Re: [Freesurfer] Cortical gray matter surface area

2014-09-14 Thread will brown
Thanks Doug,

Just to double check I understand you correctly, where the output says #
Measure Cortex, WhiteSurfArea, White Surface Total Area this is now the
surface area of the pial surface even though it is labeled White?


On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 3:27 AM, Douglas N Greve

 You can run something like

 cd $SUBJECTS_DIR/subject

  mris_anatomical_stats -mgz -cortex label/lh.cortex.label -f
 stats/lh.aparc.pial.stats -b -a label/lh.aparc.annot -c
 label/aparc.annot.ctab subject lh pial

 The Measure Cortex fields in the output stats/lh.aparc.pial.stats will
 be measures of the pial surface as will the SurfArea, MeanCurv, GausCurv,
 FoldInd, and CurvInd fields for each ROI (thickness and number of vertices
 will stay the same)


 On 09/11/2014 07:29 PM, will brown wrote:

 Sure. We'd like to know how to find the surface area of the cortical grey
 matter from the pial surface. So specifically, what is the surface area of
 the pial/grey matter boundary of the cortex for each hemisphere?

 We're using Freesurfer v5.3 on Centos 6.

 Will Brown

 On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 9:11 AM, Bruce Fischl wrote:

 sorry, this thread has gotten too deep. Can someone summarize the

 On Thu, 11 Sep 2014,

 Ok. Then, I'm not sure if everything is correct with the
 command lines since
 I use 5.0.

 Any thought on this Freesurfer team?


 Citando will brown

   Thanks again, for the record, I'm using freesurfer
 version 5.3.0
   on Centos 6.

   On 9/09/2014 11:00 PM, wrote:

 Hi Will,

 Just to clarify, what version of FS are you using? I
 think it might not be 5.0 and I don't know if
 everything aplies if we are using different

 1) Yes, it is only based on the pial surface (and
 these command lines are for the aparc, DK altas).
 The second set provides the surface area for each
 hemisphere without including, for example, the pial
 surface that you see in the hippocampus which is not
 accurate and one should not care about. In the end,
 the second set gives you the sum of the areas in
 aparc, thus, you can just make a sum of that
 parcellation if you want. I just realized that.

 2) No. In the new stats file, the value that you
 want is at the bottom:

 # ColHeaders StructName NumVert SurfArea GrayVol
 ThickAvg ThickStd MeanCurv GausCurv FoldInd CurvInd

 And when running aparcstats2table that's the value
 you should get in the table. I think that # Measure
 Cortex, WhiteSurfArea, White Surface Total Area may
 be including more stuff since it is bigger.

 If what you want is only the total hemisphere
 surface area you only need to run the second set of
 commands. If you want the area of each DK altas
 parcellation then run the first set and then simply
 add them to get total hemisphere surface area.

 Someone from Freesurfer staff will correct me if I'm
 wrong. (Please) I'm Ccing Doug since he was replying
 to your previous emails.

 Let's wait for their feedback.


 Citando will brown

   Thanks Andreia, this does appear to have
   worked. Please forgive my ignorance but
   I do just want to double check two

 1) The first commands you have given provide the stats for
 the two hemispheres of the cerebral cortex only based on
 the pial surface, whereas the second set of commands
 provide the pial boundary stats for the whole brain rather
 than just cortex?

 2) The surface area value that I am looking for (grey
 matter surface area at the grey/pial boundary) is listed
 in the new stats table next to: # Measure Cortex,
 WhiteSurfArea, White Surface Total Area, ?

 Thanks again,

 On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 5:36 PM, will brown 

[Freesurfer] fsfast: using an empirically derived HRF with mkanalysis-sess

2014-09-14 Thread Alex Kell
hi freesurfers,

i would like to use an empirically derived HRF with mkanalysis-sess.  i
have derived the HRF i want [via an FIR model], but it's not obvious how i
can use my custom HRF with mkanalysis-sess.

one option, it seems, is to feed in my own regressors with the -taskreg
flag and then not supply the model with any other regressors of interest.
 i'd just convolve stick regressors that have the appropriate timing with
my own HRF.  but this would only work if selxavg3-sess does NOT convolve
task regressors with the HRF.

so two questions:

1. is the -taskreg flag the best way to do this?  is there another, better

2. does selxavg3-sess convolve task regressors with the HRF?

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Re: [Freesurfer] fsfast: using an empirically derived HRF with mkanalysis-sess

2014-09-14 Thread Alex Kell
and one point of clarification: i only care about beta weights for each
condition of interest, so i don't care that -taskreg would only run an
F-test for significance maps and wouldn't give me t maps for each regressor
of interest.

thanks again,

On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 1:55 PM, Alex Kell wrote:

 hi freesurfers,

 i would like to use an empirically derived HRF with mkanalysis-sess.  i
 have derived the HRF i want [via an FIR model], but it's not obvious how i
 can use my custom HRF with mkanalysis-sess.

 one option, it seems, is to feed in my own regressors with the -taskreg
 flag and then not supply the model with any other regressors of interest.
  i'd just convolve stick regressors that have the appropriate timing with
 my own HRF.  but this would only work if selxavg3-sess does NOT convolve
 task regressors with the HRF.

 so two questions:

 1. is the -taskreg flag the best way to do this?  is there another, better

 2. does selxavg3-sess convolve task regressors with the HRF?


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Re: [Freesurfer] fsfast: using an empirically derived HRF with mkanalysis-sess

2014-09-14 Thread Douglas Greve

On 9/14/14 1:55 PM, Alex Kell wrote:

hi freesurfers,

i would like to use an empirically derived HRF with mkanalysis-sess. 
 i have derived the HRF i want [via an FIR model], but it's not 
obvious how i can use my custom HRF with mkanalysis-sess.

one option, it seems, is to feed in my own regressors with 
the -taskreg flag and then not supply the model with any other 
regressors of interest.  i'd just convolve stick regressors that have 
the appropriate timing with my own HRF.  but this would only work if 
selxavg3-sess does NOT convolve task regressors with the HRF.

so two questions:

1. is the -taskreg flag the best way to do this?  is there another, 
better way?
Yea, I think so. I think i added some capability to spec custom HRFs, 
but it was a long time ago and might not have make the conversion to 
version 5

2. does selxavg3-sess convolve task regressors with the HRF?

No, it does not, so you're good to go.


Freesurfer mailing list

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Re: [Freesurfer] possible to use freesurfer segmentations to get mean values for anatomic structures from other sequences

2014-09-14 Thread Douglas Greve

yep, you can use it for anything.

On 9/14/14 12:52 PM, Salil Soman wrote:

Dear Doug,

Thank you again for this email. Do you think it is possible to use 
this method for ASL images as well? If so, how would you change the 

Best wishes,

Salil Soman, MD, MS

On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 11:51 AM, Douglas Greve wrote:

On 5/25/13 1:39 PM, Salil Soman wrote:

Thank you Doug.

 Just so I am clear - is the anatomical the nifti T1.mgz or is it
a different file. From your email I gather should do the following:

*1)  Use bbregister to register the lowb image to the anatomical.
This creates a registration matrix.*

bbregister -s SUBJECTNAME --mov lowb.nii --initfsl --reg register.dat

That is right, but add --t2 (since it is t2 weighted).

*2) Use mri_vol2vol and the registration to map the ADC map to
the anatomical*
mri_vol2vol --mov lowb.nii --targ $vol --inv --interp nearest --o $vol2diff 
--reg $outdir/register.dat --no-save-reg

Use the ADC as the moveable (not lowb, but use the lowb for
bbregister). The target volume should be the T1.mgz (or any
conformed volume). The output will be the adc in the anatomical
space (not sure why you call it vol2diff).

*3) use mri_segstats to extract the values*
*mri_segstats*  --seg $SUBJECTS_DIR/SUBJECTNAME/mri/wmparc.mgz --ctab 
$FREESURFER_HOME/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt --i lowb.nii --sum fa.stats

The input would be the adc volume mapped the anatomical space. I
would use WMParcStatsLUT.txt or else you'll get a billion
different areas not represented in wmparc. You may also want to
add --seg-erode 1 to erode the segmentations by a voxel. This
helps to prevent partial voluming.


Where lowb.nii is the other MRI tissue sequence I am analyzing
(e.g. ADC), $vol2diff is the output image of the registration,
and fa.stats will be my output stats table?

I suspect there is part of the syntax for these tools I do not
understand. Also, what input would $vol be?

Best wishes,


On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 10:06 AM, Douglas Greve wrote:

Hi Sal, yes you can. Use bbregister to register the lowb
image to the anatomical. This creates a registration matrix.
Use mri_vol2vol and the registration to map the ADC map to
the anatomical, then use mri_segstats to extract the values

ps. Please post questions to the FS list instead of us
directly so that others can benefit and it gets archived.

On 5/25/13 1:03 PM, Salil Soman wrote:

Dear Dr. Greve,

Is it possible to register a nonstructural MR sequences
(e.g. an ADC map) with the aseg.mgz file (or
aparc+aseg.mgz file, etc) and then, using the
segmentation from the aseg (or aparc+aseg) file to output
a mean ADC value for each anatomic area segmented?

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best wishes,


Salil Soman, MD, MS

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Salil Soman, MD, MS
Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Stanford Radiological Sciences Laboratory
Fellow - Palo Alto War Related Illness and Injury Study Center
WOC Neuroradiology Attending - Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care 

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[Freesurfer] sMRI using Freesurfer 5.1 followed by DTI using Freesufer 5.3

2014-09-14 Thread prasser

Could you please let me know if it's okay to use subjects analyzed using 
Freesurfer 5.1 (os x 10.6) for DTI analysis using Freesurfer 5.3 (os x 10.8)?


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Re: [Freesurfer] possible to use freesurfer segmentations to get mean values for anatomic structures from other sequences

2014-09-14 Thread Salil Soman
Thank you Doug.  I am having trouble with extracting statistics using this

I am able to use bbregister to get a transformation that registers the PD
image of the ASL to the T1. I then used this transformation matrix to
register the CBF map for the ASL study into the T1.mgz space. Checking the
images, the registration looked reasonable. However, when I try to extract
the values from the registered image using the vois from aparc+aseg.mgz,
and the FreeSurferColorLUT I get all 0 values.

*The command I ran is:*

mri_segstats --seg $SUBJECTS_DIR/SUBJECT_ID/mri/aparc+aseg.mgz --ctab
$FREESURFER_HOME/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt --i SUBJECT_ID_CBF_reg.nii.gz --sum
SUBJECT_ID_ASL.stats --seg-erode 1

*where SUBJECT_ID_CBF_reg.nii.gz was generated by running:*

mri_vol2vol --mov SUBJECT_ID_CBF.nii.gz --targ T1.mgz --interp nearest --o
SUBJECT_ID_CBF_reg.nii.gz --reg SUBJECT_ID.dat --no-save-reg

(and this was run with T1.mgz and SUBJECT_ID_CBF.nii.gz in the same folder).

*for which SUBJECT_ID.dat was generated by running the code:*

bbregister --s SUBJECT_ID --mov SUBJECT_ID_ASL_PD.nii.gz --reg
SUBJECT_ID.dat --t1 --init-fsl

Thank you for your consideration of this question.

Best wishes,

Salil Soman, MD, MS

On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 3:32 PM, Douglas Greve

  yep, you can use it for anything.

 On 9/14/14 12:52 PM, Salil Soman wrote:

 Dear Doug,

  Thank you again for this email. Do you think it is possible to use this
 method for ASL images as well? If so, how would you change the options?

  Best wishes,

  Salil Soman, MD, MS

 On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 11:51 AM, Douglas Greve

 On 5/25/13 1:39 PM, Salil Soman wrote:

   Thank you Doug.

  Just so I am clear - is the anatomical the nifti T1.mgz or is it a
 different file. From your email I gather should do the following:

 *1)  Use bbregister to register the lowb image to the anatomical. This
 creates a registration matrix.*

  bbregister -s SUBJECTNAME --mov lowb.nii --initfsl --reg register.dat

  That is right, but add --t2 (since it is t2 weighted).

 *2) Use mri_vol2vol and the registration to map the ADC map to the

 mri_vol2vol --mov lowb.nii --targ $vol --inv --interp nearest --o $vol2diff 
 --reg $outdir/register.dat --no-save-reg

Use the ADC as the moveable (not lowb, but use the lowb for
 bbregister). The target volume should be the T1.mgz (or any conformed
 volume). The output will be the adc in the anatomical space (not sure why
 you call it vol2diff).

   *3) use mri_segstats to extract the values*

 *mri_segstats* --seg $SUBJECTS_DIR/SUBJECTNAME/mri/wmparc.mgz --ctab 
 $FREESURFER_HOME/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt --i lowb.nii --sum fa.stats

The input would be the adc volume mapped the anatomical space. I
 would use WMParcStatsLUT.txt or else you'll get a billion different areas
 not represented in wmparc. You may also want to add --seg-erode 1 to
 erode the segmentations by a voxel. This helps to prevent partial voluming.


   Where lowb.nii is the other MRI tissue sequence I am analyzing (e.g.
 ADC), $vol2diff is the output image of the registration, and fa.stats will
 be my output stats table?

  I suspect there is part of the syntax for these tools I do not
 understand. Also, what input would $vol be?

  Best wishes,


 On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 10:06 AM, Douglas Greve wrote:

 Hi Sal, yes you can. Use bbregister to register the lowb image to the
 anatomical. This creates a registration matrix. Use mri_vol2vol and the
 registration to map the ADC map to the anatomical, then use mri_segstats to
 extract the values

 ps. Please post questions to the FS list instead of us directly so that
 others can benefit and it gets archived. thanks!

 On 5/25/13 1:03 PM, Salil Soman wrote:

 Dear Dr. Greve,

 Is it possible to register a nonstructural MR sequences (e.g. an ADC
 map) with the aseg.mgz file (or aparc+aseg.mgz file, etc) and then, using
 the segmentation from the aseg (or aparc+aseg) file to output a mean ADC
 value for each anatomic area segmented?

 Thank you for your time and consideration.

 Best wishes,


 Salil Soman, MD, MS

  The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom
 it is
 addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the
 contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance
 HelpLine at . If the e-mail was sent to you
 in error
 but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and
 dispose of the e-mail.

  Salil Soman, MD, MS
 Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Stanford Radiological Sciences Laboratory
 Fellow - Palo Alto War Related Illness and Injury Study Center
 WOC Neuroradiology Attending - Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care

Salil Soman, MD, MS
Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Stanford Radiological