checkrad with redback

2002-05-18 Thread maohua0831

hi all 
  here i' again,i'm now use redback as a nas(sms1800) ,when i read  the 
doc\Simultanous-use,i konw that i should enter somthing in files 'naslist' and 
'naspassword',ok i entered but The type (3rd) field in the file /etc/raddb/naslist 
hasn't redback option,what's the matter?does checkrad support redback with snmpget? 
i'm now use freeradius4.0. need your help,thanks for any help,you are so kind. 

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checkrad doesn't work

2002-05-17 Thread maohua0831

hi all 
 i'm here again,now i'm using Redback(NAS),freeradius4.0 on linux, and 
openldap2.0.19 on AIX.i set Simultanous-use:=1 in file users,but when i test(send a 
packet to radius server),checkrad haven't been called,in my radiusd.conf i configured 
"session {
so how can i control multi loggin? i've read the doc/Simultaneous-Use but no help,so 
please help,you are so kind.thanks for any help.

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why?module instantiate in AIX cause core dump

2002-04-17 Thread maohua0831

hi all
  first i hate AIX. i have radius0.4 on AIX 4.3 ,configure and make are passed 
after i searched answer through mail list .but every time i run ./radiusd -X,it core 
dumped, i debug the c code found that the reason is lie on the module instantiate,in 
my project i thought i should use detail,ldap and radutmp module ,anyone tell me how 
,how to let radius can load module smoothlyplease... dose freeradius on AIX cannot 
use module? if then how can i implement auth through ldap,create detail files and 
simu-use control?
thank you for any help ,you are so kind

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radius coredump under aix (II)

2002-04-16 Thread maohua0831

hi all 
  my radius still core dump on AIX ,why? i found that it's due to in 
modules.c,about line 350,there are somthing like these:
 *  Call the module's instantiation routine.
   printf("this message can be seen\n");
if ((node->entry->module->instantiate) &&
core dumped here>   ((node->entry->module->instantiate)(inst_cs,
&node->insthandle) < 0)) {
 printf("this message cannot be seen,core dumped\n");
"radiusd.conf[%d]: %s: Module instantiation failed.\n",
cf_section_lineno(inst_cs), instname);
return NULL;
   printf("this message cannot be seen either, core dumped\n");

why core dumped?did i miss some parameter when run ./configure? or some other things 
AIX should specified?please help,thank you for any help,you are so kind 

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radius coredump under aix

2002-04-16 Thread maohua0831

hi all
  here am again,now i compile radius0.5 under aix4.3.first run ./configure 
,everything ok,then make,an error ,i modify src/include/autoconf.h it goes ok.created 
radiusd, but when i run ./radiusd -X,it's coredump,here is the debug:


 proxy: retry_delay = 5
 proxy: retry_count = 3
 proxy: synchronous = no
 proxy: default_fallback = no
 proxy: dead_time = 120
 main: debug_level = 0
read_config_files:  entering modules setup
Module: Library search path is /usr/local/lib
Module: Loaded preprocess
Segmentation fault(coredump)

i know it's coredump when load some modules,how can i handle it? thank you for any 
help,you are so kind

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why i can't see "radutmp" file

2002-04-10 Thread maohua0831

hi all
  i met a problem,my radiusd.conf looks like:

radutmp {
filename = ${logdir}/radutmp
perm = 0600
callerid = "yes"

accounting {
#   acct_unique
#   counter
#   sradutmp

# Session database, used for checking Simultaneous-Use. The radutmp module
# handles this
session {


but when i start my radiusd and test it: first i sent an auth query,returns 
accept,then i send an acct query,the debug is:

rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=254, length=57
User-Name = "uid20"
Password = "CF\277\212\321\007\226~\r[n\255\332\354\344H"
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port-Id = "1812"
modcall: entering group session
modcall[session]: module "radutmp" returns ok
modcall: group session returns ok
Login OK: [uid20/ppass20] (from nas local port 0)
Sending(maohua1) Access-Accept of id 254 to
Finished request 0
Going to the next request
--- Walking the entire request list ---
Waking up in 6 seconds...
--- Walking the entire request list ---
Cleaning up request 0 ID 254 with timestamp 3cb5a0cd
Nothing to do.  Sleeping until we see a request.
rad_recv: Accounting-Request packet from host, id=255, length=56
User-Name = "uid2"
Password = "K\003\250&g\326\225\035\327\333I\2468-i~"
NAS-IP-Address =
Acct-Status-Type = Start
modcall: entering group preacct
modcall[accounting]: module "radutmp" returns noop  (why noop?nothing has been done?)
modcall: group accounting returns ok
Sending(maohua1) Accounting-Response of id 2 to
Finished request 2
Going to the next request
--- Walking the entire request list ---
Cleaning up request 2 ID 2 with timestamp 3cb5a19d
Nothing to do.  Sleeping until we see a request.


and i change dir to /usr/local/var/log/radius/, i can't find radutmp and radwtmp,why? 
i miss some thing to config?need your help 
kind of you ,thanks

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can i test Simultaneous-Use with radclient?

2002-04-10 Thread maohua0831

hi all
  here i am again.everything in progress,now i face to the Simulatneous-use 
problem.i'm now work with freeradius0.4 and openldap2.0.23. can i test the 
simulatneous-use without nas?just use the radclient? i've read the 
/freeradius/doc/Simultaneous-Use ,from that i know that the i should use module 
radutmp ,and it will use snmp to ask nas how many sessions are there,so if i just use 
radclient it will not answer anything,is that right?any other way to test the 
Simultaneous-Use without real NAS?
you are so kind ,thanks a lot

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how can i control detail files been cerated per 5 min.

2002-04-09 Thread maohua0831

hi all
i'm here again.i found the detail file can be create every day by %d in the 
section detail in radiusd.conf,and by %Y request year ,but there is not a %? can 
configure the detail file name has the format : MMDDMI? in our project we want the 
detail file been created every 5min.,how can i reach this?neet you help
so kind of you,god bless you

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return something stored in ldap to Nas via radius

2002-04-08 Thread maohua0831

hi all
   i'm here again sorry for boring you.i'm now use freeradius and openldap to 
implement auth .i found that return of radius is through a function named 
"ldap_pairget",the function use "ldap.attrmap" to look for valid attribute in ldap and 
added it to request->reply->vps,but my problem is the attribue (for example 
radiusCallbackId) is in ldap (i can search it with "./ldapsearch -x -b 
"uid=uid6,cn=ctc,dc=maohua,dc=com" -s base 'radiusCallbackId'" ,return "#
# filter: (objectclass=*)
# requesting: radiusCallbackId

# uid6, ctc, maohua, com
dn: uid=uid6,cn=ctc,dc=maohua,dc=com
radiusCallbackId: 68730596

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

# numResponses: 2
# numEntries: 1
") everything looks ok,but when i use radtest send a packet to radius sever it doesn't 
work,only the attribute i defined in "users" returned ,no attribue i wanted in ldap 
i debug the rlm_ldap.c,in  function ldap_pairget,it calls the ldap api 
"ldap_get_values(ld,entry,element->attr))",return is null,why?
the world is full of problem,i feel so any one has the answer?
so kind of you ,thanks 

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return of freeradius

2002-04-07 Thread maohua0831

hi all  
   i read the doc "Simultaneous-Use" but i got confused.the "users" file looks like
DEFAULT Auth-Type := LDAP ,Simultaneous-Use := 1
Fall-Through = 1
and i start the radius,i can login with the same username many times still.does there 
anything remained i didn't config?need your help,so kind of you

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return of freeradius

2002-04-07 Thread maohua0831

hi all  
   i'm now working with freeradius.4 and openldap2.23,i want to return someting such 
as user domain,bandwidth which stored in the ldap db,return to the nas but it seems 
that only  things configed in "users" file reply item can be returned ,how can i 
return something i get from ldap?does freeradius support this ?need make some config 
or i have to coding? need your help
thanks a lot  you are so kind.

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a new comer need help

2002-03-27 Thread maohua0831

hi everyone 
   i'm a new comer just installed a freeradius,i found it's default use unix password 
file to

 authenticate,can anyone tell me how can i change it to use ldap ,or a 
database(oracle) to authenticate?thank's a kind of you.

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install freeradius on AIX

2002-03-27 Thread maohua0831

hi everyone again
 does anyone has the experience of freeradius on AIX?does freeradius work 
well?i'm now selecting the platform ,so please help me,thank's a lot ,so kind of you.

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