Hi All,

        I'm having some problems with Free Radius 0.4 when I try to
execute a external program (a shell script).

        I've created a user in users file like:

pa      Auth-Type := Local, Password == "pa"
        Service-Type = Framed-User,
        Exec-Program = "/root/sh %u %f",
        Framed-Protocol = PPP

        But, using portslave-1.2.0pre12-8cl on a Linux box, it can't
get the Framed IP address from the user, I don't know if the problem is
with the Portslave or with the configuration or cause Free Radius really
can't get the IP address.

        I can connect using this user, but it execute the program
("/root/sh") like :

        /root/sh pa ?.?.?.?

        What should I do?

Thank you

Paul Angel

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