[Freesurfer] Problem with the parcellation

2005-06-13 Thread Wan Park
Hello, I have been running freesurfer in G5 Macs with Panther. I was able to parcellate and retrieve data of the different areas. 
However, recently we changed the OS from Panther to Tiger. Since then, I have the following problem:

When I do mris_anatomical_stats:

[ogden:freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects] wpark% mris_anatomical_stats -b -a 14649/label/rh.aparc.annot 14649 rh
computing statistics for each annotation in 14649/label/rh.aparc.annot.
reading volume /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects/14649/mri/wm...
reading input surface /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects/14649/surf/rh.white...
INFO: Volume /tmp/mritotal_2576/orig_8_dxyz.mnc cannot be found.
INFO: found the orig volume (mri/orig) to get c_(ras) information for src
INFO: added info to the surface.
computing second fundamental form...reading colortable from annotation file...
colortable with 0 entries read (originally )
total white matter volume   = 509402 mm^3

table columns are:
number of vertices
total surface area (mm^2)
total gray matter volume (mm^3)
average cortical thickness +- standard error (mm)
integrated rectified mean curvature
integrated rectified Gaussian curvature
folding index
intrinsic curvature index
structure name

3758   2149   4165  1.950 +- 0.579 0.199 0.067   75.676   9.502  ** annotation 003c148c
2251   1174   3233  2.652 +- 0.702 0.200 0.081   67.771   6.118  ** annotation 00b43cb4
1285731   1674  2.284 +- 0.590 0.179 0.065   25.068   2.573  ** annotation 003cdc14
1282792   1629  2.076 +- 0.523 0.170 0.041   14.336   1.902  ** annotation 00dc3c65
1304794   1569  2.005 +- 0.501 0.190 0.044   19.070   2.299  ** annotation 008c1415
306137291  2.137 +- 0.534 0.147 0.0253.083   0.471  ** annotation 00b43c15
1604935   1722  1.840 +- 0.477 0.203 0.070   34.702   3.964  ** annotation 001414b4
2363   1479   3196  2.165 +- 0.602 0.160 0.035   27.198   3.101  ** annotation 00b46465
2602   1659   3292  1.968 +- 0.729 0.189 0.052   47.088   5.998  ** annotation 00b4b43f
2299   1339   3348  2.510 +- 0.575 0.192 0.051   50.159   4.279  ** annotation 00dcb4dc
548309766  2.469 +- 0.454 0.165 0.0435.623   0.997  ** annotation 00c8c80a
1015591   1455  2.481 +- 0.499 0.196 0.056   24.732   1.704  ** annotation 0064dc8c

Instead of having the name of different areas, I receive annotation...

Curiously, this does not happen if I do mris_anatomical_stats in previously parcellated brains (before the new installation). This happens when I parcellate_subject and then I try to get the info of the areas. 

This is what I got when I parcellate:

[ogden:freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects] wpark% parcellate_subject 14649
reading atlas from /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/average/lh.atlas2002_simple.gcs...
reading color table from GCSA file
reading color table from GCSA file
input 1: CURVATURE FILE, flags 0, avgs 0, name sulc
input 0: MEAN CURVATURE, flags 0, avgs 5, name mean_curvature
labeling surface...
relabeling using gibbs priors...
000:   9935 changed, 137093 examined...
001:   2397 changed, 37088 examined...
002:731 changed, 1 examined...
003:340 changed, 4117 examined...
004:155 changed, 1818 examined...
005: 88 changed, 871 examined...
006: 47 changed, 459 examined...
007: 28 changed, 255 examined...
008: 19 changed, 160 examined...
009: 12 changed, 97 examined...
010: 10 changed, 64 examined...
011:  5 changed, 64 examined...
012:  3 changed, 27 examined...
013:  2 changed, 19 examined...
014:  1 changed, 9 examined...
015:  0 changed, 6 examined...
000: 340 total segments, 238 labels (3015 vertices) changed
001: 123 total segments, 23 labels (316 vertices) changed
002: 104 total segments, 4 labels (20 vertices) changed
003: 100 total segments, 0 labels (0 vertices) changed
10 filter iterations complete (10 requested, 164 changed)
writing output to /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects/14649/label/lh.aparc.annot...
writing colortable into annotation file...
classification took 3 minutes and 42 seconds.
reading atlas from /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/average/rh.atlas2002_simple.gcs...
reading color table from GCSA file
reading color table from GCSA file
input 1: CURVATURE FILE, flags 0, avgs 0, name sulc
input 0: MEAN CURVATURE, flags 0, avgs 5, name mean_curvature
labeling surface...
relabeling using gibbs priors...
000:   9869 changed, 137521 examined...
001:   2399 changed, 36932 examined...
002:698 changed, 12235 examined...
003:282 changed, 3952 examined...
004:150 changed, 1565 examined...
005: 81 changed, 821 examined...
006: 58 changed, 453 examined...
007: 30 changed, 299 examined...
008: 10 changed, 170 examined...
009:  4 changed, 54 examined...
010:  4 changed, 26 examined...

[Freesurfer] check_subject

2005-05-12 Thread Wan Park
when i put check_subject 14456, i receive this message:
[ogden:freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects] wpark% check_subject 
WARN: lh.rh.sphere.reg is empty/missing
[ogden:freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects] wpark%

is there any problem?
Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] mri_convert

2005-05-05 Thread Wan Park
hi, i am trying to convert 124 slices of .dcm files COR, but when i put 

mri_convert E9042_S002_A0001_anon.dcm . 

(E9042_S002_A0001_anon.dcm is the first slice).

i receive this message:

%mri_convert E9042_S002_A0001_anon.dcm .
mri_convert E9042_S002_A0001_anon.dcm . 
reading from E9042_S002_A0001_anon.dcm...
124 DICOM 3.0 files in list
Found 124 DICOM Files
WARNING: NumberOfFrames 0 != Found Count of slices 124.
reading DICOM image...
Segmentation fault

could you please help me with this? thanks,

Freesurfer mailing list

Re: [Freesurfer] Problem converting IMA files

2005-04-22 Thread Wan Park
Can I suggest to change the file name from .IMA to .ima?
On Apr 19, 2005, at 9:14 AM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
Hi Kristine,
you can send us a series and we'll look at them if you want.
On Tue, 19 Apr 2005, Kristine Beate Walhovd wrote:
Hi Bruce
I tried -it siemens too (based on some list question) and that did't 
work either, but I see now that hey are named .IMA not .ima

Sorry, the FW-disk I got them from likely caused the problem.
-Original Message-
From:   Bruce Fischl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Tue 4/19/2005 12:00 AM
To: Kristine Beate Walhovd
Cc: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Subject:Re: [Freesurfer] Problem converting IMA files
Hi Kristine,
mri_convert should handle ima files. Have you tried -it siemens? Are 
named .ima?

On Tue, 19 Apr 2005, Kristine Beate Walhovd wrote:
I've tried converting IMA files (taken directly from the Siemens 
scanner) in Freesurfer with the command

mri_convert -ot cor one filename in the sequence output file
but it doesn't work. Gives an error message cannot parse... (see 
attached error message).

I'd be grateful for any suggestions.

Freesurfer mailing list
Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] mri_convert orientation

2005-04-14 Thread Wan Park
Unfortunately I only have img/hdr files. 

when I put mri_info I have this message:

[ash:14725/mri/orig] wpark% ls
14725.hdr   14725.img
[ash:14725/mri/orig] wpark% mri_info 14725.img 
INFO: analyzeRead(): found 1 files for /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer
INFO: could not find /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects/14725/mr
/orig/14725.mat file for direction cosine info.
INFO: use Analyze 7.5 hdr->hist.orient value: 0, transverse unflipped (default)
INFO: if not valid, please provide the information in /usr/local/freesurfer_pac
age/freesurfer/subjects/14725/mri/orig/14725.mat file
Volume information for 14725.img
type: analyze3d
dimensions: 256 x 256 x 124
voxel sizes: 0.7812, 0.7812, 1.5000
type: SHORT (4)
fov: 0.000
xstart: 0.0, xend: 0.0
ystart: 0.0, yend: 0.0
zstart: 0.0, zend: 0.0
TR: 0.00 msec, TE: 0.00 msec, TI: 0.00 msec, flip angle: 0.00 degre
nframes: 1
ras xform present
xform info: x_r =  -1., y_r =   0., z_r =   0., c_r = 0.000
: x_a =   0., y_a =   1., z_a =   0., c_a = 0.000
: x_s =   0., y_s =   0., z_s =   1., c_s = 0.000
voxel to ras transform:
-0.7812   0.   0.   100.
0.   0.7812   0.  -100.
0.   0.   1.5000   -93.
0.   0.   0. 1.
[ash:14725/mri/orig] wpark% 

I know that doing mri_convert  -iid x_r x_a x_s -ijd y_r y_a y_s -ikd z_r z_a z_s I can change the orientation.
In this case it would be 
mri_convert -iid -1 0 0 -ijd 0 1 0 -ikd 0 0 1 14725.img .

My questions: 
1) Are these the default values that the mri_convert use if I do not specify anything? (mri_convert 14725.img .)
2) If I want to change, the possible values are -1 0 and 1?

Thank you very much.

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] parcellation

2005-04-06 Thread Wan Park
Hi, after doing the parcellation and listing the areas with mris_anatomical_stats I have noticed that in many brains (or hemispheres) there are typically two areas that are frequently missing:


is there any explanation for this? is there any way to avoid this? thanks!

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Parcellation IV

2005-03-22 Thread Wan Park
Thanks Xiao Han! I worked finally! Cheers (see below)

Now I have this question:
I see there is a lot of regions. How do each region correspond to specific color in the visualization? Thanks a lot!


total white matter volume   = 533145 mm^3

table columns are:
number of vertices
total surface area (mm^2)
total gray matter volume (mm^3)
average cortical thickness +- standard error (mm)
integrated rectified mean curvature
integrated rectified Gaussian curvature
folding index
intrinsic curvature index
structure name

2955   1803   6322  3.453 +- 0.875 0.204 0.080   71.570   9.042  G_parietal_inferior-Angular_part
3572   2241   6032  2.691 +- 0.894 0.192 0.060   59.096   9.520  S_intraparietal-and_Parietal_transverse
2379   1388   3665  2.599 +- 0.657 0.190 0.060   58.310   6.513  G_parietal_superior
1269713   1901  2.621 +- 1.066 0.208 0.087   33.729   5.435  G_occipital_middle
824464   1105  2.449 +- 1.013 0.159 0.057   14.657   1.930  S_occipital_superior_and_transversalis
5746   3588   9688  2.721 +- 0.785 0.153 0.043   60.049   8.714  S_temporal_superior
3950   2272   5219  2.285 +- 0.617 0.183 0.060   74.201   8.967  G_precentral
3509   1947   5172  2.636 +- 0.791 0.193 0.078  291.730   9.736  G_postcentral
4558   2846   6608  2.321 +- 0.553 0.170 0.043   54.653   7.641  S_central
3180   1931   5328  2.757 +- 0.611 0.147 0.037   30.201   4.109  S_postcentral
2393   1395   2388  1.717 +- 0.559 0.225 0.074   58.455   7.835  G_paracentral
465248684  2.720 +- 0.584 0.138 0.0405.397   1.079  S_intermedius_primus-Jensen
2626   1508   3646  2.381 +- 0.738 0.158 0.047   37.750   4.537  G_precuneus
2486   1441   3440  2.371 +- 0.824 0.214 0.088   68.986   9.620  Pole_occipital
1150831   1277  1.559 +- 0.531 0.201 0.059   13.629   3.664  G_occipital_superior
1045613   1346  2.158 +- 0.733 0.191 0.069   20.900   2.763  G_occipital_inferior
2403   1278   3600  2.793 +- 0.657 0.182 0.067   52.261   6.180  G_temporal_middle
1531921   2238  2.456 +- 0.524 0.197 0.055   26.134   2.962  S_precentral-Superior-part
1747926   2300  2.469 +- 0.746 0.165 0.065   26.462   4.279  G_parietal_inferior-Supramarginal_part
788441   1023  2.287 +- 0.956 0.205 0.097   16.175   3.575  S_occipital_middle_and_Lunatus
1694924   1989  2.253 +- 0.946 0.204 0.087   47.149   7.090  G_cuneus
301118243  2.046 +- 0.736 0.140 0.0594.324   0.713  S_occipital_inferior
770453   1140  2.513 +- 0.520 0.162 0.0418.611   1.256  S_occipital_anterior
8169   4643   9060  1.971 +- 0.606 0.185 0.061  142.550  19.432  G_frontal_superior
806483904  1.868 +- 0.652 0.170 0.054   11.111   1.823  S_cingulate-Marginalis_part
761454869  1.961 +- 0.665 0.145 0.0377.589   0.992  S_subparietal
2634   1496   3645  2.456 +- 0.629 0.205 0.076   62.685   6.930  G_temporal_inferior
385173500  2.845 +- 0.535 0.133 0.0414.932   0.410  G_temp_sup-Planum_tempolale
946577   1356  2.365 +- 0.443 0.172 0.0409.745   1.653  S_temporal_inferior
2556   1766   2644  1.539 +- 0.548 0.174 0.045   35.471   6.396  S_parieto_occipital
1608945   2243  2.355 +- 0.613 0.154 0.035   12.523   2.516  Lat_Fissure-post_sgt
2976   1816   4799  2.656 +- 0.539 0.209 0.061   67.117   7.108  G_occipit-temp_lat-Or_fusiform
91 42 56  1.341 +- 0.194 0.141 0.0260.851   0.105  S_paracentral
2519   1720   3436  2.049 +- 1.045 0.152 0.040   26.893   5.123  S_calcarine
365212345  1.644 +- 0.419 0.128 0.0152.299   0.248  S_collateral_transverse_post
1247714   1541  2.183 +- 0.494 0.165 0.036   12.002   2.265  S_occipito-temporal_lateral
3489   2058   3863  1.885 +- 0.594 0.175 0.049   48.747   6.589  S_cingulate-Main_part
1792   1174   2649  2.327 +- 1.109 0.179 0.041   38.026   2.807  G_occipit-temp_med-Lingual_part
1340746   1715  2.317 +- 0.546 0.177 0.061   22.078   3.527  G_temp_sup-Lateral_aspect
3040   1843   3431  1.874 +- 0.487 0.147 0.031   28.439   3.845  S_frontal_superior
1638893   2173  2.380 +- 0.695 0.159 0.045   24.985   3.034  G_cingulate-Main_part
637336867  2.556 +- 0.682 0.171 0.064   14.747   1.730  G_subcentral
214102226  2.234 +- 0.679 0.080 0.0170.636   0.115  S_subcentral_post
1509817   2192  2.657 +- 0.733 0.162 0.058   26.524   3.281  G_temp_sup-G_temp_transv_and_interm_S
811432   1032  2.336 +- 0.799 0.143 0.041   10.138   1.131  S_pericallosal
1438720   1688  2.373 +- 0.619 0.127 0.050   16.264   2.842  G_temp_sup-Planum_polare
1561943   2367  2.519 +- 0.422 0.151 0.040   15.352   2.301  

[Freesurfer] Parcellation

2005-03-21 Thread Wan Park
Hello, I need to parcellate the brain in standard areas (eg. 
prefrontal, occipital, temporal, etc.).

I have a MAC and I did the parcellation with the new binaries that 
Kevin Teich sent me. What I have is a multicolor brain painted in tiny 
pieces. Is this correct?

What I am interested is to calculate the gray matter volume (with 
mris_anatimical_stats) of some standard areas. How can I do this?

Thank you very much!

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Parcellation II

2005-03-21 Thread Wan Park
cheers! i did exactly the same thing with another brain but this time i 
obtained this which looks much better:

inline: parcellation2.tiff (i am sending this again in a smaller size to avoid the mediator)
i guess this is correct. now, how can i use this areas to calculate the 
gray matter volume of these standard areas?

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] new tkmedit and tksurfer

2005-02-17 Thread Wan Park
I am supposed to have libtiff, glut, tclkt, tix and blt installed, but 
I still receive this message:

for volume:
Command Finished
/usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/bin/Darwin/tkmedit 22970 T1   
dyld: /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/bin/Darwin/tkmedit can't 
open library: /sw/lib/libtix8.1.8.4.dylib  (No such file or directory, 
errno = 2)

Command Finished
for surface:
Command Finished
/usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/bin/Darwin/tkmedit 22970 T1   
dyld: /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/bin/Darwin/tkmedit can't 
open library: /sw/lib/libtix8.1.8.4.dylib  (No such file or directory, 
errno = 2)

Command Finished
Curiously, I did not have this problems before the new binaries. Do you 
think that may be a line or it is more about env?

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] MNI align

2005-02-11 Thread Wan Park
I think I need to do the MNI align. Could someone teach me how to do 
this? Thanks,

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] error in the visualization of the parcellation

2005-02-03 Thread Wan Park
hi, i am using a mac G5.

after successfully doing the talairach (thanks tosa and quinn) i went through and i did the parcellation:

(last part)
labeling surface...
relabeling using gibbs priors...
000:  12553 changed, 169800 examined...
001:   3181 changed, 48112 examined...
002:   1021 changed, 16263 examined...
003:473 changed, 5771 examined...
004:281 changed, 2658 examined...
005:157 changed, 1570 examined...
006: 69 changed, 848 examined...
007: 34 changed, 397 examined...
008: 19 changed, 211 examined...
009:  9 changed, 120 examined...
010:  8 changed, 47 examined...
011:  8 changed, 49 examined...
012:  2 changed, 44 examined...
013:  0 changed, 11 examined...
000: 538 total segments, 417 labels (5917 vertices) changed
001: 158 total segments, 44 labels (399 vertices) changed
002: 116 total segments, 2 labels (13 vertices) changed
003: 114 total segments, 0 labels (0 vertices) changed
10 filter iterations complete (10 requested, 172 changed)
writing output to /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects/22970/label/rh.aparc.annot...
writing colortable into annotation file...
classification took 4 minutes and 49 seconds.

i tried to see it and wrote:

tksurfer 22970 rh inflated

en then file> label> import annot> /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects/22970/label/rh.aparc.annot

but i receive this message: 

[ogden:freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects] wpark% tksurfer 22970 rh inflated
surfer: current subjects dir: /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects
surfer: not in scripts dir ==> using cwd for session root
surfer: session root data dir ($session) set to:
surfer: /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects
surfer: /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects/22970/mri/T1/COR-.info
INFO: Src volume /tmp/mritotal_4912/orig_8_dxyz.mnc
INFO: Target volume /usr/local/mni/share/mni_autoreg/average_305_8_dxyz.mnc
INFO: Volume /tmp/mritotal_4912/orig_8_dxyz.mnc cannot be found.
ncopen: filename /usr/local/mni/share/mni_autoreg/average_305_8_dxyz.mnc: Invalid dimension id or name
miopen: MINC package entry point
Error opening /usr/local/mni/share/mni_autoreg/average_305_8_dxyz.mnc
mincRead(): error reading volume from file /usr/local/mni/share/mni_autoreg/average_305_8_dxyz.mnc
surfer: vertices=169800, faces=339596
surfer: using interface /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/lib/tcl/tksurfer.tcl
Reading /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/lib/tcl/tkm_common.tcl
Reading /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/lib/tcl/tkm_wrappers.tcl
Reading /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/lib/tcl/fsgdfPlot.tcl
Couldn't load libtclfsgdf.dylib.
Reading /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/lib/tcl/tkUtils.tcl
Read /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/surface_labels.txt, found 95 structures
Successfully parsed tksurfer.tcl
% reading colortable from annotation file...
colortable with 85 entries read (originally /space/neo/5/recon/christophe/Simple_surface_labels2002.txt)
reading colortable from annotation file...
*** malloc_zone_calloc[11526]: arguments too large: 3221210976,520
CTABreadFrom: could not allocate -1073756320 bin table
Cannot allocate memory
Bus error
[ogden:freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects] wpark% 

could you please help me with this?


Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] how to seed points 2

2005-01-26 Thread Wan Park

Because I had problems finding automatically the corpus callosum cutting plane, I loaded the wm volume, click in the center of the corpus in coronal view, switch to sagittal plane and used the volume RAS coordinates (tailarach coord says none). then I ran this line:

recon-all -stage2 -cc-xyz -2.0 25.0 0.0 -subjid 22970

but it showed this:

masking possible pons locations using cc cutting plane
voxel to talairach voxel transform
1.000   0.000   0.000   0.000;
0.000   1.000   0.000   0.000;
0.000   0.000   1.000   0.000;
0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
brainstem (min, max) thickness = (15,35)
brainstem min height = 25
min_delta_thickness = 6
min_cont_brainstem_thickness = 8
min_cont_brainstem_height = 3
Looking for area (min, max) = (350, 790)
area[0] = 78 (min = 350, max = 790), aspect = 0.52 (min = 0.60, max = 1.20)
need search nearby
using +/- offset search region where offset is 3.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 6.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 9.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 12.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 15.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 18.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 21.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 24.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 27.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 30.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 33.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 36.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 39.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 42.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 45.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 48.
initial attempt at finding brainstem failed - initiating backup plan A
brainstem (min, max) thickness = (15,35)
brainstem min height = 25
min_delta_thickness = 6
min_cont_brainstem_thickness = 8
min_cont_brainstem_height = 3
Looking for area (min, max) = (350, 790)
area[0] = 78 (min = 350, max = 790), aspect = 0.52 (min = 0.60, max = 1.20)
need search nearby
using +/- offset search region where offset is 3.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 6.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 9.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 12.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 15.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 18.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 21.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 24.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 27.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 30.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 33.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 36.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 39.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 42.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 45.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 48.
Looking for area (min, max) = (350, 790)
area[0] = 1 (min = 350, max = 790), aspect = 1.00 (min = 0.60, max = 1.20)
need search nearby
using +/- offset search region where offset is 3.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 6.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 9.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 12.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 15.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 18.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 21.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 24.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 27.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 30.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 33.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 36.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 39.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 42.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 45.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 48.
mri_fill: could not find pons
No such file or directory
INFO: volume does not have linear_transform set nor lta is given by option.-xform.
INFO: use identity matrix as the talairach transform.
INFO: use src volume parameters for the talairach volume.
INFO: Modifying dst c_(r,a,s), using the transform dst
INFO: Modifying dst c_(r,a,s), using the transform dst
talairach cc position changed to (-2.00, 25.00, 0.00)
INFO: Modifying dst c_(r,a,s), using the transform dst
find_cutting_plane:seed point not in structure! Searching neighborhood...
ERROR: mri_fill exited with non-zero status
Filesystem   512-blocks Used Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/disk0s9  32018 98977240 22065520831%/
recon-all exited with errors at Wed Jan 26 16:07:52 EST 2005

what could be the problem?

thanks a lot.

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] how to seed points

2005-01-25 Thread Wan Park
when i try to create the surface, i receive this message:

/usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/bin/Darwin/mri_fill -lval 255 -rval 80  -ccmask -T 1 -L /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects/23963/mri/tmp/ponscall.dat /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects/23963/mri/wm /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects/23963/mri/filled
using 255 as fill val for left hemisphere.
using 80 as fill val for right hemisphere.
not using corpus callosum to mask possible location of pons.
logging cutting plane coordinates to /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects/23963/mri/tmp/ponscall.dat...
reading input volume...done.
searching for cutting planes...voxel to talairach voxel transform
1.000   0.000   0.000   0.000;
0.000   1.000   0.000   0.000;
0.000   0.000   1.000   0.000;
0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
/usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/bin/Darwin/mri_fill: could not find valid seed for the cc
No such file or directory
Looking for area (min, max) = (350, 1400)
area[0] = 2435 (min = 350, max = 1400), aspect = 0.88 (min = 0.10, max = 0.75)
need search nearby
using +/- offset search region where offset is 3.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 6.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 9.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 12.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 15.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 18.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 21.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 24.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 27.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 30.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 33.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 36.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 39.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 42.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 45.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 48.
Looking for area (min, max) = (350, 1400)
area[0] = 2001 (min = 350, max = 1400), aspect = 0.99 (min = 0.10, max = 0.75)
need search nearby
using +/- offset search region where offset is 3.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 6.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 9.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 12.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 15.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 18.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 21.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 24.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 27.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 30.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 33.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 36.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 39.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 42.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 45.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 48.
/usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/bin/Darwin/mri_fill: could not find corpus callosum
No such file or directory
INFO: volume does not have linear_transform set nor lta is given by option.-xform.
INFO: use identity matrix as the talairach transform.
INFO: use src volume parameters for the talairach volume.
INFO: Modifying dst c_(r,a,s), using the transform dst
find_cutting_plane:seed point not in structure! Searching neighborhood...

could you please teach me how to solve the problem? thanks,

wan park___
Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] how to visualize the parcellation

2005-01-20 Thread Wan Park
hi, after doing:
recon-all -stage4b -subjid 40032 -hemi lh
recon-all -stage4b -subjid 40032 -hemi rh,
i did:
parcellate_subject 40032
and it seems to have finished without problems. now, how can i 
visualize the different areas?

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] parcellation

2005-01-13 Thread Wan Park
I am want to parcellate my brains, but when I put parcellate_subject 
alone, I receive the following message;
tcsh: CSURF_DIR: Undefined variable

What should I do?
Second question:
Let's say my subject is called bert
What's the complete line I should right to do it?
Thanks a lot,
Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] Parcellation 2

2005-01-13 Thread Wan Park
Thanks for the previous help!
Now I have this problem:
[ash:local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer] wpark% cd subjects
[ash:freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects] wpark% parcellate_subject  
reading atlas from  
reading color table from GCSA file
MRISreadVertexPosition(sphere.reg): could not open file  
No such file or directory
mris_ca_label: could not read annot file sphere.reg for 40032
No such file or directory

40032 is my subject. what could be the problem? thanks,
Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] question

2004-12-23 Thread Wan Park
I want to calculate the gray matter volume in certain areas (eg. 
cortical area 39). What should I do? Thanks,

Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] MNI auto talairaching

2004-10-29 Thread Wan Park
could you please tell me how to do auto talairaching with the MINC?
Freesurfer mailing list