I'm just becoming familiar with TLS and I'm trying to understand it by
reading the 8.1 freeradius code.  I don't quite have the ability to run
it yet.  One thing i don't understand: in tls.c, the routine
tls_handshake_recv are the following lines:

  if (ssn->info.content_type != application_data) {
    err = BIO_read(ssn->from_ssl, ssn->dirty_out.data, MAX_RECORD_SIZE);

MAX_RECORD_SIZE is defined as 16k.  But TLS messages can span records -
a certificate can be 16 Meg.  I don't see any path to get back in here
and do another BIO_read to get the rest of the message (once dirty_out
has been emptied by transmitting it as EAP packets), without being
triggered to do so by receiving another handshake message.  So if we
were sending, say, a 16 Meg cert, how would the subsequent records be
read from the BIO and transmitted?  We will receive EAP fragment acks,
but those don't appear to come back in to tls_handshake_recv. Apologies
if I've missed something obvious here.

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