[Freeipa-users] New FreeIPA Install; Testing for Proof of Concept

2012-08-07 Thread Rob Ogilvie
Good Afternoon,

I'm testing FreeIPA for a proof-of-concept replacement of NIS on OEL 6.3
(RHEL 6.3).  I followed the guide to set up the FreeIPA server, and it
seems to be working great on the IPA server itself.  I can ssh in as admin,
type my password, and I'm in.

I then have been struggling with getting it going on client systems.  As
I'm not setting any of this up with DNS (I want this to be as un-obtrusive
as possible), I executed the following command:

ipa-client-install --no-dns-sshfp --no-ntp --server=ovm-auth.

It asked me for admin's username and password and threw a warning about
getent passwd admin not returning anything.  Sure enough, it doesn't return
anything on the client (although it does on the server).

>From the client, I'm able to kinit admin, type my password, and then
passwordlessly ssh over to the auth server.

I do see these entries in my log file on the client:

Aug  7 12:52:56 ovm-c19-db [sssd[ldap_child[2010]]]: Failed to initialize
credentials using keytab [(null)]: Client 'host/ovm-c19-db@'
not found in Kerberos database. Unable to create GSSAPI-encrypted LDAP
Aug  7 12:52:56 ovm-c19-db [sssd[ldap_child[2010]]]: Client not found in
Kerberos database

I'm pretty new at Kerberos, so am unsure exactly what this might mean.

Thanks for any pointers!

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] New FreeIPA Install; Testing for Proof of Concept

2012-08-07 Thread Rob Ogilvie
On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 1:24 PM, Simo Sorce  wrote:
> Kerberos depends on proper name resolution. If a hostname cannot be
> resolved you cannot acquire tickets for it.
> So if your host ovm-c19-db does not have a DNS entry (either using IPA's
> DNS server or an external DNS server) you can't get tickets.
> also name resolution generally must match the hostname as that is what
> is used to register a client into ipa.

That seems fair.  DNS is well set up, though.  ovm-c19-db.
exists in DNS and ovm-auth is able to resolve it by short hostname and
FQDN.  On the client, hostname returns the FQDN, as well.

Is there anything in my log entries that make it look like it's a DNS
problem?  Again, I must stress, I'm new with Kerberos.

Thanks for your help!


Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] New FreeIPA Install; Testing for Proof of Concept

2012-08-07 Thread Rob Ogilvie
On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 1:59 PM, Simo Sorce  wrote:
> Does klist -kt /etc/krb5.keytab return entries with the right hostname ?

It lists four entries, each with the correct FQDN:

[root@ovm-c19-db ~]# klist -kt /etc/krb5.keytab
Keytab name: WRFILE:/etc/krb5.keytab
KVNO Timestamp Principal
   1 08/07/12 12:51:03 host/ovm-c19-db.@
   1 08/07/12 12:51:03 host/ovm-c19-db.@
   1 08/07/12 12:51:03 host/ovm-c19-db.@
   1 08/07/12 12:51:03 host/ovm-c19-db.@

> If that works does ipa host-find list it ?

It does, but not with a certificate listed (ovm-auth, the server, does
have a certificate listed).



Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] New FreeIPA Install; Testing for Proof of Concept

2012-08-07 Thread Rob Ogilvie
I just found this additional log file entries on my IPA server.  The
vm-mapsdc2 is one of the domain controllers/DNS servers not associated
with IPA other than being one of our authoritative DNS servers.  Is
something misconfigured in IPA on the server side?

Aug 07 14:01:02 ovm-auth. krb5kdc[1180](info): AS_REQ (4
etypes {18 17 16 23}) NEEDED_PREAUTH:
host/ovm-c19-db.@ for krbtgt/@,
Additional pre-authentication required
Aug 07 14:01:02 ovm-auth. krb5kdc[1178](info): AS_REQ (4
etypes {18 17 16 23}) ISSUE: authtime 1344373262, etypes
{rep=18 tkt=18 ses=18}, host/ovm-c19-db.@ for
Aug 07 14:01:02 ovm-auth. krb5kdc[1180](info): TGS_REQ (4
etypes {18 17 16 23}) ISSUE: authtime 1344373262, etypes
{rep=18 tkt=18 ses=18}, host/ovm-c19-db.@ for
Aug 07 14:01:02 ovm-auth. krb5kdc[1178](info): TGS_REQ (4
etypes {18 17 16 23}) UNKNOWN_SERVER: authtime 0,
host/ovm-c19-db.@ for
ldap/vm-13thdc2.@, Server not found in Kerberos
Aug 07 14:01:02 ovm-auth. krb5kdc[1178](info): AS_REQ (4
etypes {18 17 16 23}) NEEDED_PREAUTH:
host/ovm-c19-db.@ for krbtgt/@,
Additional pre-authentication required
Aug 07 14:01:02 ovm-auth. krb5kdc[1180](info): AS_REQ (4
etypes {18 17 16 23}) ISSUE: authtime 1344373262, etypes
{rep=18 tkt=18 ses=18}, host/ovm-c19-db.@ for
Aug 07 14:01:02 ovm-auth. krb5kdc[1178](info): TGS_REQ (4
etypes {18 17 16 23}) ISSUE: authtime 1344373262, etypes
{rep=18 tkt=18 ses=18}, host/ovm-c19-db.@ for
Aug 07 14:01:02 ovm-auth. krb5kdc[1180](info): TGS_REQ (4
etypes {18 17 16 23}) UNKNOWN_SERVER: authtime 0,
host/ovm-c19-db.@ for
ldap/vm-mapsdc2.@, Server not found in Kerberos

Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] New FreeIPA Install; Testing for Proof of Concept

2012-08-08 Thread Rob Ogilvie
On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 7:03 PM, KodaK  wrote:
> It's hard to tell with the obfuscation, but is your DOMAIN the same as
> the one handled by the domain controller vm-mapsdc2?

Indeed, it is

> You can only have one Kerberos realm named DOMAIN.

How do they know about each other?

> For example, if you have the windows domain/Kerb realm MYCOMPANY.COM,
> you will not be able to have it coexist with an IPA server controlling
> the realm MYCOMPANY.COM.

That's quite unfortunate.  How can I work around this?  Can I create
the realm BLAH.MYCOMPANY.COM or maybe even NOTMYCOMPANY.COM without a
DNS domain to match, or will I need to interface with the DNS admins?
Is there a good document that describes the nature of these realms and
their relation to DNS?

> If it's an oldschool NT type domain you should be OK, but if it's
> Active Directory (which uses Kerberos) you can't do it.

It's an Active Directory domain.


Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] New FreeIPA Install; Testing for Proof of Concept

2012-08-08 Thread Rob Ogilvie
On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 9:06 AM, Petr Spacek  wrote:
> Best way is to create subdomain UNIX.MYCOMPANY.COM and fill it with proper
> SRV records (or let IPA to manage it).

Ugh, I hope this doesn't end up pushing us back to NIS.

If I can get our infrastructure guys to buy off on making a
unix.mycompany.com subdomain in DNS, would I need to move all the
hosts to be under that subdomain in DNS?  I have some services
configured that are difficult to rename the DNS domain of.  Could, for
instance, host-one.mycompany.com be part of the UNIX.MYCOMPANY.COM
realm, given a MYCOMPANY.COM realm also exists?

I could then put some SRV records into the subdomain's zone to point
the kerberos stuff to the IPA server, change the domain on the IPA
server, change the realm on the IPA server, re-register clients, and
everything would be happy?

Ugh... actually... now that I think about this, I don't think I want
half my servers in a unix subdomain in DNS, which means DNS and realm
wouldn't match...

Thoughts?  Aside from rebuilding the infrastructure I've built already?  :-)


Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] New FreeIPA Install; Testing for Proof of Concept

2012-08-08 Thread Rob Ogilvie
So here's my plan, then... let me know if it seems like it'll make sense?

-I'm going to uninstall everything IPA from the IPA server
(ovm-auth.mycompany.com) after I unregister the client machines.

-I'm going to set up the IPA server with a new realm;
UNIX.MYCOMPANY.COM (do I need to have our DNS folks put an SRV record
up there for that?  If so, what?)

-I'm going to try registering testserver.mycompany.com server as part
of the UNIX.MYCOMPANY.COM realm.

Sound reasonable and/or sane?  :-)


Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] New FreeIPA Install; Testing for Proof of Concept

2012-08-08 Thread Rob Ogilvie
On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 11:52 AM, Simo Sorce  wrote:
> On Wed, 2012-08-08 at 11:23 -0700, Rob Ogilvie wrote:
> > -I'm going to set up the IPA server with a new realm;
> > UNIX.MYCOMPANY.COM (do I need to have our DNS folks put an SRV record
> > up there for that?  If so, what?)
> If your DNS people want to manually mange DNS for you then they need to
> create the unix.mydomain.com zone and manually create SRV and TXT
> records for kerberos and ldap IPA servers.

Is there a doc that explains what those SRV and TXT records need to look like?

> > -I'm going to try registering testserver.mycompany.com server as part
> > of the UNIX.MYCOMPANY.COM realm.
> >
> > Sound reasonable and/or sane?  :-)
> for the ipa server it should be in the unix.mydomain.com DNS zone to be
> useful.

The IPA server needs to be part of the unix.mycompany.com domain,
then, and the IPA clients do not?


Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] New FreeIPA Install; Testing for Proof of Concept

2012-08-08 Thread Rob Ogilvie
On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 12:33 PM, KodaK  wrote:
> If you're not familiar with this document then you need to spend some
> quality time with it:
> http://docs.redhat.com/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html-single/Identity_Management_Guide/index.html

That is, as a matter of fact, the guide I've been using.  I fear it
was written with the assumption readers understood IPA realms couldn't
easily coexist with Active Directory domains.  Reading through the
installation guide, I see no mention of needing a separate realm for
IPA... it's probably assumed we know that already?


Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] New FreeIPA Install; Testing for Proof of Concept

2012-08-08 Thread Rob Ogilvie
On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 12:31 PM, Simo Sorce  wrote:
> Unlike AD we do not force all client to be positioned in the same DNS
> zone, however if you have clients not belonging to the same DNS domain
> you may have to change the krb5.conf file on all members of the realm to
> add additional [domain_realm] mappings so that you can tell that clients
> in zone foo.net are also to be looked for in the UNIX.MYDOMAIN.COM realm
> and its KDC.

I just, as a test, with no DNS set up for this, ran things with DNS
being mycompany.com, and the IPA domain being set up as
ovm.mycompany.com and realm of OVM.MYCOMPANY.COM, and everything
appears to be working great.  The only piece is the ipa-client-install
needs to specify the (non-DNS) domain, realm, and server, but that's
no problem for me at all...

Any thoughts about problems I might see?


Freeipa-users mailing list

[Freeipa-users] NFS Ownership Gone

2012-08-10 Thread Rob Ogilvie
Hi All,

Files accessed over NFS with users that are not local (FreeIPA users)
are being squashed to nobody:nobody on my OEL6 box.  My nfs is set to
"defaults" on the client.

I'm thinking this is probably something happens regularly?


Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] NFS Ownership Gone

2012-08-10 Thread Rob Ogilvie
On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 2:54 PM, Rob Ogilvie  wrote:
> Files accessed over NFS with users that are not local (FreeIPA users)
> are being squashed to nobody:nobody on my OEL6 box.  My nfs is set to
> "defaults" on the client.

As an addendum to this: I'm not interested in strong security in my
NFS implementation; simplicity is what we use NFS for.  If there's a
simpler way than copying files across all the clients, I'm game.  :-)


Freeipa-users mailing list

Re: [Freeipa-users] NFS Ownership Gone

2012-08-13 Thread Rob Ogilvie
On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 11:49 AM,   wrote:
> Check your idmapper configuration (idmapd.conf) - not quite sure if IPA
> cares about NFSv4 ID mapper configuration

We have a winner!  I had to manually specify the domain and realm,
likely because they don't match my DNS configuration.


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