Re: problem ./configure and MYSql

2007-12-19 Thread A . L . M . Buxey

you have installed the user programs for mysql - the library
and the tools/database - but for compiling things that USE
mysql, you need to install the development programs for mysql.

usually mysql-devel, or mysql-dev or somesuch

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problem ./configure and MYSql

2007-12-19 Thread Miha Bièek
Hi I am having troubles setting freeRadius to work with MySql.
I 've studied the FAQ at:,
 followed the instructions but I still can't get it to work.

I'm using mysql-5.0.45-linux-i686-glibc23. I just unpacked it to /usr/local 
,added a symbolic refference to it (ln -s 
/usr/local/mysql-5.0.45-linux-i686-glibc23 mysql)
and ran the script to set up the database scripts/mysql_install_db --user=mysql.
I didn't bother setting up the radius database but that shouldn't matter at 
this stage. 
location of mysql_congig:   /usr/local/mysql/bin

Other configuration: ubuntu linux 6.06.1 on VMWare Player, the latest version 
of freeRadius from cvs.

//I set the path variable so it has the right path in it:

//To make sure:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/radiusd$ echo $PATH

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/radiusd$ export PATH//the tutorial suggest i should do 
a export
   //$PATH, but that doesnt work

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/radiusd$ sudo ./configure | grep mysql_config

//it outputs several lines, including unpopular:

checking for mysql_config... no
configure: WARNING: mysql libraries not found. Use --with-mysql-lib-dir=.
configure: WARNING: mysql headers not found. Use 
configure: WARNING: sql submodule 'mysql' disabled

//I also tried to use it with lib dir and include-dir:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/radiusd$ sudo ./configure 
-with-mysql-include-dir=/usr/local/mysql/include | grep mysql_config
checking for mysql_config... no
configure: WARNING: mysql headers not found. Use 
configure: WARNING: sql submodule 'mysql' disabled
//so it still doesn't find include dir??  Am I missing something ?

Please HELP, i'm running out ideas, time and luck. Is it possible that the 
problem lies in the compiler ? I installed g++, because i was having troubles 
with gcc.
I can change the OS or Mysql version if that is the problem. The official page 
says that freeRadius works "out of the box" with MySql. Does anyone know a 
configuration that works ?

Miha Bicek


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