Exec-Program-Wait w/ FreeRADIUS 2.1.3

2009-03-17 Thread Jeremiah Millay
I'm having trouble getting FreeRADIUS to run programs called by 
Exec-Program-Wait in the newest version of FreeRADIUS (version 2.1.3). 
I'm using a custom C script that used to work with all versions of 
FreeRADIUS prior to version 2.

I have an entry like this in the users file which is matching my 

DEFAULT Suffix == @test.net, Auth-Type := Accept
   Exec-Program-Wait = /usr/local/sbin/checkradacct 
%{Stripped-User-Name} %{Password},

   Ascend-Data-Filter += ip in forward tcp est,
   Ascend-Data-Filter += ip in forward dstip tcp,
   Ascend-Data-Filter += ip in drop tcp dstport = 25,
   Ascend-Data-Filter += ip in forward,
   Fall-Through = No

Here is my debugging output when I attempt to authenticate (doesn't 
appear to execute my program):

Listening on authentication address * port 1812
Listening on accounting address * port 1813
Listening on proxy address * port 1814
Ready to process requests.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 49411, id=74, 

   User-Name = jmil...@test.net
   User-Password = blah
   NAS-IP-Address =
   NAS-Port = 0
   Framed-Protocol = PPP
+- entering group authorize {...}
++[preprocess] returns ok
[auth_log]  expand: 
/var/log/radacct/%{Client-IP-Address}/auth-detail-%Y%m%d - 
[auth_log] /var/log/radacct/%{Client-IP-Address}/auth-detail-%Y%m%d 
expands to /var/log/radacct/

[auth_log]  expand: %t - Tue Mar 17 13:58:23 2009
++[auth_log] returns ok
[suffix] Looking up realm test.net for User-Name = jmil...@test.net
[suffix] Found realm test.net
[suffix] Adding Stripped-User-Name = jmillay
[suffix] Adding Realm = test.net
[suffix] Authentication realm is LOCAL.
++[suffix] returns ok
[files] users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 26
[files] expand: /usr/local/sbin/checkradacct 
%{Stripped-User-Name} %{Password} - /usr/local/sbin/checkradacct 
jmillay blah

++[files] returns ok
++[expiration] returns noop
++[logintime] returns noop
[pap] Found existing Auth-Type, not changing it.
++[pap] returns noop
Found Auth-Type = Accept
Auth-Type = Accept, accepting the user
Login OK: [jmil...@test.net] (from client port 0)
Sending Access-Accept of id 74 to port 49411
   Ascend-Data-Filter += ip in forward tcp est
   Ascend-Data-Filter += ip in forward dstip tcp
   Ascend-Data-Filter += ip in drop tcp dstport = 25
   Ascend-Data-Filter += ip in forward 0
Finished request 0.
Going to the next request
Waking up in 4.9 seconds.
Cleaning up request 0 ID 74 with timestamp +21

Any suggestions? I read in the docs that Exec-Program and 
Exec-Program-Wait are deprecated but I haven't found any clear 
documentation on how to configure rlm_exec to duplicate what I am trying 
to do.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Exec-Program-Wait w/ FreeRADIUS 2.1.3

2009-03-17 Thread Jeremiah Millay
Replying to myself... I missed uncommenting exec from the post-auth 
section of default site. Everything is working now. Sorry for the 
wasting your valuable mailbox space.

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Freeradius performance settings or bug?

2008-04-22 Thread Jeremiah Millay

I'm seeing some odd behavior running freeradius-1.1.7 in a freebsd 6.3 
environment. I see a lot of these in the radius log:

Tue Apr 22 09:27:44 2008 : Error: Discarding duplicate request from 
client arc3.wnskvtao.sover.net:1645 - ID: 208 due to unfinished request 1267
Tue Apr 22 09:27:44 2008 : Error: Discarding duplicate request from 
client arc3.wnskvtao.sover.net:1645 - ID: 209 due to unfinished request 1268

as well as the cputime constantly increasing the longer I leave radiusd 

last pid: 34247;  load averages:  0.29,  0.32,  
up 4+22:29:48  09:27:05

30 processes:  2 running, 28 sleeping
CPU states:  2.6% user,  0.0% nice, 10.5% system,  0.0% interrupt, 86.8% 

Mem: 17M Active, 447M Inact, 173M Wired, 20K Cache, 112M Buf, 2618M Free
Swap: 4096M Total, 4096M Free

34011 root   200  9852K  6904K kserel 2   8:09  1.61% radiusd
34011 root   960  9852K  6904K select 0   8:09  0.00% radiusd
34011 root   200  9852K  6904K kserel 2   8:09  0.00% radiusd
34011 root   200  9852K  6904K kserel 2   8:09  0.00% radiusd
34011 root   200  9852K  6904K ksesig 0   8:09  0.00% radiusd
34011 root   980  9852K  6904K CPU0   0   8:09  0.00% radiusd

Looking at older messages posted to the list, I see Alan suggests that 
the duplicate requests are related to radiusd not replying quickly 
enough due to either having hostname lookups enabled or due to sql 
backend slowness. I'm not using sql in my configuration and do not have 
hostname lookups enabled.
Are there any settings I could tweak in radiusd.conf to help? Maybe 
there is a bug I am not aware of relating to running freeradius under 
freebsd (I know there are some SMP related issues).

Here are some configuration snippets that may be relevant:

cleanup_delay = 2
max_requests = 10240
hostname_lookups = no
thread pool {
   start_servers = 20
   max_servers = 32
   min_spare_servers = 3
   max_spare_servers = 10
   max_requests_per_server = 0

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Freeradius performance settings or bug?

2008-04-22 Thread Jeremiah Millay

Phil Mayers wrote:

Jeremiah Millay wrote:

I'm seeing some odd behavior running freeradius-1.1.7 in a freebsd 
6.3 environment. I see a lot of these in the radius log:

Tue Apr 22 09:27:44 2008 : Error: Discarding duplicate request from 
client arc3.wnskvtao.sover.net:1645 - ID: 208 due to unfinished 
request 1267
Tue Apr 22 09:27:44 2008 : Error: Discarding duplicate request from 
client arc3.wnskvtao.sover.net:1645 - ID: 209 due to unfinished 
request 1268

as well as the cputime constantly increasing the longer I leave 
radiusd running:

Well yes; the process runs, and accumulates CPU time.

Sorry, that was dumb of me.

What OS is this?
FreeBSD 6.3-p2   ( I applied a patch to p1 which fixed a bug in 
libthread which seemed to help out cpu utilization significantly). Still 
seeing these duplicate request errors however.

Looking at older messages posted to the list, I see Alan suggests 
that the duplicate requests are related to radiusd not replying 
quickly enough due to either having hostname lookups enabled or due 
to sql backend slowness. I'm not using sql in my configuration and do 
not have hostname lookups enabled.

Are you using wtmp i.e. radlast. Don't. It's slow.

Here are some more snippets related to wtmp (from what I can tell):

unix {
   cache = no
   cache_reload = 600
   radwtmp = ${logdir}/radwtmp
accounting {

session {

I'm guessing it won't harm anything to remove the radwtmp line from the 
unix configuration. Correct? I suppose its also ok to remove unix and 
radutmp from the accounting section?
Thanks so much for your suggestions. I think you are on to something! 
Let me know if you want me to send you the whole config... (I'll need to 
clean it up first).


Here are some configuration snippets that may be relevant:

cleanup_delay = 2
max_requests = 10240
hostname_lookups = no
thread pool {
   start_servers = 20
   max_servers = 32
   min_spare_servers = 3
   max_spare_servers = 10
   max_requests_per_server = 0

That looks OK as a first cut. What's the full config?
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mod_auth_radius question

2008-02-11 Thread Jeremiah Millay
I have a question regarding mod_auth_radius which doesn't seem to be 
addressed by the included documentation or anything I have found with a 
google search.
When configuring the module in the apache configuration (I'm using the 
latest 1.3 branch) is it possible to specify more than one radius server 
so that it will fail over in the even that the first is down? Something 
like this:

IfModule mod_auth_radius.c
# AddRadiusAuth server[:port] shared-secret [ timeout [ : retries ]]
AddRadiusAuth server1.example.com:1645 secret 5:3
AddRadiusAuth server2.example.com:1645 secret 5:3
AddRadiusCookieValid 60

It seems as though this doesn't work or it wants to use only the last 
one specified. Am I missing something? Anybody have experience trying to 
use this module in a similar setup? It would be great to be able to get 
this working with both of my radius servers.

Thanks in advance!

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