Re: Store message "Multiple logins" in MySQL.

2009-07-15 Thread Ivan Kalik
> The valuable information that I have is that it is restricted in
> radius.log
> Auth: Multiple logins (max 1) [MPP attempt]: [login @ realm.
> If it were possible to write the message "Multiple logins" in Database
> would
> be perfect, I suggested that the Kalik.

That would require (small) source code change. By default message is only
written to the log. You can add a line that places it into an attribute
that you can later use in post-auth query.

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

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Re: Store message "Multiple logins" in MySQL.

2009-07-15 Thread Daniel Aparecido Martins Rosa
Thanks Kalik, think about this possibility.

I use control simultaneous use using SQL, working perfectly. Why do I need
to provide an Web interface to the Help Desk, to report the reason for which
the user is not connected, and a generic message "Access-Reject" no
difference if the error during the authentication is "invalid username or
password"  or problem of simultaneous use.

The valuable information that I have is that it is restricted in radius.log
Auth: Multiple logins (max 1) [MPP attempt]: [login @ realm.

If it were possible to write the message "Multiple logins" in Database would
be perfect, I suggested that the Kalik.
Thank you.

Daniel Aparecido Martins Rosa

2009/7/15 Alan DeKok 

> Daniel Aparecido Martins Rosa wrote:
> > Hi All!
> > I need to register in a database when occurs simultaneous use. Currently
> > I stored by postauth_query through the variable '% (reply:
> > Packet-Type)', but the message is generic, ranging from Access-Reject or
> > Access-Accept.
>   Why?  Why not just use the simultaneous use queries && accounting logs
> from the default config?
> > When a connection occurs simultaneously,  The freeradius stores the
> > message "Access-Reject"
>   Because that's what you configured it to do.  If you don't want it to
> do that, don't configure SQL in the post-auth-type Reject section.
>  Alan DeKok.
> -
> List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See
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Re: Store message "Multiple logins" in MySQL.

2009-07-15 Thread Alan DeKok
Daniel Aparecido Martins Rosa wrote:
> Hi All!
> I need to register in a database when occurs simultaneous use. Currently
> I stored by postauth_query through the variable '% (reply:
> Packet-Type)', but the message is generic, ranging from Access-Reject or
> Access-Accept.

  Why?  Why not just use the simultaneous use queries && accounting logs
from the default config?

> When a connection occurs simultaneously,  The freeradius stores the
> message "Access-Reject"

  Because that's what you configured it to do.  If you don't want it to
do that, don't configure SQL in the post-auth-type Reject section.

  Alan DeKok.
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Re: Store message "Multiple logins" in MySQL.

2009-07-14 Thread Ivan Kalik
> The problem is that this message "Access-Reject" is the same for when an
> error occurs the user or password invalid.
> Tell me about that you can do this by setting the Freeradius conf, without
> changing the source code?

You can't. But you can parse message from radius.log and insert it into
database outside radius.

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

Store message "Multiple logins" in MySQL.

2009-07-14 Thread Daniel Aparecido Martins Rosa
Hi All!
I need to register in a database when occurs simultaneous use. Currently I
stored by postauth_query through the variable '% (reply: Packet-Type)', but
the message is generic, ranging from Access-Reject or Access-Accept.

When a connection occurs simultaneously,  The freeradius stores the message

The problem is that this message "Access-Reject" is the same for when an
error occurs the user or password invalid.
Tell me about that you can do this by setting the Freeradius conf, without
changing the source code?
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