Re: Antwort: Re: Antwort: Re: Antwort: Re: Open Radius and Novell Certification Server

2004-07-22 Thread Aldo Chiecchia
but now i look at the openradius page and cannot find x.509 ca support.
Is there a chance to switch fast to free radius ? ;)
i hope so ...

I assume you want to authenticate through EAP-TLS. EAP methods are now 
widely used in wireless networks, although you can make use of them in 
any scenario with 802.1x compliant devices.

However, try look at this
it's a bit outdated, but can give you an idea
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Re: Does RADIUS also support authorization

2004-07-22 Thread Aldo Chiecchia
Barath kumar wrote:
Is the RADIUS server meant only for authentication (or)  it can be 
used for authorization also which allows the user access to various 
resources based on the user's identity.

RADIUS (as defined in RFCs, see 
supports  Authentication, Authorization and Accounting.

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Re: Authentication detail logging

2004-07-22 Thread Aldo Chiecchia
Simon Bryden wrote:
Is there any easy way to log a detail log of attributes received in 
access_request messages, similar to acct logs?

man radiusd
  -A Write a file detail.auth in addition to the standard 
detail file in the same
 directory.  This  file  will contain all the 
authentication-request records.
 This can be useful for debugging, but not for normal 

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Re: radrelay question

2004-07-22 Thread Aldo Chiecchia
Simon Bryden wrote:
The problem is that I need the resulting Client-IP-Address attribute to be the 
address of the original client, not of my radrelay source. 

I do not make use of radrelay, but AFAIK it is a minimal radius client 
that reads accounting data from a detail file and sends it to another 
radius server.
If it is so, I am afraid that the Client-IP-Address will always be the 
radrelay host address, since Client-IP-Address is extracted by the 
radius server from the incoming request (i.e. it is not a plain 
attribute which gets forwarded)

You should try searching for Nas-IP-Address, which does not change when 
requests are proxied.

Hope this helps, Aldo
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Re: Basic RADIUS network protocol question

2004-07-07 Thread Aldo Chiecchia
Martin Olsson wrote:
The length field is 16-bit, but is it big-endian or little-endian? If 
i receive the two bytes for the length as AB should I use the value 
256*A+B or should I use the value A+B*256?

You can just convert your short int  from host-byte-order to 
network-byte-order using the function "htons" and then store it in the 
lenght field.
see man pages for details

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Re: Suspending Users

2004-06-24 Thread Aldo Chiecchia
Linda Pagillo wrote:
  If you just want "suspended", then I would add a column suspended 
and edit the sql query in sql.conf. If you need more complex checking 
that can't be done with sql queries, then you might look at the exec 
or perl modules to execute external scripts.

This means, for instance, adding a column "active" in the radcheck 
table, and modify the authorize_check_query to

authorize_check_query = "SELECT id,UserName,Attribute,Value,op FROM 
${authcheck_table} WHERE
Username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' AND active = 1 ORDER BY id"

by manually changing the "active" flag you actually make it possible to 
skip the user's authorization (it would return a "not found", thus an 

However, this approach is easy to implement but using an "explicit" 
reject would be more correct.

To issue an "access-reject" you just have to modify the user's 
"auth-type" attribute in the radcheck table to "Reject".
You then could add a reply message by adding the attribute 
"Reply-Message" in the user's radreply table.

update radcheck set Value = "Reject" where username = "joe" and 
Attribute ="Auth-Type";

insert into redreply values ("", "joe", "Reply-Message", "=", "You did 
not pay your bills!!");

more complex solutions:
1) use an external program/script that checks for the user status and 
returns the appropriate replies to freeradius (module rlm_exec, see 
radiusd.conf for details, it is pretty much explained there).
this approach lets you define an external program which reads the 
request attributes from the standard input and can add replies by 
writing to the standard output.

2) if you need more specific functions to be performed, you can soil 
your hands by writing a freeradius module, and putting in there the 
right decision logic. This should give you better results in terms of 
performance, but it is not an easy task, as it requires you to know the 
freeradius' internals (and several hours to discover why it segfaults 

Ok, here is exactly what i need --  The only reason i would want to 
prevent a user from logging on would be because they did not pay their 
bill. All i want to do is make it so that they can't log on to the 
internet. The above post states that i need to "add a column called 
"suspended" and edit the sql query in sql.conf." Here are my 
2 questions.. in which mysql table do i need to add the column? And 
what do i need to edit in the sql.conf file? Thank you.
Linda Pagillo
Director of Technical Services
N2 The Net

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