Can FAQ 6.10 please be fixed?

2007-11-08 Thread Jens Dreger

It took me a while to figure out that FAQ 6.10:

is simply no longer true. Checked the source: that option is gone. I
really really think that option should be there, though. I know there
is a shell script that starts a second server on a different port and
waits to see if it starts successfully. But that's also broken since
the -p Option doesn't seem to work in all cases:

~> strace -e bind freeradius -X -p 32768 2>&1 | grep port
 main: port = 1812
 listen: port = 0
bind(3, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(1812),   <
sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = -1 EADDRINUSE (Address
already in use)
/etc/freeradius/radiusd.conf[228]: Error binding to port for

Also, that approach is somewhat ridiculous considered the importance
of the radius server in our case.

I tried to change the Wiki entry but apparently I don't have permission
to do so. Can someone with write access to the Wiki please remove that
entry (or better, add the -C option back to freeradius ;)



Jens Dreger  Freie Universitaet Berlin
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Fachbereich Physik - ZEDV
Tel: +49 30 83854774 Arnimallee 14
Fax: +49 30 83855902 14195 Berlin
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Re: Can FAQ 6.10 please be fixed?

2007-11-08 Thread Alan DeKok
Jens Dreger wrote:
> is simply no longer true. Checked the source: that option is gone. I
> really really think that option should be there, though.

  It's not only hard to do, it can cause problems.

  i.e. opening *double* the connections to your SQL server.  That may be
an issue.

> I know there
> is a shell script that starts a second server on a different port and
> waits to see if it starts successfully. But that's also broken since
> the -p Option doesn't seem to work in all cases:

  In CVS head and in 1.1.x, you need to do '-i' and '-p' together.

> Also, that approach is somewhat ridiculous considered the importance
> of the radius server in our case.

  Yes.  But please understand that this is *not* apache.  FreeRADIUS has
1% (or less) of the resources that the apache team has.  And, the
integration between RADIUS and databases is *much* stronger and more
important than Apache.

  i.e. Apache can handle HUP && reload it's configuration because it
doesn't *do* anything.  It doesn't cache connections.  It doesn't
maintain a large number of connections to databases, etc.  It can afford
to start up a completely brand new instance of itself from scratch,
because there are almost no side-effects to doing so.

  In contrast, FreeRADIUS has to keep packet caches.  It usually has
large numbers of connections to database, etc.

  You can update the script to add "-i" to it.  After that it
*should* work, so long as you don't have limits on the number of
database connections, etc.

> I tried to change the Wiki entry but apparently I don't have permission
> to do so.

  Sign up for an account.  It's not open because of the massive volume
of spammers who were attacking it.

> Can someone with write access to the Wiki please remove that
> entry (or better, add the -C option back to freeradius ;)

  As always, patches are welcome.

  Alan DeKok.

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Re: Can FAQ 6.10 please be fixed?

2007-11-08 Thread A . L . M . Buxey


well, any talking of HUP'ing right now is bad joojoo.

I've just checked and you can do something like

radiusd -X -p 1890 -i

which will work fine - perhaps we should cook up another method of
checking the config is sane - using this sort of method for now.

several people have requested a 'check the config' option - a
new version of the -C option - i'm not sure what exact state
the parser is in...or if it would be easier to use another
utility - eg radiusd-chkconfig - which is solely primed for
running through the config files and checking it all works
but then not firing up - it just gives an exit code.

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Re: Can FAQ 6.10 please be fixed?

2007-11-08 Thread Jens Dreger
On Thu, Nov 08, 2007 at 11:24:36AM +0100, Alan DeKok wrote:
> Jens Dreger wrote:
> > is simply no longer true. Checked the source: that option is gone. I
> > really really think that option should be there, though.
>   It's not only hard to do, it can cause problems.
>   i.e. opening *double* the connections to your SQL server.  That may be
> an issue.
> > I know there
> > is a shell script that starts a second server on a different port and
> > waits to see if it starts successfully. But that's also broken since
> > the -p Option doesn't seem to work in all cases:
>   In CVS head and in 1.1.x, you need to do '-i' and '-p' together.
> > Also, that approach is somewhat ridiculous considered the importance
> > of the radius server in our case.
>   Yes.  But please understand that this is *not* apache.  FreeRADIUS has
> 1% (or less) of the resources that the apache team has.  And, the
> integration between RADIUS and databases is *much* stronger and more
> important than Apache.
>   i.e. Apache can handle HUP && reload it's configuration because it
> doesn't *do* anything.  It doesn't cache connections.  It doesn't
> maintain a large number of connections to databases, etc.  It can afford
> to start up a completely brand new instance of itself from scratch,
> because there are almost no side-effects to doing so.
>   In contrast, FreeRADIUS has to keep packet caches.  It usually has
> large numbers of connections to database, etc.

Ok, maybe i should rephrase my question: I'm not so much interested in
the HUP part, but the check-config part. I'm perfectly happy with
stopping and starting the radius-server IF I can make sure it will
succeed with the new config. I'm only changing the users file and
have no database connections at all so this should be doable. A tool
like radiusd-chkconfig (like bind offers) would probably be the right

I understand however that in a more complicated setup HUPs might be
>   You can update the script to add "-i" to it.  After that it
> *should* work, so long as you don't have limits on the number of
> database connections, etc.

...or hit a used port by accident. This script is just no elegant
solution. I guess I'll just have to keep two servers running on
different IPs and check if the test-server crashes with the new users
file before restarting the main server.

> > I tried to change the Wiki entry but apparently I don't have permission
> > to do so.
>   Sign up for an account.  It's not open because of the massive volume
> of spammers who were attacking it.

I tried. 'Create Account' just gives me a login screen with no way to
to create an account. Am I missing something?



Jens Dreger  Freie Universitaet Berlin
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Fachbereich Physik - ZEDV
Tel: +49 30 83854774 Arnimallee 14
Fax: +49 30 83855902 14195 Berlin
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: Can FAQ 6.10 please be fixed?

2007-11-08 Thread Alan DeKok
Jens Dreger wrote:
> Ok, maybe i should rephrase my question: I'm not so much interested in
> the HUP part, but the check-config part. I'm perfectly happy with
> stopping and starting the radius-server IF I can make sure it will
> succeed with the new config.

  It is easy to do a bad job of that.  It is very difficult to do a
*good* job.

> I'm only changing the users file and
> have no database connections at all so this should be doable. A tool
> like radiusd-chkconfig (like bind offers) would probably be the right
> thing.


> ...or hit a used port by accident. This script is just no elegant
> solution. I guess I'll just have to keep two servers running on
> different IPs and check if the test-server crashes with the new users
> file before restarting the main server.

  I'll see what I can do.  But it will be in CVS head (i.e. 2.0), and
not in 1.1.x.

>>> I tried to change the Wiki entry but apparently I don't have permission
>>> to do so.
>>   Sign up for an account.  It's not open because of the massive volume
>> of spammers who were attacking it.
> I tried. 'Create Account' just gives me a login screen with no way to
> to create an account. Am I missing something?

  No idea.  Peter Nixon runs that server, so email him.

  Alan DeKok.
List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Re: Can FAQ 6.10 please be fixed?

2007-11-11 Thread Peter Nixon
On Thu 08 Nov 2007, Alan DeKok wrote:
> > I tried. 'Create Account' just gives me a login screen with no way to
> > to create an account. Am I missing something?
>   No idea.  Peter Nixon runs that server, so email him.

I had to disable account creation due to spammers automatically creating 
large numbers of accounts with scripts. Mail me with a preferred username 
and I will set one up for you. (As can Alan and several other of the wiki 
admins on this list)


Peter Nixon

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