The rlm_attr_filter module has been updated with some new functionality.

o Each a/v pair in the reply is now compared against *ALL* rules for that
   attribute.  This will allow multiple rules for the same attribute, IE:

      Idle-Timeout >= 800,
      Idle-Timeout <= 28800,

   The a/v pair must pass *ALL* rules to be allowed.  If there are three
   rules for the attribute, and it passes 2 and fails 1, the attribute
   will not be allowed.

o Two new operators have been added, to allow better wildcarded permit
   and deny rules:

      =*    Always report pass
      !*    Always report fail

   This allows a shortcut to always allow or deny an attribute.  IE:

     Reply-Message *= ANY
     Ascend-Data-Filter *= ANY
     Proxy-State *= ANY

   This requires less overhead than the regexpression workaround that
   was in place previously, and is more portable.


The documentation in 'doc/rlm_attr_filter' has been updated to reflect
this, as well as the sample 'raddb/attrs' file.

If any questions or problems are noted regarding this change, please post
them to the list.

    \\\|||///  \          StarNet Inc.      \        Chris Parker
    \ ~   ~ /   \       WX *is* Wireless!    \   Director, Engineering
    | @   @ |    \ \      (847) 963-0116
                   \ Wholesale Internet Services -

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