
I am having a similar problem to that posted several times previously. I 
get an error when running reg-feat2anat to register FSL feat files to 
the freesurfer reconstruction, see:


because the 
subjectsfeatfolder.feat/reg/freesurfer/tmp/refvol.fslregister.nii file 
does not seem to make itself.

I'm wondering where I can find an active link to an updated 
reg-feat2anat, as all the links I find in threads are not working.

I did find a potential workaround: if I create the /mri/tmp directory 
and convert the .mgz file from the freesurfer output to .nii here, as 
explained on this website 
I can create the missing nii file and rerun the registration, however, 
I'm uncertain about the orientation parameters as although the 
orientation of the nii matches that of my original T1, the resulting 
registration in freesurer is nonsense.

Example of the command I am using to manually convert the .mgz to nii:

mri_convert --in_type mgz --out_type nii 
subjectsfreesurferfolder/mri/brainmask.mgz --out_orientation RAS 

Any suggestions on either the updated file location or the workaround 
much appreciated!


I am running this version of FreeSurfer:
On Linux: Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS

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