HInts, Huntgroups and Users Files

2002-12-09 Thread Miller, Kenneth L NWP
Title: HInts, Huntgroups and Users Files

Good morning,

    I am very new to Radus Server and especially new to freeradius.  I have inherited a very old Ascend Radius Server that is running on a SUN box. I want to move this to Linux and run it under freeradius.  The USERS file on the Sun box is just a flat text file, which contains the usernames, passwords, and attributes such as Framed-Protocol, Filter-ID, etc., but it appears that freeradius handles thing differently. If the username and passwords are not placed in the users file, then where are they put.

    The "How the USERS file is processed"  states "After the items of a request have been mangled by the "hints" and "huntgroups" files, the users file is processed."

    What does this mean?  Do I put the username and passwords in the "hints" file or what?

Can anyone help me out here? 



HInts, Huntgroups and Users Files

2002-12-06 Thread Miller, Kenneth L NWP
Title: HInts, Huntgroups and Users Files

Good morning,

    I have been reading the documentation and information contained in the Hints, Huntgroups and Users files. I have also read the file on how the USERS file is processed.  It states, "After the items of a request have been mangled by the "hints" and "huntgroups" files, the users file is processed."

    I've looked at the "Hints" file and the information there is very ambiguous. It states "A special non-protocol name value pair called "Hint" can be set to match on in the "users" file." Does this mean that I can set the "Hint = " value to anything?, say like the first letters of a user-name? Then, Do I have to put the "Hints = " value in the "Huntgroups" file under the Huntgroup name? 

    Example:  Huntgroup1  User-name =  XYZ,

                      Hint =  value,

                      Group = Huntgroup1

    I think this now links the "Hints" file and the "Huntgroups" file together, then, do I need to enter the "Hints" and "Huntgroups" values in the "USERS" file to link it with the "Hint" and "Huntgroups" file?

    Example user1   Password == "xxyyzz",

                Hint = value,

                Group = Huntgroup 1

                Filter-Id = value


If the above is correct, then somewhere it should be stated that these files are dependent on each other and the parameters are passed between them.  Stating "After the items of a request have been mangled by the "hints" and "huntgroups" files, the users file is processed."  Doesn't tell how these 3 files are related and what needs to be done in each file in order to get them working.

    The "processing_users_file" in freeradius 0.8 is unclear to me.

Can anyone help me out here? 



Configuring the Users file

2002-11-25 Thread Miller, Kenneth L NWP
Title: Configuring the Users file

Good Morning,

    I am very new to Radius Server's and I have inherited a Radius Server that was built on Ascends' Radius Server version r1_0Ai5.   The user configuration file is setup as follows:

    XXX    Password = "XXX"

    Filter-Id = "1",

    Filter-Id = "2",

    Ascend-Data-Filter = "ip out forward",

    Service-Type = Framed,

    Framed-Protocol = PPP,

    Ascend-Assign-IP-Pool = 1

Where XXX is the username and password.

    If I enter this format into Freeradius, it doesn't understand it and I get a lot of error messages.

I think this was configured somewhere around 1998. Has the format of the users file changed? Are there other files I need to configure in Freeradius that need to match this file?

    I noticed in the example file that "Framed" protocol  and Service-Type can be set to default values. ( i.e. Framed and PPP) . Also, what happens if I upgrade the NAS to version 9.0.9? Currently, the MAX 6000 is still running on 7.0.3.

