Re: rlm_perl hash issue

2005-03-23 Thread Alexander M. Pravking
On Wed, Mar 23, 2005 at 04:22:34PM +0200, Boian Jordanov wrote:
 Fixed in CVS. Please use recent cvs snapshot.
 Before rlm_perl expects that scalar value of RAD_xxx hash is character
 value, now it can be string or integer. There is only one limitation an
 ip address should be returned as character value i.e.
 $RAD_REPLY{'Framed-Ip-Address'} =;

-   if ((sv != NULL)  (SvPOK(sv))) {
-   val = SvPV(sv, val_len);
+   if (SvTRUE(sv)) {
+   val = SvPV_nolen(sv);

What if sv is 0 (or 0)? SvTRUE would fail, I think...
SvLEN(sv) != 0 maybe? Or just (SvPOK(sv) || SvNIOK(sv))?

What are you trying to check? Maybe (sv != PL_sv_undef) is sufficient?

Fduch M. Pravking

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Re: rlm_perl reply operators

2005-02-26 Thread Alexander M. Pravking
On Fri, Feb 25, 2005 at 02:26:12PM -0500, Dustin Doris wrote:
 Is there a way to specify different operators when adding something to the
 $RAD_REPLY hash?
 Such as.
 $RAD_REPLY{'Attribute'} = += Value;

Currently, no. But you can try:
$RAD_REPLY{'Attribute'} = [ 'Value 1', 'Value 2' ];

I had an idea of making %RAD_* hashes tied to corresponding avp lists,
and making possible use of operators; I started to work on it, but I
have no time to finish it now :(

Fduch M. Pravking

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Re: Hide password

2005-02-01 Thread Alexander M. Pravking
On Tue, Feb 01, 2005 at 11:07:54AM +0100, Nicolas Viers - SCI Limoges wrote:
 how to hide User-Password in radacct logs

There's no standard way. You can patch rlm_detail sources or use
grep -v User-Password
on your detail logs.

As of debug mode, there's also a lot of places in server core and
modules where user-supplied password or local one is printed...

Fduch M. Pravking

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Re: Luscent Portmaster 3

2005-01-13 Thread Alexander M. Pravking
On Fri, Jan 14, 2005 at 02:39:00AM +0300, Martes Wigglesworth wrote:
 I have had little luck finding this specific inquiry, on the list
 archives.  I am researching to start a dialup ISP, and want to use the
 luscent portmaster 3 device.  I have seen miscellaneous portmaster
 listings, however, I don't see that the FreeRadius project will
 specifically work with that NAS.  Does anyone have any good input?  I
 don't want to get stuck with a piece of hardware that requires
 proprietary radius interfaces.  I am very new, so please hold your
 frustrations, with my seemingly trivial inquiry.  I will be running the
 newest 1.x version of FreeRadius, however, since I don't have anything
 setup, yet, I don't have the information specified on the list ediquete

The only problem with PM3-RADIUS bundle I experience is that it doesn't
send stop packets for users administratively disconnected via SNMP.
And... nontrivial RADIUS NAS-Port to SNMP interface mapping.

Fduch M. Pravking

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Re: how many records in radacct

2004-11-22 Thread Alexander M. Pravking
On Mon, Nov 22, 2004 at 10:10:53PM +0300, Alexander Serkin wrote:
 how many records in radacct table do you manage to keep, guys?

About of 1.3M without any problem.

 I see that radius stops working properly after about 15 accounting 
 records in Oracle ( database or ~3 in PostgreSQL 7.4.6.
 After that amount accounting records are not written into table and FR 
 (v1.0.1) claims about no DB handles to use.
 I see this with Oracle and Postgres. The symptoms are the same on two 
 different Solaris8 machines - Netra1120 with 2x440MHz processors and 
 SunFire V240 with 2x1GHz processors.
 All recomendations about tuning are met - noatime on partitions with 
 DB, no detail accounting, indexes on the accounting table.
 I'm fighting with that for a couple of months with no understanding 
 what else could be wrong.
 Our DBA did some tunings on Oracle table and configuration - with no 
 visible results.
 PostgreSQL is not tuned - just 'configure,make,make install, initdb, 
 createdb radius,etc'.

Can't say anything about Oracle but here's several advices on PG.

First, you should ANALYZE, or better VACUUM ANALYZE RadAcct table at
least every time it grows 1.5-2 times. We do VACUUM ANALYZE nightly. If
your radius server receives and processes Accounting-Update's you will
probably need even more often. See PostgreSQL documentation on database

Second, did you modify standard schema and/or postgresql.conf to fit
your needs? If so, try to determine which queries are slowest and try to
understand why, e.g. there's no appropriate index or something.
The default ones should work OK.

Third, make sure you have no dead locks.
ps auxww | grep postgres | grep waiting

Several words for Peter Nixon about default PostgreSQL schema/queries...
1. now() returns timestamp with time zone, so there's no need to cast it
   once more. This applies to AcctStartTime::timestamp with time zone
2. accounting_onoff_query shound not have AcctSessionTime IS NULL
   condition in where clause, otherwise those records which were updated
   by Accounting-Update will not be closed. Active sessions just have
   AcctStopTime IS NULL.
3. I don't understand why there's DATE_SUB function at all :)
   One can simply say CURRENT_DATE - some_integer * '1minute'::interval.
   Is it simpler to call date_sub(CURRENT_DATE, some_integer, 'minute')?

Fduch M. Pravking

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Re: Kill online user

2004-10-13 Thread Alexander M. Pravking
On Wed, Oct 13, 2004 at 02:42:11PM -0600, Guy Fraser wrote:
 It depends on the type of NAS you are using.
 On some Cisco Access Servers you can use SNMP to administratively disable
 the line the user is on then administratively enable the line to allow new
 connections on it.
 Even between different classes of Cisco products, the SNMP OID codes may
 be different. And other vendors will likely have much different OID codes.
 A snippet from Cisco's file :

It's not Cisco's, it's common MIB :)
Cisco has its own means too: casnDisconnect from CISCO-AAA-SESSION-MIB.
It's more handy, because the index in that table corresponds RADIUS
NAS-Port attribute, and there's no need to enable the interface back.

But ifAdminStatus method should work for any NAS, the only problem is
to determine SNMP index of the interface. For Cisco, it's, yes, index
of an entry which has ifDescr = Async%{NAS-Port}. For PortMaster,
I get it from
ip.ipAddrTable.ipAddrEntry.ipAdEntIfIndex.%{Framed-IP-Address} variable.

Fduch M. Pravking

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Re: Double quoting in sql?

2004-09-29 Thread Alexander M. Pravking
On Wed, Sep 29, 2004 at 08:10:45AM +0200, Oliver Graf wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 24, 2004 at 10:24:09AM -0400, Alan DeKok wrote:
  Oliver Graf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I've upgraded recently from 0.9.3 to 1.0.1. There seems to be one
   small problem in the sql module: a Username seems to be quoted two
   times, first when setting sql_user_name, then when doing the xlat on
   the whole query.
   Debug output:
   radius_xlat:  'test=23test'
Something is escaping '#' to '=23', probably in the SQL module.
 Yeah. The Problem is that the allowed_chars string in 0.9.3 included
 '=', but the one in 1.0.1 does not.

I'll take a risk to remind these threads...

Fduch M. Pravking

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Re: Double quoting in sql?

2004-09-24 Thread Alexander M. Pravking
On Fri, Sep 24, 2004 at 09:39:07AM +0200, Oliver Graf wrote:
 I've upgraded recently from 0.9.3 to 1.0.1. There seems to be one
 small problem in the sql module: a Username seems to be quoted two
 times, first when setting sql_user_name, then when doing the xlat on
 the whole query.

IIRC this behavour is here since SQL-User-Name attribute is handled by
rlm_sql, because it's being escaped twice. Two ways I see:
1. avoid using %{SQL-User-Name} in queries.
2. patch rlm_sql.c::sql_set_user to pass func=NULL to radius_xlat.

However, in second case, radius_xlat uses own copy function (xlat_copy),
which has FIXME: Do escaping of bad stuff! comment...

Fduch M. Pravking

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Re: Double quoting in sql?

2004-09-24 Thread Alexander M. Pravking
On Fri, Sep 24, 2004 at 12:39:09PM +0200, Oliver Graf wrote:
 It does not seem that the change which causes this is in rlm_sql.c. I
 guess it is to search in variable expansion of main/xlat.c. But I
 currently fail to see the change between 0.9.3 and 1.0.1 where this
 happened... perhaps I will take a deeper look later.

Hmm... 0.9.3 did escaping for anything except:
@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789.-_: =/,
and the default setting of safe-characters is the same now, so the '#'
char should have been escaped in 0.9.3 too. Didn't you patch rlm_sql.c
of 0.9.3 to modify safe char list? ;-)

Fduch M. Pravking

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Re: [Help] duplicate radacct records in my postgresql database

2004-08-10 Thread Alexander M. Pravking
On Tue, Aug 10, 2004 at 04:18:08PM +0800, ac wrote:
 I use postgresql to record all the radacct-pkts from the freeradius-0.9.3.
 But sometimes the record with the same acctuniqueid, acctsessionid 
 appears twice or much more times.
 I don't know why it happened and how to avoid it.

Check if Acct-Delay-Time differs in requests. If it does, looks like you
have one of the following problems:

1. Network problems, so Accounting-Ack sometimes does not reach NAS, so
it re-sends request.
2. Slow database, so it takes too long time to accomplish the request
and the NAS gets timed out, again, re-sending the request. In this case
you can try to configure your NAS for greater timeout.

Some people would suggest using UNIQUE constraint on acctUniqueId column,
which also seems reasonable.

By the way, is there any sql statment which can help me to delete or skip 
 the duplicate records with the same  acctuniqueid ?

If you have a serial id column in default schema try using

SELECT  1 FROM radacct r2
WHERE -- note the 
AND r2.acctUniqueId = radacct.acctUniqueId

Then, if you sure that's it, replace SELECT with DELETE.
If you want leave the first of dups, use , if you want the last - .

Fduch M. Pravking

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Re: Many SQL accounts

2004-07-18 Thread Alexander M. Pravking
On Sun, Jul 18, 2004 at 12:53:44PM +0800, Nikolay L. Kirillov wrote:
 Hi All!
 In this good sunday I'm trying to start accounting.
 And have some trouble with freeradius 0.9.3:
 In 'radiusd.conf' added lines
 modules {
 # some other lines
 $INCLUDE  ${confdir}/sql.conf # Instance named 'sql'.
 $INCLUDE  ${confdir}/sql1.conf # Instance named 'sql1'.
 $INCLUDE  ${confdir}/sql2.conf # Instance named 'sql2'.

What's there? Looks like you have declared
sql1 {

The right syntax for module config is
module-name [ instance-name ] {

If not specified, instance name is the same as module name.

So that in you case:
sql sql1 {

 radiusd.conf[1] Failed to link to module 'rlm_sql1': cannot open shared 
 object file: No such file or directory
 I was made: ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/ 

It's an unnecessary dirty hack :)

Fduch M. Pravking

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Re: Fall-Through in acct_users

2004-07-13 Thread Alexander M. Pravking
On Tue, Jul 13, 2004 at 11:07:59AM -0400, Alan DeKok wrote:
 Andrey Lakhno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It does not work. May be I done something incorrectly ?
  DEFAULT NAS-IP-Address == x.x.x.x, Acct-Status-Type == Stop
  Exec-Program = /home/voip/aaa/acct_call_generic,
  Fall-Through = Yes
  DEFAULT NAS-IP-Address == x.x.x.x, Acct-Status-Type == Stop
  Exec-Program = /home/voip/aaa/test

At least you should have used += instead of =.

   What doesn't work is having two Exec-Program attributes.  The server
 supports only one.

But why? Was it just not implemented or there are some other reasons?

Fduch M. Pravking

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Re: Question about Freeradius and LDAP

2004-07-07 Thread Alexander M. Pravking
On Wed, Jul 07, 2004 at 09:00:00PM +0200, Arthur EBEL wrote:
 Hi everybody,
 My freeradius operate very well with an openldap directory
 All ldap users stored in my basedn=ou=people,ou=personnels,dc=utt,dc=fr 
 can be authenticated.
 I would like to add another basedn=ou=students,ou=personnels,dc=utt,dc=fr 
 BUT I don't want to give an access to all my tree dc=utt,dc=fr
 How can I set up the LDAP module to do this ?

AFAIK, rlm_ldap cannot work with multiple basedn's.

However, you can use OpenLDAP own ACLs. E.g. in slapd.conf (assuming
you have identity=cn=radius,ou=robots,dc=utt,dc=fr):

access to dn ou=people,ou=personnels,dc=utt,dc=fr
by dn=cn=radius,ou=robots,dc=utt,dc=fr read
access to dn ou=students,ou=personnels,dc=utt,dc=fr
by dn=cn=radius,ou=robots,dc=utt,dc=fr read
access to *
by dn=cn=radius,ou=robots,dc=utt,dc=fr none

(I'm not sure this is totally correct so you should test it yourself.)
Then you can safely use basedn=ou=personnels,dc=utt,dc=fr for radius.

Fduch M. Pravking

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Re: User's password on radius log

2004-06-07 Thread Alexander M. Pravking
On Sun, Jun 06, 2004 at 10:20:13AM -0400, Alan DeKok wrote:
 Rattapon Pacharawongsakda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is it possible to turn off showing password of each user on
  freeradius log file?
   Yes.  Search radiusd.conf for password and log.

Unfortunately, some modules (e.g. rlm_(ms)chap, rlm_ldap) do log
passwords in _debug mode_, in despite of log_auth_(good|bad)pass

The only way for now to fix it (if you need) is to edit the sources.

Fduch M. Pravking

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Re: shared secret length limitation

2004-05-13 Thread Alexander M. Pravking
On Thu, May 13, 2004 at 11:25:34AM +0100, Graeme Hinchliffe wrote:
 Well assuming JUST the alphabet was used in the same case thats:
 16^26 = 20282409603651670423947251286016  possible combinations

Sorry for pedantry, not 16^26 but 26^16 = 4.36087428994289e+22

That is, assuming N is a desired number of combinations, A is an
alphabet capacity (26 here), ln() is natural logarithm, we got
(nearly) enough shared secret length L:

L = ln(N) / ln(A).

Fduch M. Pravking

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Re: User with 2 profiles but different simultaneous-use in each

2004-04-06 Thread Alexander M. Pravking
On Mon, Apr 05, 2004 at 08:16:24PM +0300, Kostas Zorbadelos wrote:
 Hello to everyone.
 I have the following problem where I work. We have a user, lets say
 kzorba that is an ADSL user and has a specific profile (check and
 reply attributes). We want to limit the Simultaneous-Use of
 the user for this service to 1. We also want for the same user to be
 able to use an ISDN 128 backup connection in case his ADSL line has a
 problem. I this case our user has a different profile and
 Simultaneous-Use 2 (in order to be able to login twice for the 2 isdn
 channels). So the question is: how can I lock the user in a way that
 when he uses his ADSL connection, not to be able to connect with ISDN
 at all (that's easy since Simultaneous-Use is 1 in this case and won't
 be allowed to login for anything else) and the opposite (when in as an
 ISDN not to be able to use the ADSL). 
 Any suggestions are highly appreciated.

You could do it in authorize {} section instead of session {}.
Say you have defined 2 attrs (e.g. of type integer): ADSL-Up and ISDN-Up.
Assuming you have accounting in SQL, you could do:

ADSL-Up := `%{sql:SELECT count(*) FROM radacct WHERE UserName = '%u' AND NASPortType = 
'Ethernet' AND AcctStopTime IS NULL}`
ISDN-Up := `%{sql:SELECT count(*) FROM radacct WHERE UserName = '%u' AND NASPortType = 
'ISDN' AND AcctStopTime IS NULL}`

(Note the backquotes; the behavour can change soon.)

Then put 2 entries in users file:
DEFAULT NAS-Port-Type == ISDN, ADSL-Up  0, Auth-Type := Reject
Reply-Message := You have your ADSL up, ISDN connections disabled

DEFAULT NAS-Port-Type == Ethernet, ISDN-Up  0, Auth-Type := Reject
Reply-Message := To use ADSL, first stop your backup ISDN connections

Fduch M. Pravking

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Re: accounting from alive packets doesn't go to sql

2004-04-06 Thread Alexander M. Pravking
On Tue, Apr 06, 2004 at 10:13:01PM +0400, Alexander Lunyov wrote:
 AL But it's not affecting sql :( And, while this accounting data is not shows 
 up in
 AL sql, traffic is leaking!
While searching message base of this list i found thread
accounting_update_query. Is this query in sql.conf responsible
for traffic updates (by Alive packets, i mean)?


If it so, why
default update_query does not include traffic and time update
fields? May it be a cause of my problem?

Looks like your sql config is too old, current configs (mysql/pg/oracle)
do update Acct*Octets. But that's not the main problem, I think: you
should have seen at least update of AcctSessionTime.

Could you show the debug output for an Alive packet?

Fduch M. Pravking

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Re: accounting from alive packets doesn't go to sql

2004-04-06 Thread Alexander M. Pravking
On Wed, Apr 07, 2004 at 12:36:30AM +0400, Alexander Lunyov wrote:

 If it so, why
 default update_query does not include traffic and time update
 fields? May it be a cause of my problem?
 AMP Looks like your sql config is too old, current configs (mysql/pg/oracle)
 AMP do update Acct*Octets.
  Current means cvs? I have freeradius-0.9.3 configs.


 AMP But that's not the main problem, I think: you
 AMP should have seen at least update of AcctSessionTime.
  In my case i don't need SessionTime at all, traffic is the main
 AMP Could you show the debug output for an Alive packet?
  Well, it looks something like this:

Oh, no. Not the detail'ed entry, but the output from radiusd -X

Fduch M. Pravking

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Re: Gigawords

2004-04-06 Thread Alexander M. Pravking
On Tue, Apr 06, 2004 at 04:31:30PM -0400, Alan DeKok wrote:
 Steve Cole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The dictionaries don't concern me, what I need to do is log them.
  Unless I'm blind, there is no support for Accounting for them in SQL
   shrug So add them, and supply a patch to the schema  queries.
 That's why they're in configuration files: so you can edit them.

PostgreSQL config already has the support.
Someone was going to make similar changes for all other drivers IIRC...

Fduch M. Pravking

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Re: how can i limit traffic use?

2004-03-01 Thread Alexander M. Pravking
On Mon, Mar 01, 2004 at 09:22:56AM +0300, Alexander Lunyov wrote:
 Well, i'm using exppp (, but it's in russian) on
 FreeBSD box, and exppp understands his own attributes
 (Exppp-Traffic-Limit and such), and i think it can kick user when
 traffic exceeds. How can freeradius tell exppp, how much octets
 user have for session? I mean, if all accounting information is in
 mysql base, radius have to do simple SELECT to sql with sum()'s,
 then substract this value (it will be number of octets) from some
 fixed value of limit and give the result to exppp as
 Exppp-Traffic-Limit. Well, or something like that. Can it be done
 in FreeRadius? I mean, all those sql queries, substraction and all
 of that?

You could configure a default entry like this:
DEFAULT Exppp-Traffic-Limit := %{sql:SELECT ...}

assuming you already have an instance of sql module.

 Oh, it's interesting! I think something like this will help
 sqlcounter monthlytraffic {
 counter-name = Monthly-Traffic
 check-name = Max-Monthly-Traffic
 sqlmod-inst = sql
 key = User-Name
 reset = monthly
 query = SELECT (sum(AcctInputOctets)+sum(AcctOutputOctets))
 FROM radacct WHERE UserName='%{%k}' AND
 Month(AcctStopTime) =(Month(NOW())-1) AND
 Year(AcctStopTime) = Year(NOW())

No, WHERE UserName = '%k' or WHERE UserName = '%u'.

You could probably use %b - unix time value of begginning of reset period
instead of Month()/Year()/NOW() calculations.

 But, if i've understanded it right, this module reflects only on
 logon process, i mean, it won't pass no attributes to NAS, it just
 reject user if user's traffic is over, am i right? Still, radius
 have to return traffic limit value to NAS (exppp), how can it (or i) do this?

rlm_counter adds Session-Timeout to the reply only if count-attribute is
Acct-Session-Time, but rlm_sqlcounter seems to always add Session-Timeout.
Not sane, really. You could try to patch rlm_sqlcounter to accept a new
configuration value, say reply-attribute defaulting to Session-Timeout.

Fduch M. Pravking

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rlm_mschap: Undefined symbol lrad_lmpwdhash

2004-02-04 Thread Alexander M. Pravking
The following error occurs in authenticate method of rlm_mschap:

Wed Feb  4 21:49:54 2004 : Debug: modcall: entering group Auth-Type for request 0
Wed Feb  4 21:49:54 2004 : Debug:   modsingle[authenticate]: calling mschap 
(rlm_mschap) for request 0
/usr/libexec/ /home/fduch/radius-test/lib/ 
Undefined symbol lrad_lmpwdhash
(radiusd dies)

Adding RLM_LIBS = -lradius to src/modules/rlm_mschap/Makefile and
reinstalling it seems to solve the problem, but I'm not sure it's
a perfect way. Comments?

Oh, yes, it's a current CVS version on FreeBSD 4.8-RELEASE-p13.

Fduch M. Pravking

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