I've got freeradius 0.9.1 configured and running on a
sun enterprise ultra 2 with gentoo linux. When I try
to authenticate from an Ascend Max 6000, I'm getting
the following message in the radius.log:

Error: rlm_radutmp: Logout for NAS max6000 port 20101,
but no Login record

The radutmp file is empty. I have not found much
information on the radutmp module and how it works. 

I'm also getting the following entry in the log file:

Error: Received Accounting-Request packet from
<ascend-IP-address> with invalid signature!  (Shared
secret is incorrect.)

I have double and triple-checked the passwords on the
Ascend box to confirm that they match the secret in
the clients.conf file.

I appreciate any help that you folks can give me with
these 2 issues.

Jeff Mello

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