[Freeipa-users] How to change the Kerberos Master Key?

2016-06-28 Thread Nicholas Hinds

I have been trying to change the Kerberos Master Key of my FreeIPA
installation, without success.

On test installations, I have tried following the instructions on
but from the "kdb5_util update_princ_encryption" step onwards all kdb5_util
commands fail with "kdb5_util: No matching key in entry while looking up
active master key", and even "kdb5_util list_mkeys" fails to run after that

I found https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/4976 to document the
mechanism to change the Kerberos Master Key. It mentions that "Currently
the procedure is very hard and manual", but does not explain what the very
hard and manual way to change the key is.

Is it currently possible to change the Kerberos Master Key? If not, is it
okay to have a weak password set as the Kerberos Master Key if I secure
access to my FreeIPA server?

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[Freeipa-users] Service account for host enrolment needs permission to read itself

2016-06-15 Thread Nicholas Hinds
Hi all,

I have been exploring using a service account with restricted permissions
to add and enrol hosts, rather than using an administrative user. I based
the account details on an earlier posting to this list (
but ran into a couple of things that I found odd:

1. The service account needs to be explicitly granted permission to read

When a host was previously enrolled with FreeIPA and has run
`ipa-client-install --uninstall`, a fresh `ipa-client-install` using a
service user fails unless the host is manually deleted with `ipa host-del`,
or the service user is explicitly granted permission to read itself.

Without either of the above, `ipa-client-install` fails with an error
"Joining realm failed: RPC failed at server.  host with name
"my.hostname.domain" already exists". On the server side, for some reason
the service user tries to look itself up to check if it's got permissions
to modify the host (which it does). It does not seem to have permissions to
look itself up by default in the cn=sysaccounts,cn=etc tree, so the
permission check fails, and throws the error above.

I'm granting the service account the following permission to work around
this, but I'm a little confused as to why it's required:
ipa permission-add 'Read Host Join User'
--right=read --right=search --right=compare --attrs='*'

Is that permission going to cause the service account to be able to do
anything it shouldn't, or does it look okay?

2. The service account's password expiry must be set in a separate
ldapmodify call

I tried to create the service account with a password that does not expire
by setting "krbPasswordExpiration: 20380119031407Z" on the account when it
is created, but it seems to be immediately overwritten. If I create the
account in one ldapmodify call, and set the password expiration in a
separate call, the expiration seems to stick. Is that expected, or am I
setting the expiration incorrectly?

I've included the full set of commands I'm using the setup my service
account for host enrolment, in case something I'm doing wrong is causing
the above strangeness. I'm running FreeIPA 4.2.0 on CentOS 7.

I'd be keen for some feedback on this approach, and whether it's normal to
have to use the workarounds above.


## Configure the account used by hosts to join the domain

# Authenticate so the ipa commands can run
kinit admin

# (System account needs special permissions to read itself)
ipa permission-add 'Read Host Join User'
--right=read --right=search --right=compare --attrs='*'
ipa privilege-add 'Read Host Join User'
ipa privilege-add-permission --permissions='Read Host Join User' 'Read Host
Join User'
ipa privilege-add 'Add Hosts'
ipa privilege-add-permission --permissions='System: Add Hosts' 'Add Hosts'

# Role to assign to the system account, with permissions to enrol hosts,
add hosts, and read itself
ipa role-add --desc="Host Joining" 'Host Joining'
ipa role-add-privilege --privileges='Host Enrollment' 'Host Joining'
ipa role-add-privilege --privileges='Add Hosts' 'Host Joining'
ipa role-add-privilege --privileges='Read Host Join User' 'Host Joining'

# Drop admin permissions

# Create the system account in LDAP and add it to the new role
cat <-- 
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