Having some problems getting the acct logging to work, I had it working and then just the other day it just stoped. I even had the day off so it wasn't anyting I touched, just stoped Friday morning..

We got an outside ISP sending accounting packets and also an internal cisco vpn 3000 which was also working. Both systems are still reported to be sending accounting packets.

I rebuilt another redhat 8.0 box, we using PAM through winbind and everything is working just fine except no accounting logging going on..

Is there a way to send a fake accounting packet myself? any other ideas?

heres my detail debug section on a startup:

Module: Loaded realm
realm: format = "suffix"
realm: delimiter = "@"
Module: Instantiated realm (suffix)
Module: Loaded files
files: usersfile = "/etc/raddb/users"
files: acctusersfile = "/etc/raddb/acct_users"
files: preproxy_usersfile = "/etc/raddb/preproxy_users"
files: compat = "no"
Module: Instantiated files (files)
Module: Loaded Acct-Unique-Session-Id
acct_unique: key = "User-Name, Acct-Session-Id, NAS-IP-Address, Client-IP-Address, NAS-Port-Id"
Module: Instantiated acct_unique (acct_unique)
Module: Loaded detail
detail: detailfile = "/var/log/radius/radacct/%{Client-IP-Address}/detail-%Y%m%d"
detail: detailperm = 384
detail: dirperm = 493
detail: locking = no
Module: Instantiated detail (detail)
Module: Loaded radutmp
radutmp: filename = "/var/log/radius/radutmp"
radutmp: username = "%{User-Name}"
radutmp: case_sensitive = yes
radutmp: check_with_nas = yes
radutmp: perm = 384
radutmp: callerid = yes
Module: Instantiated radutmp (radutmp)
Listening on IP address *, ports 1645/udp and 1646/udp, with proxy on 1647/udp.
Ready to process requests.

thanks for any tips


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