Dear Klinger Christian,

--Friday, August 8, 2003, 3:54:00 PM, you wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

KC> But do you see any chance to authenticate with chap on a 
KC> NT-Domain. 

There is no way to authenticate with CHAP on NT Domain

KC> - Maybe with a batch to export the passwords as cleartext!
KC> - Or with a domain - ldap configuration

There  is no way to exprort cleartext passwords, because they are stored
as one-way-hash.

KC> Are the any tool╢s (URL) which export the NT-Domain passwords in 
KC> cleartext?

John-The-Ripper + few weeks of cracking.

Не обращайте внимания на сарказм и явную чепуху,
а поразмыслите просто над фактами. (Твен)

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