
I know that many of you are thinking that using the Great feature og
ippool in Freeradius to provided the ipaddress to the users. However
when your NAS don't support that, you can forget about it and use a
dhcpd server to do tha jobs.

Here is the script to still using the freeradius ippool function but
with the help of dhcpd server.

In the dhcpd server you have to open the omshell port define the subnet
the range and deny unknow. (Security is still another issue, I don't
know much about dhcpd key and blah blah blah....)
Then this script will work as a bridge to communicate with the dhcpd server.

I'm not sure if this is a good idea but seem to be is what I'm looking for.

please feel free to modified them. The best of all is to send me a copy

p.s when I write this, I didn't think of multiple instance, if so,
please add in a random number generator and append it into the files name.

This is a Hack not a solution...

Chan Min Wai

Attachment: dhcpctrl.tar.gz
Description: Unix tar archive

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