We are running freeradius on RH ES3. CDR accounting records from
a Cisco AS5350 are logged to both a detail file and to Postgres SQL
running on the same box. The issue appears to be the following:


  For some calls, our PRI will terminate the call immediately because of
unknown number, busy line, etc. So immediate, that freeradius receives
both the start, start update, and stop records at basically the same
time. The problem this creates is that it appears the insertion of the
start record has not completed when the update for the start and then
the stop record occurs (multiple handles to the database). This causes
the update and stop records to “fall-thru” the update process and do an
insertion of a full record for both. Thus I have instances of one CDR
record that has three entries, (2 partial and 1 full)  in SQL instead of
the single entry that 99% of the other CDR record do. 


I haven’t decided if I should approach this from the Cisco side or from
the freeradius side in the form of some type of delay or retry for SQL
accounting records. I haven’t been able to find a freeradius
configuration parameter that does this. Any ideas? I can provide more
info if needed.  


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