[Freesurfer] mri_convert --out_orientation with inhomogeneous volumes

2007-12-16 Thread Ray Fix

Dear FS Listers,

mri_convert isn't giving me quite what I expected when I use it to  
reorient an inhomogeneous volume.  I apologize in advance if it is my  
misunderstanding or something that has been covered before.  These  
orientation issues make my head spin (as they do the subject data ;-).

Consider the following example:

% mri_info volume.mgz
dimensions: 256 x 256 x 128
voxel sizes: 1., 1., 1.3300
Orientation   : PIL
Primary Slice Direction: sagittal

I take this volume and reorient it with mri_convert to LIA orientation.

% mri_convert --out_orientation LIA volume.mgz volume_LIA.mgz

But what it gives me back is unexpected.

% mri_info volume_LIA.mgh
dimensions: 256 x 256 x 128
voxel sizes: 1., 1., 1.3300
Orientation   : LIA
Primary Slice Direction: coronal

I was first surprised first that mri_convert was resorting to  
trilinear interpolation.  It seems like this kind of transformation  
could be done with 100% fidelity using nearest neighbor.  But the  
bigger concern is I would have also expected the output dimensions to  
be 128x256x256 with the voxel sizes 1.33, 1.00, 1.00.  It seems like  
if you reorient a non cubic volume with mri_convert, it arbitrarily  
cuts some of the data out from the posterior and anterior.  tkmedit  
display seems to confirm this.

To put it another way,  I would expect:

mri_convert --out_orientation PIL volume_LIA.mgz volume_PIL.mgz

to generate at volume_PIL.mgz file that was voxel identical to the  
original volume.mgz.

Thanks for your time.


Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] new Intel Mac freesurfer distribution

2006-12-02 Thread Ray Fix

This was (still is) great news!

Is the 3.0.4 stable release a Mac OS X Universal Binary?

Thank you,

Ray @ now using 2006.10.30 Intel dev release

On Oct 6, 2006, at 7:27 PM, Nick Schmansky wrote:

Intel Mac owners,

This distribution is from our 'dev' (development) code base, so it is
slightly different from the normal publicly distributed 'stable'
release.  A stable build release of this Intel Mac distribution (with
associated install GUI) will coincide with the next stable build  

(next month, hopefully).

Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] Intel Mac

2006-08-19 Thread Ray Fix

Four months. Time to check in.  Any developments on this front?

See you in four months at Christmas.  Hopefully Santa has a Mac Pro  
in his sleigh for Bruce.  :-)


On Apr 23, 2006, at 10:52 PM, Ray Fix wrote:


Any plans for a Mac OS X Tiger Intel release?

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Intel Mac

2006-04-23 Thread Ray Fix


Any plans for a Mac OS X Tiger Intel release?


Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] MINC tools for Mac OS X

2004-10-19 Thread Ray Fix
http://www.bic.mni.mcgill.ca/software/distribution/#osx from the  
message below (from Vicka earlier this year) might help you.

http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ 

You probably saw Tosa's dependency list earlier today.  Knowing that  
that will probably help you too.

On Oct 19, 2004, at 3:22 PM, Kushal Koolwal wrote:
Well I am running into some serious problems while
running csurf on my Mac machine
Can someone suggest a good source where I can download
the MIN/MINC tools that are required for running
csurf. I mean I want to use the mri_montion_correct
utility as mentioned in the Freesurfer tutorial.
Can someone suggest a good source for downloading the
MINC tools which are required for the above purpose.?

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Re: [Freesurfer] mri_montion_correct command not found on Mac OS X

2004-10-18 Thread Ray Fix
Hi Kushal,
Exhibit A:
On Oct 18, 2004, at 4:32 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
what happens when you run it on a Linux machine?
You might expect a response like this from some random joker on the 
mailing list (such as me).   Take a moment and consider the source 
here.  Hmmm

Exhibit B:
On Oct 18, 2004, at 6:17 PM, Doug Greve wrote:
I don't know that much about Macs. I assume that they have a /tmp that
is writable?
Albeit an honest, thoughtful, well meaning response, however, are some 
warning bells starting to ring?

Here's the awful truth ... well, okay,  just my personal advice to you. 
 If you plan to do anything serious with FreeSurfer, do it on Linux or 
don't do it at all.  You will save yourself a lot of grief.This is 
coming from my personal experience.

I would recommend getting some ugly, headless Linux box and running it 
from X from your Mac.  You might even be able to get away with doing a 
little manual editing on the Mac.   It isn't ideal but considering 
FreeSurfer is closed source and is only very lightly tested on the Mac 
(if at all) it might be the best way to go.

What is your most important goal:   A) an accurate cortical 
reconstruction or  B) getting FreeSurfer to work natively on the Mac?  
In my case, A outweighed B 1000 to 1 so there was no question.

Ray Fix @ Mac/Linux
Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] tkmedit question

2004-09-29 Thread Ray Fix
Hello Brian,
I found this email fascinating because I didn't know FS had the ability 
to measure hippocampal volumes.

Naively, I tried your suggestion, but found that the mri/aseg directory 
doesn't exist.  How is that normally created?

At this point I am using a somewhat archaic (year old ... but stable) 
version of FS so that might be the problem.

Any hints you can give would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards,
Ray Fix
On Sep 28, 2004, at 3:57 PM, Brian T. Quinn wrote:
mri_label_volume -s subject_name -l logfile segdir 
will output to the logfile the volumes for each of the labelvalue(s) 

mri_label_volume -s s126 -l s126hipps.log $SUBJECTS_DIR/s126/mri/aseg 
17 53

will output the hippocampal volumes for subject s126.
brian t. quinn
On Tue, 28 Sep 2004, George Papadimitriou wrote:
Hi all,
How can I compute the volume of a label created using tkmedit?  Is 
there a
program to do this, or is it sufficient to count the number of points
listed in the label file and multiply by the volume per voxel? (And 
if so,
is the volume per voxel the voxel size for my original 40 slice axial
volume, or the voxel size for the 256 slice resampled volume that 

George P.
Freesurfer mailing list

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Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] Re: question about average7...

2004-03-11 Thread Ray Fix
Thanks for the info Doug.   My comments below.

On Mar 10, 2004, at 1:19 PM, Doug Greve wrote:
Ray Fix wrote:
Hello List,

Question 1:
Where does the sample average7 come from?  I searched through the
manuals, googled, searched around a little but was unable to find any
info.  For example, is this the averaged brains of 7 male subjects in
there 40s?
It's a 7th order icosahedron (163842 vertices). I think the orig
coordinates are supposed to be talariach coordinates averaged over some
subjects (but it does not overlay very well on the talairach brain).
Bruce can give you more details.
Wow.  Interesting.  I never would have guessed.  Thanks.

(Aside:  Let's see ...  20 * 7^2 is only 980 faces so I am not sure 
where all of those vertices are coming from.  Probably some different 
definition of order 7.)

Question 2:
My plan is to create my own ICBM labels using average7 and then apply
them via mri_label2label to two groups of subjects (which happen to be
pediatric data).  Does this stand any chance of working?   I would be
very interested if their are any other approaches you recommend.
It all depends on how you're going to map the labels. What coordinate
system are the ICBM labels in?
I guess I have to look into this more.  Any suggestion on what 
coordinate system should I use?  Perhaps talairach. To be honest my 
only knowledge about labels comes from looking at the recon-all script 
and the one Faq-O-Matic page.

I was told that the labels in FreeSurfer are sort of non-standard.  The 
whole motivation for reporting results in terms of ICBM labels is to 
make the results meaningful a large audience without getting into a 
huge discussion about label definitions.

That said, it is likely that deep consideration was given in coming up 
with the current default labeling scheme.  Maybe someone would like to 
refute my assertion that they are non-standard.   It is something I 
would like to learn more about but am not sure how to find out.

Thank you very much for your comments.

Ray Fix

Freesurfer mailing list