Re: Freeradius-mysql and freeradius 1.1.5

2007-03-19 Thread K. Hoercher

 i have installed freeradius 1.1.5 on debian machine now how i can install
 freeradius-mysql package?

   freeradius-mysql Depends: freeradius(= 1.0.2-4sarge3) but 1.1.3 is to be
 E: Broken packages

That is a distribution-specific problem of debian not a general
freeradius one. So just as few hints:

Current version in stable is 1.0.2-4sarge3. So wherever you got 1.1.5
from, would be the place to search for the pertinent freeradius-mysql
(it would/should stem from the same source package).

Under normal circumstances you cannot/should not mix interdependent
packages from different sources. That leads to conflicting
dependencies as you are told by apt-get. Those are there for a reason.

K. Hoercher
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Re: rlm_eap: SSL error

2007-01-19 Thread K. Hoercher


please mark the difference between those two errors:

 Wed Jan 17 08:00:11 2007 : Error: TLS_accept:error in SSLv3 read
 client certificate A

 (other): SSL negotiation finished successfully
rlm_eap: SSL error error::lib(0):func(0):reason(0)

The first one, which looks a bit scarier, has already been explained.
The second one happens later in time with respect to the ongoing
conversation between freeradius and your supplicant, when freeradius
has eventually recieved your client certificate. So you just get to
see the error message meaning that no error occured.

K. Hoercher
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Re: One question about Access-Request packet

2007-01-19 Thread K. Hoercher


On 1/18/07, Rafał Kamiński [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi again,

I set EAP-TLS with cert. - i use that text

Sorry, URL seems broken.

i set in radius.conf

authorize {

Put in at least eap. Better start with the shipped default file an
change (step by step) to meet your needs. Read the comment there above
the eap stanza.

and in users file

username-the same what in cert Auth-Type := EAP

Don't set it. As noted with hilarious regularity on this list. (If you
got that from the maybe then working URL you mentioned, forget it.)
Auth-Type gets perfectly well handled by the eap module in authorize.


How i must set authentication and authorize if i will use that in future
with ldap?

That's to general a question to give an useful answer. Keep in mind
that authenticating against ldap by binding the user's dn, will not
work for EAP(-PEAP)

K. Hoercher

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Re: rlm_eap: Failed to link EAP-Type/peap:

2007-01-19 Thread K. Hoercher


On 1/19/07, Rafa? Kamin'ski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

apt-get source freeradius
build package:
debian/rules - --without-rlm_eap_tls... change to --with-rlm_eap_tls

There is a  _complete_ description of what to do/change in lines 21-28
of said rules file.

apt-get install libssl-dev
dpkg-buildpackage -us -us -rfakeroot -d
dpkg -i 

Before ./configure set --with-rlm_eap_tls in makefile. i think

As you don't call ./configure manually there is no business of that.
Anyway you should not mess around in makefiles.

K. Hoercher
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Re: EAP-TLS certificate question

2007-01-19 Thread K. Hoercher

On 1/17/07, kemas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I still confuse about certificate, is all client certificate created
under 1 root ca, can be authenticated against freeradius that started
with different server certificate?

is it possible to set things like this

root ca
/ |   \
  /   |\
/ | \
server1 server2 server3
--- --- ---
   |  |   |
   |  |   |
client1 client2 client3

I don't want client1 to be authenticated against server2 or server3.

1. client certificates that are under 1 root ca are are accepted
with respect to the SSL/TLS side of things (other restrictions you
implement/configure notwithstanding). The 1 root ca would be the one
you tell the server to trust in CA_file. There might be even more as
one, which should then reside in a place referenced in CA_path.

2. the servers' certficates are accepted by the supplicant if _they_
trust the pertinent root ca.

3. All those root cas being identical is in no way mandatory, while
they might (often) be.

4. I'm not sure how to interpret your schema above. If construed to
mean that client certifcates have to be in some way issued from the
servers' certificates, that is wrong (as in don't need to be) and
while perhaps technically possible, ill advised from the SSL/TLS point
of view.

Good starting points for further reading would be RFCs 2716 and 2246,
maybe documentation of openssl.

K. Hoercher
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Re: Mac OS X EAP-TLS with wrong usename kills freeradius when check_cert_cn is set

2007-01-19 Thread K. Hoercher


while trying to reproduce the segfault and eventually looking into the
diagnostic patch Alan provided I came across something which might be
contributing (also freeradius should not segfault nevertheless).

When feeding a freeradius-1.1.3 (linux) an forged Acces-Request with
bogus user name and ask it to check_cert_cn it detects the mismatch,
etc. just like in your example and sends out a fatal tls alert. My
test client wpa_supplicant (also linux) picks that up, recognizes the
failure and essentially stops that run to authenticate and sends an
tls alert ACK inside the next Access-Request. freeradius recognizes it
and only then sends an Access-Reject without much further processing.

After some timeout the supplicant tries anew. That would be the first
Access-Request freeradius sees again from it. As its still wrongly
configured the above segfault (see attached debug log, a
bit bloated as I use basically that setup for other tests too)

Whereas I noticed in your debug log that immediately after the tls
alert message from freeradius your client sends (keeping on with
authentication?) an EAP-Message containing a CertificateVerify tls
message (sort of manually decoding)
EAP-Message = 
for reasons I do not understand. It's that message that leads to the
segfault in cbtls_verify. As said above some strangely (wrongfully?)
behaving client shouldn't be able to crash the authentication server
but it looks curious. Perhaps someone might find that information

K. Hoercher

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Re: configuration problem in Freeradius.

2006-11-19 Thread K. Hoercher


Assuming you don't have a user/passwd johndoe/hello in your
/etc/passwd (see comment in lines above the matching DEFAULT l. 157)
your debug output shows a correctly working freeradius.

Speculating further: if you like to have an Access-Accept on that test
without creating a system user johndoe you should add something

johndoe User-Password:=hello

to the users file (preferably before l. 157, see man users and the
comments in the file itself)

Anything else would require your telling us so. (What do you want to
achieve, by which means, what is the behaviour of the server?)

K. Hoercher
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Re: distinction between users on different AP (talking to the same radius server)

2006-11-19 Thread K. Hoercher

On 11/19/06, liran tal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I want to spread several access points in different locations (they all talk
to a central radius) and then i want to distinct one location from another
for example user foo can login from either location but id like to make the
distinction from which ap he got connected from... whats the best way to do

I won't assert something about the following being the best way, but I
would normally think of some rules in hints and/or users file matching
on pertinent combinations of User-Name, NAS-IP-Address,
Called-Station-Id etc. depending on the setup you actually want to

I was thinking of one method which is to configure in each AP a different
subnet mask for the DHCP allocations
and then make the distinction based on that but I'm looking for a more
elegant way.

As a side note to that: while I don't have a clear understanding of
what the meaning of different subnet masks in that context could
possibly be, under sort of normal circumstances dhcp would happen
after users' machines associate/authenticate on an ap.

K. Hoercher
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Re: distinction between users on different AP (talking to the same radius server)

2006-11-19 Thread K. Hoercher

On 11/19/06, liran tal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'll try to elaborate on this...
There are two access points deployed in two different locations, they both
speak to a central radius sever,
it looks like this:

AP1 - DHCP Address Pool
AP2 - DHCP Address Pool

ah ok. (nitpick: so the subnet mask /24 is not different, the subnets are *g*)

Now, say user foo got connected to AP1, in the logs I will see he received
so I will know for a fact that the user is conneccting from AP1 rather than

Which log? Again, as the issueing of dhcp leases would happen after
the associating/authenticating of the user's machine I would not
expect Framed-IP-Address  to be tranmitted in an Access-Request from
an ap to be acted on by freeradius. Actually the other way round would
be more common, freeradius sending that attribute to the ap. Maybe it
could be part of an accounting message sent by the ap, but that would
also be to late to base authentication decisions on in any sane way.

If you happen to have such setup nevertheless, could you show the
freeradius debug output?

So I'm asking if there's a better way to do this rather than by configuring
different subnets on the dhcp server of the APs.
A NASIPAddress is actually a good solution but I'm not going with that cause
I can't be sure that it's a static one (some APs
receive their wan interface address by DHCP which may vary all the time).

Not freeradius related: Does every AP use/have its own dhcpd for the
users? If so, they should ensure that no confliciting leases get out
by means of relaying to a central server, coordinating between
themselves, assigning different ranges of ips or just keeping the
leases on different subnets (the last beeing not the best approach, I
think, and would also not be needed for freeradius as I tried to
explain already and will do, hopefully more completely, below).

Ok, so the mentioned combinations would include NAS-IP-Address to be
not part of them. I was talking in general about possible already
existing choices you could watch out for.

To do that even more: As to your wish to distinct, what are your
needs related to that distinction:
authentication/authorization/accounting? As long as your aps send
anything as part of the radius protocol, which is specific to them
(which is quite probable) and known a priori (which might rule out
NAS-IP-Address, (but why not dhcping fixed addresses, or at least
different ranges to them? etc. as completely dynamic ips for aps look
a bit awkward to me, not only for the problem at hand))  in the
different messages to freeradius, that entitiy can be used (where/how
depends on the purpose) to decide between different alternatives.

So any other ideas...

Not really, I would still uphold my statement previously made. To
perhaps clarify it a bit: Yes, of course you can configure freeradius
to act differently on different inputs. Any more specific suggestions
could only arise from you telling what the aps do (other than putting
users on different subnets, which is possible too, but not desireable
I think) ; more to the point: what (which attributes) do they send in
which situations, and what reaction you want in those situations.

K. Hoercher
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Re: EAP-TTLS problem at phase 1

2006-10-21 Thread K. Hoercher


as mentioned in various places in the documentation and countless
times on this list:

On 10/21/06, Rafiqul Ahsan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Here is my users file :

testuser Auth-Type := EAP, User-Password := testuser

DEFAULT Auth-Type := EAP

Dont't set Auth-Type

Here is the radius log (only shown the failed part)

rlm_fastusers:  checking defaults^M
  fastusers: Matched DEFAULT at 6^M
  modcall[authorize]: module fastusers returns updated for request 1^M
modcall: leaving group authorize (returns updated) for request 1^M
  rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type EAP^M
auth: type EAP^M
  Processing the authenticate section of radiusd.conf^M
modcall: entering group authenticate for request 1^M
 rlm_eap: Either EAP-request timed out OR EAP-response to an unknown
  rlm_eap: Failed in handler^M
  modcall[authenticate]: module eap returns invalid for request 1^M
modcall: leaving group authenticate (returns invalid) for request 1^M

Thats pretty much non-informative. In case, the above fix does not yet
yield the desired results, provide the full debug output.

K. Hoercher
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Re: EAP-TTLS problem at phase 1

2006-10-21 Thread K. Hoercher


ok, i played around a bit and found EAP-TTLS working with no
particular problems.

On 10/21/06, Rafiqul Ahsan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

testuser User-Password := testuser

looks ok, but I'm not absolutely sure about the quotation marks for
the username, they are not needed in any case.

the error was about no matching anonymous_identity, and thats why I had to
have a DEFAULT entry after this with Auth-Type :=EAP.

As you didn't show that error one cannot check for it's real cause.
Everything else correctly configured you don't need that setting (and
it might be actually wrong depending on circumstances).

Do you suggest any particular format of my users file ? Please note, the
phase 1 user identity is anonymous_identity, and phase 2 user/passwd is

I did take note. So, take an unaltered users file and just add your
line as mentioned above.
Something I found in your previous post led to an failure here. Use
instead of

modcall: entering group authenticate for request 1^M
rlm_eap: Either EAP-request timed out OR EAP-response to an unknown

That does look strange (and might indicate your real problem), if it
still persists with the suggested changes it might be useful to dig
further into that. Perhaps you could add another -x to the freeradius
invocation to get timestamps on the logfile.

K. Hoercher
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Re: Cisco AP, FreeRADIUS and Fedora Directory Server

2006-10-16 Thread K. Hoercher

On 10/16/06, Mustafa Şenay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Same password works when binding to LDAP server from different client
applications, sucha as GQ. So I'm pretty sure that password is

That doesn't mean it works for PEAP too (probably not). See below.

I'm not sure that how will RADIUS server know to check password
against LDAP server while EAP is in place?

It's not so much EAP in general, but the PEAP (i.e. MSCHAPv2 part).
However search this list's archive, see documentation etc. and the
pertinent parts of the server's debug output you still chose not to
provide here.

K. Hoercher

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Re: Cisco AP, FreeRADIUS and Fedora Directory Server

2006-10-15 Thread K. Hoercher


On 10/15/06, Mustafa Şenay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

according to ldap_howto found in freeradius documentation. I managed
to authorize users but authentication doesn't work. Here is the log of

Hm, well, sort of, as you get:

  rlm_eap_peap: Session established.  Decoding tunneled attributes.
  rlm_eap_peap: Received EAP-TLV response.
  rlm_eap_peap: Tunneled data is valid.
  rlm_eap_peap:  Had sent TLV failure.  User was rejcted rejected
earlier in this session.

Probably wrong password. One cannot really be sure as you left out
those earlier in this session parts of the _full_ debug output.

K. Hoercher

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Re: WPA authentication works but take very log time

2006-10-14 Thread K. Hoercher


On 10/13/06, Giuseppina Venezia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,
I'm using freeradius 1.1.3 with PEAP and EAP-TTLS,the authentication
using MacOS works but the time spent from when the client insert
username and password until the moment when the user is authenticated

Sorry, I don't understand  ...when the client insert... fully. Do
you mean the time the user actually enters those to some dialog? Maybe
it would be helpful if you added another -x to the invocation of
freeradius to obtain time stamps in the debug log.

I attach the log of the first 6 request reveiced by radius server:

As I told you in another thread, those first 6 requests are part of
the ongoing EAP negotiation. To sort out any timing problems it would
be helpful to show the log at least up to the point when the server
sends either Access-Accept or Access-Reject.

K. Hoercher
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Re: mysql and Auth-Type:=Reject Problem

2006-10-13 Thread K. Hoercher


On 10/12/06, Norbert Wegener [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What do I have to change to make that work?

Sorry, that's a bit too much at the moment. But for starters: setting
Auth-Type (assuming that this is one of the cases it actually makes
sense) as a reply item (i.e. by virtue of coming from radreply table)
won't work. See doc/processing_users_file, doc/aaa.txt, man users

K. Hoercher
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Re: TLS handshaking problem

2006-10-13 Thread K. Hoercher


maybe a few helpful notes:

On 10/12/06, Giuseppina Venezia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've seen that in the firts request, TLS give an error (
TLS_accept:error in SSLv3 read client certificate A ) but in the third
request (whit the same login) it works.
What's wrong?

TLS_accept:error isn't really an error here, just an error message
not to worry about (see the list archives).

The different reuqests/challenges are part of the ongoing EAP
mechanism (normally consisting of approx. 5-15 in either direction).
So after the third one:

SSL Connection Established

means just that, it's not a successful auth yet.
If configured/working correctly, the next challenge sent by freeradius
would be the requiring the client (meaning supplicant) to provide the
users's credentials inside the now established SSL layer (inside EAP
transmitted inside RADIUS protocol from the client (here meaning nas,
i.e. apparently chillispot)).

Apparently you cut the freeradius debug here, as the chillispot claims:

Received access reject from radius server

which doesn't show up in freeradius debug output as being sent.

So, whatever (really) fails, is further down the line. You should check that.

K. Hoercher
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Re: Multiple instances of the exec module

2006-10-13 Thread K. Hoercher

On 10/13/06, Les Brinkworth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am lost as to where or maybe how this definition is done.  If I
duplicate the exec module in the actual section, RadiusD complains about
'wait' not being defined.

Just a guess (as you didn't provide any output):
The error (more of a warning) is something like ...Wait=yes but no
output defined...?
So check for the subsequent comment in the definition of an exec
instance called echo. Which should also serve as an example how to
define different instances, which would then be called in the actual
section by their name.

K. Hoercher
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Re: Mobile Phones Radius Authentications

2006-10-13 Thread K. Hoercher


On 10/13/06, nsuralullec [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there any similar cases thats being resolved?


If you are interested in answers with a little more content you should
provide more data than the equivalent of It doesn't work as
mentioned in the FAQ, INSTALL (provided you even talk about
freeradius) etc. and almost daily on this list. Even if someone would
know anything more specific than me, I think (s)he would consider it
too burdensome to reply to such a broad question.

K. Hoercher
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Re: Multiple instances of the exec module

2006-10-13 Thread K. Hoercher

On 10/13/06, Les Brinkworth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How does one define two instances of exec with different names that can
be called from other sections?

Aaah, now it gets a bit more clear to me. You should take into account
the comments at the beginning of the modules{} section. That would
lead to something like:

Code snippet from Modules section of radiusd.conf...

exec doacctfoo {

wait = yes
program = handlebillingrequests.exe ACCR:%Z
input_pairs = request
output_pairs = reply
packet_type = Accounting-Request

...This executes for an accounting request

If I then add the same code to the authorize section...

ah no, that won't work. you just put it into the modules{} too with
analogous change:

exec dorequestfoo {

wait = yes
program = handlebillingrequests.exe AUTR:%Z
input_pairs = request
output_pairs = reply
packet_type = Access-Request
} results in the following when I run debug

radiusd.conf[1527] Unknown module rcode 'wait'.
radiusd.conf[1513] Failed to parse authorize section.

Ok, that confuses freeradius way to much, as that is not the place to
define module instances (see above), especially when another one (the
unnamed one) already is present.

But you can now put the named defined ones in the appropriate section e.g.

authorize {

accounting {

There might be other ways of doing it, (using the same module, but
changing the called program, so it can cope with both tasks
accordingly) but keeping it simple at first and following the
recommendations in the comments looks preferable, at least until you
get some working config.

K. Hoercher
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Re: logs: invalid Message-Authenticator! (Shared secret is incorrect.)

2006-10-13 Thread K. Hoercher


On 10/13/06, YvesDM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Looks pretty obvious, though, I'm sure the shared secret is correct in my
clients.conf and in the chillispot configuration.
Any hints?

Well, as you said yourself, it looks pretty obvious. But as it would
be extremely unlikely for both statements to be true, I'd suggest (in
no particular order):

Check clients.conf for eventual more specific entries overriding those
for subnets. Does some sql reading of nas's set another secret? Do the
alleged correct config files get actually used by freeradius (been
there, done that *g*).

Something to those effects regarding chilli.conf.

Some of that might have been ruled out/in already, had you provided
the full debug output and pertinent snippets from your config.

Sniff the radius traffic, and check validity manually. See src/lib/hmac.c

K. Hoercher
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Re: Windows Vista doing PEAP

2006-10-11 Thread K. Hoercher


On 10/10/06, King, Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm assuming it built it that way.

Anways, here's what I got following those direcitons  (Which is what
leads me to think the symbols go stripped)

If you look at or around line 188, there should be dh_strip, which
normally does live up to its name, i.e. stripping binaries off what it
considers unneeded symbols. For building a debugging package let
DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS contain nostrip.

Uh, on a side note the ifeq/endif construct around seems unneeded to
me, as dh_strip should honor nostrip internally.

K. Hoercher
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Re: Decisionmaking in FreeRADIUS Check/Reply Items

2006-10-11 Thread K. Hoercher

On 10/11/06, Jan Mulders [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello list,

I am trying to use the 'files' module of Freeradius to do
decisionmaking, based on information pulled in from the sql module,
and the sqlcounter thing.

I'm not really knowing much about that. But a quick glance over the
provided bits leads to a few internal huh?s

You don't seem to actually use files anywhere.  Where do you use
monthlybytecounter? And those references to the (allegedly)
Pool-Names in post-auth{} and accounting {} look strange too.

Putting that aside for the moment, (as it doesn't even get that far).

First off, is this the right way of doing this? I want to assign users
a different Pool-Name for  each assigned speed, and send
Max-Download-Speed and Max-Upload-Speed vendor-specific variables to
the client on each request.

My actual problem relates to the following errors, pulled from radiusd -X:

But... but... the bottom 3 attributes *aren't* check attributes! I
want to *set* them! Or am I getting entirely the wrong end of the
stick here?

hm, well, they _are_! You might not want them to be so, but...
1. Pool-Name is in freeradius.internal dictionary, so you shouldn't
mess with that.
2. The other ones produce the same message from lines 195ff in
rlm_files.c. I don't find them in the provided dictionaries. Where\how
do you define them? Obviously they are encoded to a range reserved for
non-reply items and the exception for VSA doesn't kick in.


radiusd.conf: files modules aren't allowed in 'post-auth' sections
-- they have no such method.
radiusd.conf[327] Failed to parse post-auth section.

is quite clear.

Can somebody point out how these rules are meant to be arranged, and
perhaps how I could do this in sql? It's all quite confusing.

Uh, as much as I could infer, you should get rid of this Pool-Name.
Afaik it is unneeded for the purpose of sending back reply attributes
in general as it has to do with ippools.

Provide a sane dictionary for the other two attributes.

Please check man 5 users, the comments in radius.conf at the top of
sqlcounter stanza. Roughly put, you should append monthlybytecounter
and files to authenticate {}, get rid of files 512* etc and
probably sql in post-auth{} and minus sql in accounting{}. Make
small changes and check how they work by looking at debug output.

Then you could contemplate putting the logic in users file to sql tables.

K. Hoercher
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Re: Decisionmaking in FreeRADIUS Check/Reply Items

2006-10-11 Thread K. Hoercher

On 10/11/06, K. Hoercher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

and files to authenticate {}, get rid of files 512* etc and

to authorize{} of course.

Sorry for that.
K. Hoercher
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Re: Freeradius + OpenLDAP - user password problem

2006-09-22 Thread K. Hoercher


On 9/22/06, Tilen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello, it's me again, did you miss me? :)
Thing is, i tried to make 2nd freeradius server
(eap-peap,mschapv2,openldap), with same setup and i configured it exact same
way, but i get this when i try to connect:

Welcome back to our regular program *g*,

Well, while your supplicant keeps sending EAP Type Identity requests,
radius keeps answering them with EAP (Type PEAP) START messages. Why
they don't get answered properly (TLS Client Helo inside EAP) by your
supplicant is not really a freeradius problem. You might check (again)
the usual suspects: oid's in certs on supplicant, reception of
Access-Request there, time, MS foo (they sound familiar somehow *g*)

K. Hoercher
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Re: Freeradius + OpenLDAP - user password problem

2006-09-22 Thread K. Hoercher

On 9/22/06, K. Hoercher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

the usual suspects: oid's in certs on supplicant, reception of

ah, for peap, of course you only need a proper root ca cert there.
Anyways it doesn't look like that gets even relevant.

K .Hoercher
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Re: Problem configuration eap-tls

2006-09-22 Thread K. Hoercher


hm, the _full_ debugging output (-X as has been time and time again
been mentioned here, faq, etc.) would show, where exactly freeradius
wants to read that file. No such file or directory does point pretty
strong into the direction of the problem one would think.

K. Hoercher
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Re: EAP-Problem

2006-09-22 Thread K. Hoercher


hm digging around in the source I'm not able to really isolate a cause
for that behaviour with certainity. Would you care to provide (in
order of descending helpfulness):
- full debug output (all ongoing requests and challenges)
- including the EAP-Message contents
- users file, eap.conf
- debug log of supplicant
- some beer (should be further up *g*)

K. Hoercher
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Re: freeradius stops with hostapd

2006-09-21 Thread K. Hoercher


uh not sure, but you seem to have mixed up the installation by using
the .deb (most prominent change: uses /etc/freeradius as configuration
place) and having some libraries lying around in

 main: libdir = /usr/local/lib

probably from building and installing from the tarball.

I'm not sure if that contributes to the problem, but it would be
easier (at least for me) to spot something if you talk about/show logs
from a clean and consistent environment.

On 9/21/06, Michał Prochaczek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ready to process requests.
rad_recv: Accounting-Request packet from host, id=1,
Acct-Status-Type = Accounting-Off
Acct-Authentic = RADIUS
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Identifier = localhost
Called-Station-Id = 00-04-47-50-1A-1F:test
Acct-Terminate-Cause = NAS-Reboot
  Processing the preacct section of radiusd.conf
modcall: entering group preacct for request 0

Which version of hostapd is that? Perhaps it might me useful to forego
the accounting (comment out the lines auth_server_* in hostapd.conf)
for the moment and check if the remaining parts work.

K. Hoercher

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Re: EAP-Problem

2006-09-20 Thread K. Hoercher

On 9/20/06, Florian Prester [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Also I have some questions about eap at all. How should it work
correctly. because I see up to 10 Authentication-Requests until the
client is authenticated correctly. For example the client wants to do
EAP-PEAP (Windows-client), but the radius says EAP-NAK:
  rlm_eap: Request found, released from the list
  rlm_eap: EAP NAK
 rlm_eap: EAP-NAK asked for EAP-Type/peap
  rlm_eap: processing type tls
  rlm_eap_tls: Initiate
  rlm_eap_tls: Start returned 1
  modcall[authenticate]: module eap returns handled for request 231
modcall: leaving group authenticate (returns handled) for request 231
Sending Access-Challenge ...
Finished request 231

What does it mean? Can I tune the process?

My guess would be, that your default_eap_type in eap.conf is not set
to peap. So your supplicant (XP) is sending the NAK (not the server,
it just logs that it got the NAK) to get the server to use peap.
Depending on your needs you could change it. That's a normal part of
EAP. As is the sending back and forth of Access-Requests and
Access-Challenges to negotiate the details inherent to EAP.

rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=35,
NAS-Port-Id = 2059/1
Calling-Station-Id = 00-15-00-01-C0-D1
Called-Station-Id = 00-0B-0E-15-3D-80:FAU-STAFF
Service-Type = Framed-User
User-Name = unrz06
State = 0x...
EAP-Message = 0x...
NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
NAS-Identifier = Trapeze
NAS-IP-Address =
Message-Authenticator = 0x...

The username looks like a machine name for Do you
intend to use machine authentication? If so, what does a succesful
request look like? Note, that it seems to only find matching DEFAULT
entries, so peap would be impossible, as no User-Password is known to
freeradius. Otherwise, you should check your XP setup to use the
intended username/password credentials combo.

K. Hoercher
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Re: XT Radius to Free Radius

2006-09-07 Thread K. Hoercher


I just looked at it in 1.1.3. I found the same behaviour you noted,
when the script had not the execute permission. If you put the
equivalent into an exec stanza in the main config file, that does
loudly complain about not being able to run the script and then denies
access therefore. After fixing that, I retried with users file again
and then it behaved as wanted, allowing on exit code 0, denying on
other codes (ok, just tested -1).

K. Hoercher
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Re: WPA/RADIUS Problems

2006-09-06 Thread K. Hoercher


I won't comment on the relative merits of I don't know how, but it
works for me in my little universe vs Lots of reading, complex,
perhaps trial-and-error-prone configuration but immensly versatile
styles different people obiously think differently about.,

On 9/6/06, Alexandros Gougousoudis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The server includes a debian directory, whixch is used to build
debian packages.

I tried that with source-install of the deb, but compilation fails on
sarge and unstable, bug list is full on, so I'am not the only
one who had this problem. I think at least the eap module relies on some
lib which is not GPL and not included into Debian and they try to move
around it. But FR without EAP is at least for me useless.

I did not try the debian dir of the official tar of, I

But that is going just too far, let me set the record straight:

1. Building packages with eap on pre-sarge and later on for released
sarge used to be a bit awkward but doable and has improved much over

2. debian maintainers of freeradius imho do a great job in providing
working and policy conformant packages.

3. debian source package builds on unstable without problem here. And
it provides a minimal intrusive way of enabling ssl and postgres
related stuff.

4. Although not the way intended by debian in general, the upstream
tarball contains a debian dir (as noted), which, at least, leads to
compiling, package building with the proper tools (just tested).
Sorry, I didn't check functionality , but I suppose there won't be any
problerms until shown otherwise. And you suggested compilation errors,
which doesn't hold true.

5. does
only list 1 minor bug (which might be considered whishlist) and 4
wishlist bugs, ancient or left there for reference purposes.

6. Technically, the needed libssl-dev is part of debian, but because
of alleged license problems (which this list and many other searchable
places contain lots of information about) freeradius in debian is not
linked against it.

Ok, enough defend-debian-mode for now. :)

K. Hoercher
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Re: Problems getting eap-mschapv2 working.

2006-09-04 Thread K. Hoercher

On 9/4/06, Ian Walker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

however, there is no default/sample config that tells me how mschapv2 should

hmhm. the very default eap.conf says inter alia:
#  This takes no configuration.
mschapv2 {

Do you still encounter problems? If so, would you please follow the
various FAQ,  hints in doc etc. and provide a debug output.

Oh, and btw a quick test with 1.1.3 shows that at least with that, the
statement about the (unconditional) need for configuration of the main
mschap module doesn't hold.

K. Hoercher
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Re: Everything lookslike it works, but PC is not authentified

2006-09-04 Thread K. Hoercher

On 9/4/06, Alexandros Gougousoudis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I read that again and again, but I already have these OID in the certs.
Here a dump of my server-cert:

No, you don't.
from Alan's post:

while TLS Web Server Authentication is
and TLS Web Client Authentication is

What else could be a problem? How do you guys handle the
host/netbiosname problem? Could that brake the cert?

Currently that doesn't even get considered, as according to your log
you don't check for the CN. Afaik you might strip it by using the
with_ntdomain_hack directive.

Further changes changes depend on the eap type you want to use. I have
already asked about that.

K. Hoercher
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Re: Problems getting eap-mschapv2 working.

2006-09-04 Thread K. Hoercher

just to avoid confusion:

On 9/4/06, K. Hoercher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Oh, and btw a quick test with 1.1.3 shows that at least with that, the
statement about the (unconditional) need for configuration of the main
mschap module doesn't hold.

That's nonsense, I just messed up different test setups. It looked
strange, but I was in a hurry and so didn't check carefully, sorry for

K. Hoercher
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Re: Everything lookslike it works, but PC is not authentified

2006-09-01 Thread K. Hoercher


On 9/1/06, Alexandros Gougousoudis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

My users files contains that:

testuserUser-Password == test2

host/vinfo-t1  Auth-Type:= EAP

vinfo-t1  Auth-Type:= EAP

# On no match, the user is denied access.
DEFAULT Auth-Type := Reject
 Reply-Message = Bye

1. Don't set Auth-Type. See

2. Further action depends on what you want (eap-tls or
eap-peap/mschapv2), eventually the CN in your client's certificates
and finally what the supplicant sends. What is host/vinfo-t1
supposed to be?

K. Hoercher
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Re: EAP-TLS multi clients

2006-08-31 Thread K. Hoercher


Well, as I have already told you, you should look for information
regarding ssl (so, is a most prominent starting point),
which isn't a freeradius issue and as such is off topic here.

In any event, even if it were, to keep pounding this list, because
nobody did serve immediately to your needs, is considered not very

K. Hoercher
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Re: Difference between Auth-type=System and Auth type=Local

2006-08-31 Thread K. Hoercher

On 8/31/06, ys.hsia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Why ? any \one can help ?

Had you followed the advice in the FAQ,
you and perhaps even the readers would perhaps have been able to
answer the question.

Furthermore the contents of users file do contain information as to
those Auth-Types. And to forestall further problems, please keep in

K. Hoercher
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Re: certificate issue

2006-08-31 Thread K. Hoercher

On 8/31/06, Kartthik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I ran the CA.all script, before it issues the 2nd certificate i get this
error message. Surely i know someone should have faced this issue, could


Using configuration from /usr/local/openssl/ssl/openssl.cnf


failed to update database
TXT_DB error number 2

I suspect the index.txt for the generated CA being not writeable/not
present. On rechecking the CA.all script I find it a bit fragile with
respect to local environments. As ist would be nice (judging from
numerous reports about problems users encounter due to certificate
issues) to provide a known (almost always) working set of generation
tools, I'm contemplating a few improvements just now.

K. Hoercher
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Re: why radacctid is the primary key of radacct table instead of acctuniqueid ?

2006-08-31 Thread K. Hoercher

On 8/31/06, Santiago Balaguer García [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  why radacctid is the primary key of radacct table instead of acctuniqueid

accuniqueid is a configurable item (as in might not be present).
Furthermore depending on the configuration (see radiusd.conf) it tries
to be unique but isn't guaranteed to be so (at least in default

K. Hoercher

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Re: FreeRADIUS crashes after EAP/PEAP authentication

2006-08-30 Thread K. Hoercher

Well, the *full* output would have been helpful (including the startup
messages). And a backtrace from the coredump.

K. Hoercher
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Re: Freeradius + OpenLDAP - user password problem

2006-08-30 Thread K. Hoercher

On 8/30/06, Tilen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ok i really don't get it. I made all certificates myself using only openssl
(no scripts) and entered path to them in TLS part of the eap.conf file.
CA, server cert.., everything is there in the same directory (in my case -
CERTS, with big letters) (how would i sign certificate if i wouldn't create
CA first?). And i don't have CA.all file at all :\ Files i'm using:

 cacert.pem-- this is my CA
 newcert.pem   -- and this is my server cert

Your supplicant is sending an TLS Alert Message, because _it_ cannot
find a CA certificate. What you are talking about is the freeradius
side of things which looks alright at first glance.
And if you don't get it to work, please first check with demo
certficates to be generated by the CA.all script.

K. Hoercher
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Re: EAP-TLS multi clients

2006-08-29 Thread K. Hoercher

On 8/29/06, Lazzarini Matteo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have used three scripts to generate certs root, server and client (with
 They exist of the certs for multi clients to use for eap-tls?


Which scripts? I'm not sure what your last sentence means. Afaik you
should give out one (client) certificate per user.

Whats the debugging output?

Supposing it's the *same* problem as with your previous tests
regarding eap-peap/mschapv2 did you check for the hint Alan gave?

Furthermore the whole range suggested in [EMAIL PROTECTED]
might be useful. (regarding #1, please see ). While
perhaps being the most cumbersome, a full capture like suggested might
be also most instructive.

The nas log you showed in [EMAIL PROTECTED] sadly
isn't very concise. But as it somehow mentiones an EAP-Response with
your desired username, it would be good to know if/when/how it sends
those out to freeradius, as they seem to get lost. So capturing the
traffic between nas and freeradius would be a good idea also.

If that doesn't give yourself any clues, I'd suggest providing url's
where to download those informations. Please don't try to put some
digested information into an line mangling mua or an eventually
similar way of making it unnecessary hard to look into it for those
trying to help.

K. Hoercher
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Re: Freeradius + OpenLDAP - user password problem

2006-08-29 Thread K. Hoercher

On 8/29/06, Tilen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
So here comes something really weird:

 Waking up in 6 seconds...
 rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=0,
 User-Name = test
 NAS-IP-Address =
 Called-Station-Id = 00401013
 Calling-Station-Id = 000e3557c74e
 NAS-Identifier = 00401013
 NAS-Port = 30
 Framed-MTU = 1400
 State = 0x123b5c7e213692f7121dbe4052274024

 NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
 EAP-Message = 0x02020011198715030100020230
 Message-Authenticator =

   Processing the authorize section of radiusd.conf
 modcall: entering group authorize for request 2

That's a tls1.0 Alert message the part 1503 Therefore the
openssl lib bails out of further processing as specified in RFC2246.
Thats (arguably somewhat hard to understand) also mentioned int the
3447:error:14094418:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:tlsv1 alert unknown
ca:s3_pkt.c:1052:SSL alert number 48
3447:error:140940E5:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:ssl handshake

So your client wasn't able to fiind a correct CA certificate for the
cert freeradius had sent before. Please see to provide those. If in
doubt, check with dummy ones to be created by CA.all script.

K. Hoercher
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Re: sqlcounter

2006-08-29 Thread K. Hoercher

On 8/29/06, Fabiano Martins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've benn searching with no sucess about this... It's frustrating...
there is no documents about.

Perhaps the looking into the very obscure doc/rlm_sqlcounter file
helps, although it' not DOC for some strange reason.

K. Hoercher
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Re: PEAP/MSCHAPv2 authentication problems

2006-08-25 Thread K. Hoercher


Uh, hm, looks like this weird Either EAP-request timed out OR
EAP-response to an unknown... isn't happening here. Even if it were,
it would be much easier, if you provided the pcap capture file either
as attachment or downloadable file somewhere else.

If that doesn't reoccur, would you please check for the OID's in your
certificates  windows thinks are the proper ones. And something Alan
mentioned about a ms knowledgebase hint concerning xp sp2 having
problems with non-MS radius servers. (I'm looking for it myself atm)

K. Hoercher
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Re: EAP PEAP, unable to load certificate

2006-08-24 Thread K. Hoercher

On 8/25/06, Nick Larsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 tls: certificate_file = (null)

You have to fill in this information. See the comment in eap.conf
above the pertinent line.

K. Hoercher
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Re: PEAP/MSCHAPv2 authentication problems

2006-08-23 Thread K. Hoercher

On 8/22/06, sheng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There's a strange problem: each time the client send a request, the server
tries to read the client certificate on the supplicant. I think it's very
strange considering that no client certificate is needed for peap/mschapv2.
This event is recorded in the handshake phase on the radius logfile(I've
listed it in the below). It seems the handshake phase fails because the
server cann't read the client certificate.


TLS_accept:error in SSLv3 read client certificate A
rlm_eap: SSL error error::lib(0):func(0):reason(0)
In SSL Handshake Phase
In SSL Accept mode
  eaptls_process returned 13
  rlm_eap_peap: EAPTLS_HANDLED


if you are referring to the quoted part, that' not a problem. Roughly
put: openssl just mentiones that it wasn't able to check the client
cert (which is possible, but unneeded for eap-peap).

Finished request 3
Going to the next request
Waking up in 6 seconds...
--- Walking the entire request list ---
Cleaning up request 2 ID 19 with timestamp 44e9e42f
Cleaning up request 3 ID 138 with timestamp 44e9e42f
Nothing to do.  Sleeping until we see a request.
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=137,
 Acct-Session-Id = 67671438
 NAS-Port = 1
 NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
 User-Name = alcatel
 Calling-Station-Id = 00-0E-35-89-71-E0
 Called-Station-Id = 00-03-52-01-84-7D
 EAP-Message = 
 State = 0x091ad12235d4b0c91ca834c803d04ee0


modcall: entering group authenticate for request 4
rlm_eap: Request not found in the list
rlm_eap: Either EAP-request timed out OR EAP-response to an unknown
rlm_eap: Failed in handler

Which of the two cases mentioned in the debug output to your further
requests might be happening I'm not sure of. There seems to elapse
quite some time, before they come in after the challenge was sent out.
That looks curious.

As your included data got truncated on the list you might consider
resending it as attachment or use a pastebot and provide the link.

Maybe you could provide some sniffing on the wireless part (via
wireshark et al). That might be instructive in sorting out when who
did send what.

K. Hoercher
(Hopefully gmail really could not send this out, as it keept telling
me. Otherwise this must be the 5th reply, if so please excuse me.)
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Re: Freeradius + OpenLDAP - user password problem

2006-08-22 Thread K. Hoercher

On 8/22/06, Stuckzor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

try to login from XP client via Linksys wireless router i get error reading
client certificate messege from freeRadius. Since i don't need client


thats probably the linked in openssl complaining about not being able
to read the client certificate (which is unneeded as you already
noted). If so, it' s not an error with respect to freeradius eap
As you didn't provide meaningful output one cannot be sure of course...

K. Hoercher
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Re: Freeradius + OpenLDAP - user password problem

2006-08-22 Thread K. Hoercher

On 8/22/06, Stuckzor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

try to login from XP client via Linksys wireless router i get error reading
client certificate messege from freeRadius. Since i don't need client


thats probably the linked in openssl complaining about not being able
to read the client certificate (which is possible but unneeded as you
already noted). If so, it' s not an error with respect to freeradius
eap etc.
As you didn't provide meaningful output one cannot be sure of course...

K. Hoercher
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Re: Missing Attributes

2006-08-07 Thread K. Hoercher

On 8/7/06, Graham Beneke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   See the users file.

Correct me if I am wrong - but 'users' is not parsed when i'm using a
MySQL backend?
Pretty sure I disabled it in my setup.

Well, yes. But you have to put the equivalent in the pertinent tables,
wherefore you should contemplate the information contained in the
default users file. Actually, Alan didn't say you have to use it. *g*

K. Hoercher
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Re: Freeradius + OpenLDAP - user password problem

2006-08-03 Thread K. Hoercher

On 8/3/06, Stuckzor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

1.)I have ldap in authenticate section
2.)AUTH-TYPE set ot LDAP in users fileand
3.)MUST NOT have ldap under authorize section of radiusd.conf.

Only with this config i get access-accept with radtest (i tried all possible
combinations of those 3). I get this message otherwise:

rlm_ldap: no dialupAccess attribute - access denied by default

And with my working config i get already mentioned userPassword attribute
error. So, i'm afraid i don't even get so far, to have problems with
password encription.


OK, I'll give it a try.

1. Going far back in this thread, you said something about using
EAP-PEAP/MSCHAP. Therefore you are _required_ to have the cleartext
password in LDAP or in the alternative an equivalent hash (nt/lm) if
you want to use that.
If so, configure your ldap instance in radius.conf accordingly AND
include it in authorize{}. This was pointed out often enough one might
think (and from people who really know, because they wrote the
software you are trying to use). Then there will be no need for
explicit setting of Auth-Type. It has been said.

2. Even if you tried something else (EAP-TTLS for example) you were
already told how to proceed and how that relates to the need for
cleartext passwords. Even then there is no need for setting Auth-Type

3. If you insist on setting Auth-Type nevertheless, you will break
other things you obviously don't know about. There is plenty of
(perhaps even a bit too overwhelming) documentation on,
in the tarball, in the example configuration, this very list, etctetc.
Believe its contents. If you think their is a fault and you are wiser
show that precisely (NOT by reasoning in generalities stemming from
false assumptions on your side).

4. Whatever you test with radtest does not relate to EAP-PEAP/MSCHAP.
Please restart your efforts with unchanged default configuration
files. Alter them step-by-step according to the information you were
already given. And, sorry, don't whip a dead horse, again, by setting

K. Hoercher
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Re: help

2006-08-02 Thread K. Hoercher


you must be kidding or maybe you confounded the pertinent mailing lists or...
Provided there really is a problem with freeradius, please enlighten
us as to the debugging output of _it_ not just the nice but offtopic
one from hostapd.

K. Hoercher
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Re: issues with peap + tlv part 1

2006-07-27 Thread K. Hoercher

On 7/27/06, Damon McDougald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have gotten this to work with ntradping and
radtest...just not windows ce client.  It is an issue
with mschapv2 and ntlmv2.

As radtest doesn't know anything about peap (and a quick glance at
Novell's left me with the impression that ntradping doesn't  so
neither) you checked for something different, when that worked.

If you wish to enable EAP/PEAP you should follow the advice Alan gave
you (and as is documented). Otherwise try duplicating the setup for
your tests to your  environment (_not_ using EAP/PEAP) for whatever
purpose that fits.

But please stop throwing allegations about issues whith mschapv2 and
ntlmv2 (whatever that might be, at least it's not part of freeradius).

 K. Hoercher
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Re: Droping clients from radius (they are connected into radius but they are not connected in their houses)

2006-07-21 Thread K. Hoercher

There is no such thing as user remains connected into my radius
server. It's the client's (here PPPoE Server?) responsibility to act
accordingly. In particular it should eventually update the accounting
if a client/user is MIA. That might be near to the problem you are
refering to.

Best regards
K .Hoercher
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Re: Droping clients from radius (they are connected into radius but they are not connected in their houses)

2006-07-21 Thread K. Hoercher

On 7/21/06, Nataniel Klug [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I could not understand what you mean with this MIA. I will look for more
info into my PPPoE-Server.


ok, sorry about that bit of levity. I meant missing in action in
respect of your not connected users. As I said, freeradius doesn't
keep some state of connected users, if they really aren't serviced
anymore due to whatever circumstances, it doesn't know so unless told
by something (looks like the mentioned PPPoE server here).

As you didn't provide much detail I'm left to guessing around. So I
talked about the accounting function of freeradius as something which
might be seen as coming near to having a state by recording
information it *gets*.

So, if you cannot find suitable inforamtion in the documentation,
please consider asking more specifically and provide as much
information about your problem as possible.

best regards
K. Hoercher
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Re: Need help setting up PEAP authentication

2006-07-19 Thread K. Hoercher

On 7/19/06, Reynald Borer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Error: TLS_accept:error in SSLv3 read client certificate A
Error: rlm_eap: SSL error error::lib(0):func(0):reason(0)
Error: rlm_eap: SSL error error::lib(0):func(0):reason(0)
Info: rlm_eap_mschapv2: Issuing Challenge

That's no problem, provided you really try PEAP. It's just openssl
complaining that it can't verify the non-mandatory client's

So does someone have a working freeradius configuration to share with me
? Or some tips to get it working ?

Assuming you really listed all modified conf files, you should check #5.

(cited out of context)

Here is what is displayed in the logs (without verbose mode):

Anything else leads to much more if's and perhaps' an assuming's so
you should provide the debug output as mentioned in various docs.

K. Hoercher
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Re: Freeradius-1.1.1 with CRL configuration

2006-07-12 Thread K. Hoercher


In an somewhat related issue I found that c_rehash indeed only
generates the hash-named symlink to the first certificate/crl in a pem
file containing more than one of them.

So, yes, you need to do what you did, but it is not sufficient. You
could split the certificates, crls etc in different files and rehash
again or alternatively provide the necessary symlinks yourself, by
script or whatever suits you.

But this is not a freeradius an esp. no -devel problem, please check
openssl docs.

K. Hoercher
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Re: freeradius and certs

2006-06-23 Thread K. Hoercher

The .pem .p12 and .der are just typical endings of filenames
containing certs in different 'styles'. FR will use the .pem ones
(default in openssl, I think). windows in general is more easily
convinced to accept .der.

Assuming you talk about some eap-* usage, FR alone, in most
circumstances, will only need 1 root and 1 server certificate (might
be helpfully named root* and cert-srv*), encoded in PEM format, thus

Whatever you run as supplicant on what OS determines what sort of
client certificate (and eventually root certificate, perhaps in
different encoding than the one above) you need.

So depending on what you're actually trying to achieve, you only need
a subset of the3x3-matrix you listed.

 K. Hoercher
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Re: need help from FR gurus.

2006-06-09 Thread K. Hoercher

On 6/9/06, Abul Monsur Mannan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

rlm_sql (sql): 
is NOT an SQL driver!
radiusd.conf[14]: sql: Module instantiation failed.
radiusd.conf[1798] Unknown module sql.
radiusd.conf[1727] Failed to parse authorize section.

Is there any GURU  to help me out of this problem.

No guru needed up to now (not wanting to picture myself even remotely
as one *g*)
However it looks like you want some setup more closely related to a default one.
No need and most probably place for
in your sql.conf. Your should keep it to the provided rlm_sql_mysql
for now.

Furthermore you seem to rely on the compiled source tree of freeradius
as an installation. That doesn't provide a sane environment for
meaningful debugging. Please use a package provided by your
disrtrbution or do a make install in the alternative.

After that being done, please post a debugging output (freeradius -X
-A) and eventually relevant snippet of your configuration if problems
still exist. That should be the minimum effort on your side before
bothering the real guru(s) here.

 Klaus Hoercher
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: NAS table fields

2006-06-09 Thread K. Hoercher

On 6/9/06, Cliff Hayes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

For example, in the clients.conf file, the only required fields are SECRET
and SHORTNAME.  In the NAS table, SHORTNAME is optional (can be NULL), and
NASNAME cannot be NULL.  So, do I copy what I had in the clients.conf
SHORTNAME into the NAS table NASNAME?  If so, what is SHORTNAME FOR?

nasname is equivalent to a client stanza's name in clients.conf  as in
Defines a RADIUS client.  The format is 'client
Be sure that a hostname is resolvable at start time.

shortname equals shortname insofar :) Sometimes it gets printed out
(debug log, dialup admin) instead of the fq client name.

Also, what is COMMUNITY for?

Not sure, looks like being related to snmp stuff. If youd don't have
something like that now you will not need it.

Which fields are used by FreeRadius and which ones are just for reference?

Not sure, just wanted to supply few hints off my head

 Klaus Hoercher
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: revoking ca certificates

2006-06-04 Thread K. Hoercher

On 6/1/06, sumi thra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Any body knows how to revoke the certificates?  what changes needs to be
done in the freeradius eap.conf file.

No possible changes there will help you in that purpose. Having said
that, I'd like to provide some details I found while digging around
out of curiosity.

Unless mentioned otherwise I'm speaking of freeradius-1.1.1 (.deb
built using released debian subdir) and openssl 0.9.8b (debian/sid).
freeradius uses X509_V_FLAG_CRL_CHECK in
src/modules/rlm_eap/types/rlm_eap_tls/rlm_eap_tls.c which will only
check a crl for the last entity in a certificate chain according to .

I didn't find any spec/rfc/etc that commands this behaviour, but I
think of Dr Henson as being quite authoritative on that issue :)

So I tested an added (better: ORed) X509_V_FLAG_CRL_CHECK_ALL and got
the behaviour the OP wanted: checked crls for (all) CAs in a chain.
PEM ones worked.

While I'm not convinced that this makes sense for a (explicitly
trusted) root-CA (the revoked-to-be cert signs the revocation) I do
see a valid use case for honoring revoked intermediate CAs. Despite
RFC2716 6.1 speaking about revoked client certificates only, I think
it would be desirable to incorporate the rationale behind the whole
TLS stuff (RFC2246 D.3). Up to now I didn't look much further for
updated/contradicting related specifications. Any hints?

A quick look into 1.1.2 left me with the impression that nothing would
prevent the same modification there. But before eventually filing some
wishlist bug with a more detailed patch, I'd like to read some
comments on the whole issue, esp. concerning the following:

openssl ca -gencrl -keyfile ./privatekey.pem  -cert  cacert.pem  revoke
cacert.pem -out crl.pem

Not sure what OP is exactly doing here.
Presuming X509_V_FLAG_CRL_CHECK_ALL shall be used, should it also
honor crls for  root CAs (as it would do out of the box)? configurable
choice maybe?

Furthermore hash-linked crls for all possible CAs must be provided in
CA_path otherwise TLS will fail regardless of validity of offered

1. copied ca  crl to ./ directory( my ca  crl files are in current
directory )
2. c_rehash ./

tls {
CA_file = ./cacert.pem
CA_path = ./
check_crl = yes

I was too lazy to check if relative paths do work here. Checking with
absolute ones led to the following caveat: if you combine the needed
cr's in one file by concatenating c_rehash does only generate one
hashname link by virtue of 'openssl crl [...] -hash' providing only
(the first?) one. Adding the appropriately named missing ones manually
does work.

K. Hoercher
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See