Hi there.
I'll skip right to the subject
I am using freeradius 0.8.1 as a radius server for a certain realm and
as a proxy for all other requests. For the local ISP realm, all is done
via sql module. Everything works as intended, except accounting of
proxied requests... When a user in my realm logs on, of course i want
all accounting information to be sent to the sql module, and it does.
But when a user outside the realm logs on, she gets authorized and
authenticated, no problem, but when the NAS starts to send accounting
packets for her, they get sent to the other radius server, proxy
functionality works ok, AND all accounting for this user gets in my sql
database, TOO, which i don't want. The database is reserved for "local"
users, and the presence of other users' accounting information is
unacceptable in this case. So...
Is there a way to get the server to only send accounting information to
sql when the user is in a specific realm?
I need a rather quick answer, as this is a very important issue and i
need to decide whether i have to study more or find another solution...

Thank you in advance.

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