client's shortname cast the real IP

2006-02-01 Thread Min Qiu

I have:

client {
  secret  = secretkey
  shortname = 10.1.2.x

The problem is the log has only 10.1.2.x, not the real NAS IP.  
However, taking the shortname out will generate error when the
radiusd runs.  What I can do to have the server log the real 
NAS ip.  Of cause, I don't want to do

client ...
client ...
client ...

I have FC4 and freeradius 1.0.4 installed



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RE: FreeRadius - setting up

2006-01-31 Thread Min Qiu
Fedora Core 4 has prebuild rpm freeradius-1.0.4.-1.FC4.1
yum install freeradius will do it.

Hope this will help,


 -Original Message-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Timolthy Keithy
 Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 4:19 PM
 Subject: FreeRadius - setting up
 Hi, I am trying to build the FreeRadius under Fedora
 Core 4, I found many info on how to buil FreeRadius on
 the Internet, which includes, and I
 tried several times and different info from websites
 but still without luck. 
 Anyone has any info with step-by-step on how to build
 the Freeradius from scratch please share or point to
 where I can obtain those correct info, I would like to
 set it to work with PEAP, LEAP, TLS, and TTLS.
 FreeRadius 1.x and OpenSSL, etc...
 Very appreciated in advance,
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RE: Problems System Auth with FreeRadius (/etc/shadow)

2006-01-26 Thread Min Qiu
You may read the doc wrong.  The group you should look for is 
radiusd.  When you create user radiusd, the group radiusd
should also be created if you use adduser command to do the job.
You don't what user radiusd belong to group root.  Do 
chgrp radiusd /etc/shadow.


 -Original Message-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nataniel Klug
 Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 3:57 PM
 To: FreeRadius users mailing list
 Subject: Re: Problems System Auth with FreeRadius (/etc/shadow)
 Now you have gived me a tip... At my Fedora there is no group 
 shadow, so I
 put radius to run as group root so it could read 
 /etc/shadow only if I set
 +r to group at shadow files.
 Nataniel Klug
 - Original Message - 
 To: FreeRadius users mailing list
 Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 3:37 PM
 Subject: Re: Problems System Auth with FreeRadius (/etc/shadow)
  Nataniel Klug [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I just have installed the package from Fedora Core 3, 
 nothing else.
Then look at the configuration file.  See how it's different from
  what is shipped with FreeRADIUS.
And setting a+rw on /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow is probaby the
  single worst thing you can do to your system.  EVER.  Rather than
  doing that, read raddb/radiusd.conf, it talks about issues with
  reading /etc/shadow, and describes suggested fixes won't 
 destroy your
Honestly, I don't understand why it's so hard to read the
  configuration files.
Alan DeKok.
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RE: Restricting access to a NAS

2006-01-24 Thread Min Qiu

I'm able to make it work by using huntgroups
   admin  NAS-IP-address =~ ^10\.1\.2\.# thanks a lot to Bjørn
  User-Name = admin1,
  User-Name = admin2,
and users
   admin1  Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == secret, Huntgroup-Name == 

I would asume that add a huntgroup in the check line would be 
the same with database backend.  Can you post your solution once 
you make it work?



-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Lewis Bergman
Sent: Tue 1/24/2006 12:01 PM
To: FreeRadius users mailing list
Subject: Re: Restricting access to a NAS
Laker Netman wrote:
 I have a Cisco 3660 router configured for dialup AAA
 through FR (1.0.5) to access our LAN.  I also have the
 login to the router itself, for admin, authenticating
 through FR (MySQL backend).
 The same DB is used for all auth, so currently anyone
 with a dialup account could also telnet into the
 router.  This leaves only my 'enable' password to
 prevent problems.
 I want to configure FR to eliminate this ability for
 all but a select group of users (admins). There are
 other devices I would like to add to the list later.
 I've been looking at huntgroups as the solution, but
 was unsure how (or if) this could be handled via sql
 rather than the users file.
 Is anyone doing this and could provide a sample config
I am not currently doing this but plan to tackle it by using something 
like a realm of admin when I do get to it. So a user needing admin privs 
would have to log in like [EMAIL PROTECTED] to get access.

Lewis Bergman
Texas Communications
4309 Maple St.
Abilene, TX 79602-8044
Off. 325-691-1301
Cell 325-439-0533
fax  325-695-6841
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NAS-IP-address == allowed?

2006-01-23 Thread Min Qiu

Again, newbie question that I failed to find the anwser 
from FAQ or wiki.

I would like to restrict user login by NAS-IP-address or
fqdn if possible.  Therefore I can restrict user to login 
a group of devices.

user1  Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == sceret, 
   NAS-IP-address ==

It works if NAS-IP-address ==, but that will
require ~250 entries in users file.  Can it be group into
/24 or is NAS-Network-address exist?  How about using DNS 
name, something like

user1  Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == sceret, 
   NAS-fqdn =~ /*.(core|edge).domain/

Thanks a lot,

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how to set crypted password in 'users' file?

2006-01-19 Thread Min Qiu
Hi all,

I'm able to make clear text password work by adding entry in 
'users' file:

  mqiuAuth-Type := Local, User-Password == clear-text

However, cut and past the crypted password from /etc/shadow to 
the entry failed:

  mqiuAuth-Type := Local, User-Password == $1$CWOjXm2v$dzjrc385t1iQXMN0

Change above Auth-Type to pam or unix does not work.  My
question is how to set an crypted password in 'users' file?  In 
addition, how to set different passwords for the same user in
different hosts? something like:

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]/24Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == pass1
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]/24Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == pass2
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]/24Auth-Type := Local, User-Password == passN

I have freeradius-1.0.4-1.FC4.1 installed.

Thanks a lot,


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