.

In short, my FreeIPA CA situation is now, I hope and pray, fairly stable.

So HUGE shout out to you Rob !!!

- hosts: ipa-hosts
  gather_facts: False


  - name: get request id
shell: ipa-getcert list -r | gawk -F\' '/Request/ {print $2}'
register: my_id

  #- debug: var=my_id

  - name: kill bad certs
shell: ipa-getcert stop-tracking -i {{ item }}
with_items: "{{ my_id.stdout_lines }}"

Jim Richard    

(646) 338-8905  













> On Sep 30, 2016, at 4:53 AM, Rob Crittenden  wrote:
> Jim Richard wrote:
>> Can I and how…
>> delete all certs for all hosts
>> I mean, we only use FreeIPA for user login/sssd
>> That said, do we even need those certs?
> There is no simple answer, really.
> Yes, you can deleted all certs for all hosts (not recommended as some of 
> those are for IPA services). I doubt it would do anything positive and if the 
> certificate is tracked by certmonger on the client it would eventually renew.
> Do you need the certs? Only you would know that, but chances are the vas

Re: [Freeipa-users] Certificate format error reported by GUI

2016-10-01 Thread Jim Richard
Hi Pavel:

Yes, my httpd logs were flooded with cert errors from hosts trying to renew 
bogus certs.

How 100 or so out of 1000 hosts ended up with certs that were not valid is 
unknown at this time but using Ansible I cleaned all those up and it looks like 
I’m in good shape now.

Here’s the playbook I used to find certs that were problematic and tell 
certmonger to stop tracking them:

- hosts: ipa-hosts
  gather_facts: False


  - name: get request id
shell: ipa-getcert list -r |gawk -F\' '/Request/ {print $2}'
register: my_id

  #- debug: var=my_id

  - name: kill bad certs
shell: ipa-getcert stop-tracking -i {{ item }}
with_items: "{{ my_id.stdout_lines }}"

Jim Richard    

(646) 338-8905  













> On Sep 30, 2016, at 3:42 AM, Pavel Vomacka  wrote:
> Ah, ok, does /var/log/httpd/error_log contain any error after looking at 
> hosts using GUI? And could you please send output of ipactl status after the 
> error ocurres? 
> On 09/30/2016 02:40 AM, Jim Richard wrote:
>> Hi Paul, 3.0.0 on Centos 6.8
>>     Jim Richard    
>> (646) 338-8905  
>>> On Sep 29, 2016, at 11:58 AM, Pavel Vomacka >> > wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> which version of FreeIPA do you use?
>>> On 09/28/2016 12:42 AM, Jim Richard wrote:
 When I try to look at hosts under the hosts tab. ipactl restart or just 
 restarting httpd seems to clear it up for a short period.
 Three replicas in the environment, it only happens when I look at hosts 
 using the GUI at one of the three replicas.
 Certificate format error: (SEC_ERROR_LEGACY_DATABASE) The certificate/key 
 database is in an old, unsupported format.
   Jim Richard    
 (646) 338-8905  
>>> -- 
>>> Pavel^3 Vomacka
> -- 
> Pavel^3 Vomacka

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